Chapter 3: Accidents Happen
"Is she okay?"
"What if she's dangerous?"
"She's armed! She has those daggers."
"Are you sure that she won't attack us?"
I hear whispers floating through the air, all around me. Inching one eye open, I examine the room around me. It's a tent basically, and I'm laying on ground, under a blanket in a small, flat, bed.
There's a few old men and women that wear identical long robes, that are standing at my feet. One is red, one is blue, another is green, the fourth is yellow, and the last is purple. My guess is that there's maybe five of them. The small girl who rescued me is sitting in the corner with her doll. And finally, the man that found me.
He sits beside me, oblivious to the fact that I'm awake. The man appears to be either 18 or 19, but definitely around my age. His face is tan and angular. Dirty blonde tufts stick out of the white wrap around his head, with a similar cloth sitting on his shoulders, covering everything except his eyes. Which, by the way, are a deep crimson. He wears the traditional flexible thin Sheikahn armor on his thighs, calves, shoulders, forearms, chest, and upper arms; but his are varying from navy to baby blue. Finally, painted in vermillion on the fabric draped over his chest is the ever-present Sheikahn Eye.
He looks bored though, his chin is resting in his hand which is propped on his knee, while he sits with his legs crossed.
"Excuse me?" I whisper weakly. With that small word, everyone goes silent.
The man next to me straightens up. The elders at the foot of my bed look at me.
"What is your name, young one?" they ask me. In a small, secluded village like this where people are immune to the outside world, it's obvious that they haven't heard of my sisters and I.
"Karma," I reply. They exchange glances.
"Where are you from?" they question me again.
"My hometown was destroyed, and I'm an orphan. Even before the attack, I had nothing. Everybody else died. I have nothing to return to," I fib.
"Why were you injured?"
Jeez, interrogation much? "Accidents happen."
"Don't be smart. What injured you, Karma?"
"I told you, I'm a survivor. It'd be unlikely that I would escape without harm," I reason.
That guy next to me is looking at me intently. Like he expects me to just jump up and kill them. Good. He'll need that instinct if he wants to live long enough to see everyone else die. But that means he'll just be a tougher opponent.
"Why did you come here?" the elders ask again. Seriously, my head's starting to pound. Can't they call it quits?
"I wouldn't say that I was looking to come here. Out of the five main towns of Hyrule, plus probably a hundred traveling groups and unofficial villages, I just happened to stumble upon this one. I could've just as easily had the same chance of walking to another village, and they'd just as easily ask me the same question. And I'd answer the same way that I just did," I answer. Is that enough to shut them up?
"Do you have any place to go back to? Any relatives?" Apparently, my intellectual spiel of crap was not enough.
"No. I already told you," I murmur.
"Must you stay here?"
Do they have to word it like that? It makes me feel unwanted pest. Which, I am.
The commonly found middle child of the three Sisters of Fate is known to pay back people accordingly to their actions. Her and her sisters are always up for hire, and do whatever they need to for money, no questions asked. She enjoys hot baths when people aren't trying to kill her, and likes grilled cucco. Her sleeping patterns are irregular, and she only sleeps when she absolutely has to. This results in her short temper, and is often compared to her older, crueler, sister. Usually, she resorts to stupid things like injuring herself onto the verge on death so that she can infiltrate dumb villages because a man she's never met or liked told her to.
If I were in a encyclopedia, that'd be the main criteria.
"It'd be appreciated if you let me stay. I wouldn't let you down," I whisper. I'm starting to get dizzy again.
The elders look back and forth at each other, their long robes swaying. "We'll be back in a moment after we deliberate. Sheik, watch her."
He rolls his eyes. "Don't have to tell me twice."
When they leave the tent, I put my head back down. My silver hair fans out around me, my violet eyes half-opened. At least they had the courtesy to leave my Triforce bandana on. Usually, you're stripped of that stuff, and other useless things. Like...mirrors.
I quickly bury my hand beneath my clothing and feel around, and the man looks at me, like he expects me to attack. My hand goes into my pockets, and my heart skips a beat. It's gone.
"Looking for this?" the man asks, and holds up his bandaged hand. In it, is my small, circular mirror, no bigger than my palm.
My temper flares again.
"Give that back!" I hiss, and try to grab for it. He easily moves his hand, and I may not see his face, but I think he's smirking.
"Give me one good reason," he taunts.
"Because it's mine! Don't take stuff from other people!" I try and get up, but even a dummy knows that sitting up with or without the use of your arms requires the use of stomach muscles.
