Karna found himself abruptly colliding with the formidable chest of the mighty Bhishma. He quickly composed himself and offered his apologies, saying, "I sincerely apologize, esteemed Bhishma. I was merely trying to catch my mischievous son, who seems to be causing quite a ruckus these days."
"Prapitamaha, please lend me your assistance. I am but an innocent child, and my father is exceedingly strict. He would lecture me endlessly on discipline. Please, I implore you, help me," pleaded Vrishasena with a voice so sweet it could melt anyone's heart.
Before Karna could utter a word, Bhishma intervened, saying, "Let it be, dear Karna. It is the age of shenanigans for a boy like him."
"Even you, esteemed Bhishma, this boy has become increasingly mischievous. I will have to send him to gurukul," Karna declared, his anger evident.
"Karna, let it be. Putra Vrishasena, refrain from doing anything that might annoy your father, but do let me know when he sings his songs," Bhishma said, and both of them shared a laugh at Karna's reddened face.
"Pitashree, I apologize. Good night, Pitashree. We should retire early," Vrishasena said, swiftly making his way to his room.
"He seems to have quite the support in this palace," Karna muttered, his anger still lingering.
"Let it be, Karna. I wish to speak with you. Let us go to my private gardens," Bhishma suggested.
"I would be honored to converse with you, esteemed Bhishma," Karna responded with a smile, and both men made their way to the royal gardens.
"Suryaputra Karna, I must express my gratitude for saving my dynasty," Bhishma exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement, causing Karna's eyes to widen.
"I am but a sutputra, esteemed Bhishma," Karna humbly replied.
"I know, my child. I am aware of your true identity. You are the Protector of Justice and the emperor of all Aryavart, Prithvi. My mother Ganga has already enlightened me about you," Bhishma revealed, observing Karna's reaction.
"So, you know?" Karna asked, unable to conceal his smile.
"Not only that, I am also acquainted with Princess Madirakshi, the royal empress of the entire Āryāvrata," Bhishma said, a smile forming on his lips.
"Did Mata Ganga inform you about me?" Karna inquired, and Bhishma nodded. The two of them fell silent for a moment before Bhishma broke it.
"Thank you, Karna. I am at a loss as to how I can repay you. You have performed an incredible feat by saving my clan," Bhishma expressed with tears welling up in his eyes.
"No need for gratitude, esteemed Bhishma. It was my duty to protect my birth land from the ravages of war," Karna replied, and the two men once again fell into a contemplative silence.
After a brief moment of stillness, Karna asked, "So, what are your thoughts on my idea of justice, esteemed Bhishma? Did you find it agreeable?"
"Of course, I loved it," Bhishma replied, his gaze fixed on Karna.
"I have some questions for you, esteemed Bhishma," Karna said after a couple of minutes.
"What questions, my child?" Bhishma asked, looking directly into Karna's eyes.
"Do you understand why the enmity between the Pandavas and Kauravas came to be?" Karna asked, his gaze drifting toward the stars.
"Because of Gandhar Raj Shakuni," Bhishma promptly responded.
"No, esteemed Bhishma, it happened because of you," Karna stated.
"How so?" Bhishma inquired.
"You neglected Duryodhana and his brothers when the Pandavas arrived after the death of their father. This left the Kauravas isolated in the palace, vulnerable to the influence of Gandhar Raj Shakuni," Karna explained, his gaze now fixated on the hibiscus flowers.
"Then Shakuni manipulated the Kauravas and turned them against the Pandavas," Bhishma realized, looking downward as the truth sank in.
"But why did Gandhar Raj target my friend, esteemed Bhishma?" Karna asked directly.
"I do not know, my child," Bhishma admitted, concealing his emotions in front of Karna.
"He sought revenge from you, esteemed Bhishma," Karna revealed.
"Revenge from me?" Bhishma questioned, taken aback.
"You have no idea, esteemed Bhishma!" Karna mocked.
