07| Revenge of the Ex
Zelda picked up her buzzing phone.
"Here" the simple text read. She grabbed her phone and jogged down the stairs.
She left the house through the front door, locking it behind her with the key hidden in a plastic rock that was camouflaged amongst the beautiful plant life growing by the porch.
She then climbed into the waiting green truck.
"Are you ready?" Link asked, with a mysterious smirk. Zelda nodded her head, giving him a small smile.
He shifted to drive then pulled out of the neighborhood. "First stop, the store."
Zelda nodded her head, recalling the plan. She pulled a wad of cash out of her pocket. "I think this should cover everything."
Link glanced over at the money gathered in her dainty fingers. "That'll more than cover it."
Zelda nodded and shoved it back into her pocket. Despite it being almost midnight, she felt wide awake. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins, keeping her alert and anxious for what they were about to do.
Link pulled into the convenient store parking lot and shut off the car. Zelda followed him into the fairly barren store.
There was only one check-out lane open. The clerk was a middle aged woman who looked like she was about to doze off until the bell sounded when the automatic doors whooshed open, startling her.
She rubbed her eyes and stared in confusion as Link and Zelda walked past her and deeper into the store.
Link pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and looked over the list of items on it.
"You get the spray paint, hair removal cream, and toilet paper. I'll get the rest." He instructed her.
Zelda nodded her head in confirmation then headed down the row of isles searching for what she needed. She got a can of purple spray paint and a can of green. Then she grabbed one of those gigantic packages including twelve rolls of toilet paper. Lastly, with her hands full, she managed to grab a bottle of hair removal cream.
Link came around the corner pushing a cart. "Here," he said, taking the items from her hands and putting them into the cart.
"Did you get everything?" She asked.
"Sure did, now let's go make a purchase." Link said with a mischievous smirk.
The lady stared once again as they pushed the cart up to her check out lane. Link unloaded the items into the conveyor belt while Zelda stood by the register with the cash in hand.
The lady slowly started scanning stuff, never ceasing the look shocked. "How are you on this fine night?" Link asked casually.
The woman glanced at him suspiciously. "Good." She answered shortly.
Zelda looked at Link and bit her lip to contain a giggle from escaping her mouth. Link had the same gleeful expression.
"Your total will be thirty-two, eighty-three." The woman said in the same monotonous voice.
Zelda handed her two twenties. "Keep the change." She said generously and grabbed the awaiting bags. Link grabbed the ones she couldn't carry and they left the store together giggling.
"What a grumpy woman." He said once they climbed back in the truck.
"Well it must suck to work the night shift." Zelda sympathized.
"True, but you would think some teenagers purchasing odd items would peak your interest enough to liven up a bit."
Zelda nodded in agreement. "It would sure peak mine."
"Are you positive you want to do this?" Link asked, looking over at her.
Zelda nodded her head. "Yes. This is the least he deserves. Plus, it sounded too fun to miss out on."
"I agree. There's nothing I love more than a spontaneous adventure with a pretty girl."
Zelda was thankful for the darkness in the car as she felt her face heat up. "So, just how many girls have you helped prank their exes?"
"You'd be surprised." Link said playfully, reversing out of their parking spot.
"Well that's too bad, I'd thought I was your first for sure." Zelda said, continuing to play along.
"Be glad you aren't, the more experience the better." Link said reasonably.
"I guess that's true, in that case I'm glad you've done this so many times before."
Link chuckled. "Alright, now you're going to have to tell me how to get to his house."
Zelda directed him to Ike's large house, much like her own.
"Wow, yet another rich person." Link said shaking his head. He passed the house, then made a u-turn and parked on the opposite side of the street two houses down.
He rummaged in the bags from the store and pulled out a few items. "Here we go. You ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." She answered nervously.
They walked quietly up to the looming house. Link walked up to the blue jeep parked in the driveway; Ike's car.
