Chapter 11 continued (unedited)
I quickly tried to grab at the food, but I lost my balance. My arm slipped out from under as I tried to use my knee to stop the enevitable fall. I could see the bowl of mac'n'cheese slowly reaching up to meet my face. Before I toke a dip into the pool of cheese strong hands grabbed my hips and moved my body away from the food.
Travis set me down in my original position, turning away to grab me a handful of pretzels.
He hesitantly rewrapped his arm around my torso and pulling me closer. Our bodies were a perfect mold of the others.
Travis glanced over at me and started laughing, tears pooling in his eyes. I could feel the vibrations of his chest course through my body.
"What's so funny?" I asked suspiciously, expecting something to jump out.
"You were-were reaching over the-the food and-and you went down like-like a plane," Travis started making engine noises, using his hands to narrate the story in-between breaths,"then I caught you before you face planted in-in Conner's mac 'n' cheese!" He started to laugh harder at the end, barely managing to breath.
His laughter was contagious, before I knew it I was right next to him laugh crying. Travis fell, rolling around howlimg with laughter. I toke the opportunity to jump on top of him pinning his arms to his side's, straddling his legs.
He toke in a sharp breath, as his back went rigid. His eyes darted around, looking anywhere buty face, his cheeks inflamed.
I glanced at our compromising position frozen in embarrassment.
"Katie, can like..?" Travis stuttered not even able to finish a sentence.
I stared at Travis soaking in his discomfort. I swung my leg over him and unpinned his arms from my steely grip.
I moved over putting at least of foot of tension filled space between us.
"So..?" Travis questioned. "Are you going to pin me down again?"
That's what she said! I snickered to myself. I turned back to Travis.
My heart skipped a beat. He hadmanaged to close the distance between us to less than an inch without making a sound.
Stupid son of Hermes skills!
"Travis!" I playfully smacked his arm, as he rubbed the affliction in fake hurt. "And I don't plan on pinning you down anytime in the near future."
"Aww, but I thought we could make a game out of it like spontaneous pinning. Who could out randomly pin the other better." I inwardly chuckled as Travis continued his little rant in a broadcasters impersonation. "Lastest news, the pinning game as reached a new level! Travis jumped off a flying pegasus to pin Katie to the Demeter Cabin's roof! What an achievement!"
My body was shaking, racked with laughter. All I could picture was Travis jumping off a flying horse.
"You could never jump of a pegasus."
"I could if I really wanted too!"
"Travis, no you couldn't. How can you not remember last month with the prank on blackjack." He gave me a blank expression. "With the blue paint...because you 'thought' blackjack would appreciate being Percy's favorite color."
"How could I forget, that prank went up on the Hermes cabin memorial prank board." Travis sighed as if pondering the good old times. He's seventeen, what good old times?
"Wait a second, there's a prank board! How could I not know this? Am I on it?"
"Yes your on it for the prank two years ago with the purple body dye."
"Oh My Gods, I remember that the entire cabin was covered in it for weeks. Eventually Aphrodite toke pity on us and changed us back."
"Katie, I'm happy you can think back to the pranks I pulled and laugh. But I need to tell you something."
I gulped. I knew this was coming the end of this little game is getting closer. I knew he was going to tell me that after this he doesn't think we should talk. I mean he is the Travis Stoll, I'm lucky he takes enough time to prank me.
I begin bracing myself for the inevitable, but all my preparation is useless when I hear the words he whispers.
"Travis what did you say?" I was expecting the words to mutate into the inevitable.
" you Katie." I turned around my eyes gleaming, but Travis looked as if he was preparing himself for bad news. I had none to give.
I leaned so our faces were a mere inch away.
"I like you too Travis." My voice cool and collected.
"Katie can I kiss you?" My heart beat increased ten-fold at his question. I quickly nodded as I felt his lips gently pressed against mine. The kiss lasted only a few blissful seconds, but to me they lasted an eternity. I looked into Travis's deep blue eyes as the light of the sunset reflected off his perfect features.
A/N I'm sorry for the weird mishap, but I hope this chapter is to your liking!!!!!
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