You're not the pizza guy
Kawaii's P.O.V
We got back to Felix's room and decided to cool off. I can't believe he turned up... "Kawaii, do you want pizza?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, you know what I like." What would I do without my friends?
"What shall we do?" Harmony asked.
"Cards against humanity." Felix smirked evilly. Oh no.
"This will be cringey." Mark said. I nodded in agreement.
"Whatever, lets do it!" I said and went to get the game.
"I WANNA BE THE ZAR FIRST!" Jack yelled.
"OK." I said, laying out the cards. Everyone grabbed 5 and Jack picked up a zar card.
"OK, what does Obama do to unwind?" He asked. Oh great. We all slammed our cards down on the table like little kids. Here comes the cringe.
"What does Obama do to unwind? (Your card) Masturbate... why did I agree to this?" Jack asked as he face palmed. " (My card) Sing in the shower. Who the fuck put that?" Harmony started laughing. "God dammit Harmony. (Mark's card) Pole dance. Good thing this isn't a video. (Felix's card.) Final card... Take meth.... Just no." We were all dying of laughter from Jacks face. CRINGE!
"Yeah... I pick... 1." He said.
"I WIN!" I yell. There was a knock at the door.
"The pizza must be here." Harmony said and went to open the door. "How much is it?" She asked the very familiar guy... wait...
"HARMONY, CLOSE THE DOOR!" I ran to her. Too late. He grabbed her.
"Kawaii, I either have you, or you lose your friend." Oh hell no! (Being honest, I forgot what I named your ex... Lol.) Jack ran at him but he produced a gun and held it to her head.
"I'll go." Yeah right.
"No..." Mark was on the verge of tears.
"I can handle myself." I walked out of the room and he threw Harmony though the door and grabbed me, dragging me to the elevator.
"Try anything, you die." He pointed the gun at me.
"You wouldn't kill me." I smirked. I kicked him in the dick and pushed him into the elevator. Pushing the button, the doors closed on him, the guys ran to me.
"We called the police, they are downstairs waiting for him. We should go give statements." Mark said, hugging me.
~After giving statements.~
Mark's P.O.V
Thank God the girls were safe. I just held Kawaii close, Jack and Harmony were asleep on Felix's sofa. Felix, feeling left out, hugged a pillow. (I had too.)
"You OK?" I asked her.
"Just shaken, and hungry." Oh yeah, the pizza.
"Let's go out to eat." Jack shot up.
"Did I hear eat?" WTF.
"Err.. yeah."
"FOOD?" Harmony shot up too.
"Are you two human?" Felix asked.
"WE LOVE FOOD!" They claimed.
"Let's go then!"
Kawaii's P.O.V
Mark insisted on paying for all of our food. He would regret that, Jack and Harmony would eat everything in the restaurant. (I so would. I am also writing this while eating mac and cheese pizza, don't judge me, food helps me think!)
"Let's go to *Fave restaurant cause I cant' think.*" I yelled.
"YES!" They agreed.
We pulled up outside, left the car and walked in.
"Table for 5 please." Mark asked at the desk. We were led to a table by the wheel.
"I feel like a third wheel." Felix stated. There are two couples then just Felix. Marzia couldn't come, they couldn't find a dog sitter for Edgar and Mia.
"Don't worry, you can make out with your pillow later." Mark joked.
"I WAS NOT MAKING OUT WITH IT! I JUT WANTED A HUG!" Everyone stared at him. "Sorry." We all ordered our meals and tucked in, we were so hungry. Mark paid and left a $10 tip for the waitress.
"Lets go to the hotel, this day has been hectic." I said. They nodded in agreement and we all got back into the car.
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