T agged
So I got tagged to do a 20 facts thing by TheWitch_NextDoor (btw your profile pic is flawless Ilya Kuvshinov is God)
So yeah it's just 20 facts
1) Seriousl y if you tell me I'm pretty and mean it or say you missed me I will be super-awkward but appreciat e it
2) I'm incredibly short and chubby but my legs are so nice
3) I am lethally awkward
4) A piece of trash
5) I love when people play with my hair?? Like
6) I'm reall y really clingy
7) I hate people a lot
8) I should shave more often + more thoroughly
It almost reaches my *cough*beautiful*cough* booty
And I'm gonna cut it at some point and donate it to Locks of Love or something
10) I am newly 13 and tbh I think it's really funny when I'm in Geometry and Spanish and people are like "w h OA YOU'RE IN SEVENTH GRADEEEEE" and I'm like Ye chill
11) I'm constantly torn between being repulsed by dating in seventh grade and being like "MMMMM TAKE ME OUT"
12) I used to be a kindergarten-aged ho
13) I'm either a Christian or a Satan lover there is no in-between
14) I want a cat but my mom's allergic
15) I'm insecure about my cup size but idc
16) I really like animals
17) I like babies but not toddlers or young children
18) I always feel really lonely or empty or something along those lines
19) I hear ringing in my ears or people saying my name a lot
20) I trust my friends more than my parents tbh
Ayyyyy who's in the mood for not getting tagged
I'm not gonna make anyone suffer
To end on a good note (for me at least; still blushing)
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