Ch. 4 The Eleven-Tailed Wolf
Ok so it all started in the forest just outside the village. At the time people in the village were getting really sick and the hokage had no ideas what was causing it not even the Anbu knew.....
(Flash back)
Within the woods 6 humans stood on the out side of the forest. The sky filled with a array of colors pinks, purples, yellow, orange, the sun glowing the breeze warm and soothing. As it slowly started to set a gush of wind ruffles a small red heads hair. Team Minato meaning Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin Nohara, where taking a break after a hard day of work, sweat pouring out of there bodys painting trying to catch there breath, Minato sees his wife Kushina walking over smiling brightly he waves at her "HEY HONEY!!!". Kushina walked over to the group with Karma her 3 year old son that had a brain of a 5 to 6 year old. Mother and son holding hands they swinged there arms back and forth as they walked, Karma humming sweetly a jump in his step. Both red heads aproched the group Karma letting go of his mothers hand running up to his father smiling, the setting sun maked him look like a cute little angel, Minato can't help but aww at how adorable his son looks he bent down his nees a little with his arms open to hug his son.
How's my little Angel boy-ACK!!!!......ughhhhh
Karma smiled evilly drawing his fist away from his dads stomach. What Minato thought was a beautiful moment that seemed to be rolling out was actually just a trap.
When sensei said angel did he mean devil?
Waaaannnnaaa find outa (:
Rin raised her hands backing up slightly awkwardly smiling. Minato sighed his hand holding the spot under his lower rib happy the kid didn't am higher or he might of actually brused the rib, that punch to his tummy would most definitely bruise tho, he sweat dropped.
Karma just likes to rough house around a little but things like this just show how much he cares
Hahaha ya........speaking of kids.....Karma might have a new sibling soon
Kushina placed her hand on her tummy rubbing it cracking a smile. Minato looked at his wife then to her tummy then back up to her before it finally clicked, smiled excitedly he quickly ran over and pulling her into an loving embrace laughing.
Don't tell me!!! Kushina.....were going to have another child!!!
Congrats mr. And mrs. Uzumaki
Kakashi smiled under his mask not that anyone could tell.
I guess Karmas going to be a older brother
Ya ya hear that Karma your going to have a sibling
Just then everyone noticed something........Karma was gone.
(Karma's prov)
After mom stopped yelling at me i snuck away into the forest hoping to avoid any punishments for deceiving my dad with my overwhelming cuteness. Being a 3 year old has its perks making people do things for me due to them thinking I'm to young to do it alone haha. The forest was full of life, thousands of huge gorgeous trees that sprouted from the ground, small sun rays leaking through the leaves of the trees, small balls of light dancing around on the ground from the leaves moving up above due to the passing wind. As I started to walk further into the forest I start felling a small bit of pain shoot threw my body, making me croach to the ground. It went as fast as it came but I didn't know what could of caused it. I looked around but nobody was around that I could see maybe I'm sick?. I pushed myself back up looking my body over not finding a single injury weird.
Weird I'm not hurt maybe I'm sick?
Just then I saw a bird fly over me it was a little chickadee bird happily flying along flying further away. Before it could get more then 10feet away it fell to the ground letting out a painful chirp. I looked futher a head squinting my eyes trying to see what killed the bird. Nothing but a black wall of some kind, maybe i should head back and tell mommy i-i meam mom about this?. I was about to turn around and head back but as I turnd my head I saw something moving infront of me out of the corner of my eye.
Ummm is that a moving black wall made of fur?
(3rd prov)
Karma started walking up to the wall starting to feel the pain that he felt earlier start to come back as he got closer. Karma raised his hand up to the wall about to touch it but all a sudden his heart began to sting like it was being stabbed with a knife. His hand grabbed the the wall of fur bracing himself aganst it. The wall seemed to shift by the sudden touch of the child before it started to lift. Karma backed up letting go of the fur stumbling back landing on his butt his back hitting a skinny tree his eye's widening. The wall was not a wall but a monster, or to be more specific a humongous, giant, over the top, huge black wolf!!!!. The wolf was indeed big and had 10 no 11 tails, its ears kinda long pointed upward, a slim pointed face. It sat up looking down at Karma giving him a looking over then relaxes a bit sitting down its eye's completely focussed on him now.
(Karmas prov)
Monster Wolf
What do we have here? A small human child with hair the color of blood
Yoooooou can talk?
I said tilting my head. Ok so a giant talking demon wolf?, not something you see everyday but totally possible. The wolf thing seemed to glare at me weirdly.
Monster wolf
Yes i can talk.......My names Setsuna The Eleven-Tailed Wolf, I spreed sickness and pain throughout the land and when I walk I kill any living creatures that get to near
Your not doing a very good job of it if I'm standing here talking to you and not dead on the dirt
The black wolf known as Setsuna now moved forward bring its face closer to mine on all fours leaning towards me its nose only a few inches away. Its breath hit my face as it sniffed me but I didn't mind but started to grit my teeth. My heart started to feel like pins where being poked into it and my skin felt like claws where scrathing into my flesh and bones, my nails dug into my palm drawing blood.
