Ch. 6 Scarlet Beauty
(Sorry for the long wait for this next chapter but here it is, hope you like it)
(3rd prov)
Karma pushed his feet off another branch jumping to the next one and continued on through the treetops the nights wind rustling the leaves around him. A glowing light could be seen in the far distance and he could smell fire wood being burnt 350miles ahead of him. As Karma got closer he could hear voices and laughter plus the smell of slight blood and maybe a salty odor that would come from an ocean maybe on both of the people. If he got this done fast Karma could make it back home to make Naruto breakfast before heading off to meet up with Kakashi and his new team. As he listened to the two chat on and joke he got an idea and made a hand sign then poofing in a pink smook.
(Mist ninja 1 prov)
It was cold and damp out but we managed to create a small fire a good distance away from the pathetic leaf village we were to infiltrate. As for now me and a woman mist ninja I was paired with named Kay sat around a fire chatting about random sh#t.
Mist ninja guy
Ok you got me there but enough with jokes, how long do we have to wait around out here when there stupid village is right there!!!
We have orders to hang back and scout out the village in the morning while the others do there part so just wait Rei
Ugh still just us doing nothing with no chicks around is boring
I'm a chick just not one you can get with plus I'm sure you can hook up with who ever you want when ower mission's complete
Ya what ever
I snapped my head to the side as the bushes rustle and I reach for a dagger from my boot. Who the h#lls out here so far out from the village? A leaf ninja scouting the area? Could they have seen the fire, no it to small and we made sure to camp out far enough.
Come out now!!!
A-ahhhh oh sorry I was just going to take a bath in the lake that is around this area my house not being far from it makes having baths nice but I seem to be lost, oh and sorry I'm also interrupt you two aren't I~
A beautiful girl with sholder long red hair and light pink brown eyes stood infront of us in nothing but a towel a worried expression on her face.
(What the girl looks like but not with the necklace and is wearing a towel)
How old are you, you look kinda young to be out here alone
Red hair girl
Oh ya I get that alot but I'm actually 20 totally legal~
Ok thats good enough for me. I stood up and started walking towards the girl while looking at Kay and winking at her earning a eye role in return.
I know where the lake is we walked by it and its actually not to far, I could take you there if you want
Red haired girl
That would be great and if you want you can take a dip with me~
I smiled and me and the girl started walking away from the camp and towards the lake and man how its been to long. As we got to the lake I glanced my eyes in the womans direction and put on my best sexy face.
So shall we
Red haired girl
Can you test the water first? It should be warm seeing as how its kinda a hot spring but I don't know
I walked over to the lake or hot spring and got on my knees to put my hand in the water and to my suprise it was freezing. Is this really a hot spring maybe we went to the wrong lake? No this is the only one in the area so maybe because its night.
Hey this waters really cold are you sure this is a hot spri-Ackk
(3rd prov)
The mist ninja know as Rei struggled as he was pushed forward into the lakes edge but not deep (ankle high) then a towel was wrapped over his neck strangling the man as he could do noting but claw at the towel. After a few seconds the mist ninja stopped moving and the towel was let go allowing the mans body to be dropped face first into the lakes moon lit water.
Red hair girl
Ha that was kinda fun tho this did end up wasting alot of my time
The red haired woman held the towel infront of herself and then a poof was heard as smoke appeared only to disappear and revel a light gray anbu vest. Then the red haired girl also poofed in a wave of pink smoke reveling a red haired ninja wearing the anbu uniform and a wolf mask that was sitting on top his head leaving the face exposed.
One down one to go oh and before I forget Setsu eat the mans body so we don't leave anything behind
Ah its been awhile since I've been given human flesh by you
The mist ninja's body erupted in black flames as the body collapsed into itself and burned away to nothing. After done Karma scrunched up his face and licked his lips as he could taste iron and flesh on his taste bugs while his insides twisted and felt gross.
Blaaaa now that I think about it anything you end up devouring I can kinda taste myself and it either tastes like charcoal or way to well done stake
It's most likely the bond between us but eating meat especially human will most likely help with sustaining your hunger better
Becoming a cannibal isn't really on my bucket list
By this point I don't think you can classify yourself as human with what's been latched to your soul since birth and adding me into it I doubt cannibalism is a problem right now
Just cuz I can be a little crazy at times doesn't mean I'm not human jeez
Karma was left with no response as the 11 tailed wolf left his mind and the red head sighed in irritation. Making his way back through the woods in search of the woman mist ninja again to deal with her and maybe squeeze some info out of her, he hummed in boredom as he pulled his wolf mask down and his light gray vest over his head putting it back on then came face to face with said mist ninja as he fixed his outfit fully.
