News and Such :)
This is the page where I be talking about news and giving updates on the the world of KotLC and our queen, Shannon Messenger. I will probably be updating it a LOT because Unraveled is coming out so soon, so I would recommend regularly checking in <3
1.) So to start off, as you may or may not know, Unraveled WAS delayed about three weeks from November 12, 2024 to December 3, 2024. Yes it is disappointing, but Shannon didn't let us down (we love you Shannon) because she's releasing a bonus chapter from Funkyhair's POV in every version of the new book. Meaning its included in the regular hardbacks, the indigo edition and the Barnes and Noble edition which is the one i personally like to get. She said the bonus chapter had something to do with kissing i'm not going to make any assumptions buuuut.... *cough* chapter 42 *cough* sorry, I have a cold ;)
2.) Second thing is that, Shannon has released new portraits on her Instagram!!!!!!!!!!!! They are beautiful and they are right here! I know you can't see them super clearly, but I tried people I tried :))
3.) (9/13/24) So I'm a little late with this, but Unraveled is officially dedicated to Team Keefe!!!!!!!!!!! People! We did it! The years of anguish are finally over because Keefe has a book and Sokeefe is canon and everything is perfect!!!!!!! *faints from an overload of joy*
(I probably shouldn't be saying this before Book 10 comes out. i honestly have a bad feeling about it...)
4.) (9/22/24) The inside jacket art and foil design for the Barnes and Noble edition and Indigo Edition is officially out! It's on Shannon's Insta and ngl, I almost started crying. its so perfect I can hardly wait. only three more months til Unraveled!!!!!!
5.) (9/26/24) Here's the line from Unraveled I told you about!!!!! I don't know about you but I knew exactly where it was from immediately :))
"Ahhhhhh we're holding hands!"
6.) (10/10/24) People. Where are the words for this art?!??! i'm quite literally speechless. I want to scream and cry and fall on the floor and jump up and down until I explode I love it so much. I know i'm a super enthusiastic person, and it doesn't take much for me to blow up from excitement, but this is a whole new level of perfection. I mean just look at them! look at our beautiful girlie and, um, Keefe! they're incredible! best art by far oh my GOSH. i'm so happyyyyyy!!! :D (also sorry about the bit of the unraveled cover in the corner. I had to screen shot it and I didn't want to cut out wynn :))
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