A New Adventure
A/N: Hey guys! Again sorry on the late update. This one took a while for some reason. Just fyi, I only have a few weeks left until summer break, so once I'm free from school I'll be able to update a lot more. How could the song for this one be anything other than The Avatar's Love? :) Have a great day/ night!
Aang's POV:
It was Aang's favorite kind of morning. It was breezy and cool enough to cause goosebumps, but mild enough for it to be in a comfortable way. The sky was a clear oceanic cerulean, painted over with streaks of cirrus clouds. It was so perfect, Aang wouldn't have had it any other way. Except that he happened to be slightly terrified.
Despite the chilly morning air, he could feel sweat rolling uncomfortably down his back. He clenched his hands together to keep from fidgeting and he was almost positive that his face was red. Or maybe it was too pale. Either way, the source was the same. Why he was so stressed about getting married was beyond him, and he was too tense to think to much about it. He must've looked as nervous as felt, because Sokka leaned over and whispered in ear.
"You ok buddy? You look kind of vomit-y."
"All good!" Aang whispered back, his voice a few octaves higher than it should've been. Sokka shrugged and resumed his position of standing next to Aang and Zuko, who was there for moral support with Sokka, and trying to look roguishly handsome. Aang felt like he might implode at any moment. He looked at all the people that were looking at him trying not to look like he was stressed. He knew everyone who was here, and he'd never had a problem with being in front of people before, but for some reason today it just made him more nervous.
He told himself it was natural, and that everyone in his position was scared out of their brain cells, and he felt a little better, buuuuuuuuuut then the music started playing and his heart beat went into hyper speed.
Suki came down the aisle first to lead the way for Toph, her blue dress swaying around her ankles. She was trying not to look at Sokka, who was winking at her. Toph looked extremely uncomfortable, and didn't seem to have any trouble showing it. She looked beautiful, but quite grumpy. Aang clenched his hands harder because he knew who was coming down next.
Katara stepped into his line of sight, Aang's lungs relaxed and he could finally breath again. Everything else around him melted away until it was just her walking down the aisle, her arm linked in Hakoda's, towards him in a soft white dress with fluttery blue accents. She was all the colors, all the sunlight, all the years and memories and emotions. Aang could've watched her walk down that aisle all day long. To quickly and not quickly enough, she was right in front of him and Aang totally forgot what he was supposed to do next. Iroh, who was preforming the ceremony, waved his hand dismissively at the audience, and they sat down.
"Hello everyone!" he started. "Today we are celebrated the unity of two very special people and their love. I know many of us have been waiting for this day for a very long time," he winked at Aang and Aang knew for sure that he was red now. "So I won't delay it. But speaking of special, I've heard that they will be serving some delightful tea at the reception later, so I suggest you stay for that." Iroh looked very pleased with himself and there was a soft slapping sound of Zuko facepalming in the background.
Under normal circumstances, Aang would've been laughing silently along with Sokka, but he had been swallowed up in Katara's eyes as they turned to face each other to exchange vows. She took both of his clammy hands in hers. If it weren't for tradition and for the sake of the audience, they wouldn't have said anything. They didn't need to. Their electrical silence spoke fathoms more than anything Aang could stammer out.
Katara started to speak, never shifting her gaze off Aang. "Sweetie, from the first day I met you, however strange it was, I knew I had found someone special. Every single day that I've spent with you since then has proven me right. I love that I've gotten to grow up with you. You've grown into your wisdom and integrity.... and your ears," she slid one of her hands out of Aang's to touch one of his ears and smiled softly. "We've gone through good times and bad times, but you've always stayed steady and dependable. You made falling in love the greatest adventure of all, just by being you, my best friend," She sniffed and wiped at her eyes a little. "You loved me through all my confusion and hard feelings, and was always there waiting for me. Well, I'm ready to stand by you to have and to hold, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, through sickness and in health, until death do we part. I will love you, Avatar Aang, for the rest of my life. More and more every day." Katara finished, wiping her eyes a little more.
Aang cleared his throat to clear up the emotion that was camped out there. He maybe might've had to wipe his eyes too. "Wow. Not sure how I'm supposed to follow that" He cleared his throat again and caught Katara's other hand, which had fallen back to her side. "Katara, I loved you from the first time I opened my eyes after the iceberg and saw you, even if I didn't totally know it then. You were my family when I had nothing left, you were, and still are my lifeline. You are my reason, my motive. You were the only thing that could pull me out of my pain and anger. You saved me in so many ways. I remember the first time that I admitted out loud, and really, to myself, that I loved you. I was so afraid of losing you it hurt. But now I know I can never really lose you. You're constantly in my head, in my heart. I see you everywhere I go and in everything I do. Thank you for everything, Katara. I love you more than I ever tell you. You are the strongest person I've ever known and I'm so excited to love you through our next chapter. I promise that I'll take you to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health and I'll love you way after forever. Thank you for taking a chance on a goofy little penguin-loving kid."
Katara was beaming, a couple tears pooling over the rim of her eye before she could catch them. Even Iroh's eyes were glistening. With deep affection, the old man spoke. "Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, do you take Avatar Aang as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Do you, Avatar Aang of the Air Nomads, take Katara as your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
Iroh grinned. "Than it is my great honor to pronounce you husband and wife." He patted Aang's shoulder. "Young Avatar, you may kiss your bride."
But he already was. He was picking Katara up and kissing her with the weight of a thousand longing stares and wishful blushes and dreams of words he'd never said. This was a moment he'd dreamed about for years and it was much more than he'd ever expected. Aang still felt like he was going to implode, but this time it was because he'd never felt more for one person. And also because he was married. MARRIED.
They broke apart and pulled each other in for a hug. The audience was going crazy. Suki was clapping and laughing tearfully. Sokka was rubbing his eyes, his shoulders shaking. Zuko was patting his back awkwardly. Zuko just generally looked awkward. Toph looked a little confused. And uncomfortable. Happy too, but also confused and uncomfortable.
Aang was too elated to care about any of it. For the rest of the night, whether they were drinking tea or dancing or laughing at Sokka's best man speech or just talking, Aang never let go of Katara's hand. The sun changed positions in the sky over Ba Sing Se, but Aang and Katara stayed with each other on the best day of their young lives. It was the start of a beautiful new adventure and Aang was ready.
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