Write in my diary by Ji #12
Hallo, Ji's back! And Ji will tell you something!
Do you wanna know Ji's other diary? Ji means... 'secret
diary'??? huh? yayyy! okayyy, Ji's glad you want to.
What was written in that book are secrets that Ji has never told to anybody.
How some ex-humans became emojis, and how Ji became an emo-ji...Too sad, and too tragic.
Ji made something today, here..Ji finds it awesome.
"The painter is you.The paintbrush is how you make your decision.The colors of your paint are your choices and the canvas is your life.The canvas will never be blank, for in that white room you're in right now, each time you paint colors, it affects the wallpaper of your room."
Hahahhaha Jifind byutipul <( • x • )> see you, Ji is busy with the cooking.AHHHH, M-my hand b-burned ( #; x ; )>~
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