THIS BOOK IS COPYRIGHTED © Divyansh Adha ™ 2023.
This story does not mean to hurt or offend anyone's personal or religious beliefs. This is just a fictional story based on the author's imagination.
None of the characters from the original Mahabharat belongs to me! The characters that are created by me along with the plot are the only things that I own! Copying and resubmitting this work in any form is not appreciated if seen doing so then strict measures will be taken.
This is not real Mahabharata!
All characters of Mahabharta were grey and in this book I will also show every character in grey from Karna to Bhishma. This story has a twist of politics, drama, music, dance, love, passion, enthusiasm, caring and a twist which we don't know.
Pictures used in Cover and Aesthetics are taken from Internet (Pinterest).
I have used some Sanskrit words, so please read the Glossary qt the end of this Premise.
The Pulchritudinous Cover and Banners are made by Anoralily
Aesthetics are made by hazelwolfx
Covers & Banners:
All Good News!
A. Featured by:
1. Featured by HistoricalFiction on 1/08/2023 in their reading list, 'Legends,' and re added in their reading list, 'Historical DiverseLit,' on 15/10/2024.
2. Featured by lowfantasy on 26/08/2023 in their reading list, 'The World Among Us.'
3. Featured by Fantasy on 16/09/2023 in their reading list, 'Medieval Magic and Mythology.' And re added it in their reading list, 'Mythology & Folklore,' on 17th August, 2024.
4. Featured by AmbassadorsIN on 19/10/2022 in their reading list, 'Diwali Reading list.'
4. Featured by highfantasy on 29/04/2024 in their reading list, 'Neverland| Myths and Fairy Tales.'
5. Featured by action on 2nd August, 2024 in their reading list, 'Superhero.'
6. Featured by adventure on 22nd August, 2024 in their reading lists, 'Ambassador's Monthy Picks,' and 'Historical.'
B. Awards Won:
1. Awards Hosted by KuruFamily
Historical Fiction winner at Morpankh Awards 2.0 (2021)
2. Awards Hosted by Magical_Community
Winner of Mytho Magical Awards Contest-3 (BEST AUDIENCE'S CHOICE BOOK).
3. Awards Hosted by TheSavantGirls
Secured 2nd position in Historical fiction.
1) Aangavastram: a shoulder cloth or stole worn by men in ancient India and nowadays, it's seen in South Indian.
2) Adharma: Unrighteousness.
3) Apsara: A Celestial Nymph.
4) Ansh: Part of someone.
6) Anga/Ang: Area near Magadha which Karna/Karn ruled.
5) Āryāvrata/Aryavrata/Aryavrat: The lands Of Aryans, India(Ancient India was called Aryavarta).
6) Ashram: a hermitage.
7) Ashvins Kumar: Gods of Health and Medicine.
1) Bhagwan: Lord.
2) Bhrata: Elder Brother but not the eldest.
3) Bhima/Bheema: The second Pandava.
4) Brahman: They are the caste from which Hindu priests are drawn, and are responsible for teaching and maintaining sacred knowledge.
4) Brahmarishi: A sage who has understood the meaning of Brahman (Brahmajnana).
1) Dev/Deva: Divine; heavenly; a deity.
2) Dhanyawad: Thank You.
3) Dharma: Righteousness.
1) Gurudeva/Guru: Teacher.
2) Gurukul: It's a traditional school in India with students (shishya) living near their guru, often in the same dwelling, as a sort of family.
1) Hastinapur:- The capital city of Kuru's where Pandavas and Kauravas fought for that throne.
1) Indra deva: The Lord of Rains and Thunder.
1) Jyesht: Elder Brother.
1) Kakashree/ Kakashri: father's brother; uncle.
2) Kakishree/ Kakiahri: uncle's wife.
3) Karna/Karn: The first son of kunti whom she got from the Suryadev when she was unmarried.
4) Kshatriya: a member of the second of the four great Hindu castes, the military caste. The traditional function of the Kshatriyas is to protect society by fighting in wartime and governing in peacetime.
5) Kauravas: Descendents of Kuru's.
6) Kurukul: The clan of Kuru's.
7) Kurukshetra: The land where the famous Battle of Mahabharta happened.
1) Magadha:- An ancient Indian state which was ruled by Jarasandh.
2) Mahabali:- A man who is very strong or a man having great powers. Like Mahabali Balrama, Mahabali Bhimsena/Bheemsena.
3) Maharishi: A great Sage.
4) Matashree/Matashri: Mother.
5) Mahendragiri Mountains: A place where Bhagwan Parashurama resides.
1) Pandavas: Son of the king Pandu.
2) Pitamaha: Grandfather
3) Pitashree/Pitashri: Father.
4) Pranipaat: Greetings.
5) Prapitamaha: great-grandfather.
6) Putra: Son.
7) Putri: Daughter.
1) Sampan:- Something which is Completed in a very good way.
2) Sena: Army.
3) Shishya: Student.
4) Shukracharya: Teacher of Daityas/ Asuras.
5) Stree/ Stri: Women.
6) Surya Dev: Sun God.
7) Sut: a community in which husbands are Brahmin and wives are Kshatriya and vice versa.
8) Sut-putra: son of a sut.
9) Svayamvara: in ancient India, was a practice in which a girl of marriageable age chose a husband from a group of suitors. In this context, svayaṁ in Sanskrit means 'self' and vara means 'groom'. A girl wishing to marry would select an auspicious time and venue and then broadcast her intentions.
1) Tatha astu: A Sanskrit word which means Your wish will be fulfilled. Or So be it.
1) Vayu Deva: The Lord of wind.
2) Vivaha:- Marriage.
1) Yama-deva(also known as Yamaraja, Kala, and Dharmaraja): God of Death and Justice
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