Nagisa traced the lines on each page before circling some answers with a blue pen. He smiled noticing that their students were improving dramatically. He placed the paper with the graded ones and picked up another paper.
The blue pen graciously wrote on the paper as he smiled again. He was proud of his students, his teaching was finally getting to them.
"Nagisa~" The voice made the teacher shiver as he looked at the male in the classroom. "Karma you don't work here, get out." Nagisa scolded, returning to his grading. Karma pouted and pulled a chair next to Nagisa's. "Don't give me that, It'll hurt my feelings." Karma mumbled.
Nagisa chuckled and placed another graded worksheet in the graded pile. "So this is what you do all day? Teach, grade sheets, repeat?" Karma asked as he rested his elbows on the desk. "Well yes and no." Nagisa replied. Karma hummed in acknowledgment and brushed some of Nagisa's hair away from his eyes.
"Y'know I think with glasses on you'd look cuter." Karma cooed watching how Nagsia's face turned a bright red. "Y-Yeah right." His voice came out shy as he felt the redhead lay his head in his shoulder. "Karma don't you have work? If you don't then you could pick up aki from school." Nagisa softly said, placing the blue pen down on the paper.
Karma sighed and looked at the time. "She doesn't get home for another two hours. I don't have anything to do at work so I ditched the place and came to see what you were up to." Nagisa looked at his husband and sighed.
"Well lunch is about to end soon so you can't stay here." Nagisa mumbled. "I'll leave if you give me a goodbye kiss~" The redhead cooed, his lips curving into a smirk. The bluenette blushed but still gave him a soft and gentle kiss. "Now get out of here please." Nagisa exclaimed. Karma put the chair back where he found it and stood by the door.
"I love you~" Karma chimed, waiting for the sweet voice to reach his ears again. "I love you too Karma. And stop ditching work you'll get fired." Nagisa scolded. The redhead laughed and left the classroom leaving Nagisa in utter silence.
"Who didn't do their homework today?" Nagisa asked. Of course nobody raised their hand so he came to collect everyone's paper. "Eri where's your homework?" Nagisa asked politely. See he wasn't the type to get mad yet he did give his students such a glare that made them quiver like a leaf. "I did it I swear! It's just that I think I misplaced it..." Nagisa gave a gentle smile warming the hearts of everyone in the classroom.
"Bring it tomorrow okay?" His voice was sweet as the girl nodded. Nagisa collected everyone's worksheets and gathered them in a pile. "Ok tonight I want you guys to do questions 1-10 even numbers only. If everyone finishes their homework tomorrow then we'll be caught up and won't have homework for a long time!"
The class cheered as the final bell rang for the day. "Ah Nagisa-Sensei!" A student called out. The bluenetted averted his attention to the group of students. "Yes?" A raven haired boy pointed to the ring on Nagisa's finger. "Since when were you married?" His voice was calm while Nagisa began to turn a bright red.
"For a month now...did you just notice it Ezume?" Nagisa questioned. "Well usually when a teacher gets married they make it public." Mitsu commented. Nagisa put a finger to his chin, cold sweat beginning to run down his pale skin. "R-Really?" A girl with pink and orange hair held Nagisa's hand, observing the ring. "Yup its a real ring alright." Her voice chirped.
"Hanako, Mitsu, Ezume, I'm glad you guys were able to figure out that I'm married and all but I'd like it if you didn't dig into my social life." Nagisa nervously chuckled out. The students perked an eyebrow since Nagisa was usually open about these things, Hell he spent a whole school day talking about his middle school life.
So this rose some red flags to the three students. "Nagisa-Sensei were you forced to get married??" Ezume questioned as he fixed his hair again. "E-Eh no." Nagisa said, quickly debunking the question. Mitsu looked into Nagisa's eyes and smirked. "You're lying aren't you sensei?" Nagisa gulped.
"We'll keep it a sec-" Hanako started but was soon interrupted by a sly sounding voice.
"Nagi~ I'm here to pick you up." Nagisa instantly paled as all three students looked at the man. "Eh? Who's that Nagisa-sensei?" Nagisa's tongue turned into knots as a bubbly voice came from the door way. "Okaasan!" Nagisa smiled sweetly almost forgetting about the students who dug him into a corner. "Hi Aki!" His smile was sweet like usual.
"Okaasan? Nagisa are you actually a girl?" Mitsu questioned. "W-What! No I'm a boy I tell you this all the time." Karma snickered and pulled the teacher closer to him. "Did I interrupt you giving detention to students?" The redhead snickered. Nagisa blushed realizing he really dug himself in a hole.
"Ne Nagisa-sensei is this your husband?" Hanako said with a grin. "Ye-"
"No! This is a friend that picks me up every. Single. Day." Nagisa said loudly, interrupting Karma just in time. The students looked at Nagisa then at Karma and finally to the little girl who's name was apparently Aki. "We'll keep it a secret sensei." Hanako said gently.
"There's no need to lie it's fine." Ezume said soon after. Mitsu simply just nodded. "W-wait no that's the wrong idea he's just a friend!" Nagisa exclaimed. Karma just laughed and placed a kiss on his husband's cheek. "Thanks." Karma said with a cunning smile watching as the bluenette's face slowly turned red. "Otousan? What did you do to okaasan?" Aki asked while Karma picked her up high in the air.
"He's just shy." Karma chuckled as he slipped his hand in Nagisa's. "Bye Nagisa-Sensei! See you tomorrow!" The students cheered as the family walked out the classroom.
Two chapters in the same month?
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