03| Friday Night Blues
There was Ike, shirtless and straddling none other than a nude Samus Aran.
Peach was right, this was definitely a party to remember.
"Zelda." Ike breathed, seemingly as shocked as Zelda was.
"Wait! Let me explain!" He yelled, climbing off the bed, but it was too late. Zelda had already dashed from the room and was plummeting down the stairs two at a time.
She'd never felt anything like this before. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears, her stomach was twisting itself making it hard to breathe, and her eyes were full of tears ready to be released, but she was running so fast it was like her body didn't have time to process any of these feelings. She didn't want to stop, she didn't want what she had just witnessed to be processed.
She searched the living room hurriedly, afraid that Ike was in pursuit behind her. She was so desperate to leave, to go anywhere, anywhere at all. Anywhere that didn't have naked, cheating, disgusting, boyfriends just upstairs with conniving sluts.
She cursed herself, realizing she and Peach had ridden with Ike. She should have drove herself. Why didn't she drive herself?
She searched the living room in panic, nobody seemed to notice the insane girl with heavy breaths and wide eyes.
She couldn't see any of them. Maybe she could walk? Or call a cab? Did cabs even pick up in neighborhoods?
Finally she spotted Peach. Quickly she almost ran to her friend.
"Peach! I need to talk to you!" She said urgently. Peach just giggled.
"Hold on, Zel. I'm busy." She whispered loudly, jabbing her thumb in the direction of Snake who was walking towards them.
Great, she was drunk.
Before Zelda could get another word in, Snake's arm was around Peach and he led her away.
The desperate blonde was just about to follow, but thought better of it. It was too claustrophobic in here. She needed to get out, and fast.
Once again, nobody seemed to notice as she practically ran from the room, threw open the front door, and collided right into a very solid something.
"Are you alright?" That something, that happened to be a person, asked. Zelda was slightly shaken, and had hit into the stranger so hard that she fell straight to the floor, landing harshly on her butt.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Zelda groaned, accepting the hand offered to her as the figure helped her up.
She looked up to thank the stranger, only to find a very attractive boy peering down at her with piercing blue eyes.
"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked again. Zelda just then realized that she had been staring a little too long.
"Uh yeah, thanks." She said quietly, muttering a pardon as she made her way around him and out onto the porch.
"My name is Link, by the way." The boy said. Zelda turned to find him already staring at her with those eyes. "Zelda." She introduced.
"Well Zelda, if you don't mind my asking, what's got you in such a rush?" He asked with genuine interest.
Though his question was completely innocent, it was as if someone flipped a switch inside of Zelda. Suddenly her eyes were refilled with tears and no matter how fast she blinked, they wouldn't go away. They were to strong, and soon broke through her defenses, cascading down her cheeks. Like water bursting through a dam.
Link's expression changed immediately to deep concern as he took a step closer to her. She opened her mouth to assure him that she was fine, but instead of words, a small sob came from her mouth. Followed by another.
She felt embarrassed to be sobbing in front of a boy she had just met. An attractive and nice boy at that. But she faced no other option, her emotions overtook her and she was powerless to stop it.
"Hey, it's okay." He told her, even though he had just met her and had no idea why she was even crying. He put a strong arm around her shoulders and quickly led her out of the doorway, and along the wrap around porch to the side of the house. They found a bench there, with no windows or people, and plenty of privacy.
They sat there in silence, the only sound being Zelda's small sobs and the party raging just past the wall behind them.
After a few minutes, she had herself mostly composed. Only sniffling ever so slightly.
"Wanna talk about it?" Link asked her kindly. She was surprised to find herself nodding her head yes. Even though Link was still a stranger and it seemed absolutely absurd to tell him about what she had just experienced.
"Do you know who Ike is?" She began, staring down into her lap.
"Of course. He's the quarterback for our football team." Link said. Zelda nodded her head in confirmation.
"Well..he and I have been dating for just over ten months now. Everything was going really well, but tonight...tonight I walked in on.." She paused to choke back another sob that had crawled up her throat, threatening to escape.
