Chapter 9 (Unedited)
A/N Hey, so I think I'll do think 5 more long chapters. I love all your comments, please keep it up. I honestly love it when you comment and vote. If you haven't noticed I started to put some of my favorite Tratie headcannons above please check it out. Now to the chapter.....
I tried to stay calm during Katie's story. I could feel my brow furrowing, nostrils flaring, how can you stay calm after you hear one of your favorite people in the entire world thought that, that kind of treatment was normal.
I would give anything to let Katie know what she really deserves. Her telling me the darkest part of herself, just confirmed my feelings. I'm so angry I can't think straight, so I stopped thinking.
I distracted myself by looking at Katie. The faded constellation of freckles scattered on her tanned nose, how she has the smallest gap in her almost perfect teeth, and how her eyes shimmer whenever she talks about the things she loves.
But, the thing I love most about her is her laugh, that's why I prank her, partly because I want her to notice me, but also because sometimes it makes her laugh. She almost never laughs, but when she does I almost go into a daze listening to the melody of laughter.
Then I remember what she told me, what she had to endure, what she had to grow up with. I try holding my breath to subdue the anger, but nothing works. Instead of pushing the anger to the side I'm going to put it to good use. Me and Katie are going to finish this stupid mission that Travis set up, so I can make Katie see herself how the world sees her, how I see her.
I heard someone clear their throat, breaking my train of thoughts. "Um....Travis?" She asked timidly. My eyes focused on an embarrassed Katie. I quickly looked down, realizing during my thoughts I was intensely staring at Katie. My blush deepened, but Katie didn't look to be doing much better.
I cleared the back of my throat preparing to speak, but also to decrease the alarming tension.
"Well, um...we should get started on the next, well whatever the next thing is."
"Ya, sure." Katie agreed, barely listening. I didn't care as long as my brothers escapade, ending soon. But, on the other hand I wanted to spend just a little more time alone with Katie.
I ripped open the letter, with a lack of enthusiasm not wanting the next task to be worse than the previous one.
It happily didn't give instructions, but a place to go.
The Demeter Cabin.
I showed the letter to Katie, waiting for approval. I mean it is where she sorta lives. She gave the paper one glance, narrowed her eyes and started walking in the wrong direction. I stared at her confused. Why would she walk the opposite way? I just shrugged my shoulders. What am I supposed to do? Women.
I caught up to her, not over looking the forced blank face she put on. I used my genes of being the son of Hermes to find a way to cheer Katie-Kat up. I followed her for a few seconds when the perfect idea hit me upside the head.
Pickup Lines!
Some good old classic pickup lines should do the trick.
"Hey Katie, Thank the Gods I'm wearing gloves," fixing my invisible gloves "because your just too hot to handle."
She gave me a puzzled look. I took that as my queue to continue.
"Katie you must be a daughter of Demeter because you make my love for you grow." She still had on a blank face, time to pull out the big guns.
"Hey Katie, I thought I was the son of Hermes. So, why did you steal my heart away."
Was that a smile I saw?
"Katie, are you a storm spirit because you blow me away."
I could have sworn I heard a chuckle.
"If you were a vegetable you would be a cute-cumber!"
She started to laugh, but cut it short, for some unknown reason. We walked a little ways.
I stepped in front of Katie, putting on a serious face. "Katie you have something in your eye," She started rubbing her eyes profusely.
She stopped and narrowed her eyes at me. "No I don't!"
"Oh my bad, it was just a sparkle." I explained putting on my famous smirk.
Her face softened, she was trying to contain her laughter. She mumbled something under her breath.
"Sorry, Katie-Kat I didn't quite pick that up."
"How come your not a child of Hades, because your drop dead gorgeous."
My face broke into a wide grin.
"Now that's the spirit Katie-Kat. You got another?"
"Are you Hephaestus because you look like you fell from Olympus. No, no. I got one for Hecate. Are you a son of Vacate because you put a spell on me." Her laughter started spilling out of her. She tried to fight it, but like I said pick up lines always work.
"Katie, who needs the camp fire when your already hot."
She started blushing.
"Um, Travis could you back up a little?" I realized we were only inches apart. I looked back at Katies inflamed face. I didn't exactly want to step back.
You know you want to get closer.
No, I don't and where did that voice even come from! I guess Katie's making me go crazy.
I ignored the voice and slowly stepped back, not too far, but enough to make her comfortable.
I looked away realizing we were on the porch is the Demeter cabin.
"How did we get here, last time I looked we were walking the wrong way?"
"It's a child of Demeter secret shortcut." She sounded preoccupied, looking into the cabin, wide eyed.
I turned around, jaw dropped. How could one place change so much in so little time. This is definitely not the Demeter cabin I love to prank.
We walked into the cabin together, scared over the reason to the transformation.
The entire place looked like a designer surf shop. Every wall was covered in some sort of swimming device. In the middle of the floor stood row after row of swim suits. We continued to the back of the store, only to find an unlikely employee.
The one and only Drew Tanaka.
Katie walked up and smugly rang the little service bell. Drew looked up from inspecting her nails, as if she was deeming us worthy of her attention.
"You finally came, toke you long enough!" She exclaimed with an eye roll.
Katie spoke up before I could talk. "Sorry, we were...busy." I could since how annoyed she was.
"Well whatever. I hope you realized by now the next task is swimming."
I watched Katie's face fall at the news of our next task.
Drew spoke up. "Travis you have to leave."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because Katie over here doesn't have a swim suit," Her voiced laced with charmspeak, "Now leave and get your swim suit on. Now!"
I slowly walked back to the door, my vision a little foggy. Probably from the charmspeak. I managed to only walk into one or two clothing racks.
I looked at Katie and Drew one more time doubting the pairs ability to work together. But I just couldn't think of a reason to stay.
Stupid charmspeak.
Sorry for any mistskes. I made this more of a fluff chapter because I didn't want the book to get all dark and depressing. Please comment on your favorite pick up line. Some were original, but others were courtesy of Google. I'll try to update soon.
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