I eat the pastries Edaline conjured up for me in my room. It's been two days since I saw Keefe. And for some reason, I feel like it would've been better if I didn't see him. I shake my head.
"No, don't think like that," I say trying to shoo away those thoughts.
He looks healthy and well, other than the dark eye circles. He's even working at a coffee shop. It looks like he's acclimated to the human world. The council approved me approaching him this morning, but I'm-
"Sophie," Edaline calls out as she walks into my room.
I watch her walk in and she's all dressed too. I perk my eyebrow up. "Where are you going?"
She gives me a small smile. "I'm going to be the one accompanying you."
My eyes go wide. "Wait, what? Why? It's too dangerous."
She opens her tunic to show the human clothes she has under. "The council thought it would be good if I could go with you."
"Actually they said one of us should come with you," Grady says popping up next to her. "But we decided this might be something a mom would have to deal with. Also I don't really want to see That Boy right now."
I muster as much of a smile as I can. "Thank you, mom."
They both smile down at me. "We'll let you get dressed."
They leave the room and I go to my closet to grab the human clothes I have. I get dressed and I look at myself in the mirror in what seems like forever. I can barely recognize myself. I quickly look away before I start nitpicking my reflection. As I walk out with Edaline with the blue leaping crystal, the realization hits me. It's been five years since I've seen Keefe. It's been five years I have searched for him. What if he doesn't want to come back? What if he likes his life there? I can't force him to come back. I push the worries to the back of my head. I need to stay positive and focus on bringing him home.
"Alright," I say holding Edaline's hand and holding up the crystal. "Let's go."
It's night time now, and we are just waiting for Keefe to finish his shift.
"What is this place?" Edaline asks looking into the coffee shop.
"It's called a coffee shop, humans like to drink these for energy," I say.
"Interesting," she says.
We notice Keefe walk away from the register towards the door, turning the sign around to show it's closed. My heart pangs as I see him. He grew a lot.
"Bye, Keefe!" the same girl I saw yesterday tells him in Russian.
He waves and she walks out the door, walking past Edaline and I, giving us a small smile. I don't have the heart to return in.
"Let's go," Edaline tells me and we walk into the coffee shop.
"The coffee shop is clo-" Keefe says in Russian but stops when he sees us.
He drops the glass cup, but I levitate it before it can crash on the floor. I notice him swallow and a movement in his adam's apple.
"Keefe," Edaline speaks for me since I can't shake off the shock either. "How have you been?"
"Edaline," he whispers.
"It took a while to find you," Edaline says. "It's been-"
"Five years," both Keefe and I say at the same time.
At this, we make eye contact. His ice blue eyes pierce mine to the point where I have to look away.
"I- I'm-" Keefe stutters.
"Let's talk later," Edaline says softly. "How about we get out of here?"
Keefe nods. I'm so glad Edaline came. If I came by myself, I wouldn't even be able to do anything.
"I'm guessing we won't be back?" Keefe says.
"Actually, I was hoping you would show us where you have been staying. I understand it might be uncomfortable for you to be going to the lost cities this suddenly," Edaline says with the same calm smile on her lips.
Keefe looks surprised but then a small smile comes on his lips and he nods. We follow him out the coffee shop after he closes it up and we start walking down the side walk. I open my mouth to speak but I immediately close it. It's so quiet. I should say something. What do I want to say? 'Hey Keefe how have you been? I know it's been five years but you're the only thing I've been thinking about since you left and yeah!"
I groan and shake my head. I feel like a teenager again. I decide to stay silent and instead analyze him. His hair is still tousled messily but styled. He is tall. At least 6'3" now. And I can tell he is built underneath the coat he has on. It takes me back to the time he sparred with King Dimitar and he took off his tunic. Not the best day, but I will never forget it.
Keefe slows to a stop as we reach what looks like an apartment complex. We walk in and approach a plain brown door with the numbers '3334' next to it. He unlocks the door and welcomes us inside, turning on the lights. It's actually a really nice place. There is a living room, and even two floors. I'm betting his bedroom is upstairs. I feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of that.
"Humans usually sit on these uncomfortable things. They call it a 'couch'," he says as we sit down on the couch across from him. "It feels more like a rock to me."
He's not lying. It's been years since I've been living with the humans. But the luxury of gnomes and their creation made me forget about how uncomfortable and untasty things are here.
"Is this where you have been since you left?" Edaline asks him, looking around the unfamiliar room.
He shakes his head. "I was actually in London for a while. I was trying to find clues about my mom and the father and daughter she murdered," he said and I notice his shoulders slump a bit. "But then I heard you guys captured her."
At this he glances over at me and gives me a small smile.
"How did you figure out about that?" Edaline asks for the both of us.
He sighs. "I guess he really did keep his promise."
I perk my eyebrow up in confusion. "Before I ran away," Keefe starts. "One of our acquaintances forced me to take an imparted with me and he said if he ever called, I had to answer."
I feel my eyes go wide and my stomach drop. Someone knew they could contact Keefe and they never told me? The feeling of betrayal starts to bubble up but I tie it in a knot to save for later.
"He called me and told me that Sophie Foster took her down and captured her," he says looking at Edaline.
"Then why didn't you come back," my voice croaks out.
I notice his head snap to me as I say the first words I could muster to him.
"I was scared," he says, not breaking eye contact with me. "That if I came back, I would not be welcomed. That if I came back, you..."
He shakes his head. "It already hit the point of me being gone for two years. I thought it was too late. So I moved here."
"How did you manage to get a place like this? Isn't human money different?" Edaline asks.
He explains how he stole a lot of his moms things before leaving Candleshade. Which is really smart of him, I must admit. I can't even imagine the amount of money he probably got from it. But then-
"Why are you working at a coffee shop?" I ask him.
Again, I notice him tense at my voice. "They wouldn't let me live anywhere without proof that I was working. Which is stupid because you just want the money and I have it. But humans are weird."
Edaline and Keefe continue talking until I can see the hints of dawn coming out. I yawn, feeling mentally and physically drained. Suddenly, Edaline stands up.
"A few things before I go," Edaline says.
"First," Edaline conjures up so many bottles of
Youth I can't count. And food that could last a whole family of 10 a month.
I notice Keefe's eyes brighten up at the familiar goodies.
"And second, Sophie will be staying with you until we can get Mr. Forkle here," Edaline says.
"What?" Both Keefe and I ask her confused.
"Keefe, I know I told you that I didn't want to force you to come to the lost cities because I didn't want to make you feel weird or uncomfortable," Edaline starts, "But it doesn't mean that I don't want to force you to come back. We miss you. And I know you have some things holding you back. But I think Sophie and you should have a talk. A really long talk."
"Please don't fight me on this," Edaline says. "I still see you guys both as those teenagers coming home from foxfire and planning how to win against the enemies and never losing your spark."
She looks at me sadly. "But Sophie, these years have changed you. And I think you need to come at peace with yourself befor you come home."
I feel my eyes start to burn as I feel her feelings of care and love hit me. Instead of arguing I nod.
"Thank you," I say hugging her.
"I love you, my little dinosaur," she says kissing my forehead before standing up and giving Keefe a hug too.
She holds up her crystal to leave but before she does, she smiles at the both of us.
"Remember," she starts, "it's whenever you guys are ready. We'll be waiting."
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