12| Secret, Secret
Minutes after Zelda and Peach had locked themselves in the bathroom there was a light knocking on the door. "Zel, it's us hun." Lynn's voice sounded through the door. Peach asked Zelda for permission with her eyes, in which she responded with a solemn nod. Peach stood and opened the door, ushering Lynn, Daisy, and Palutena inside before closing and locking it once again.
"Are you okay?" Daisy practically whispered, sitting down next to her on the floor. The other girls sat down too, forming a small circle.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Zelda replied with a sniffle. She was done crying, other than a few stray tears that fell from her eyes. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm crying at yet another party."
"Nobody blames you." Palutena assured her, the other girls chimed in agreement right after.
"Hell, I wouldn't have even made it through the game." Peach stated.
"I almost lost it after the second question, but at least I got some answers I guess." Zelda replied with a sigh.
"Yeah, now you can find some kind of closure. Hopefully at least." Daisy said, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.
"I know I'll get over it eventually, I just can't wait for the point where it's not something to cry over anymore. Especially in front of a crowd of people."
"Well, on the bright side, most people probably won't even remember by the time the night is over." Peach reasoned with a small smile. Zelda let out a puny laugh. Peach was right. Plus, as with all things, at some point it would be yesterday's news anyways.
"Thanks guys, you really are the best." Zelda said, looking around the small circle gratefully.
"We'll always be here for you, Zel." Lynn replied with a smile.
"That's what friends are for!" Palutena added.
The girls stood, helping Zelda up and pulled her into a group hug. "Do you want to go back out there?" Daisy asked after a minute or so.
"Yeah, I don't want to be the dramatic girl who locks herself in the bathroom all night." Zelda said somewhat jokingly. Though she really did hope nobody realized she had run off to the bathroom to cry. I mean it was pretty obvious she was upset, but hopefully their impaired minds didn't connect the dots. She was sick of being the center of all the drama.
The girls helped her touch up her makeup. Other than a slight redness and puffiness around her eyes, it was as if she had never cried. Perfect.
They walked back out to the main area where most people were still gathered. A new circle of people sat on the ground, some girl Zelda didn't recognize was asking Lucario a question.
"Another drink?" Peach asked the group of girls as she led them into the kitchen. All of the girls nodded eagerly, including Zelda.
One cup turned into two and before she knew it she was dancing along with her best friends and screaming at the top of her lungs along to the song blaring on the speaker.
Others began to join in, equally as intoxicated if not more than the girls. The earlier events of the night felt like a dream or something that had happened days ago.
Zelda's plan had been to get a little buzzed, not quite like this, but she didn't even care. All she knew was she was having an amazing time with her friends, singing and dancing like an idiot but feeling completely free.
"LINK!" She screamed when she spotted the green clad boy approaching the dance floor cautiously.
"Are you okay? I saw you storm off but I couldn't find where you went." Link told her with concern when he reached her.
"DANCE WITH ME!" She yelled in response, grabbing one of his hands and twirling herself under it. Link was still staring at her as if she had a fatal injury, but stiffly began to move his body.
"Is that the best you can do?!" She mocked him, shaking his arms wildly as if that would move his entire body.
The worried expression melted slightly and was replaced with a smirk. "Excuse me, Princess. Have you seen how you're dancing? Worry 'bout yourself first."
"Are you kidding? I'm the best dancer here!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up and spinning in circles.
"Oh yeah? Prove it!" He taunted.
"Fine." She agreed with a smirk.
She began dancing around him, running her hands around his neck and down his chest, placing his hands around her waist and then moving them into her own hands so she could twirl. In all honesty, she knew she looked like a a crazy person in fast forward, but it made her and Link both laugh at each new ridiculous move she came up with. He even began to play along, lifting her by her waist and spinning her in a circle as the song came to an end.
"So, did I convince you?" She asked, panting heavily.
Link was breathing hard as well and still chuckling a bit. "Oh you're most definitely the best dancer I have ever met. I'll never doubt you again."
Zelda smiled at him broadly, satisfied with his pretend praise. "Do you wanna get some air? I'm dying."
"Yeah, me too. Let's go." He agreed, following her through the french doors that led onto the large deck that overlooked Peach's backyard. There were a few other stragglers out, even some couple making out halfway down the stairs, but otherwise it was nice and quiet.
