After the sacred union of matrimony, the bride and groom gracefully ascended to their private chamber. This particular room, formerly belonging to the esteemed Brihadbala, had now been bestowed upon Karna following his ascension to the imperial throne.
Karna proceeded towards the dressing chamber, intending to change his attire, while Madirakshi delicately removed her embellishments and unveiled her visage, carefully placing her veil upon the vanity table. The weighty ornaments adorning her person were also laid to rest upon the surface.
Emerging from the changing chamber, Karna emerged clad in garments of lightness, urging Madirakshi to undergo a similar transformation. Obliging, she retreated to the changing room, resurfacing adorned in garments of ethereal simplicity.
Settling themselves upon a suspended seat, Karna and Madirakshi found solace in each other's presence. Breaking the tranquility, Madirakshi inquired, "Pray tell, what subject engrossed you and our revered guru in conversation?"
"Gurudev foretold that I shall mold the future of Āryāvrata, but not without the relentless toil it demands. He warned of the arduous path that lay before me, urging adherence to the righteous way, and bestowed upon me his blessings. Furthermore, he promised to reveal the third and fourth tasks of his gurudakshina," Karna responded, a countenance of elation gracing his features.
"Ever shall I stand beside you, Suryanandan, resolute in facing life's myriad challenges," Madirakshi affirmed, her expression mirroring her sincerity.
A tender embrace ensued, accompanied by a gentle peck upon Madirakshi's brow, as Karna expressed, "Fortunate am I to possess you as my consort."
Overwhelmed by the affectionate embrace, Madirakshi fervently replied, "Likewise, I am blessed to be wedded to a paragon of valor and virtue."
Having momentarily parted, the two gazed upon each other with pure admiration, their eyes communicating a profound depth of emotion.
Breaking the ensuing silence, Madirakshi inquired, "Pray enlighten me about your educational sojourn in the gurukul."
"I acquired mastery over various weapons, each with its own artistry. My revered guru imparted the knowledge of wrestling and unarmed combat, while the sacred vedas and the secrets of divine weaponry were revealed to me. Additionally, I acquired proficiency in the performing arts, such as dance and song. Furthermore, I honed my skills in survival, with the ability to procure sustenance from nature's bounty. Lastly, I recounted my encounter with Parashurama, much to Madirakshi's astonishment," Karna elucidated, his hands tenderly resting upon her shoulders.
In awe, Madirakshi discovered that her formidable warrior husband possessed talents beyond her expectations, including an aptitude for dance and song.
Karna further disclosed his prowess in culinary arts, utilizing various flora to concoct delectable sustenance, an essential survival skill. He regaled Madirakshi with his epic clash against Parashurama, leaving her dumbfounded.
Upon concluding his tale, Karna presented Madirakshi with a necklace, a testament to his magical abilities, crafted with extraordinary finesse.
Delighted by the thoughtful gift, Madirakshi questioned Karna, "By what means did Lord Brahma bestow upon you such magical powers?"
"I am unaware of the precise intentions behind his bestowal of these powers, yet he prophesied that they shall aid me in the days to come," Karna declared, his countenance radiant.
The couple then engaged in a heartfelt discussion, recounting their respective childhoods before retiring to rest. Karna gently lifted Madirakshi, carefully placing her upon the bed, before settling himself beside her.
The following day dawned, and Karna's internal clock roused him from slumber. As his eyes adjusted to the surroundings, the realization of his marital status brought a joyous smile to his lips.
A tender, alabaster arm lay gracefully across his waist, and as he shifted his gaze, he beheld Madirakshi, still immersed in peaceful slumber.
A blush tinged his cheeks as he gently extricated himself from her grasp, making his way towards the bathing quarters to indulge in the purifying waters of the Saryu River.
Upon his return, he found Madirakshi stirring from her repose. "Good morning!" he greeted her warmly.
"Good morning!" she replied, a gentle smile adorning her face.
"Did you slumber well?" Karna inquired, turning his full attention towards her.
"Aye, I enjoyed a restful repose. You have risen early today," Madirakshi noted.
"Indeed. I implore you to hasten, Suryanandan. Maharishi Vashistha awaits your presence for the Surya Puja, now that you are an esteemed scion of the Raghuvanshi dynasty," Madirakshi teased playfully.
A flush of crimson painted Karna's cheeks as he hurriedly departed from the room, eliciting a chuckle from his beloved.
Madirakshi prepared herself and departed for the morning devotions, accompanied by her new mother, Radha.
Within the royal assembly, Maharishi Vashistha and Lord Parashurama ceremoniously crowned Karna and Madirakshi as the revered emperor and empress of Ayodhya.
Vashistha then initiated a series of rituals, officially cementing Karna's position within the illustrious lineage of Raghukul.
