Ch. 3 Kakashi sensei
[[Hey hope you like it so far thanks for reading and staying with me for this long I'll update as often as possible. Again picture's or music do not belong to me i take no credit for them, also i do not own either anime series and I think I might of misspell blonde in some parts so sorry about that. without futher delays enjoy]]
(Karmas prov)
I started jumping roof top to roof top passing small puddles of water from the other days rain shower and started to zoned out, my hair shadowing over my eyes thinking about Naruto and the events of last night. Thats when I saw a ramen sale going on 6 packs for only half price. Maybe I'll make ramen for dinner ...make ...i should make it jezz Naruto may like any kind of ramen but I'm not eating that packaged crap I'll cook it myself. So i went out and bought all the ingredients for banshu rawmen.
Home made ramen is better than packaged ramen anyway heh Naruto's going to be so happy when I make this, he's getting sorted into teams to today so a congrats dinner from his dear big brother is in order~
(Normal prov)
Karma turning to head home he stumbled when he bumped into someone and turned around.
Watch it I've got dinner in my arms and I'd rather not have some idiot make me drop it
Kakashi? What are you doing here?
I was on my way to pick up my new team
Oh? How blessed you trully must be~
It's going to be a pain... but it's my job, plus I doubt they'll even pass so I might not even have to deal with them
Karma snickered then looking down to a book Kakashi must of dropped written on the book the title read Icha Icha. Karma bent down and opened the book reading a few paragraphs his face shifting to the devils smile (you guys know the face).
Oh whats this dirty stuff~
GIVE THat back yo-
He ran his hand threw her hair slipping his hand up her shirt feeling the wow Kakashi might have to be more careful around you hahahah... pervert~
Kakashi blushing at the new title after 20 minutes of trying to get the book away from the teen Karma dodged easily. After another minute of this and Karma drawing a crowd people who were walking by stopping to watch the scene as Karma smriked. Kakashi stopping to take a minute to breath he then looked up at Karma who had taken a break from reading and closed the book with a triumphant smirk.
Fine what do you want?
Weeeeell seeing as how I know who you'll be getting I'd love to see this new team of yours how about i tag along, it would be nice ya know... for old times sake?
(Kakashi and Karma have know eachother for a long time. When Kushina (Naruto and Karma's mom) visited Minato's little Genin team she would bring little 3 year old Karma with her. Karma didn't act like most 3 year olds, he was a little demon with the mind of a 5-6 year old so ya he was smart for his age.
Ya I know he looks like an angel but he's evil when he wants to be. Anyway Kakashi and Karma grew to become pretty good friends Kakashi being more stern, aloof and cold toward others, following all the rules to the letter. And Karma being quite cunning, mischievous, and somewhat sadistic, usually humiliating and fighting others for his own fun or finding loopholes in the rules. Even with there differences Karma and Kakashi always found themself working together best. Now as a adult Kakashi is more relaxed and almost bored attitude, not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone making Karma find Kakashi less intresting and looks elsewhere most the time for entertainment.)
Fine you can come, now give me back my book and don't speek of this to anyone
Karma smiled handing Kakashi back his book soaking in his little victory he started walking towards the academy as Kakashi sighed. Karma maybe an Anbu and maybe even a slightly better fighter then him but that didn't mean he liked how the red head treated him with so little respect. At least he stopped tilting his head back and looking down at him like he does with everyone else.
(At the ninja academy)
Ok wait here I'll go get them
Hurry or I'll die of boredom
Kakashi slowed his walking making Karma groan in annoyance. Kakashi smiled and then walked down the stairs that lead to the roof and made his way to the class where the students assigned to team 7 were.
There's no way he's going to fall for that!!!
Kakashi heard a girl voice say then a few mumbles. He opened the door taking a step in only to be hit a top the head with a chalk board eraser. The room falling quiet as the kids waited for the mans response.
My first opinion of this group, your all idiot's, meet me on the roof and we will begin
Kakashi disaperd in a poof of smoke leaving the 3 pre teens/tweens? in a loss of words. So they made there way up the stairs to the roof.
