"Miss Winchester?"
I looked up at a middle aged woman, she was in a tank top with a flannel unbuttoned and loose, with jeans, boots and a warm smile on her face.
"Yeah, that's me. Why?"
"Hi. I uh... I heard about the accident... I'm Evangeline Darso. Daiemian's sister?"
"Oh. Well it's nice to meet you. And I am so, so sorry about Daiemian. But I thought you were out of town on a hunt."
"Yeah, news spreads fast. Anyway... I have good news. I know where your brother is. But you're dad's not with him. He's missing, he ran off. But in order to find your brother, you've gotta hurry."
"Why, what's going on? Where is he?"
She sighed. "That's just it. We don't know. He's somewhere in town but-"
"But what? Evangeline?"
"There's vampires. Hoards of them. A coven. And they have your brother."
My eyes widened and I stared, thousands kf thoughts rushing I my head making me panic.
"Why what... How do you know."
"I grabbed your phone from the crime scene. He left you a message (Y/N)."
I took the phone from her hands, flipping it open and listening to the message. It was distorted but I could make out a few words.
"(Y/N)............... Vamps............ coven............ Dad's missing and.......... Damn............ need help. I hope........... Message........ Sorry I haven't.......... Kentucky............Love......"
The message was cut off with a scream and then a beep.
I had my hands cupped to my mouth and tears welled in my eyes. This was all my fault. If I hadn't left I could've helped Dad and Dean find the damn thing and kept them in check. Protected them. But now, this happened.
"I- oh my God."
Evangeline put her hand on my shoulder, pulling me into a short yet comforting hug.
"We gotta go back to my home, get my old supplies. Then track those son's of bitches down."
She nodded, following me as I got up and walked out to my car, getting in the driver's seat with her in the passengers. We drove to my house and I grabbed everything, not just what we needed, but all my old hunting gear. Evangeline read old articles and papers to track down Dean while I drove.
"Here. 153 miles north east, old warehouse. Restricted area, shut down because of a freak accident, explosion, killed 19 people. That's where the vamp attacks have been."
I nodded, pushing the gas pedal harder, then turning around as we began speeding that way.
(Time skippidippi)
Evangeline and I closed the doors to the car. Grabbing dead mabs blood and machetes from the trunk, things I'd read in Dad's, than wrote it down in my own.
We snuck up behind the back. I flipped open my journal, reading about the vamps before we went in.
"Vamps are a race of blood-drinking supernatural creatures that were once human. A vampire's appearance is that of a normal human. However, they all have common features, such as sharp, pointed, retractable teeth that emerge from their gums and extend beyond their human teeth. This set of fangs descend at the vampire's will, usually when about to feed, when threatened or when attacking. Some vampires have been shown to have sharp fingernails, but nowhere near as long as the Alpha's, which are more clawlike and can be made to extend at will. However it has been stated encountering a vampire is very rare as hunters have hunted them near to extinction although due to their ability to reproduce by transfusion there only needs to be one for them to repopulate.
All vampires originate from the Alpha Vampire."
I closed the journal, stuffing it back in my bag around my shoulder.
"That's just the thing, if they're so rare then how and why did we find a coven?"
"I dunno. Don't really care either. I just wanna gank the SOB's and get my brother."
She shook her head, agreeing. I clutched my machete tightly, in case I were to get jumped.
Luckily we could climb through a window. And just as I walked inside I could hear screaming. Either from a vampire. Or from my brother.
I gestured for Evangeline to take downstairs while I continued forward. Yet again, another yell.
"I I- I swear I don't know! Damn what is with you people?!"
Oh I'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"You tell us where daddy-o is and then... You'll have a good reason to not kill ya."
"Oh bite me. No, wait, you guys are vamps. You probably will."
"Maybe more sooner than later at your pace, Winchester."
"Tell me. You ever talk to Daddy?"
"Nah. Daddy doesn't seem to like talking very much."
I heard another yell which faded into laughter.
"Oh stop it. I'm ticklish."
I sighed, whispering under my breath.
"Dean you dumbass you're gonna end up killing yourself."
I paused, still waiting for the right moment. One of the vamps grabbed his hair, making him look at the other vamp dead in the eyes. Two other vamps were whispering, then one nodded and walked off, the other walked right to Dean and grabbed his face.
"Turns out that your old man doesn't want to be found. We can play that game, so, you tell me. You got another family?"
"Just a sister. I don't know where the hell she is. She left Dad and I alone."
"Well isn't that sad. She left huh? Like mommy and little old Samuel?"