He handed the stuff over to Zelda, then gently pulled on the handle of the driver side door. It was surprisingly unlocked.
"What kind of idiot leaves his door unlocked." Link muttered quietly.
"The same idiot who cheats on his girlfriend then lies to the school about it." Zelda responded in a whisper.
Link smirked and nodded his head. "Quite the idiot indeed."
He then tried the handle on the back door, it was unlocked as well.
He grabbed one of the packages from Zelda's hands and used his car key to slice open the plastic wrap. He pulled out the large smelly fish. "I hope you like salmon, you bastard." He said as he hid the fish under the seats in the back row.
"You said he car pools with Roy on Tuesdays right?" Link asked her. She nodded her head.
"Yep, and then he has practice after school and he does lifting after that with Roy."
"Oh good, so our fish here will probably have a good eighteen hours or so before he is discovered. The majority of which will be spent roasting in the hot sun." Link said with a nonchalant tone.
Zelda grimaced. The fish already smelled terrible, she couldn't imagine what it would smell like after marinating in the sun for several hours.
"Now, onto the next thing." Link said after closing the doors of the jeep quietly. "Where is his room?"
Zelda led him around the house and pointed to a window down in a window-well. "It's in the basement." She explained.
"Have you ever opened his window before?" Link asked.
"Yeah. One time he was grounded so Roy and I snuck him out."
"Is the window loud?" Link persisted.
"It squeaks a little, but Ike always watches TV as he's going to sleep. Listen." Zelda said, leaning in slightly.
Sure enough there was the faint, but audible sound of some TV show.
Quietly Link lowered himself down into the window-well and then helped Zelda down with him.
Slowly he pulled on the window. It was unlocked as well. "Wow, he just makes this too easy." He whispered. Zelda put a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.
Link opened the window wide enough so that they could fit through one at a time. He climbed through first, jumping silently onto the carpet. Zelda handed him the stuff, then lowered herself into the room.
The familiar room was dark except for the glow of the the flat screen TV mounted on the wall across from Ike's king sized bed.
A snoring mound lay sprawled under messy sheets. The two teens tiptoed slowly into the room.
Zelda walked over to one wall and shook up the purple spray paint can. Quickly she sprayed a large Z on the wall. She handed Link the green one and pointed. He sprayed a large L over the Z making a cool looking symbol.
Next she pulled out the hair removal cream. They crept up next to his bed. Thankfully he was passed out on his back. Perfect.
She squirted some of the cream onto the sponge that came with it. Slowly and cautiously she rubbed it onto his left eyebrow. She made sure to cover the entire thing thickly.
While she was doing that, Link had poured some oil onto the window sill except for one part where they could step.
He gestured for Zelda to come quickly. The hair removal cream would cause a burning sensation that could wake Ike up in a few minutes.
He helped Zelda into the window-well, making sure she didn't slip. Suddenly Ike began to move around in his bed. "He's waking up!" Zelda whispered, feeling a burst of panic erupt in her stomach.
She grabbed Link's hands and quickly helped him into the window-well.
"What the.." Ike's groggy and deep voice said suddenly. "Hey! Who are you!" Ike yelled, shooting out of bed.
Zelda quickly jumped out of the window-well followed by Link. She burst into a sprint and looked back just in time to see Ike slip on the window sill and fall back into his room.
She jumped into the passenger seat of the car. Link quickly started the engine and stepped on the gas. They peeled out of the neighborhood, never looking back.
"That was really close." Zelda said. "Holy shit, what a rush." She looked at Link with a gigantic smile. "That was so much fun."
"It was." Link agreed laughing with her.
"So, Samus's house next?" She asked.
Link nodded, "Do you know where she lives?"
"I managed to get her address from Peach who got it from one of her friends earlier." Zelda replied. "I plugged it into the map on my phone so it should give us directions."
They followed the directions on Zelda's phone until they pulled up in front of a medium sized house. Once again, Link passed it and parked across the street a few houses down.