Hm hEY WHO ARE YOU!!! Your one unlucky teen to accidently intrude on a mist ninja, get down on the floor or I'll slit your throat where you stand
Wow wow calm down chick, you and your buddy have way different personalities
My buddy? Wait how did you know I'm not alo-oh I see you were the woman that was here not to long ago looking for a lake and took Rei with you
Meh it was nothing really anyway I'm here to ask why your here then I'm planning on either nocking you out then taking you back to the leaf village ah or killing you
Ha idiotic brat, I'll cut that head of yours off before you can even blink
At that the mist ninja ran at Karma with a short katana in hand and swinged at the red head cutting his head clean off.
What a joke
Tell me about it, and here I thought you were the smart one out of the two of you guys
Before she could finish Karma slammed his leg down delivering a hard brutal axe kick knocking the woman unconscious.
So the first option then, well the bright side is we don't have to clean up another body
Karma stood there waiting for a response from Setsu but it was quiet so he let out a huff and decided to just get this done and go back home. Karma picked up the woman and set her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes then ran back threw the somewhat damp forest the sky getting brighter as the sun started to rise putting Karma's time at 5:00am. He reached the village and jumped over the walk before any of the shinobi at the gate could see him then made his way back to the anbu headquarters.
As Karma walked in with the mist ninja woman on his shoulder others looked at him and whispered, some glared, others bowed in respect of the oh so great Black Sin personal anbu of the hokage himself. Karma ignored everyone and made his way to the holding cells area of the base and signed the mist ninja in as a new prisoner and wrote down all the needed info along with a report on the mission. Karma quickly got out of the building and got home tired and wanting to brush his teeth, having a gross charcoal after taste of blood and flesh flavored stake still in his mouth and grossly it made him kinda hungry. He unlocked the door and pushed it open lightly then made his way into the bathroom first then discarded his anbu wolf mask dropping it on the sinks counter then started brushing his sharper then most teeth. What was gross tho was when Karma spit into the sink he felt something catch in his throat making him start to coff till something dropped into the sink and he tasted blood in his mouth again. Karma looked down and saw blood along with what looked to be a small object and when Karma picked it up and used the sink to wash it off then brought it closer to his face to see it better only to drop it in realization that it was a finger nail, a mans finger nail he wrinkled up his nose in disgust.
(Karma's prov)
What the h#ll!!!
When Setsu eats things do they end up in my actual stomach? If so then that mist ninja guys in my tummy right now being digested, ok lets lot think about that. Setsu will no longer be eating said living or dead creatures anymore and can stick with burning them to a crisp. I got my anbu vest off then made my way over to the toilet kneeling infront of it and-(yup Karma made himself vomit to well get the human remains out, sorry kinda nasty).
Skip this part for all ya....
The toilet flushed and I watched as blood and fleshy bits of who knows what disappeared down the drain and I got up off the floor then went to the sink and washed my face off with cold water to calm my nerves then dried it off with a towel and waked out of the bathroom towards my bedroom feeling my stomach start to ache and scream at me for food.
I stopped and sighed then made my way down the hall then pushed Naruto's door open to meet Naruto starring at me from his bed sitting up with a worried face.
Ya, you need some water or something?
Are you ok? I heard you in the bathroom
Oooooh sorry about that, I ate some bad barrys in the forest when I was on a mission and well got sick
Naruto looked me over then layed back down and smiled lightly at me.
Ok get better soon and stop eating weird things in the forest
Ya definitely never going to "eat" any kind of "barrys" again
Naruto looked at me weirdly so I tilted my head and smiled. Naruto rolled over pulling the covers up again giving me the sign that he was going back to bed. I stood in his doorway tiredly then glanced behind me to the long long long walk all the way back to my room and felt dread at the journey ahead then smiled as a simple solution hit me. I turned back into Naruto's doorway and quietly walked in and shut the door from the inside then hear a sigh from the bed.
Was that a sigh of relief at me leaving?
W-What! Karma I thought you went back to your room
Jeez nice to know how much you love your brother Naruto, maybe I'll just squish you for revenge. I flopped down on my stomach on the bed ignoring Naruto's protests and buried my face in a pillow as he tried to push me off the bed but had zero success.
Naruto just go to bed, you have your first day with your team tomorrow, I have to..... make you breakfast......and.....
And?!..........Karma are you asleep?
Agh stupid caramel head.......good night
(The end if chapter 6 and wow sorry its kinda short but I thought I'd be good to add a small chapter due to mostly working on the Killua crossover MHA. Anyway ideas are nice to get from you guys I even got one and am going to use it for the next chapter. Big plot points will start up soon in the next 2nd chapter I post but hope you like this one.)
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