Huh it seems you have some weird traces of Kuramas chakra in you, not enough to actually use but it's lessening the damage thats being done to your did this happen to you?
Is Kurama by chance the nine-tailed fox?
Yes do you know him?
Well then maybe its due to my mom having Kurama sealed inside her, while giving birth to me the foxes chakra must of rubbed off on me slightly
Setsuna backed up again smiling getting into a more comfortable position laying down with a slight thud making a gust of air wave out around him.
Its been a while since I've spoken to anyone
What about the other tailed beasts?
Mostly all sealed away in Jinchūrikis and even if they aren't I never really got along with them
That sucks
I guess
Karma looked up at the sky the sun now completly set leaving the night sky open and clear there being no light around the stars lit up the night. Its way past my bed time and I should probley head back, mom and dad are probley going crazy buuuuuut. Karma looked back down from the sparkling stars back to the tailed beast. The eleven tailed wolf seemed much more interesting. I let out a sigh then a grin spreed across my face as I walked up to Setsuna and plopped my butt down beside him.
Well if you can't kill me and your lacking in average conversation i guess I'll hang out and chat for a bit
I never said I couldn't kill you or that my presents wouldn't kill you Its just going to take a while before you start coughing up blood and cease to breath
Ya ya I'll take my chances
I leaned back into Setsuna's fur my skin feeling prickling from touching the creature. The fur was soft tho and comfy so I ignored the feeling and tryed to relax. Setsuna was also relaxing laying his head down once again relaxing knowing the child posed no real threat.
Sooooooooooo whats your day like?
Well I Hang around a comfortable place for a bit but not long enough that my presents will kill to many then move on to the next place and repeat
That sounds boring
I suppose......what do you do as a small useless human child at your age?
Well I like to start of my day with waking up then going into my mom and dads room to body slam my dad to wake him up, then my mom makes me breakfast, dad goes to work, me and mom go around the village doing needed things, go to the park, eat lunch, do some random thing, go pick up dad from work, go home, eat dinner, then go to bed early, then it restarts
No ninja training like what most humans children do?
Not all human children train to be ninjas but even if I wanted to I'm not old enogh yet but dad said I can start early if I keep up my hard work seeing as how I'm apparently kinda a prodigy of sorts
Well your day does sound much better and more enjoyable then mine
Ya you should try it some time
Kinda hard when your my size and your chakra kills everyone around you, I would most definitely be a real pain to be around
Phff was that a pun? Maybe you should just let yourself be sealed inside someone
When your sealed inside someone its like being trapped and being used like a sink, them always taking your water whenever they want to benefit themself id rather be free and alone then trapped and used
I opens my eye's glancing at Setsuna sitting up my hands in between my lags now holding myself up. I started to play with the dirt and few rocks under me a few patches of grass here and there around us not knowing what else to say.
I......I don't think I'd mind you not so bad but you do have a dark aura around you
Thanks its a working progress
Setsuna seemed to start to laugh at that his voice kinda deep and strong. Karma hoisted himself up of the ground brushing of his now dirty pants and bottom.
Well it's about time I get going. If i stay any longer I'll.......hehe my moms going to kill me.
Well then you should probley get going was nice talking to you
I turn back towards him a evil smile on my face sticking my hands into my pockets.
What?! Your coming with me bud, your lifes way to boring to not come. Come on you did say you didn't mind me right and if you don't like life with this super smart slightly malicious and kinda violent but chill 3 year old you can back out whenever, plus your puns are funny
You do know if I do chooses to seal myself in you and bind ower souls, life may never be the same and people will probley hate you
Hahaha news flash I'm not really someone people like seeing, seeimg as how I'm aways acting like a demon and shit
Mind that mouth 3 year olds shouldn't talk that way
Ehhhh well not my falt people say that crap all the time it just stuck on me
(3rd prov)
Setsuna looked the kid over.........was he really considering the idea of binding there souls toghether to live life through the eye's and body of a 3 year old? To live life not around death and loneliness but life and the unknown. The red headed kid looking at him his smile no longer evil and dark but more relaxed and waiting for his awnser Setsuna couldn't help but laugh slightly.
So want to come?
Fine I'll take the risk
Cool so what we do?
Setsuna got up and made his way over to the boy lowering his head to eye level with the kid.
Whats your name?
Karma Akabane Uzumaki Namikaze but Karma Uzumaki is fine
Well then Karma Uzamaki I Setsuna the eleven-tailed wolf bond my soul to yours to not be trapped but given choice in this and for that I thank thee, ower lifes will forever be linked to one another, I shall protect you and aid you for in return I ask one thing show me the life I could never have as I am now and treat me as a friend and not a tool
Karma placed his hand on Setsuna's nose his head starting to pound with pain wincing at his vision clouding slightly.
I promise, now lets go home
At that Setsuna's form started to spike and shift.
