15| Beau Sanctuaire
Zelda's birthday party was a huge success in her opinion. She had so much fun with all of her favorite people in the world. And, bonus, it was the first party to break the chain of her crying like a big baby in front of the entire school. So humiliating honestly.
The only hitch: the text she sent to Ike. She had assumed that he would take the heart as a friendly type thing or figure that she had sent it as a mistake, but she was beginning to realize that was probably not the case. Ever since he had been bugging her about meeting up so they could officially and fully clear the air between them.
In all honesty she was willing to comply, but part of her was scared and not quite ready to hear his side of the story just yet. She kept blowing him off with excuses about being busy with this and that, a lot of which were genuine. The holidays were always a busy time what with looking for gifts for everyone and all the festive activities that came with it. Not to mention she had a couple applications to finish up to send in for the early admissions deadline at some colleges.
Now with the holidays past, she was running out of excuses to give Ike, but she wasn't completely run dry yet. Tonight, for example, she had another mysterious surprise date with Link. She was almost completely convinced that he might just be the most creative, spontaneous, absolutely amazing person to ever exist. Sure Ike would take her out to expensive restaurants and on all the typical dates like ice skating or to the Drive-Inn to see the latest movie, but Link always planned out something special and personal.
For her birthday it was the sleigh ride through the snow, for Christmas he hand-made her an ocarina from wood and taught her how to play, for Valentine's Day they built a fort and watched cheesy romantic comedies for hours, and now, just about a week later, he had something else planned. She was dying to find out what else he could possibly come up with at this point. The only clue he gave her was to wear clothes she wouldn't mind getting dirty, including her underwear (whatever that could possibly mean).
A knock sounded on the front door, signaling that Link was finally here to get her. She opened it and gave him an excited hug as usual. "Ready to go?" He asked her to which she nodded enthusiastically.
"So when do I get to find out what we're doing?" She prodded as soon as they were in his truck and headed off to the mystery destination.
"Whenever we get there," he replied with a smirk. Zelda gave him a fake pout. "Unless you can figure it out before then." He added.
"I honestly have no idea so far," she admitted. "The only thing that comes to mind when you said to wear 'clothes I wouldn't mind getting dirty' is something involving mud puddles, which I hope you know would not be a very fun date. Especially at eight o'clock at night in February."
Link laughed at her ridiculous speculation at tonight's possible activity. "Don't worry, it's nothing like that." He assured her.
"Good." Zelda replied firmly, but smiled alongside him.
They arrived at some sort of spot in the canyon, this time it was definitely different than the overlook he had brought her to a couple of times now. He helped her step down from the truck and locked the vehicle before he led the way on a trail.
"Hiking?" Zelda asked uncertainly.
"Partially," Link answered unhelpfully. She really hoped there was a sauna or some kind of heater waiting for her at the final destination because it was way too cold to be out in the woods this late in February.
"Was this your plan all along?" She asked as she trailed behind him, their path only lit by Link's flashlight.
"What do you mean?"
"You wanted to fully gain my trust so you pretended to date me before leading me into the woods to freeze to death and give you a convenient location to stash the body." Zelda theorized in a serious tone.
Link scoffed. "If I wanted to murder you I would do something much more fun like saw you into a million pieces and throw them into the lake or you know, anything more entertaining than watching a girl slowly freeze to death."
"Who's to say you aren't bringing me to a lake to saw me into pieces and stash the evidence as we speak?" Zelda reasoned darkly.
"Well guess you won't know until we get there will you?" He said, turning to give her an ominous look. "Now's your chance to turn back and run!"
"I think I'll take my chances." She told him nonchalantly.
"Ooh, brave woman." He mock praised. "Luckily for you...you chose wisely." Just as he stated that, Zelda realized the mist caught in the beam of the flashlight was steam rising from a small pool of water. It had the same appearance as a hot tub on a cool night, yet it was right in the ground in the middle of the forest?
"Welcome to nature's very own complimentary hot tub!" He announced dramatically when he caught her slightly puzzled expression. Her face immediately lit up.
"Oh wow, a hot spring? I've never been to one before!"
"Today's your lucky day then, little lady!" He joked as he began to strip off his clothes.