(Karmas prov)
Kakashi apeared in front of me his head covered in chalk and an unimpressed face. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle hiding my mouth with my hand as he glared at me.
Ppppffffhha!!! What happend to you~
My teams a bunch of idiots thats what happend
Kakashi walking over to the railing that went around the roof of the school to make sure kids don't fall and leaned against it the new team could be heard coming up the stairs and I sensed the little kit. Smiling to my self I ran up a tree that was on the roof and planted my butt down on a thick branch leaving my groceries aganst the bottom of the tree.
What are you doing?
Kakashi was confused in what I was doing but he focused his atenchen to 3 people walking towards him as they took a seat on some low steps that were a little ways from the railing. Sitting on the steps there was a girl that had long bright pink hair and a red dress kind of thing, she looked like she was day dreaming staring at the boy beside her. The boy had shortish black hair spiking to the side, gray arm sleeves, blue pants, and a blue short sleeve shirt with a wide turtle neck, he in all looked grumpy. The last was wearing full orange and was smiling like a idiot, he was talking about how he couldn't wait to go on mission's and blabbering on and on as I was long since used to and always had me smiling as he went on and on. Pulling myself out of my little greatful moment at not being left in this boring little village all alone after our parents passing I quietly pushed myself up from the branch and jumped into the air landing on my feet in a squat behind the blond boy wrapping my arms around him and smirked lazily.
AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaammmm.... Kar-ma?
I let go of Naruto and sat behind him and beside the grumpy guy. Kakashi coughing as we all sat on slowly awkward stretching silence making eveyone look at him.
I invited Akabane here to meet you all and for all of you to... see what a Shinobi looks like
(3rd prov)
All of team 7 looking at Karma he smirked wrapping his arms around Naruto's stomach and resting his head on his sholder.
Wow thanks for the complement keep going and I might blush~ Nice to met ya guys I'm Karma Akabane Uzumaki but Akabane's fine. I'm Naruto's older brother and a high ranking shinobi who loves to bring insanity to his won village~
Woah, it's nice to met you Akabane sensei sama, is it true your the hokages most trusted shinobi?
Grampa trusting me the most? I don't think trust is the word he'd use but sure~
Tch please what a waste of time
Back to the topic at hand why don't you all introduce yourself
Can you give an example?
Sure lets see... ok hi my names Kakashi Hatake my likes arent important my dislikes arent really that interesting so I'll skip them and my dreams i don't give much thought to ok your turn
That wasn't helpful
I said next!!!
I'll go I'll go!!! Ok so my names Naruto Uzumaki my likes are ramen, eating ramen, eating ramen at Ramen Ichiraku, Sakura♡, and my brother Karma!!!!
Karma roll his eyes while sqeezing Narutos in his arms earning a laugh from the blond.
Hahahah ok my dislikes are not being allowed to eat ramen, homework, AND SASUKE!!!! And my dreams are to become hokage!!!
Hehehe you become hakage~
Quiet both of you!!!
(Karmas prov)
After Kakashi yeld at the Sakura girl and Naruto I zoned out not really carring what the others had to say they were pretty easy to read and I new all there history seeing as how I know almost everything about everyone in the village. I started to drift and close my eyes as my face feel into the side of Naruto's neck, Naruto not really carring much wanting to keep on listening to the girl talk.
(Naruto's prov)
Sakura started her introduction and man is she cute though I soon felt Karma nuzzle his head into the side of my neck. Karma's been out at night lately for his Anbu work so he hasn't been sleeping much and ya I know about the Anbu, Karma told me as soon as he became one, I still don't know exactly what they do though. He honestly worked to much in my opinion always trying to only work during the nights and between the short time I was at school. I guess it's all so he can afford our house and food though... smiling sadly Karma ended up falling asleep on my shoulder but to the others he just looked like he was being lazy and waiting bordley. After everyone was done Kakashi sensei stood straight up no longer leaning on the railing.
Ok now that thats out of the way will have ower first mission tomorrow
Oh what kind of mission are we going to have?
