Beach Day--💞
Sanji's eyes turned into bulging pink hearts as he fawned over a blonde woman named Kaya. She was travelling with the Strawhats for a few months now that she was healthy. Unfortunately, it was extremely hot out. The blistering heat had forced the crew to stop by a beach island. "KAYA-SWANNN LET ME COOL YOU OFFF~"
"Sanji! STOP DRAGGING AFTER KAYA LIKE SOME LOST PUPPY!" Nami growled and slapped the back of Sanji's head while he ran off in terror. Kaya laughed and sat down on a towel with Luffy on the shore.
"Luffy-kun. Where's Usopp?" Kaya looked around for her old friend, but to no avail. A sly grin stretched across Luffy's face. "Why do you want to know? Are you going to tell him today? SHISHISHISHI~" he cooed. "I-I'm not sure. I'm still nervous. What if he doesn't feel the same..."
Luffy's black eyes looked over to the ocean and he smiled. "No need to wait any longer, there he is! USOPP SAN, COME JOIN US! KAYA-CHAN IS HERE TOO!" he screamed. His strawhat swayed side to side as he moved his head.
Kaya's smile faded. Her lips were left open in a gape position. Her face heated up, and not because of the weather.
Golden brown skin shining under the sunlight.. eyes with an array of colors; from honey to gold brown to russet. A mound of silky black curls. Chiseled muscles, water droplets running down the torso, and a voice so calm it could make anyone fall asleep.
"Ohayo Luffy-kun, Kaya-chan~"
Usopp hunched his back and tucked his legs into his chest to properly sit down between his friends. "Usopp, did you find anything during your swim?" Luffy asked. Usopp nodded his head. He shoved his fist into his afro and dug around a bit before pulling out an ivory colored conch shell. "I found this beauty hiding in a bush of seaweed!"
Kaya's eyes drooped heavily into a half lidded look, staring longingly at Usopp while he talked with Luffy. Everytime he spoke Kaya could feel her heart melt. "Why can't you be my husband?" she thought. "Uh...Kaya-chan?" Luffy called out her name and snapped her out of her trance.
Usopp's head was turned to face Kaya. His face was flustered and completely beet red. "You do realize you said that out loud, right?" Luffy snickered. Kaya let out a bloodcurling shriek, slapping her hands over her face. "WAAAAAAAAAA! USOPP-SAN I DIDN'T MEAN IT! THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!"
Usopp yanked on some strands of his curly hair and held it over his blushing face. "I-It's fine Ka-kaya-chan. No worries.." he smiled underneath his hair, his elongated nose turning red too. "I wouldn't mind being your husband. IF YO-YOU WANT. I-I DON'T DO F-FORCED MARRIAGES SO DON'T WO-WORRY!"
Luffy let out a hearty laugh, "SHISHISHISHISHISHISHI! Usopp-san, no need to be shy."
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