Chapter 12
I could still taste her cherry chapstick lingering on my lips.
I kissed Katie! Why did I kiss Katie? What if she didn't like it? Why did I ask her if I could kiss her? What if I'm a bad kisser? I mean I've kissed before, but what if they all lied to spare my feeling!
Questions flew through my thoughts at rapid speed, but they all dodged the biggest question.
What happens now?
What does happen? Will we together? Does Katie even want that?
I need to stop thinking about what's going to happen, but what just happened.
I looked over at Katie. She looked so beautiful with the sunsets warm colors illuminating her soft features.
She was gently touching her bottom lip with wide, gleaming eyes. I could feel my eyes getting wider and wider.
"Katie was that your first kiss?" She turned her head, her eyebrows furrowing.
"Yes...? It doesn't even matter," before I could say it does she leaned over and kissed my square in the lips, "because you also took my second one." Her face spread into a grin showing off her almost perfect teeth. Her infectious smile, made the corner of my mouth twitch up into a half smile.
"I think to seal the deal a third kiss is in order." I leaned forward cutting the gap between us by half.
"Are you really that eager?" Her actions betrayed her words as she cut the distance to less than an inch.
"Yes." I closed the distance between us. I felt Katie's arms wrap around my neck. I smirked against her lips as I picked her up bridal style headed for the water. Katie continued to kiss me completly oblivious to her empending doom. Once the water was halfway up my thighs I broke off the kiss.
I could feel the infamous smirk grow on my lips as Katie's eyes widened, taking in the water surrounding her.
"Now Katie-Kat this can go one of two ways, but either way your going to get wet!" Her eyes narrowed as she thought of her options, which were very limited at the moment.
"TRAVIS STOLL PUT ME DOWN!!! NOW!" I smirked as Katie said exactly what I hoped she would.
"You asked for it." I dropped a gasping Katie into the surprisingly warm water.
She finally emerged, drenched in water. Her hair was clinging to her wet face. She quickly went under again only getting a short breath in.
I waited for her to come back in. 10 seconds turned into 30, 30 seconds turned into a minute. I was panicking.
I quickly started feeling around on the bottom, but Katie wasn't there anymore. Where is she?
Before I could turn around and continue looking, I felt something heavy jump on my back forcing me into the water.
"Get off!" I realized that is was Katie on my back climbing me like a spider-monkey.
"Katie your so heav...," I quickly gulped and changed my train of thought, "strong!" She narrowed her eyes, but didn't argue.
"That's what you get!" She started to force my head underwater, but I was too strong.
"You mean this is what I get." I leaned forward and kissed her again, she instanly relaxed, but soon pulled away trying to be mad failing miserably.
"Why can't I stay mad at you anymore?" She huffed.
"You could never stay mad!" I chuckled.
"That's true." She replied looking bumbed out.
"Do you like being mad at me?" I questioned.
"It depends..." She answered raising an eyebrow.
"I'll never understand, will I?" I smiled at her.
"Nope, but we should get going it's getting dark." She rose from the water walking towards her bag.
I hopped up following her to the beach. I picked up my towel that was now caked in wet sand. I tried to shake it off, but it wasn't good. Katie started to chuckle at my attempts and reached into her bag pulling out a fresh towel for me.
I walked over noticing her struggling to keep the towel wrapped around her thin body. I grabbed the ends of the towel and tied them into a small knot.
"Thanks." She looked up and smiled. After we got everything ready to leave there was one problem, we didn't know where to go next.
"Let's just walk to the cabins and see if anyone's back." Katie offered. I nodded my head, it was the only reasonable thing to do.
We walked down the worn trail hand in hand in a comfortable silence.
"Katie did you hear that?"
"No why?" She leaned away from like I was a lunatic.
"That music." She closed her he's trying to find the noise. Her eyes snapped open.
"Travis your not crazy!"
"Your lack of trust hurts me."
"Shut up, let's find the source." I obeyed her like a puppy even going as far as to follow on her heels.
As we walked the music got louder and louder. We couldn't see where it was coming from, but we definitely could feel it. We made it to a very small opening with a large rock in the middle. We would have moved passed it had the rock not been shaking from the vibrations of the music.
We cautiously walked over, and knocked on the front of the rock.
The rock opened revealing a wide eyed Leo. We instantly jumped back, not expecting Leo to jump out.
"Welcome to the Bunker 9 party! I think Conner is by the drinks. Have fun!" Leo then jumped back into the swarm of bodies.
"I guess let's fine Conner. He did write all the notes." Katie shrugged and dived into the pulsing crowd.
I squeezed my way past the dancing demigods, finally seeing Katie talking to Conner.
"-and why did you do it? It wasn't a prank because you don't prank your brother! What was it?" Katie then proceeded to repeatily flick Conners forehead.
"Am I interrupting something here?" I glanced between Katie and Conners red forehead.
"I was just trying to explain to Katie why I did it." He spoke up. I nodded my head waiting for him to continue.
"Actually I think before an explaination a change of clothes are in order." I turned around to see a grinning Miranda. Her arms crossed over her chest standing off.
"You were also in on this!" Katie gaped her jaw dropping, as she looked at her sister. I wasn't surprised, Conner couldn't pull this off by himself.
Miranda grabbed Katie's wrist trying to pull her into one of the many hallways.
"You have to get changed Katie!" Miranda pleaded.
"I will. Just not into whatever you picked out!" Katie held her ground.
"Come on, I only picked up things from your closet! Please..." Miranda begged.
"Fine." Katie caved letting Miranda tug her into the dark hallway.
"Now it's your turn Travis!"
A/N I published this chapter before I finished. Scared me!!! Hope you liked the chapter! Please vote and comment, or whatever you guys want to do!!!
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