"No, my child, you know it because it was your fault," Karna confronted Bhishma head-on.
"How so?" Bhishma asked, reluctant to delve into his past mistakes.
"Do you remember Devi Amba, the woman you abducted from her swayamvar?" Karna asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and determination. He wanted Bhishma to confront his past mistakes.
"How can I forget her, Karna? I tarnished her life for the sake of Hastinapur," Bhishma confessed, his eyes welling up with tears as he gazed downward.
"And do you recall her final words, Mahamahim Bhishma?" Karna pressed, not wasting a moment.
"Yes, her words haunt me to this day," Bhishma replied, his voice heavy with remorse.
"Why did you bring the entire Hastinapur army when you went to Gandhar to seek Maharani Gandhari's hand for Maharaj Dhritarashtra?" Karna's husky voice resonated, sending chills down the spines of those around.
"Putra, I was bound by my dharma," Bhishma attempted to justify, wanting to avoid the topic of Gandhari.
"No, Mahamahim, in a marriage, the girl's acceptance is paramount. Do you know why Maharani Gandhari agreed to marry you?" Karna asked, hoping for a satisfactory answer.
Bhishma fell silent, engulfed by the weight of his mistakes. Failing to elicit a response from Bhishma, Karna continued, fixing his gaze on the starry sky, illuminated by the radiant moonlight.
"She accepted your proposal with a blindfold over her eyes," Karna stated directly, his words piercing through the night. The moon shone brightly, enhancing the ethereal beauty of the moment.
"It was an act of protest against me, Putra," Bhishma admitted, devoid of any emotion.
"No, Mahamahim. It was not a protest, but a sacrifice for your Kuru family. She didn't want her husband to feel ashamed of his blindness. You must understand, Mahamahim, Maharani Gandhari possesses the power to destroy the world in an instant through her tapasya," Karna revealed.
"I acknowledge my mistakes, Putra," Bhishma confessed.
"No, Mahamahim, there are many more mistakes you've made," Karna declared, his eyes locking with Bhishma's startled gaze.
"What mistakes, Putra?" Bhishma inquired, eager to have his eyes opened to the errors he once considered righteous due to his personal dharma.
"Allowing Gandhar Raj Shakuni into your kingdom was a mistake. Allowing Maharaj Dhritarashtra to indulge in anger and abuse of power was another mistake, justified by the oath you swore to Rajmata Satyavati's father. And boycotting the Kauravas, Mahamahim, was yet another error. I know the secrets of your Kuru empire and your esteemed members," Karna accused, his anger simmering.
"You speak the truth, Putra. I had the power to prevent it all, but my unwavering adherence to my dharma prevented me," Bhishma admitted, struck by a sudden realization mixed with grief.
"Mahamantri Vidur, too, made numerous mistakes. He boycotted Duryodhana and his brothers due to the circumstances of their birth. Remember, Mahamahim, evil is not born, it is created," Karna proclaimed, his gaze unwavering, even as tears welled up in Bhishma's eyes.
"You're right, we elders have made mistake after mistake," Bhishma acknowledged.
"But it's not too late, Mahamahim Bhishma. Divide the power among the brothers in tomorrow's Rajya Sabha. You possess the authority; show it to the king. If he disobeys, wield your bow," Karna advised, his voice resolute.
"You will not interfere in the selection of the Yuvraj?" Bhishma questioned.
"No, Mahamahim. Though I possess power, I will never meddle in your family affairs. I have fulfilled my duty of reuniting the brothers and have gained the love of all of you. That is enough for me. I sense that the situation will worsen due to Gandhar Raj Shakuni. I have received information that he has reclaimed the capital city and will likely return to Hastinapur within a year or two. We must prepare ourselves for the challenges he will bring," Karna concluded, his tone filled with grave concern.
"You are right, Karna. We mustn't celebrate prematurely, as there is still a long and arduous path ahead," Bhishma agreed.
