Night Watch--💞
The Thousand Sunny's dining area bursted into joyous laughter. The night sky blanketed the ship as it calmly sailed across the ocean surface. Kaya was enjoying her time here with the Strawhats, specifically her childhood friend Usopp. Captain Luffy inhaled his plate of food in a matter of seconds, earning concerned looks from Doctor Chopper. "Luffy-kun, stop eating so fast you'll get hiccups or a stomach ache." whined the small reindeer. Luffy stared at Chopper and rolled his eyes in annoyance, "I vill be FWINE Cwopper." he spat out in a muffled voice. "NO YOU WONT! TAKE THAT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" Chopper hopped out of his seat and shoved his arm into Luffy's mouth, trying to pull the meat out.
Usopp's long nose twitched while he snorted and laughed. Kaya watched from her seat besides him, a soft smile stretching across her face. "Usopp-san, can you pass me a bread roll?" she asked. Her angelic voice sent Usopp into a trance. He was a red shaking mess when he nervously handed Kaya a wicker basket full of golden brown dinner rolls. "Arigato." she whispered. Usopp just nodded his head and scraped up the last pieces of lettuce from his salad. A loud yawn burst from Robin's lips and she regained her usual nonchalant expression. "I'm getting tired. I'll be going to bed now. Good night guys!" she got up and walked towards the cabin halls. Soon, the rest of the crew cleaned up the table and went to bed.
Kaya slept in a spare cabin room on a single bed pushed against the wall. Before she could drift off to sleep, the sound of thumping footsteps woke her up. Kaya jerked forward to sit up straight on the bed. "What was that noise?" she thought. She stayed in her position for a few more moments, only to here more footsteps. Curiousity filled the young woman's mind. Kaya quickly slipped on her slippers and went up to the deck. It was quiet, nothing but the sound of waves crashing against the side of the ship and the sail whipping in the cool night breeze. "Maybe I'm hearing things. I'm sure its nothing." Kaya mumbled. She sighed gently and turned on her heel to return to her cabin. Then she heard it.
A familiar voice called out her name. The female turned back around and tilted her head upwards to the sky. Peaking out of the crows nest was Usopp, his silky black curls resting on his shoulders like clouds. "Usopp? What are you doing up at this time of night?" Kaya asked. "I'm on night watch. Someone's gotta stay awake and make sure no enemies try to ambush us." he scratched his cheek before his gaze returned to Kaya. "You wanna come up here?" Usopp jerked his thumb in the air to gesture for Kaya to join him. Now that Kaya thought about it, she wasn't really tired at that moment. "Hm? Oh, sure!" she jogged over towards the long pole that held the crows nest up and climbed up the rope. Usopp wrapped his hands around her wrists and heaved her up so she sat besides him. "Welcome to the crows nest I suppose." Usopp smiled at Kaya.
"So you just stay up here until the morning?" Kaya breathed out. Usopp pursed his fish lips together while nodding his head. "Its tiring but it has to be done. We all have to make sacrifices and contribute to the crew." he mumbled under his breath. His honey colored eyes were focused on a brown leather covered book that sat opened in his lap. "Which book is that?" Kaya leaned closer and rested her chin on Usopp's broad shoulder. "It's called the Pirates of the Caribbean. Its a series about this pirate captain named Jack Sparrow whos strong but also an alcholoic and a troublemaker. This is the third book. Jack Sparrow just arrived at Port Royal in the Caribbean without a ship or crew. And the govenor's daughter Elizabeth has just been kidnapped by another pirate crew."
"They kidnapped her because she's in possession of a valuable coin that is linked to a curse that has transformed pirates into the undead. And a blacksmith who's in love with Elizabeth joins Jack to try and save her. This arc in the story is the most important to me atleast since it introduces Jack's new ship, The Black Pearl and it makes way for even more danergous adventures yet to come. Elizabeth reminds me of you. She's very smart and pretty and she has all th-" Usopp stopped talking once he felt something. Kaya had leaned in and gave him a quick cheek kiss while he was distracted. "Oh my, G-GOMENSAI! I JUST, y-you know..WANTED TO THANK YOU B-BECAUSE YO..YOU SAID I-IM SMART A-AND PRETTY-" Kaya hid her blushing face in her hands.
Usopp swallowed the lump in his throat, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. "Its fine Kaya but um, you might want to be a bit quieter. We dont want to wake anyone up." he whispered. "Oh right.. sorry. Can you um, read the book to me?" Kaya asked. A grin found its way onto Usopp's face and he turned the page. "Jack Sparrow gripped the rope in his hands and pulled on it, causing the sail to flip and his rowboat to make a sharp turn to avoide the sharks chasing him. After that he...."
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