This title was removed for giving spoilers!
Mark's P.O.V
"When are you gonna propose, I can tell you love Kawaii just as much as I love Harmony." Jack and I were sat in his hotel room, the girls were doing each others hair and makeup. Felix was still sleeping.
"I wanna wait until we are ready, you and Harmony have been dating longer than me and Kawaii. It was right for you, we have been together for 10 months, ( Again, I have no concept of time.) you and Harmony have been together for what, 1 1/2, 2 years?" I asked.
"1 1/2, and I think you are ready, have you done 'it' yet?" I gave him a look.
"Really, no, I don't wanna force her, I love her so much and would like to, but I just don't know if she is ready, and it would be weird to ask."
Kawaii's P.O.V
OMG. I he wants to... with me... I don't know how to respond...
"Do you wanna do it?" Harmony asked.
"OK ew. None of your business." I shook my head.
"Wait, lets listen more."
"Fine, I won't argue there." We stayed around the corner and listened more."
"I was actually planning to propose, when we get home, after Pax, do something not so predictable and cheesy." . . . . . HJEBHEFBVDKBVDNVDNJVDJBKD
"Kawaii, he wants to marry you!" Harmony fangirled.
"He cannot know we know, act normal!" She calmed down and we walked into the room.
"Hey!" Harmony sat on Jack's lap and kissed his cheek.
"Awe." I can't wait until the wedding, or the baby!!! "I'd love to have that with you one day." He knew the that I was talking about. Mark blushed deeply and I winked at him. (Do you really want me to write about THAT!?)
"Told ya." Jack said.
"Told him what?" Harmony asked, but we already knew.
"NOTHING!" They both insisted. I gave them a weird look to make it seem like I was confused.
"OK... where is Felix, is he STILL not awake, it is 11:23!"
"I like lay ins!" I turned and saw Felix at the door.
"Well WE have places to be today, lets look around the city! I wanna try Wendy's!" (I FUCKING LOVE WENDY'S!) Mark said.
"FINE! Let's go eat."
Mark's P.O.V
Kawaii had to go to the bathroom, so I took the opportunity to ask for help.
"OK, guys, I need help. I liked the way you two surprised each other at Pax, and Felix, the way you asked out Marzia was cute, please help me plan the perfect way to propose."
"EEK! Don't worry we won't tell her!" Harmony was excited.
"Calm down baby, you don't wanna be cheesy, just take he r to her fave place to break some ice. Make her fave food, play her fave music, stuff like that." Jack piped in, trying to calm his fangirling fiancé.
"Shh, she is coming back." Felix said, we all shut up.
"Why'd you all go silent? You aren't hiding anything are you?" She asked.
"Nope." I said surprisingly calmly.
"Hmm." She shrugged it off.
~After food.~
Kawaii's P.O.V
Talking about nothing my ass, I know what you were talking about. I just can't believe it... He really is the one.
"You OK baby?" Mark asked.
"Lost in thought, something seems to be on your mind too."
"What makes you say that?"
"The fact that wen ever I enter a room, you stop whatever conversation you are having. What are you hiding, if you cheated or something, I will only stay mad for like week or so."
"I love you too baby." Really, he just poured is heart out to be and I say that. Good job me. "I wanna be with you like that too. After Nate showing up, I realised what love really was and that love is what I felt for you." Mark pulled me close and whispered:
"Marry me." . . . . . . What? "I was planning this big proposal with everyone else, that was what we were discussing, but after what you just said, I can't wait, I want you know, need you now."
Mark's P.O.V
Jack and I had gone ring shopping earlier, but we told the others we were going to get clothes from target that we liked, so of course we did buy some hoodies, Jack helped me get the most beautiful ring with her birth stone. (IDK what month you were born so yeah.) I pulled it out and got down on one knee.
"Kawaii, will you marry me?" Her eyes were teary and she couldn't get a word out. She nodded her head frantically and I pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss.
"I love it." She said as I placed the ring on her finger. "I love you."
"I love you too."
On all of my social media I posted 'she said yes' along with a picture of the ring.
~Your room.~
Kawaii's P.O.V
"Congrats guys, now all Felix needs to do is propose to Marzia." Jack joked.
"Yeah... wait what?" Felix asked.
"Nothing, anyway, it's late, we have to go to bed now." Jack said.
"Fine!" Harmony pouted, taking his hand. Felix left t go to his room and left me alone with Kawaii.
(Do you really want me to write about THAT!? It was requested of me in other fanfics, but I want to be mindful these are real people. It's up to you. I don't mind, I just feel dirty. Anyway BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!)
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