"...I walked in on him having sex with Samus Aran." She said finally. She heard Link inhale sharply, though he quickly covered up his surprise.
She was slightly shocked when one of his lean, yet muscular arms wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her to his sturdy chest. Just like that she was sobbing again. Never in her life had she felt so pathetic.
"I'm so sorry. You deserve so much better than this." His deep voice comforted, though it was muffled as she was snuggled so tightly against his chest.
She pushed away slightly, realizing what had just happened. "I'm sorry, I've just barely met you and now here I am staining your shirt with my pathetic tears." She let out a weak laugh that sounded halfway like a sob.
Suddenly his hand grabbed her chin and pointed her face towards his, forcing her gaze to meet his intimidating one. "Listen to me, you're not at all pathetic. Ike is the one who's pathetic. To cheat on anyone, especially after 10 months of 'loyalty' shows just how weak he really is. All of this is his fault, you're much too good for him. Never ever call yourself pathetic again. Understand?"
Zelda nodded her head slowly, making him release his grip on her chin. "Sorry about that, I just wanted you to understand.." He began in a much softer tone, a light shade of pink creeping onto his cheeks.
"Don't apologize. You're really kind." She said giving him a small smile. He smiled back. He had a really cute smile, Zelda noted.
"Well, I better get going. My house is kind of a long walk from here and I'd like to be home as soon as possible." She said standing up awkwardly.
He stood up as well. "You can't seriously be walking home?" He asked incredulously.
She nodded her head somberly. "Unfortunately I rode with my ex boyfriend and I can't seem to find any of my friends around to give me a ride."
"I can give you a ride? I know we just met and everything, but you've already told me half your life story sooo." He said teasingly.
"Hey!" She exclaimed defensively, slapping his arm slightly. "You were the one who asked."
"True, true." He replied. "Still, you cried all over my shirt, so you owe me. Will you let me drive you home?"
Zelda gave an over exaggerated sigh. "I mean I guess."
Link chuckled and she laughed with him, the thought of Ike and Samus seeming a little farther from her mind.
She followed the blonde boy off the porch, across the lawn, and a little bit down the street where a dark green beat up truck was waiting.
Link looked suddenly embarrassed. "It's not much.."
"Looks even better than Cinderella's carriage to me." Zelda joked, giving him a comforting smile.
He smiled back. "Miss Cinderella." He said as he opened the passenger side door for her.
"My Prince Charming!" She cooed sarcastically as she climbed into the passenger side.
Her smile fell as she remembered that those words were almost the exact same as the ones that Ike had said to her just earlier today when he gave her a ride after school.
She quickly put a fake smile back on her face when she saw Link watching her curiously. "Are you going to stand there all night with the door open or are you going to get in?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
Link just shook his head, but she saw the small grin forming on his perfect lips as he closed her door and appeared on the driver's side.
He climbed in. "Buckle up!" He said cheerfully as the engine roared to life. She buckled her seat belt and they were off.
He pulled out of the neighborhood and down the main road.
"Take this right." She instructed him.
"Okay." He agreed, even though he kept going straight down the road.
"Why'd you just pass it?" She asked turning to look at him.
He glanced at her, but just smiled. "You shall see. It's a surprise."
"I don't like surprises." She muttered as she leaned against her window. Link just shook his head, the small smile still playing on his lips.
Within a few moments they were pulling into a parking lot.
"Kirby's Kitchen." Zelda read the sign aloud as she stared through the windshield.
"C'mon if we hurry we can get in before Kirby leaves." Link said, cutting the engine and hopping out of the car.
She got out more slowly, earning some shouts to hurry from Link who had already jogged to the door.
His truck beeped behind them as he clicked the lock button on his key. He waited for Zelda to walk up beside him before pulling on the door.
"Locked." He muttered under his breath.
"What'd you expect? Kirby's Kitchen closed over an hour ago." Zelda said, crossing her arms.
Link ignored her and looked through the window. He seemed to have spotted something, because he knocked loudly on the window then waved at someone.
