06| Brainstorm
"Who told you that?!" Zelda asked desperately. She wanted to yell, but her voice barely rose above a whisper.
"Our whole table was talking about it at lunch." Daisy said with a shrug. Her eyebrows drew together. "Wait, are you saying that it isn't true?"
"He's the one who cheated on me!" Zelda yelled, a sudden burst of fury bubbling inside her stomach. How could he lie about that? Now she looks like the bad guy when in reality she was the victim.
Daisy's mouth dropped open. She took a cautious few steps forward. "I'm so sorry, Zel. I can't believe he's lying to everyone about it. Who'd he cheat on you with and when?"
"It was at Roy's party on Friday. I walked in on him having sex with Samus Aran..." Zelda explained, her voice now quiet again.
Daisy immediately pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry, we'll set the story straight with everyone."
Zelda nodded into her shoulder, feeling tears start to develop again. Just then the late bell rang loudly, echoing through the deserted hall.
"Son of a mushroom! I'm late! Sorry Zel, we'll have to talk more later." Daisy called back as she dashed down the hall.
Zelda turned and was surprised to see Link still standing there. "Oh no, you're gonna be late. I thought you left."
"I'll never leave you." Link replied quietly.
Zelda found strange comfort in these words. "Want to ditch?" She was surprised at the words that left her mouth. After all, she was a cheerleader. She was supposed to be an example to the school and a volley ball player. She had to maintain excellent grades and good attendance.
Link nodded his head. "C'mon, he's not going to get away with this. I'll be sure of it."
He draped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her in close as they left the school together and headed toward the parking lot.
"Where do you want to go?" He asked once they had reached her car.
"Home." She answered honestly. "I just want to go home."
"Home it is then." Link agreed. "I'll follow you."
Zelda had forgotten that he had driven himself to school. She nodded her head as he walked off to where he had parked.
She started the car, buckled her seat belt, and drove out of the parking lot. She waited on the side of the road until Link's beat up truck pulled onto the road.
The two headed to Zelda's house with Link following closely behind.
"Long time no see." Link said once he'd climbed out of his car and followed her through the door.
Zelda rolled her eyes. "Did you miss me?" She asked, playing along.
"Actually, I think I did a little bit." Link replied with a small smirk. Zelda just shook her head, but a grin played on her lips.
"So what shall we do?" She asked as she plopped down on one of the sofas in the living room.
"Brainstorm of course." Link replied with his infamous smirk as he sat on the couch across from her.
"Brainstorm for what?" She asked, raising a perfect eyebrow.
"Revenge, what else would we brainstorm for?" Link said deviously.
"You can't be serious."
"Oh I'm dead serious." Link said, his face matching the serious tone of his voice. "Unless of course you aren't comfortable with it, which is understandable."
"Yeah..I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the whole revenge thing. It feels childish." Zelda answered honestly.
"Childish? What is childish is cheating on someone who has been nothing but loyal to you. He's the child here, Zelda. And don't you forget it. If you don't want revenge, that's fine, but that just means he wins. I'd hate to see the bad guy win." Link told her softly. He moved from his couch to sit next to her.
"You don't have to make any decisions right now, just think about it. Okay?"
"Okay." She whispered back. She didn't realize she was slowly leaning toward him until their faces were just a centimeter apart.
"So, shall we watch a movie?" He said suddenly, breaking her from her trance.
A warm pinkness immediately shot to her cheeks. "Sure." She said, looking down.
She heard a small chuckle from Link. He stood and helped her to her feet.
She led him downstairs to the large movie room complete with surround sound, a large screen, and reclining chairs.
"So what movie should we watch?" She asked opening a closet off to the side of the room. The shelves were full of DVDs in alphabetic order.
When Link didn't respond she turned back to see the blonde boy still staring around the room in amazement.
"I forgot how rich you are." He said quietly.
Zelda giggled, "Hurry up and pick something."
He looked in the closet. "I don't even know where to begin."
"These are horror movies, comedies, romances, and family movies." She explained, pointing to the appropriate shelves.
Link looked for a minute. "How about this one?" He asked, pulling out one of the cases.
"Hero of Hyrule? Really?" Zelda asked with a laugh. It was a cartoon from her childhood, her favorite actually.
"C'mon. It was my favorite movie when I was a kid." Link told her, staring at the cover happily.
"Me too!" Zelda exclaimed. "I always pretended to be the princess when I was younger and my dog was always the hero who came to my rescue."
"Isn't the princess named Zelda?" Link asked, skim reading the back.
Zelda nodded happily. "It's one of the reasons that it was my favorite movie."
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get started!" Link said, handing the DVD case to her.
"Okay. Will you go get two blankets from my room while I get this started?" She asked as she started the DVD player.
Link nodded his head and left the room. He took his time, taking in her extraordinary house on his way.
He forgot how large her room was, and so clean. The best part was that it smelled just like her.
Link shook the thoughts from his head. As if he'd ever have a chance with a girl like Zelda. She is one of the most popular girls, rich, on the volley ball team, a cheerleader, and she only dates guys like Ike.
"Link? Did you find them?" Zelda called from somewhere down below.
"Yeah! Just a minute!" He called back. Quickly he grabbed two blankets and was on his way out when he paused.
On her dresser was a framed picture of Zelda and Ike. Next to it was a note written in poor handwriting.
You're the love of my life. My one true happiness. If I ever lost you, I don't know what I would do with myself.
These past 10 months have been amazing. I wouldn't trade them for the world. Happy anniversary, babe.
I love you to the moon and back.
Your love,
The note honestly made Link sick. This note seemed recent, yet Ike still ended up sleeping with someone else.
He now wondered if that night was the first time Samus and Ike had slept together or if it had been an ongoing thing.
He then remembered that Zelda was waiting for him and quickly jogged back downstairs.
He found Zelda in the kitchen, next to the microwave that was popping popcorn.
"What took you so long?" She asked once she'd spotted him.
"I had to pee real fast while I was up there." He lied quickly.
Zelda just smiled. "Boys and their small bladders."
The popcorn finished popping and was poured into a bowl. The happy blondes headed back down the the movie room where Zelda hit play and they began to watch their favorite childhood movie together.
They laughed together at the comedic parts, and even teared up when the hero's horse almost died.
Zelda forgot how much fun it was to have someone else to watch these movies with. Ike always thought they were dumb and insisted on action packed thrillers or nasty comedies. Peach only wanted to watch horror movies or romance.
And here Link was, watching a movie that she wanted to watch for once. It made her beyond happy to have a friend like him.
"I forgot how funny that movie is." He commented as the end credits began to roll on the screen.
"I want to do it." Zelda said suddenly, turning to him.
"Do what?" Link asked confused.
"Get revenge. I want to get revenge on Ike." She said quickly.
Link stared at her for a moment, then a small smile grew on his face. "I hoped you would say that. Now, I already have some great ideas."
Zelda scooted closer to him and listened as he told her what they were going to do.
[Hey y'all, I'm super sorry for the long wait. I hope you like this chapter! Things are going to get more interesting soon. Please vote/comment and thank you for reading!
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