Chapter 2
I jumped out of my bed because I heard screaming in one of the bunks next to me. It was one of my favorite siblings Miranda. She was covered in thick black goo. I stormed outside.
"STOLLS," I screamed so loud my throat hurt, "WHAT DID YOU DO!"
Travis and his little brother Conner (who most people mistake as twins) walked out of the Hermes cabin laughing and tripping each other. I stomped over to them and faced Travis.
Travis is tall.
By this time over half of the camp had gathered to see the newest prank on the Demeter cabin. The Stolls pranked the Demeter cabin almost everyday.
"I thought last night that you were going to leave me alone!" Katie half screamed glaring into his blue eyes.
"I did leave you alone but that doesn't mean that the rest of your cabin is safe," Travis emphasized with a playful grin.
"The not pranking me, extends to my cabin also." I toke a step forward.
"Well I'll remember that for next time." He toke a step forward.
Conner's eyes darted between Travis and me. His lips curled in a slight smile.
I focused my attention back to Travis. Before I knew it I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. He started to lean in and I started to process what was going to happen.
I kicked him in the knee. Hard.
"Oww!" He started to hop around on one foot holding his knee. "Why did you do that!?!"
"Ohh you know why!" I screamed. I looked into his eyes and say pain but there was something else in them. Laughter.
"Stop laughing at me!"
I stormed off to my cabin. I could feel Travis's stare as I walked away.
I had a busy day. I had archery after lunch and gardening in the strawberry fields. I put on a light green shirt that says "Go hug a tree", light denim short shorts, and green converse.
I walking the the strawberry fields ready to spend hours doing my favorite thing, gardening. I reached the fields and got in a comfy position. After around two hours of hard work I toke a break for lunch. I sat at the Demeter table talking to Miranda who had just finished cleaning up from this morning.
"Katie Gardener, I have been looking for you. I wanted to thank you for yelling at the Stolls." Miranda said proudly.
"It's no big deal I yell at the Stolls all the time," I replied happily.
"Well whatever you want to believe, but I'm still grateful for what you did," urged Miranda.
After lunch I had archery with none other then Travis Stoll. I was going to have so much fun this afternoon.
I reached the archery range with 5 minutes to spare. I decided I would just start practicing early. I got my bow and quiver from the shed and set up a target around 20 feet away. I began to shoot.
Now I won't say I'm as good as the Apollo cabin, but I'm not half bad. I think that's why Will Solace is crushing on me. I don't like him though. I'm not very into boys, but I'm still a girl so they do come to mind.
While I thought to myself I looked over at the target and noticed that I got one dead in the center with a few scattered around the target.
"Good job Katie-Kat," Travis Stoll said over my shoulder, so close that I knew he smelled like cinnamon.
"Gosh, you scared me," I yelled hitting his arm as I turned around. I could see the small bruise starting where I hit him.
I looked at his arm with instant regret. Though when I looked back up at his face the regret washed away replaced by anger.
"Why do you have to hit me so hard!?!"
"That's what you deserve for scaring me like that."
"It's not my fault that you get scared easily!"
"Whatever, Stoll."
Ignoring the fact that archery wasn't over, I turned and left. Not wanting to finish the conversation with Travis.
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