A few seconds later, the door opened and out stepped a small pink figure. Kirby was literally the shape of a large ball with dark pink oval feet, stubby arms, wide blue eyes, and a mouth bigger than Zelda's head.
"Link!" He greeted with a large grin. "You couldn't have called first? I would've left the door unlocked."
"Sorry, Kirbs. I actually wasn't planning on coming in tonight, but things change." Link said, side stepping to reveal Zelda who waved awkwardly.
She had been to Kirby's Kitchen multiple times. It was one of the most popular restaurants in all of town, but she had never personally met the owner.
"Well who might this be?" Kirby asked with a friendly smile.
"I'm Zelda." She introduced herself.
"Kirby." The chef replied. "Come on in! I'll whip up a snack for you two."
The three headed inside the restaurant. It was empty with no lights on except a glow from the kitchen on the other side of the room.
All the chairs were up on the table and the floor looked freshly vacuumed and mopped.
Link walked straight to the kitchen as if it was the most usual thing in the world. Zelda followed quietly behind.
Kirby whipped them up some smoothies and gave them some left over cake that he was going to throw out anyway.
Zelda found herself telling Kirby all of what had happened. He turned out to be a really good listener and she enjoyed talking to him.
Then they played a fun game of cards and Zelda found her mind had completely drifted from Ike.
Almost two hours later, they finally left and started heading to Zelda's house.
"What? Are you giving me the silent treatment because I beat you every time?" Zelda teased Link.
"That was just beginners luck." He grumbled.
"I sure have a lot of that, considering we played like five rounds." Zelda persisted with a smirk.
"You just wait until next time. We'll see how cocky you are then." Link replied.
"Is that a threat?" Zelda asked with a laugh.
"Oh most definitely. Now shut up before I kick you out of my truck." Link said, glaring at her.
She stared stunned at him for a second then burst into laughter. His glare cracked after a few seconds and he began to laugh alongside her.
They pulled into her street and into her driveway. "Want me to walk you in?" He asked.
She nodded her head. He shut off the engine and followed her up the driveway to the garage where she punched in the code on the little keypad to the side.
The garage began to rise and they walked in. Link stared around in amazement.
Neither of Zelda's parents' cars were there, despite it being around one in the morning.
She shut the garage with the button next to the door before entering the house.
Link's eyes widened further as he examined the extravagant house. Zelda didn't seem to notice and led him up to her room.
"This is your room?" He asked, looking around. Zelda nodded her head as she slipped off her heels and headed into the attached bathroom.
Link wandered around examining the luxurious room. Zelda came back a few minutes later, dressed in a t-shirt and cheer shorts. She had taken off her make-up and was now brushing her teeth.
"Are your parents home?" Link asked. She held up one finger as if to say 'hold on' and went back into the bathroom.
She spit and rinsed her mouth then came back with a hair brush. "No. They barely come home." She replied as she brushed out her hair.
"Are yours going to be worried?" She asked walking back into the bathroom.
"No. I'm supposed to be sleeping at my friend Pit's house." Link called in after her. "Speaking of which, I should probably tell him where I went."
Zelda sat down on the bed as he pulled out his phone and sent his friend a quick text.
"Were you his ride?" She asked with sudden guilt.
"Yeah, but he can just ride home with Marth or something." Link replied with a shrug.
Zelda shivered suddenly and climbed under the covers.
"I should probably go." Link said heading toward the door.
"Please stay." Zelda asked, surprised by the desperation in her voice.
He paused and turned around. "Okay." He agreed quietly. He took off his shoes and climbed into the bed with her.
He was surprised when she immediately snuggled up onto his chest.
"We just met, yet I feel like I've known you forever." He said after a few minutes of silence.
Zelda didn't reply, he looked down and saw her fast asleep on his chest. She was absolutely beautiful.
He reached over to the nightstand and clicked off the lamp light. Soon he drifted off into sleep with Zelda in his arms.
Well that escalated quickly. What'd you guys think? Thanks for reading. (: Please vote and comment!
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