"Wait a minute... this is why you said to wear underwear I wouldn't mind getting dirty?! Haven't you ever heard of this little thing called a SWIM SUIT?!" She exclaimed. It had just dawned on her that they were here to swim and instead of showing off any one of her cute swim suits, Link would be witnessing one of her oldest pairs of underwear and bra since she thought they would be getting dirty through her clothes somehow.
"I didn't want to give the surprise away completely!" Link defended himself with raised hands.
"Well I hope the surprise was worth it because there's no way I'm stripping down to my old, ugly, I-wore-this-in-case-we-got-dirty underwear." She huffed crossing her arms.
"Oh c'mon Zel, I'm sure you look hot in any old underwear." He teased with a wink and that cheeky grin. Zelda rolled her eyes, but her face softened.
"Alright, fine. Only because it's freezing out here. Now turn around!" She instructed stubbornly.
"Turn around? Are we not going to look at each other all night?" Link chuckled.
"Well I'm hoping the water will hide how ugly this underwear really is. And turn off that flashlight!"
Link laughed for a few moments until he realized she was being completely serious. "Alright, Alright. Whatever you say." He turned off the flashlight and turned in the opposite direction. Reluctantly she undressed and took one last look at her tattered garments. They used to be a cute matching purple set, but now they were so faded and worn out they appeared to be almost gray. Both were several years old so they were a bit small to boot. Bottom line, this would not be the pair she would have picked for the first time a boy was seeing her in her underwear, but at least it was dark, right?
She climbed into the waiting water and was instantly relieved at the warmth. It was still winter yet somehow the water was perfect bathing temperature. At the sound of her body entering the water Link turned around.
"Oh no! My eyes! The underwear! Too hideous!!" He exclaimed immediately, pawing at his eyes in agony.
"Seriously, Link? I'm not afraid to walk my ass home." Zelda huffed, folding her arms over herself self consciously.
Link broke from the act instantly. "I'm sorry, Zelda. You know I always jump to humor, but that was definitely not the time."
"It's okay," she assured him with a smile. "I know you're just joking and I wasn't really that offended. I can joke too, ya know."
"Good," he said with relief. "By the way, you look gorgeous."
Zelda blushed, though half of her was still sure that he was just trying to make her feel better. Either way, it was kind of working.
"So how do you find all these spots anyway? I didn't even know there were hot springs in this forest." She changed the subject casually.
"I don't know honestly. I like exploring a lot and just stumble upon them." He told her with a shrug.
"What are you some kind of nature guru?" She teased.
"Something like that," he answered with a wink. "It's nice to have my own spots that nobody knows about so I can impress all the girls."
"Oh, so there have been other girls here?" Zelda arched a brow at her blonde boyfriend.
"Damn! I've said too much!" He exclaimed, pretending to be frustrated with himself. "I've only brought you here, I swear!"
Zelda shook her head. "Too late now, buddy. The secrets out." She clucked her tongue in disappointment. The two laughed, concluding the little charade.
"There's actually a very specific reason I brought you here." He confessed after they had both calmed into a comfortable silence.
"What's that?"
"Zelda Gaepora," he began, clearing his throat. "Will you go to Prom with me?"
Zelda was slightly taken aback by the serious question, she was half expecting another joke. She had also almost completely forgotten that Prom was next month already. Senior year had really flown by. "Yes, of course!" She answered with a big smile.
"Phew!" Link pretended to wipe sweat off his brow. "Would've been real awkward if you had said no."
Zelda rolled her eyes and leaned in to kiss him. He placed one hand on the small of her back and one on her cheek, deepening the kiss. Within moments he moved her onto his lap and the kiss grew into an intense make out. Two teens, falling in love, with nobody but the stars as a witness.
A/N: Hey y'all. I haven't wrote an authors note in a few chapters but i just wanted to say sorry this chapter was short and if the last few have seemed boring and filler-ish, but the climax is just around the corner. There aren't many chapters left so stay tuned if you wanna know how it ends!
I still can't believe I'm finally wrapping this story up 4 years later. I literally had way more free time back then and yet I've decided to crack down and finish now when I've never been busier. Whack. Anyway, hope you guys are still enjoying and thanks for sticking around!
Xoxo, Zelda
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