"Mahamahim, I have requested Mahamantri Vidur to keep a close watch on the politics of Hastinapur and Gandhar Rajya. He is a master of politics and should dedicate himself fully to navigating the impending darker days. We all must be prepared for the difficult future I foresee for both you and me," Karna advised.
"Very well, Putra. Now let me retire to my chambers, as it is quite late," Bhishma conceded, heading towards his room.
As Bhishma departed from the scene, a sense of tranquility washed over Karna. He gazed upon the mesmerizing beauty of nature, feeling compelled to seek solace in the enchanting melodies of his sitar and the lyrics of his latest composition. Eager to unwind his mind, he procured his beloved instrument and let his fingers dance upon its strings, captivating the attention of the entire royal court, including the esteemed guests.
"Pitashree graces us with the ethereal music of his sitar. Sleep eludes me now, Mata. We must witness this spectacle," the twins exclaimed in unison, racing towards the royal gardens.
"Hold on, I shall join you," Madirakshi said, gracefully adorning her veil.
"My dear Karna, playing his sitar with utmost grace. I shall accompany you," Duryodhana declared to his wife.
"I shall join you too," Bhanumati chimed in, her excitement palpable, with the twins bouncing alongside her.
"Our brother Karna conjures melodies of magic with his sitar. I must witness this marvel," Amrita expressed, abandoning her room within seconds.
"I'm coming as well!" Dushasana shouted, hastily draping his angavastram across his bare chest.
Meenakshi and Ashwathama, caught in the wave of excitement, hurriedly made their way towards the source of the melodic symphony.
Devika and Yudhishthira were roused from their slumber by the enchanting strains of the sitar.
"Beloved, who might be playing the sitar in Hastinapur?" Devika inquired.
"I believe it to be our noble friend, Ang Raj Karna," Yudhishthira responded.
"I yearn to witness his performance," an excited Devika exclaimed.
"Then why do we delay?" Yudhishthira laughed, thoroughly amused by his wife's expression. They hastened their steps towards the royal gardens.
Bhishma, who had just stepped out of the gardens, found himself irresistibly drawn back, lured by the captivating melody of the sitar.
Krishna, Rukmini, and Satyabhama, captivated by the allure of the music, hurried towards the royal gardens.
The enchanting strains of the sitar reached Radha's ears, prompting her to leave the comfort of her bed. Eager for more, she ventured towards the gardens.
Balrama and Revati, intrigued by the melodious tune, joined the gathering in the gardens.
Kunit, the Pandavas, Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Vidur converged upon the gardens, their sole intention to savor the mesmerizing melody of the sitar.
One by one, the entire royal court, including the esteemed guests, gathered in the royal gardens, their senses consumed by the enchanting music.
As the harmonious notes filled the air, a palpable transformation enveloped the surroundings. The full moon illuminated the night sky, casting a radiant glow upon the landscape. Cherry blossoms gently cascaded, painting the ground with delicate pink petals. The magentas bloomed, while the fireflies emerged, adorning the surroundings with their luminescence. It was an exquisite night, as though nature itself joined in the symphony of Karna's sitar.
Then, a remarkable sight unfolded before their eyes. Karna's body seemed to radiate an otherworldly glow, as if his music awakened hidden forces within him, leaving Madirakshi visibly concerned.
Rushing to her husband's side, Madirakshi implored, "It is midnight, suryanandan, and we are in Hastinapur." Karna suddenly became aware of the time and promptly ceased playing the sitar.
"Why did you interrupt Karna's mesmerizing performance?" Gandhari inquired.
"Yes, my dear, the music was so captivating. I wished to revel in its splendor throughout the night," Kunti added.
"Indeed, dear sister, we thoroughly enjoy Karna's music, but we also seek some entertainment," Amrita voiced.
"Exactly, sister. Why did you halt our dear friend's performance?" the three friends questioned.
"I stopped him because his music would have kept us awake all night. Although I adore his melodies, tomorrow is an important day for all of you, and we must ensure a good night's sleep," Madirakshi declared authoritatively.