Its a task the 4 of us will do together
What what what what!!!
Kakashi went on about how we had not really become Genins and how only 9 of us were going to become Chūnin. He also said that we were going to be doing a survival course to see if we could even be consider allowed to talk the test by him. I was going to get up and yell but Karma was sleeping on my shoulder so i was stuck sitting.
Thats not fair
Ya we worked hard to get here!!!
To bad you'll have to work a lot harder to become a full leaf village ninja, now tomorrow meet me at the designated training area at 5am.
Kakashi turned to leave but stopped to look back.
Oh and don't eat anything tomorrow morning or you'll puke, thats all your dismissed
BA BA BA BUUUUMA!!! (Drum sound)
(3rd prov)
Naruto knew he could do what ever Kakashi had planned thus pumped and ready for the up comming challenge he shot up from sitting super fast excited for the upcome challenge. Karmas body that had been resting on Naruto being knocked off the blond backwards with a lot of force a cracking sound could be heard as it made contact with the ground behind him and everyone froze. Sakura screamed out of surprise, Sasukes eyes widened in shock, and Naruto stood still, fist still in the air mouth still open in a smile as sweat rolled down his forehead. Karmas eyes slowly opening he pushed himself up so he was sitting up and reaching up to the back of his head feeling a warm wet liquid. Pulled his hand away and looked at it... it was blood.
Naruto... I think you cracked the back of my skull
Oh my god Naruto!!!!
Its hard to tell if he's bleeding a lot with his red hair
Naruto looked behind him seeing Karma looking down at his hand his red hair shadowing his eyes. Naruto was about to say something when Karma slowly stood up surprising all three of them. He looked at Naruto a dark aura started to surround him.
Naruto started to run and jump off the schools roof he began running away to hide till Karma cooled off. Stood there for a few seconds Sakura and Sasuke didn't daring to move until Karma looked over at Sasuke.
Where'd Kakashi go?
H-he "cough" he left, said for the three of us to meet him tomorrow at the training grounds
Sasuke wasn't scard but he could tell that this Karma guy that idiot Naruto's older brother was dangerous and not to make the wrong move. So Sasuke just kept still waiting for the red heads next move, he would fight if he needed to he was ready. Then Karma went relaxed a bit the dark aura disappearing fully his eyes now visible but clouded.
Alright... guess I'll be seeing you two around
Karma looked at the direction that Naruto went then took a deep breath walking over to the tree he hid in earlier. Finding all the dinner supplies he bought earlier at the trunk of the tree he picked up the bags and then made his way home towards the house so he could start dinner up.
(Karma's prov)
Naruto won't head home as he knows how I get sometimes when I'm feeling the need for revenge so i guess I'll head home and make dinner... try and calm down a bit. Then I heard a low but smooth familiar voice in my head.
So I was going to think of a great pun to say to you about that entire situation buuuuut I couldn't think of anything that had the right Impact.
For the love of- Setsu I swear
It's strange really I couldn't figure out why the world was starting to tip backwards so fast, then it hit me you know~
The snarky playful voice in my head that only I can hear would be Setsuna the 11 tailed wolf that was seal within me kinda, lets just say sealed. Setsuna likes to stay quiet in my head and just watch things threw my eyes so its not un-normal for me not to hear from him for a few days or weeks.
(What Setsuna looks like he's Karma's tailed beast)
Setsu always a please~
I hope my puns cancussion your pain~
Hah... seriously you've been quiet forever and just now you choose to start throwing pun after pun at me? Where were you when I had a huge ninja star in my back?
You were fine, plus it wasn't that bad I made sure you healed up fast even if it took you a while to heal fully and you still can't feel any pain so stop whining
You should talk more often all you really do is watch through my eyes, we sealed you inside my body so you could see the worlds beauty and live life normally ya know
That's really all I can do. I can watch through your eyes, taste what you taste, and feel what you feel which is nothing physically. But in all the time we've shared I've become very attached to you so if your happy I'm happy. Plus I doubt you want me turning everything you do into a pun or joke
Karma scoffed as he unlocked the house door and went inside the house slipping off his shoes then walking to the kitchen he placed the bags on the counter then started laying things out.
