The Nightmare
A/N: Listen to ceilings-Instrumental by no/vox
Katara POV:
Katara felt a fast, sharp movement from somewhere beside her. Her heavy eyelids popped open absorbing the inky darkness all around her. She sat up in the bed, the blankets falling off her chest and shoulders, and waited for her eyes to adjust to the night. Everything was still and stone silent, shadows playing around even if there was no light to cause them. Katara looked around in the dark to find what had made her wake up, though, if she was being honest, she already knew. Aang had jerked up in their bed and was now walking towards the screen door that connected their room to the backyard. He slipped out without ever noticing that she had woken up.
Katara shivered as she slid off the bed and onto the cold floor. Now that she could see more clearly, she saw there was a source of the flickering parade of shadows. Pale streams of moonlight spiraled in through the windows and through the translucent door. Katara crossed the room on bare feet and slid the door open and then closed as quietly as she could. The moon wasn't the only source of light out there. Aang was sitting cross legged in the grass under the weeping willow they had in the yard that he usually sat under and meditated every morning. But it was far from morning. His eyes were closed and the glowing electric blue of his tattoos looked smoky and paranormal in the chill of the night.
Katara flinched back towards the door; he wasn't really there. He was in the spirit world or connecting with his past lives. But something told her to stay. Aang had woken up so sharply for a reason. So she walked over to the willow tree, ducking under it's drifting branches and sat down under the tree with her husband, leaning her back against the rough trunk. The glow of his tattoos illuminated the bead of sweat that had blossomed on his forehead, chest and back and his forehead displayed a deep crease. Katara didn't want to disturb him, but she also wanted to be there when he woke up. Ready to be there for him.
Katara sat with Aang for what felt like hours. The wind was picking up, and she hugged her knees to her chest, resisting the urge to rest her head on Aang's shoulder. They grass was wetter than she'd anticipated and she wince as she felt the moisture sink into her pajamas. Finally, Aang's whole body shuddered and the light emanating from his tattoos began to fade. He slumped forward and ran his hands over his head. Katara put her hand on his shoulder and Aang whipped his head towards her, startled.
"Hey Sweetie, it's just me." She reassured him softly.
Aang sighed deeply and leaned into her warmth. "Hi, Sweetie."
Katara's legs were shaking a little as she stood up, but she helped her husband up anyway, seeing a deeply tired undertow in his stormy grey eyes. "Let's get you back to bed."
Aang let her lead him back inside by the hand. Back from under the branches of the willow tree, across the yard, through the screen door and over to the bed. They sat down, and Aang rested his head on her shoulder. Katara did her best to seem steady, she held his hand tight as he took a few long deep breaths. She didn't ask about the suddenness of everything even though she was worried and wanted to know what was happening. After letting him rest and calm down for a few minutes, Katara whispered in Aang's ear.
"Do you want to go back to bed?" Katara remembered a long time ago, when Aang hadn't been able to sleep for days. She didn't want to see him like that again.
Much to her relief, he nodded. Together they crawled back under the covers, still a little wet from the grass. Aang had his arm around her, and Katara rested her head on his chest. He would tell her what had happened when he was ready. He was too tired now anyway. Aang was asleep within seconds. Katara smiled with her eyes closed. The worry was still there, but Aang was safe and they were together. The best thing she could do to help him was to be there. Katara had two perfectly good hands. In one, she would hold Aang's hand, standing by him through anything. With the other, she was ready to waterbend the freaking heck out of anyone or anything that even tried to hurt him. Katara was ready. Buuuuut she was also exhausted, and she found herself falling asleep with the sound of Aang's heart beat in her ear.
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