There was pin drop silence prevailing inside the bedroom... Not a single word was spoken by either of them nor a single movement was made. Every thing was still and silent only the sound of breathing can be heard.
Nandini and Madhyam continued to stare at each other for few seconds, Madhyam looking at Nandini with that same blank look and Nandini with a frightened look... Not knowing how Madhyam is going to react to the revelation of her pregnancy.
When suddenly a big wide smile formed on his face shocking Nandini to the core and hugged her tightly while still holding the gun in one of his hand .
"Oh my god!! You are pregnant... You are going to have a baby. I am so happy today, we are going to have a baby... A baby. " Madhyam exclaimed happily while still hugging Nandini.
Whereas on the other hand Nandini was absolutely shocked, numbed seeing his reaction. Never in her imagination did she ever expected a reaction like this. He is being happy and celebrating the news like as if he is the father of the child. By watching this Nandini came to know that there is something seriously very wrong with Madhyam... His mental health is not stable. But he didn't react negatively to the news at least which is a good thing for Nandini. And she decided to play along with him and stall time till Manik send help.
Madhyam released Nandini from the hug and said while looking at her, "Oh Angel you have given me the bestest news and made this day the happiest day of my life."
Madhyam gently placed his hand on Nandini's stomach and said while caressing, " Our Baby!" making Nandini cringe and feeling sick at his touch but she tried not to show it to Madhyam and instead smiled a fake smile when he looked up at her face again.
'I wish Manik was here in front of me right now instead of this Madhyam... He would have been so so happy with the news of pregnancy, he would have immediately started instructing me like Nandini from now on you won't do any type of work nor take any stress, you'll just take rest, eat lots of food and order everyone around and if I found you doing any work then you'll face the Monster Manik' Nandini thought while giggling lightly, ' he would become extremely protective and possessive for them than he already is and shower lots of love on us I know he will be the best dad for our baby... Oh Manik where are you, I am missing you so much, please come back fast to your Nandini, I want to tell you that we are going to be parents. ' Nandini was lost in her thoughts and a single tear escaped from her beautiful big doe eyes while thinking about Manik and their beautiful future, which went unnoticed by Madhyam.
Nandini came back to her senses when she felt Madhyam hold her hand and walked towards the walk in closet which made her confused that why they were going there, which was clarified when Madhyam started speaking again.
" come on Angel we have lots of work to do, the first thing is packing."
Listening to Madhyam Nandini became more confused and asked, " Packing!? Why?"
"Because we are going to Australia. I have already booked two flight tickets for Australia, its tonight at 7. So for that we have to pack your luggage na Angel... But you yourself don't need to do it, you are pregnant and pregnant ladies shouldn't do much work... So you just instruct what is kept where and I'll pack it for you okay. " Madhyam said excitedly, while still walking towards the closet and not paying attention to Nandini, as Nandini's face turned pale white in shock hearing him.
" A-Australia!! "Nandini stuttered.
" Yes, we'll go to Australia, get married and settle down there... No one will be there to disturb us ever again, it will be only US and our little baby... the three of us, our little family together for forever just like it should be. Finally my dream is coming true we'll be so happy together. "
It seems like Madhyam's plan all along was to kidnap Nandini and take her to Australia with him from the very beginning.
And here Nandini started panicking inside and cried out in her mind, 'Hurry up Manik, come fast before it's too late.'
On the other side somewhere else we can see a man ordering someone with a strict stern voice, " I want you to take a team of few officers and leave for Manik Malhotra's House right now and reach there as fast as possible."
"Yes Sir."
"And after reaching there surround the whole house and the area surrounding the house and try to find out who the intruder is... But do it very discreetly, don't alert the intruder inside that the police already knows about him and is there or else Mr Malhotra's wife's life will be put into more danger than it already is okay. And also send some of the officers to search for the guards where are they and once you find them interrogate them to know if they are too involved with the intruder or not, try to find out any informations you can get about the person from the guards okay. I'll reach there in few minutes as quickly as possible. " he instructed and then ended the call.
After that he turned towards the person driving the car and said," drive fast we have to reach Mumbai quickly, each second is important... Someone's life is at stake. "
" Yes Sir, we'll reach Mumbai within 20 minutes." the person said and stepped on the gas driving as fast as possible.
While the person clenched his fingers into tight fist and stared outside of the car window with worry, angry and fear flashing in his eyes.
'Don't worry Nandini your brother is coming, he will surely save you... I promise. '
Yes people it is Abhimanyu. He was out of Mumbai in Pune that day for investigating a case which he was handling at the moment.
When Mukti called and informed him about the intruder he was already on his way back to Mumbai. So he immediately contacted a sub inspector and instructed him what to do till he comes.
Now all he can do is wait impatiently, until he reaches Manik's bungalow.
Double update everyone... Happy, so how was the chapter... Few words for it. Will Manik and the gang reach there in time or will Madhyam be successful in his plan?
Stay safe,
Love you all,
Ria ❤️
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