"Oh, why must my matashree and pitashree be so strict when it comes to sleep?" Vrishasena lamented.
Karna playfully twisted his son's ears, eliciting a yelp. "I am strict with you because of your mischievous antics. Both of you have become quite unruly lately. Now, off to your rooms for sleep," he commanded.
The children scurried away at lightning speed, heading to their chambers for a well-deserved rest.
"I apologize for disturbing your sleep," Karna sincerely expressed.
"Nonsense, Angaraj, it was truly beautiful," Radha reassured him.
"Indeed, Angaraj, thank you for your enchanting performance," Rukmini and Satyabhama echoed in unison.
Gradually, the members of the court retired to their respective chambers, leaving Madirakshi and Karna alone in the palace gardens.
"In the midst of your musical prowess, your powers manifested. You must exercise caution," Madirakshi cautioned, her drowsiness evident in her voice.
"Yes, thank you for safeguarding me," Karna acknowledged, and together they made their way to their chambers, ready for a peaceful slumber.
The Next Day, the royal court of Hastinapur bustled with activity as the day of announcing the Yuvraj approached. Courtiers eagerly awaited the revelation of the next Yuvraj, while Dhritarashtra and Vidur shared in the excitement.
Today, the venerable Bhishma would unveil the name of the Yuvraj. Vidur hoped for Yudhishthira's ascendancy, while Dhritarashtra held his own aspirations for Duryodhana. Gandhari and Kunti, filled with trepidation, worried about their sons' newfound camaraderie and feared that the Yuvraj announcement might strain their bond. Karna and Madirakshi, however, remained unperturbed, for they already knew who the Yuvraj would be.
Krishna, Balarama, Radha, Rukmini, and Satyabhama exuded a calm demeanor, unfazed by the impending announcement. Krishna, in particular, harbored contentment with Bhishma's decision.
Both Yudhishthira and Duryodhana were filled with anxiety, each yearning to discover the name of the next Yuvraj.
Finally, Mahamahim Bhishma arrived and settled upon his throne.
"What brings us together today, Tatshree?" Vidur inquired.
"Maharaj, today I shall reveal the Yuvraj of Hastinapur," Bhishma announced.
"Please, Tatshree, enlighten us with the name of the next Yuvraj of Hastinapur," Dhritarashtra urged, hopeful for his son's triumph.
"The next Yuvraj of Hastinapur shall be Yudhishthira and Duryodhana," Bhishma declared.
"Mahamahim, two crown prince!" a courtier exclaimed in surprise.
"Yes, esteemed members of the court. I have decided to divide the powers of the Yuvraj between Rajkumar Yudhishthira and Rajkumar Duryodhana. Each shall have their own throne. Both princes have exhibited commendable work over the past two years, and I am immensely pleased with them. Kul Guru, please arrange a date for the Yuvraj's consecration for these two princes," Bhishma instructed.
"Mahamahim, today is an auspicious day. I suggest conducting the Yuvraj's consecration for both princes today," Kripacharya proposed.
"Very well, my sons. Prepare yourselves. Today, you shall be crowned as the Yuvrajs of Hastinapur," Bhishma commanded authoritatively.
After some time, Yudhishthira and Duryodhana emerged in white dhotis. They took their seats in the large ceremonial tub placed at the center of the court. Religious oils of various kinds were poured upon them, followed by a lavish pouring of pure milk onto their toned bodies. Subsequently, they were led to the river Ganges for a sacred bath.
Upon completing the ritual, both princes received their Yuvraj titles and were seated upon the thrones of the Yuvraj. The royal crowns of the Yuvraj were gently placed upon the heads of Yudhishthira and Duryodhana. Vows were exchanged, and the court proceedings commenced with two Yuvrajs. After a long and eventful day, joy permeated throughout Hastinapur. The departing guests returned to their respective kingdoms, while Krishna whisked Radha away to the city of Dwarka.
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