Questions And Answers
I'm going to be answering some questions I found online cause I'm bored. So let's get started!
Q~ Eye color?
A~ Blue/Green my eyes are two different colors but I wear blue contacts most the time so they look the same color.
Q~ Last time you cried?
A~ I uh never cry why are you asking? *nervous laugh*
Q~ Biggest fear?
A~ The people at the lab taking me back.
Q~ Last person you texted?
A~ young-barnes
Q~ Relationship status?
A~ Single but crushing... though the likely hood of it ever happening is slim...
Q~ Favorite color?
A~ Blue!
Q~ Best friend?
A~ icriboutyou
Q~ Any scars?
A~ Mental ones. Plus a few from the testing at the lab.
Q~ Kissed anyone?
A~ Yes.
Q~ Height?
A~ 5'9 I'm tall thanks to the serum.
Q~ Day or night?
A~ I like both. I mean I prefer the night though because I love sleep.
Q~ Pet peeve?
A~ When I don't have my contacts in and people keep looking back and forth between my eyes. PICK ONE.
Q~ Crush?
A~ *blushes* I'm not sharing.
Q~ Middle name?
A~ Marie. My full name is Katie Marie Rose. My last name isn't Stark. My mom decided to take my dad's last name so my last name is Rose.
Q~ Current mood?
Q~ Jealous type?
A~ I mean if I can't trust my partner to not stray then I probably shouldn't be with them but I don't know if I am the jealous type.
Q~ Birthday?
Q~ Obsession?
Q~ Someone you trust?
A~ I mean I trust a lot of people but the current person who has really been there for me is young-barnes
Q~ Do you believe in love?
A~ Yes.
Q~ Tattoos?
A~ Well not by choice. I have this tattoo that says PROPERTY OF OSCORP but no one has seen it. I usually just cover it up since I dont like seeing it. Brings back bad memories.
Q~ Nickname?
A~ Kitkat.
Q~ Someone you can tell everything to?
A~ icriboutyou
Q~ Virgin?
A~ *eyes widen* Yes. 100% Yes. Only kisses and hugs. No dirty buisness I promise.
Q~ Things you hate about yourself?
A~ A couple days ago I would've said my ears and my tail but I'm starting to not hate them so much.
Q~ Worst memories?
If you have anymore questions just ask me!
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