This is going to hurt quite a bit sorry, but that's the difference between a bond and a seal, a bond ties one's soul to a beast making it a bond for life. Giving the beast just as much power as the human but a seal traps us within them making us nothing but prisoners
Karma sees Setsuna's form completely disappear and change to millions of small black needle like things in the air hovering. Karma laughs not happy how things look to be going he was going to be in a world of pain wasn't he. All the needles flew right at Karma stabbing into him everywhere, no blood but as the needles shot into him black spreed across his skin. Up his feet and legs, across his hands and arms, covering all across his body. Karma felt un imaginable pain falling to the ground arms wrapped around his sides curling up in a ball a see through kind of wolf ears grow out of the top of his head they look kinda like how a ghost looks and he also gets 11 wolf tails that match his ears tho he's not really caring due to so much pain scratching and scratching and scratching and scratching and scratching all over his body aganst his bones. His blood screaming like it was sand papar scrubing against his muscles shredding them away. Tears pouring out if his eye's rapidly his screams ringing through the dark woods. Next thing he sees is darkness he must of finally blacked out from all the pain took his body long enough it felt like it was going on forever.
(Karma's prov)
Ugh my head felt fuzzy rays of light shining into my eyes forcing me to get up. I scanned my surroundings noticing I was still in the woods, the sun was right above me so its noon. I've been gone from home for a full night and half a day moms going to kill me. I move to get up when I notice pressure on my palm and a wet liquid?. I look down and examined my hand, warm blood was dripping from a cut that stretched from my thumb to my pinky a sharp rock sticking out of the cut and dirt mixed into the wound.
How didn't I notice this before? It seems like something that should be hurting alot
It should be but I choose to block it out it's going to need some stiches but it wont scar I'll make sure of that you also will be numb to pain but still know what's wrong if something bad happens. Your healing factor will also get better and faster as the years pass
Wait so your just in my head now?
Yes but i can still do things such as......
A small little mouse crawls out of the grass looking for some sort of food then gave a screech of pain as black flames devour its body. You can see black burns of sort across the mouses now dead body bones collapsed in.
Wow thats violent and harsh but cool Kurama doesnt do that with mom
Kuramas not bonded to your mother he's sealed
Right........well we should probs head home
(3rd prov)
Karma accompanied by Setsuna made there way back to the village making small talk about his home life and how he likes to mess with the entire village and his dad. Once they make there way to the village Karma was confused to sees a large number of shinobi covering the entire village running around in search of something.
Or someone, what did you think would happen if a child went missing
Karma scratches his neck watching as they looked and scouted around in search for him. Then froze as he felt something on his neck disgust shooting threw his body.
Oh what?! What is this stuff gross!!!
Karma drew his hand back from his neck a black slime of sort coating it like thick ink.
(This is the seal mark or I guess the bond mark thats now on Karma's neck. The make appears and disappears randomly but it will always be there just might not be visible.)
Oh thats just from the bond mark on the back of your neck dont worry just wipe the rest of it off the marks going to stay there and will probley switch between visible and not every now and then just part of the bond being made sorry
Thats pretty cool ya know it like having a tattoo and I'm only 3
Ya know?
Back off its just something I say sometimes out of habit when I'm excited
Just then a shinobi spotted the red hair and started yelling and waving his arm while pointing his figer at Karma.
Over here I found him I'd know that red hair anywhere!!!!
More and more shinobi start to surround him and soon a calls made to his dad who comes and picks up his son face full of worry while embracing him in a tight hug to Karma's embarrassment.
(End of flash back)
After that dad took me home mom was worried and angry, so that was scary then the whole I let a tailed beast bind into my body thing popped up when mom was confused why I hadn't been crying when I feel out of a tree and broke my leg, not to mention how my lovely blue eyes that looked alot like yours Naruto turned into a yellowish light pink due to the binding but Setsu says its just a random side effect, to bad they didn't turn red that would be cool. But ya after all that the hokage tells me I have to train to become a Anbu and use my new abilitys for the village and here I am now the end
Coooooooooool!!! Plus you use to have blue eyes like me is even cooler but your eyes now are still very pretty, its like looking at a sunset in your eyes
Karma looked away awkwardly at Naruto's complement then Naruto's eyes went to his neck and moved forward and grabbed at Karma's hair harshly by accident trying to see the mark on his neck again.
Hey stop jeez
Karma quickly scratched at Naruto's arm, his nails leaving small cat like scratches on not blonds hand.
Aaaaghhhhhhh i told you to cut those nails!!!!
I would but it comes in handy to have a weapon that is easy to conceal
Karma glanced up at Naruto watching him poke at his new scatch marks. Karma let out a sigh then tackled Naruto making the boy yelp. He got up swings his brother over his sholder like a sack of potatoes and maked his way over to Naruto's bedroom after getting of the couch. He pushes the bedroom door open with his foot and then chucks Naruto of his sholder onto the bed Naruto yelling while being plopped down. Karma yawns and turned then flicks the light off.
Night brat I'll see you in the morning
Who you calling brat caramel head!!!!
(This is Naruto and Karma's apartment. Karma's is the one across form the bathroom and Naruto's the one by the living room. The small room thats in between the two rooms is a large closet for extra blankets or towels and some extra storage. The dryer and washer are in the bathroom. Sorry fot the long wait but we can start up the storys main plot now so yaaaa.)
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