Setsuna you still there?
You saw everything that happend today right?
Ya Naruto sure is growing up and to think one day he might even start to hear the nine tails in his head soon
Karma laughed as he turned on the radio wanting to listen to some music while he cooked and gave a hum as Wolf in sheep's cloths came on and he couldn't help but smile as he started to singing along to it as he chopped and cooked dinner.
(Wolf in sheeps cloths by: Set it off)
Naruto walked in the front door it now being unlocked and could her Karma singing along with the radio. Naruto let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, at least Kamra's feeling better. The song ended and Naruto looked into the kitchen but Karma wasn't there anymore.
(Naruto's prov)
The hell!!! Where'd he go?
Just then i felt something sharp stab me in the back. I yelpt looking behind me only to see Karma drawing his pointer finger away from me his nail sharp to the point.
Got ya sucker
What did we talk about you cutting your nails agh jeez its like someone poking you with a knife ya know!!!
Karma just smiled while walking past me back into the kitchen sturing the wait banshu ramen!!!.
Ya i cut my nails last night but i can't help it if i have weird finger nail claws that grow back quickly so blame Setsuna
I rolled my eyes sitting myself down at the table wondering how else the thing sealed in Karma effected him and if when Karma acted scary was it's doing. Probably not. The delicious smell of banshu ramen running through the house made me start to drool just thinking about how good it was going to be. Karma poured the noodles and such into 2 black bowl adding the last few things then carried the bowls over to the table where I sat eagerly making my stomach grumble.
Give me give me give me~
Ok ok here be careful its hot
(Karma's prov)
Naruto started to gobble down the ramen like he's been starved and hasn't eaten in months making me smile as I sat down across from him slowly blowing on my noodles then raising them up with my chop sticks I paused as Naruto spoke from a mouthful of food.
So does the beast thing eat like we do? Does it need to eat? Oh does the fox inside me need to eat?!
No they don't need to eat but in some cases they can taste what you do. And the 9 tailed-fox won't be the same as me and the 11 tailed-wolf due to different sealing methods and such.
Naruto hummed at this then continued to eat his food so I did so as well.
(3rd prov)
After dinner they both went over to the couch, Naruto layed across it folding more of the never ending laundry while Karma sat on the wood floor reading over some ninjitsu scrolls practising hand seals. As passed Naruto's eye's wandered to Karma. Karma was wearing long pj pants that were black with white poka dots, and a black short sleeve shirt that exposed his neck. Naruto could see a black ink design kinda like a tattoo poking out from under the shirt and after the sudden things he's learned of his brother this made him wonder. Naruto had seen this mark on Karmas neck every now and then, It disappears and reappears frequently but Naruto never really asked about it thinking it was an Anbu thing possibly but now.
(The sealing mark on the back of Karma's neck)
Ummm hey Karma?
Ummm what's that thing on your neck? I've always wondered what it was but never really knew if i should ask so.....
Its Setsu's seal?
Naruto wondering why Karma's summon scroll beast would need a seal mark on his actual body after a second he connected the dots and jumped up from laying down and looked at the seal closer now rubbing his thum on it to see if it would smudge or rub off.
Wow wait I mean this whole time you said Setsu was a summoning scroll jutsu when Setsu he's actually a tailed beast?! But then what's the real story of how it all happened in getting the 11 tailed-wolf
Ya... sorry about lying to you but at least I told you about him in a way
It's fine, now the story please?
Ya I guess I haven't told you the real story
Naruto sat back on the couch shaking his head. Karma laughed getting up off the cold wood floor letting his scroll role off his lap and joined Naruto on the couch sitting infront of him helping with folding the laundry so Naruto could hear him better.
Ok I'll tell you but you better not interrupt me at any point~
[[The end of this chapter meh sorry if this was sucky......don't hate me. The next chapter you get to hear Karma's back story on how he ended up meeting Setsu so yaaaaa.......ok bye]]
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