The cool night air of approaching fall felt amazing on Zelda's flushed skin. She looked over at Link who had a similar satisfied look on his glistening face. She was sure she was just as sweaty, if not more.
"So Zel, be honest with me." He said, looking at her seriously.
"Just how much have you had to drink?" He asked, his serious face breaking into a teasing smile.
"Well, I did have three cups of jungle juice. I'm not really sure what the ratio of alcohol to juice was, buuttttt I think it's pretty safe to say... I'm hammered." She told him matter-of-factly.
"Oh yeah," he agreed with a laugh. "That part wasn't hard to establish."
"What about you? You seem pretty usual Link or am I just too drunk to tell?" She leaned in, squinting her eyes as if she was examining him really hard.
"I had a cup, but I'm driving later so I think that's plenty." He told her, not even flinching from her close stance.
"Party pooper!" She teased.
"No, I think sober Zelda would definitely agree that it's the smart thing to do."
"Yeah, yeah. Well sober Zelda isn't here right now." She said with a dramatic wave of her hand.
"Can you tell me something else, drunk Zelda?" He asked, closing the short distance between their faces even further. She nodded her head heavily, her fine motor skills were practically nonexistent at this point.
"Does sober Zelda really have feelings for me? Like she implied in the game?"
Zelda thought for a moment. The small part of functioning brain she had left warned her to think over her answer carefully, but it spilled out like word vomit. "Yes, she does. She really does."
A grin grew on Link's face. He opened his mouth as if to say something but stopped when Pit burst out onto the deck shouting.
"LINK! There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere, man."
"Pit, whats up?" Link asked, a hint of annoyance ringing in his voice. He shifted his eyes to Zelda and back to Pit, trying to hint that Pit was interrupting something, but he didn't seem to pick up on it.
"I just made out with Peach, bro! Like full on tongue and everything!" He told his friend excitedly.
Zelda and Link gave each other a surprised look. "You and Peach?"
"Yes sir, yes sir. Dreams really do come true." He said dramatically, pretending to swipe a tear out from under his eye and flick it away.
"The bad news is my mom has called me three times. I really gotta get home." He continued on a more serious note.
Link pulled out his phone to check the time. "Wow, almost two already. Alright, let's go." He agreed reluctantly.
"I'll see sober Zelda around then?" He asked, turning to Zelda who nodded with a smile.
She followed them inside and waved them off as she headed toward her group of friends and they toward the door. The majority of the party had begun to clear out, which Zelda was happy for. She was starting to come down and sober up and all the tiredness came with it.
"Is it time to switch over to slumber party mode yet?" Daisy asked the group of girls with a yawn. All of the girls seemed to agree that they were starting to get tired and it definitely was time to consolidate the party down to their close group of friends.
"ALRIGHT, EVERYBODY OUT!" Peach shouted at any teens still lingering in her house. She unplugged the speaker and turned on all the lights for emphasis. She stood by the front door, wishing everyone a safe drive and or taxi ride home. Zelda, Daisy, Lynn, and Palutena combed through the house, making sure nobody was hiding or passed out anywhere.
"Backyard's all clear." Lynn informed the group as she came in and locked the door behind her.
"Main level is all clear." Palutena and Daisy added.
"Nobody's upstairs either!" Zelda declared from the stairway.
"Well, that was a lot easier than last year." Peach said, closing the front door and locking it with relief. "Remember we just couldn't get the football boys out of the house last time."
"Oh yeah, that was so annoying." Daisy agreed. The other girls nodded and shared similar comments about the event.
"That was when you and Ike were first becoming a thing, remember that Zel? He wouldn't leave until you kissed him." Lynn recalled with a laugh.
Zelda cracked a sad smile at the memory. It was true. He was super drunk and refused to leave until Zelda finally gave in and planted one on his lips. By that point she was already starting to have feelings for him too, so she honestly loved the attention from him and was so excited to have shared their first kiss. It would've been their one year anniversary in a few weeks.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up that douche." Lynn said sympathetically. She must have noticed Zelda's face as she got lost in the memory herself.
"No, it's okay." Zelda assured her friend quickly with a small smile. "Ike will always be a piece of my high school experience. There's no point in avoiding talking about him completely, especially because eventually it won't hurt anymore."
"That's the spirit!" Daisy praised enthusiastically.
"You're so wise, Zelda." Palutena complimented.
"Well I wouldn't go that far," Zelda laughed. "Especially after the way I acted these past few hours. Yikes!"