"You shut the hell up."
"Nah. I'm good. Now tell me. Where is your sister?"
I raised the machete in the air, stepping into the room. Dean's eyes immediately widened and a smile formed on his face.
"She's behind you jackass."
Just as the vamp turned around I swung, it's head falling off right next to another vamps feet. She screamed, and I could tell he was her mate, after all they mate for life.
"Now. You can either be like your friend over here, or you can leave my brother and I alone. I don't see a third option. You understand?"
She nodded turning to walk away, and when her back was turned I swung again, her head falling next to the others.
I clicked my tongue, sighing. "Poor Romeo and Juliet..." My remark earning a laugh from Dean.
"Okay you had all the fun sis. Can you please come untie me?"
I walked over, grabbing a knife from the ground and cutting him free.
He stood up, and I slapped him across the face.
"OW! The hell was that for!"
"For scaring the hell outta me! I settled down with an ex-hunter. Dated him for three years, then yesterday he died, and today I get a message from his sister that you were taken by a coven. You really think I needed that? You've gotta be more careful."
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry."
I sighed. "No,Dean, I'm not mad at you, I'm just worried. I mean, thank God I found you, but dad's still missing. And I was gonna go back with Eva and settle back in. But now, all this, makes me want to go with you, not leave you alone to find Dad or hunt. I mean, what if you get taken again or the thing that killed Mom, even though she was sick, gets you. And I won't find you in time, I just-"
"(Y/N)!? I got all the vamps! Did you get Dean?!"
"Yeah! We're up here Eva!"
"Alright! I'm coming!"
I turned back around to Dean, who's expression looked sad and worried.
"(Y/N) I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me."
"No. I worry about you all the time. I'm your sister, your older sister. It's my job. I've gotta protect you. I'd do anything for you, y'know that?"
"Yeah, I know. I would too."
We were both crying, and I slowly went in for a hug. He smiled, hugging me too.
"No chick flick moments?"
We both smiled and waited until she got back. When she got up she paused, taking a glance at Dean.
"This is your brother. Jeez, wish you'd told me how cute he was before we saved his ass."
Dean raised a brow, smirking and nodding his head. "She has a point."
I elbowed his side, he glared, elbowing me back.
"Well you two definitely are siblings."
"And what does that mean?"
"You didn't know? Same eyes, same hair, skin? You're twins. Only four years apart."
"How do you know all that? I never old you."
"Daiemian did. He told me how much you missed your brother, and how bad you felt for telling Dad all those things. How you didn't think you were a good enough sister or daughter and if they'd ever want to see you again. How badly you wanted to go back and hunt with the both of them. Having a messed up, guns at the dinner table, family. But it was still family. How you could joke and laugh with Dean like siblings who love eachother and be able to have a Dad who really, really loved his kids, not that he doesn't, but doesn't yell or brood."
Dean looked at her and then at me. "You- you really think all that?"
I nodded.
"Yeah. Which is why I'm going with you. Because I wanna find Dad. And because... I want to spend time with you, y'know."
"Alright. But could you stop with the this?"
He made weird motions with his hands.
"The what?"
"All the this. The touchy feely, oh I love you stuff."
I laughed, smiling.
"Right. Sorry. No touchy."
"None. Zero."
"Hey Eva!" I tossed her my car keys. She looked back at me, confused. "Take my car, as a thank you. I'll be with Dean most of the time, in his 'precious' car. You be careful, and if you need anything, you call me okay?"
"Okay." She nodded, stuffing the keys in her pocket then walked off. I smiled. Then turned back around and followed Dean down to his car.
I whistled, looking it all over.
"Just like when I left. It's still in great shape, after all these years."
Dean nodded, getting into the driver's with me in passengers.
"Alright. So I have one clue as to where Dad is. Case of murders, all from people with the same last name, each within a twenty year span. Mainly women and men of about twenty-thirty years of age, all in the same area. My guess is something ritual wise or maybe a spirit. It's what dad said he'd look at before he disappeared."
"Well if Dad looked at it he would've gotten it done."
"Apparently not. Yesterday, 28 year old Danny Hoover. Killed at a highway near the Oklahoma- Kansas border. Same with all the other cases. All men and women in their twenties to thirties, all with the last name Hoover."
"Okay. Well then we check it out, see if we can't find something from Dad, if not Dad himself."
"Alright. Whattya say we listen to some music."
I smiled as he nodded, cranking up the volume and began driving to the old highway. It honestly felt great to be back. And I may never even leave.
Word count: 1885
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