Following the momentous coronation, Lord Parashurama approached Karna, urging him to fulfill his gurudakshina.
"Ready am I for my next endeavor. Command me," Karna proclaimed, his resolve unwavering.
"As the emperor of Āryāvrata, your dharma is to safeguard the rights of the commonfolk and aid the destitute, shielding them from exploitation and affliction. Become the Guardian of the people of Āryāvrata," Lord Parashurama declared, his visage brimming with pride.
Karna nodded in reverence, affirming his commitment to becoming the People's Protector.
Subsequently, Lord Parashurama revealed Karna's final task, which he was to undertake simultaneously with his third task.
"You must safeguard the Kuru dynasty and protect Āryāvrata from the impending storm of the Mahabharata," Parashurama pronounced, to which Karna nodded, unwavering in his determination.
Furthermore, Lord Parashurama suggested that Karna execute this task from a clandestine vantage point, assuming the guise of a commoner, while coordinating his operations from afar.
Maharishi Vashistha proposed the establishment of an efficient spy network to aid Karna in this mission.
Turning his attention to Madirakshi, Vashistha proclaimed, "Now, it is time for you to fulfill my gurudakshina."
Commandingly, she replied, "Guide me, revered mentor."
Maharishi continued, "You shall accompany Karna on this mission."
Karna immediately voiced his concern, "But who shall attend to the needs of Ayodhya and its subjects?"
"Fear not, for I shall assume responsibility for Ayodhya," Brihadbala interjected, his presence bringing a smile to Karna's face.
"Karna, employ your mystical abilities to maintain constant vigilance over Ayodhya," Maharishi Vashistha suggested.
"For the next two months, both of you shall remain in Ayodhya, acquainting yourselves with the dual responsibilities," Lord Parashurama advised, prompting the couple to ponder upon the weighty task ahead.
"In this mission, what appellation shall I adopt?" Karna inquired, his brow furrowed.
"Prithvi shall be your official appellation in Ayodhya, my son, while Madirakshi need not adopt an alias, as her true identity remains unknown to Āryāvrata," Maharishi declared with a smile.
"Prithvi, the imperial moniker for Karna in Ayodhya, while outside these confines, you shall retain your original name. Thus, casting no doubt upon your intentions," Lord Parashurama elucidated, his pride evident. Karna nodded, his countenance thoughtful.
"Hail Emperor Prithvi! Hail Empress Madirakshi!" The royal court of Ayodhya reverberated with chants, celebrating the coronation of Prithvi and Madirakshi. Radha and Adhirath brimmed with pride, witnessing their son and daughter-in-law's grandeur.
"Maharishi, I beseech you," Karna entreated, his hands clasped humbly.
"What is your request, my son?" Maharishi Vashistha inquired, a gentle smile gracing his lips.
"May you accept Shon as your disciple? He is in dire need of guidance," Karna implored, his heart sincere.
"I shall accept Shon as my student," Maharishi Vashistha affirmed, eliciting delight from Shon. Karna's heart swelled with joy, knowing his brother would receive proper tutelage.
The next day, Karna established the Prithvi Sena, comprising an elite force of one and a half Akshauhini troops from the Chaturangini Sena, stationed within Ayodhya. This formidable contingent boasted skilled spies and warriors.
Utilizing his magical prowess, Karna summoned migratory birds visible only to the Niyay Rakshak Sena, facilitating covert information exchange between various locations. Within a week, Karna had mastered the Vedic Ujjain language, ensuring the secrecy of their missives.
With the completion of all preparations, the Prithvi Sena embarked on their assigned territories. Within a mere week, the spy network stood unrivaled throughout Āryāvrata.
Within two days, Karna embarked upon his mission, arriving in the kingdom of Vidarbha, where he swiftly dispensed justice to a malefactor who had transgressed against women.
In a short span, Karna endeared himself to the populace, offering respite from the interminable debates of the kingdom's councils. Though this development irked several neighboring realms, their apprehension stifled their dissent, as Karna's favor with the people soared. Many kings secretly relished the newfound freedom from mundane affairs, envisioning the time for enhanced productivity.
While Karna seethed with anger at this realization, Madirakshi soothed his vexation, encouraging him to let it be. Their bond grew ever stronger, fostering an intimate connection between them.
At Hastinapur, Bhishma felt a modicum of satisfaction, knowing that Prithvi would deliver justice to the people. Simultaneously, he felt a tinge of sadness, as the populace of his own kingdom had begun questioning the competence of the Hastinapur court, its efficacy overshadowed by the blind king Dhritarashtra's policies.
While at Dwarka, the brotherly duo reveled in the assurance that Prithvi's benevolent rule would enable the denizens to lead a tranquil existence, sheltered by his capable hands.
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