A/N: Almost 800 reads??? What the heck??? I know I've said thank you more times throughout this book than I do in, like, four months irl, but once again for good measure, TYSM. Anyway, this is my tenth one shot so I thought, what better way to celebrate than to make yourself really really sad and emotional? So here you go. Have fun!!!
Listen to End of Youth by Ed Sheeran and or/ In The Stars by Benson Boone
Katara POV:
Katara closed the door behind herself with a soft click.
A star had died.
She sat down on the cold sheets of the unmade bed.
He'd used up everything he had to give.
The curtains were drawn. The room was gray.
The supernova was setting the world on fire. All that was left beyond the blinding colors of disbelief and anguish was a shell. A black hole of grief that had sucked her up into its inky numbness.
He was her anchor.
The cool water to her boiling spirit.
Her sense of gravity.
Now all of that was gone, but she was still orbiting. Drawn in by the memory of feeling secure.
Katara had spent the last three days with a fatality wounded heart, no time to process and erect posture.
Responding the way that the world needed her to in it's staggering imbalance. Like a wife who was strong through her grief. To keep on keeping on. Inspiring them to do the same.
She was exhausted.
All she wanted to curl up in her bed and sleep.
Her heart had gone to long untreated. The infection was sent the sobs tearing through her chest.
Never again would he kiss her good morning.
Hold her hand under the table.
Call her sweetie.
His forever girl.
The worst part was that she could still find him in every moment. There were times when she could almost forget he was gone because she felt him so close to her. She told herself he'd never truly be gone. There would be a new avatar. Someone who would be the avatar, but who would never be Aang.
Someone knocked on her door.
Katara didn't acknowledge it.
A couple tears dripped down onto her betrothal necklace.
She heard the door opening, but she didn't move, or even look to see who it was. She was too tired to put on an act. Tears continued to fall freely.
She felt someone sit down beside her and wrap an arm around her.
Not caring who it was, Katara leaned into them, feeling them cry with her.
They sat in the dark together until it came a point where Katara felt so broken that if Sokka ever let her go, she'd collapse of exhaustion.
But her brother didn't let her go.
He never had.
The thick crying turned to silent tears, and Sokka never left.
Katara could barely hear her children's angry raised voices faintly through the closed door. In a second of hurt, her mind whispered out to the universe, Sweetie, I don't think this is the right thing. We need you here.
She hadn't expected an answer, but the silence was enough to send a fresh wave of hot tears charging down her face. She knew all too well that there was no right or wrong when it came to this sort of thing.
That there was no one to blame.
That it wasn't up to her.
Or anyone.
Least of all Aang.
Katara started to sit up and pointlessly bended all the tears off her face knowing they'd soon be replaced. "I think I'm going to get some rest."
Sokka's voice was gentle for once. "Good idea. Do you want me to stay with you?"
Katara followed her brother's eyes to a chair in the corner of the room. She was terrified of being left alone but her pride kept her from saying so. "I'll be fine Sokka."
Sokka tried and failed for a smile. He managed a scoff. "Heard that one before." He dragged the chair closer to the bed and plopped down into it.
Katara's temper flared and she almost told him to leave, but she was more tired and generally done than anything. She closed her eyes, which were already starting to leak, and let Aang voice replay in her mind until even her memories got swallowed by the darkness.
Katara hated life in zero gravity.
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