"I noticed you and Link dancing," Lynn raised her brow at her. "Anything you want to share? I mean you kind of hinted at it already during the truth game but..."
"Spill the tea!" Daisy chimed in excitedly.
"Okay, okay." Zelda told the eager girls. "As you guys obviously gathered from the game... I think I do have feelings for Link." Her statement was immediately met with high pitched squeals as her friends jumped up and down.
"I knew it!" Gushed Palutena.
"Do you think he likes you back?" Lynn persisted, a cheeky smile plastered on her face.
"Tell them about a few weeks ago." Peach urged Zelda with a mischievous grin. The girls looked from Peach and back to Zelda, obviously dying to hear what she was talking about.
Peach was the only person Zelda had told about her and Link's kiss in the car. It wasn't that she didn't trust her other friends, she just kind of wanted to sort out her feelings before revealing it just yet. She was actually somewhat surprised her best friend hadn't already let the secret slip to the others. She loved that blonde with all her heart, but she was kind of a gossip and blabber mouth.
"So you guys know how me and Link had to go clean up our mess at Samus, Ike, and Roy's houses a few weeks ago?" She began, waiting for all the girls to nod before continuing. "I may have sort of left out one teeny, tiny, little detail."
"Get on with it already!" Palutena shouted in frustration, though she was smiling.
"Yeah, we're dying here!" Daisy agreed, practically bouncing with excitement.
"When he dropped me off at my house he kissed me."
"WHAT?!" Daisy roared, grabbing Zelda by the shoulders and shaking her dramatically. Someone was definitely feeling the juice still.
"And you didn't tell us??" Lynn asked incredulously. "Girl, that's huge!"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry guys." Zelda apologized sincerely. "I guess I kind of wanted to figure out how I felt about it first before sharing."
"Annnddd?" Palutena pushed.
"Annnddd," continued Zelda. "It felt amazing honestly."
The girls squealed and jumped around again like a junior high cheer squad who had just won the championship.
"So I think it's pretty safe to say that he definitely likes you back." Lynn concluded cheerfully.
"It definitely appears that way," Zelda agreed, unable to hide the sheepish smile from her expression.
"Awe, she's blushing!" Daisy pointed out excitedly.
"So, when are you two just going to be an official thing already?" Peach joined in. "You both like each other so what're you waiting for?!"
"You guys don't think it'd be a bad idea to hop into another relationship so soon after Ike?" Zelda asked her friends worriedly.
"I mean, it's been like a month hasn't it?" Palutena asked, looking around the circle for a confirming nod.
"Not to mention he seems to have already moved on with Samus." Peach pointed out.
"Yeah that's true...I guess I just don't want to end up realizing I feel this way about Link because I'm lonely and vulnerable right now, ya know?"
"I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with taking some more time to really sort out your feelings before making anything official. Besides, now is the time to just focus on having fun." Lynn advised her blonde friend comfortingly.
"Speaking of sorting feelings out...I saw you with that Pit boy Peach!" Palutena exclaimed, drawing the attention toward Peach's beet red face.
"I was super drunk okay!" Peach immediately yelled defensively.
"Okay, but did you like it??" Daisy asked wiggling her brows.
Peach's blush deepened much to the delight of all the girls who began to 'ooh' teasingly.
"What about Luigi huh? Sounds like he has a crush on you too!" She retorted, turning the conversation away from her. Now it was Daisy's turn to blush.
The girls continued to tease one another as they tidied up the house to the best of their tired, still slightly drunken, abilities. They mainly just picked up all the cups, dumped any liquid remaining in them down the sink, and piled them in a trash bag. The hardwood floors that ran throughout the house still required a vigorous mopping to remove all the stickiness and dirt made from spilled drinks and shoes throughout the night, but that was a tomorrow problem.
The girls babbled about what other juicy gossip they heard and or witnessed during the party as they removed their glamorous makeup, brushed their teeth, and changed into comfy jammies, all before piling into Peach's room to sleep. Zelda, Lynn and Peach squeezed into her king sized bed, while Daisy and Palutena snuggled up on a plush white furry rug, tons of pillows, and an exuberant amount of blankets on the floor.
The conversation quickly died out as the sobering girls passed out one by one. The last thing that flashed through Zelda's mind before unconsciousness took over was Link's big, handsome smile after she told him sober Zelda likes him.
And like him she really did.
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