"Honey! I'm hoooome!"
I laughed as my boyfriend of 3 years unlocked the door carrying a big bag of groceries. He slid off his shoes and jacket, then started unloading.
"How's the new house looking?"
He walked over putting his arm around my waist and planting a kiss on my face. I smiled, then returned it.
"Oh well, it's getting there. Unpacking is a pain in the ass though."
He laughed, grabbing a box and smiling that smile of his. The smile I fell in love with.
"Hey. Why do you look so sad?"
I sighed, scrunching up my face to hide tears.
"It's uh... It's my brother's birthday. He would b- is- twenty six."
"Well. Did you get him anything? Talk to him?"
"No. He's probably still off with Dad. Who knows if he's even alive... If they're even alive. I'm just.. I'm always so worried about them... And if they die... The last time I ever saw them I argued with Dad and didn't even talk to Dean."
Daiemian grabbed my face and looked at me in the eyes, teeth grit and staring sternly.
"You listen to me. We got lucky. We got out of that life. I can't think of anyone else who has. John, and Dean, and my sisters. Our families can't. But we can. Appreciate that."
"Yeah. Yeah, I will."
He smiled, kissing me and then going back to helping unload. I smiled, then joined him and we finished unloading everything into our small, but new and improved house. Fresh. A fresh start.
#Le time of the skip#
"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son Dean 866-907-3235. He can help."
I sighed, hanging up the phone again. This was the fifth time I've tried to call today. Dad wouldn't answer. Neither would Dean.
I called again.
"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son Dean 866-907-3235. He can help."
I groaned flicking my flip phone closed.
"Dammit. Okay.... Let me try Dean again."
"This is Dean Winchester. If this is an emergency, leave a message. If you're calling about 11-2-83, please page me with your coordinates."
I groaned, throwing my phone onto the bed, slumping down.
"(Y/N)? What is it?"
Daiemian asked, rubbing his eyes while yawning.
"Nothing. It's nothing."
"Come on. I know that look."
"What look?"
"That look. Nice try. Talk to me."
I sighed, turning sideways in bed and facing him.
"Dad won't pick up his cell. Neither will Dean. I've been calling for hours. It's freaking me out."
"Have you tried tracing the calls origin?"
"No. I've just been waiting. Dean usually always picks up. When I call him anyway."
"I'm sure their okay babe."
"How? You don't know."
"Just trust me. Okay?"
I wiped away a year and smiled, muttering an okay. Daiemian mumbled a good, than kissed my cheek and rolled over to go to bed.
+Le Time Skip Number Two+
"Daiemian? This isn't funny. I know you like to pull pranks but this isn't the time for your crap."
"Daiemian! Come on! Get your ass out here!"
I kept yelling his name, but there wasn't a reply. Not at all.
"Please! Come on! I swear if I find you I'm breaking up with your sorry ass!"
I walked around the house, carefully turning around every corner. I gasped, frozen when I saw bloodied handprints on the walls leading to a spare room.
I slowly slide open the door, pausing in shock and screamed.
"No no no! Oh my God no. Dai- No."
A bloody, beaten up corpse was laying on the floor, his expression was blank but I could still almost make out the fear in his eyes. I fell against the wall, crying and holding my knees.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry."
I mumbled over and over again, still crying and crying.
Just then I got a phone call, I answered it without looking, hoping to god that it was Dad or Dean.
"H hello?"
"Hiya (Y/N). Listen, it hurts me to do this, it really does, puts me in the gutter. But we can't have Daiemian getting in the way now can we. Not when I'm this close. So, I called to say howdy, and maybe an I'm sorry. Not that I am. Anyway, I should be leaving. You're brother and dad are still looking for me. Pathetic really. So. Adios. But man, weren't you glad he wasn't on the ceiling?"
And just like that the voice hung up. Leaving me alone in a corner, sobbing, and completely stricken.
The ambulance arrived not long after.
(Le time-o skip-o)
I sat in the backseat of the ambulance, with a blanket wrapped around me, crying and shivering.
"Excuse me ma'am?"
I looked up, murmuring an 'mhm'.
"Do you have any family we can call? Friends?"
I wiped away an excess tear, shaking my head.
"No. I've tried. My dad never answers and my brother would, but he hasn't been lately. And- it's really starting to worry me."
"What about your mother?"
I hesitated, then replied.
"She's dead."
The officer stiffened, then apologized.
"Do we have a name?"
"(Y/N) Winchester. My dad is John and my brother is Dean."
"Okay. I'll ask around the area and the other departments, see if anyone's gotten a John or Dean Winchester. Okay?"
"Kay. Thank you."
"Don't mention it. And I'm really, really sorry about Daiemian."
"It's okay. I'll be fine. But, do you know a place I can stay?"
"Yeah, we'll take you back to the station. C'mon."
I nodded, following him back, looking at my old house. I shuddered thinking of what the strange voice said.
What the hell is going on?
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