The Plan
A/N: Hi guys! Eventually I'm going to stop apologizing for the late updates, but I really am sorry. I don't even know what's happening in this one lol. It's so random. Hopefully good random, but still. The song of the day is Riptide by Vance Joy.
Katara POV:
"Come here little guy!" Aang waddled forward, closer to a penguin. "I just want to sled on you!"
The penguin looked at him and honked, lunging forward to slide away from him on it's belly.
"No!" Aang yelled. "I won't hurt you, I love animals!" But the little creature was already far out of his reach. Aang slumped over in defeat. He looked over his shoulder at Katara who was watching with an extremely amused expression.
"I feel like I've already taught you how to do this, Sweetie." She commented, moving to stand beside him and patting his forlorn head gently.
Aang sighed dramatically. "I know, I just... always thought my natural charisma would pull through."
Katara rolled her eyes. "Natural charisma, huh?" She stretched out her fingers, reaching inside herself for for the tug of the current in the icy ocean in front of them . She bent her knees and reached out her arms. She felt like she could feel every drop of water in the entire ocean in her bloodstream. She could feel every rock, every block of ice, every piece of seaweed and...aha! She moved her hands around to isolate the water around a small fish in a water bubble. She carefully lifted the water around the fish out of the ocean and over to her and Aang. She did a couple fancy tricks with it just for effect and it defiantly did it's job. She released the water so that the fish fell straight into her hands and then held it out to the grumpy looking Avatar.
"Yeah, yeah." he muttered as all the penguins turned their heads as one to stare at the fish. "I already know your're amazing, Sweetie."
"I don't think it's bad for me to remind you once in a while." Katara tossed out casually. Aang shook his head and grinned, accidentally dropping the fish to the enraptured penguins. He tried to grab it back, but the greedy little penguins were already starting to devour it. Katara laughed at her boyfriend's melodramatically crushed expression and grabbed his hand in her gloved one. "Come on, let's get Appa to fly us around for a bit before we have to go find Sokka."
Aang dropped his act and straightened up smiling. "Alright!"
Aang jogged ahead of her to where Appa was resting in the snow. The sky bison snorted affectionately when Aang appeared in his line of sight. "You wanna go flying, buddy?" Aang asked, starting to help Katara up onto Appa's back. Appa grunted in response and Aang jumped down off the saddle and onto Appa's head to grab the reins. "Good! Yip yip!"
Appa ascended into the sky, which was as cold as the icy blue it sported. Katara climbed down off Appa's saddle to sit next to Aang. The wind was striking as it raced through her hair and sent ripples through their clothes. Below them, the enormous ice burgs in the water looked like small aquamarine diamonds against the dark ocean. "I've been thinking about something." Aang mentioned as Katara leaned against his side.
"Oh no." Katara mumbled, a little too absorbed in the moment to be fully listening. "That's never a good sign."
Aang elbowed her gently and she grinned. "It's actually more of an idea."
"Is it an Aang-and-Sokka-idea or just an Aang-idea?"
Aang hesitated and Katara rolled her eyes. "Well... I thought of the idea when I was with Sokka, buuuut I guess it's not TECHNICALLY Sokka's idea. I mean, Sokka helped me with the idea but it's still MY idea I'm pretty sure." He ended the sentence muttering.
"Oh brother." Katara sighed. This was going to be interesting.
"Ok, so you know how Bumi has been looking for something to help his throat out because-" Aang coughed a little bit to clear his throat. Katara knew why, and it made her put her arm on Aang's back and her head on his shoulder in a side hug. Aang nodded and continued shakily. "Because, um, he's not exactly a spring chicken? Well, what if we somehow set up some kind of system so that we could get Bumi tea from the Jasmine Dragon in Ba Sing Se all the way in Omashu? Like a special tea mail system! Omashu already has an amazing package system!"
Katara nodded carefully. "Like bags of the Jasmine Dragon's specialty blend? Yeah I think we could do that. But why can't we just use the package system they already have? Why do we need a whole new one?"
Aang went quiet. "That is a good point."
Katara shook her head, laughing softly.
"But I really wanted to call it Spee Tea Delivery!" Aang declared sadly.
"What are you even talking about?"
Aang grinned. "Don't worry, Sweetie. I was just TEAsing!"
Katara gave him the side eye. "All I have to say to that, is that I'm really glad Sokka's not here."
Aang looked at her with his soft silver eyes shining and her expression softened ever so slightly. "We could help Iroh market it," he said. "We could do crazy new flavors like... papaya! Or... CACTUS! I HAVE TO TELL SOKKA."
Katara could have gone in and argued to him that this technically wouldn't be his business, he was trying to sell the Jasmine Dragon's tea, which was not his, through an existing system, but she just sat and listened and tried not to look too amused.
"Anyway," Aang finished. "I'll definitely have to talk to Iroh the next time we go to Ba Sing Se."
"Take Sokka with you, and you'll have a pitch he could never turn down." Katara suggested dryly.
"I can tell you're laughing at me, Sweetie."
"I just think you're cute." she kissed his cheek.
Aang's smile sent little trickles of warmth into her cheeks despite the freezing air. The village came into their line of sight, and Aang got ready to land Appa. Katara was sort of disappointed, but she could tell her energetic boyfriend was itching to find her weirdo brother and tell him his whole idea. Aang brought Appa down to land carefully on the ice. He and Katara slid down off the sky bison and Aang kissed her in elation before running off to find Sokka.
Katara shook her head. She watched Aang grab Sokka and even though she couldn't hear what he was saying, she knew exactly what it was because there were lots of excited hand motions going on. Sokka got excited really quickly. When Aang finished, they grinned at each other and shook hands dramatically.
Katara looked at Appa. "What are we going to do with them?"
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