"I have no idea where her room is so we'll just have to do exterior damage." Zelda said, feeling slightly disappointed.
"That's what I planned for anyway." Link said. "Isn't that her car?"
"I'm pretty sure." Zelda replied looking at the slightly worn car parked to the side of the driveway.
"Well I hope so, because it's getting a fish as well."
He walked over to the car and tried the handle. "Locked. Of course."
"Well at least she's smarter than Ike." Zelda whispered, though it was a minor set back.
"Hold on a sec." Link said, then he quickly jogged back to his truck. He got something out then came back.
"Pit locked himself out of his car one time and I had to help him pick the lock." Link explained, showing her the wire looking device.
Zelda felt a bubble of hope as he stuck the thing in the lock on the driver's side and began to move it around.
Suddenly the sound of the door's lock releasing was heard. "Bingo."
He pressed the unlock button on the driver door and all the doors unlocked. He then opened the back side door and once again hid a fish under the back seat. He pressed the lock button and then closed the doors.
"Great work." Zelda complimented.
Then on the back windshield of Samus's car she spray painted a giant purple Z and over that Link sprayed a large green L.
They took out half the toilet paper rolls and began to throw them high into the trees and wrap them around the bushes surrounding her house. Once those rolls were used he pulled out a bag of plastic forks.
"This is the fun part." He smirked, holding them up so Zelda could see.
"This is going to take us forever!" Zelda said as they stuck fork after fork into the lawn, then broke off the handle. The purpose was the break someone's lawn mower.
"We just need to space them out across the yard, not fill up the whole thing." Link said, working along side her.
It ended up taking them almost half an hour to fill up the majority of the yard before they finally decided to give up and move to the next location.
"Alright, final location. Are you pumped still or are you about to pass out?" Link asked as they drove out of the neighborhood. It was just past two in the morning and Zelda was starting to get a bit tired.
"I still have enough adrenaline in me for our last location." She said with a smile.
"That's what I like to hear." Link replied. He parked across the street from the final house, Roy's.
"He deserves this as much as Ike and Samus. I'm ninety percent sure he knew Ike was cheating and he didn't say anything." Zelda said as they climbed out of the car.
"Don't worry, he'll get what's coming to him." Link said.
"Here's to the last time we get to spray paint this." Zelda said as she sprayed the giant purple Z on his white garage door. Link sprayed his green L over it as usual.
They then pulled out the rest of the toilet paper rolls and decorated Roy's large front yard. It was the perfect location, as it was filled with tall trees and shrubbery.
Zelda looked over to the bench where Link had comforted her the night of the party. It was just days ago, but it felt so far away.
"You ready for the final thing?" Link asked her, holding up a carton of eggs.
"Don't you know I'm ready by now?" Zelda asked in sarcastic annoyance.
"Alright, no need to get feisty, just checking." Link responded, holding up his hands defensively.
Zelda just smirked and shook her head. "Hand me some eggs."
They plastered the brick of his house with eggs until there were only two left. "These two are going to be loud so get ready to run." Link said. Zelda nodded in understanding.
"One, two, three!" Link exclaimed. At the same time they both threw their eggs at the garage door. They hit their target with a loud bang then sprinted to the car, leaving the empty carton behind.
Zelda dove into the car as she had at Ike's, not even having her door fully closed by the time Link was already driving out of the neighborhood.
"I'm kind of sad our little adventure is over." Zelda said looking over at Link.
"Well, it's only 2:43. I don't see the harm in one last stop." He said smirking.
"Where else could we go?" She asked in confusion.
"You'll see." Link answered mysteriously, Zelda stared at him then turned to look out her window. Wherever they were going, she was just glad to be going with Link.
[I'm so sorry for the long wait guys! I've been very busy with final testing and projects for school. This chapter is unedited, but I hope you enjoy anyway. Please vote/comment and thank you for reading as always! (:
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