I feel a sharp twisting, and suck in a breath and fall onto my side. My arms wrap around and clutch my stomach, and my head is already out of alignment with the pillow.
He doesn't even look pitying. I swipe for it again, and he moves away from my hand easily. His eyes fixate on it, and he taps it.
"What's so special about it?" he inquires.
"It was my mother's! Give it back to me now!" I lie yet again. If I don't watch what I say, I might grow up to be one of those compulsive liars that end up without homes and food.
But then again, I'm no better, and I'm already without a home and food. I have no sentimental attachment to that mirror, it's just a trinket Ganon gave me to talk to Luck and Hope.
The little girl sits in the corner, cuddling with her doll, trying to ignore our dispute.
"Hello, and what's your name?" I ask, immediately changing my attitude.
"Rhia," she whispers.
"Hi Rhia, I'm Karma. Thank you for finding me," I say as nicely as I can. She gives a small smile.
"You're welcome. I got really worried, and ran for help! Then I got Sheik to come and get you. He's probably happy he helped, even if he doesn't look like it," she replies.
"I'm bursting with joy," he says sarcastically, a devoid of all emotion. And life.
I roll my eyes. "What's got your tights in a bunch?"
He glares at me. "I'm stuck here with you," he answers. I'm slightly taken aback. "And the elders told me to, so I have no choice. Why're you so cold?"
"Because you have my mirror, I almost died, my only good shirt is wrecked with my own blood, my stomach feels like it's being torn apart, a migraine is splitting open my head, I can't move, and you're here. Savvy?" I ask, and his scowl deepens to the point that it looks like he's related to Luck.
He grumbles and tosses me my mirror, and I catch it. As I stuff it back in my pocket, the front flap of the tent opens and the elders step in. These people aren't too smart, either. It's plain logic that eight people can't fit in a tent meant for two adults, or people start to get to know each other really fast.
I try giving them one of my most innocent looks, like Hope gives me when she asks me not to tell Luck something she did. The purple one gets a pitying look because of it.
"Karma," they say. I perk up, and amp up my innocence. "We've decided that due to unlikely and unfortunate circumstances..."
Damn it.
"That you can stay." Really?! I almost jump up and hug the poor guy, but I know I can't or I'll hurt myself.
"But"—my happiness fades—"you have to answer one more question."
What? There's more? "Yes?" I answer anyway, and try to swallow my skepticism.
"If you want to stay, there is one condition," the red one says.
"Which would be?"
"If you plan to stay here, then you must become one of us. Karma, would you take it upon yourself to become one of the Sheikah?"
Finally, I've made progress. Tonight I'll be able to give Luck and Hope some good news.
"Yes, I will become a Sheikah," I tell them. The nervous yellow one speaks up.
"But you must understand..." He pauses, forgetting my name.
He nods. "You must understand, Karma, that this rarely happens. Sheikah only accept those who are born here, as actual Sheikah. We only take in people like this every thousand years or so."
"Then you will appreciate my presence, I promise."
They smile. They're a lot warmer when you get to know them.
"In that case, you will have to learn our ways of life. It isn't easy, and it can take upwards of a year," they inform me.
A year? I only have one month!
"For that reason," the blue one says, "you'll need a teacher, or a mentor, if you prefer."
A...mentor? Can I skip class?
Sheik looks really amused by this. Because he feels so confident, he whispers in my ear, "There's thousands of concepts and hundreds techniques. You're going to be busy every day, and wish you were dead," he says.
"Fuck you," I whisper back, so no one can hear but him. He scowls.
"Sheik," the elders say, and he sits up. "You will be Karma's mentor."
What?! Maybe when Hell freezes over! I look at him with disgust, and he returns the look. His wide-open shocked eyes swiftly narrow at me. Seems like we both agree for once, that neither of us want to be with each other.
"Elders, please," he starts, and the green one holds up his hand, which makes Mr. I'm-better-than-everyone-else go quiet.
"Do I have to be with him?" I ask. They nod. I try not to groan. "Where will I sleep? Where will I eat?" I question again. Maybe that will make them rethink—
"In Sheik's house."
My mouth gapes, and I try not to make my jaw contact with the ground.
"Close your mouth, or you'll eat a bug," he says with a sneer. I smile.
"The only bug in here is you!" I shoot back, and I'm pretty sure that he opened his mouth for a response, but the elders speak again after ignoring our escalating word war.
"Sheik, carry her to your house, seeing that she can't walk. After that, you can just sleep. The day is almost done," they say.
Really? I passed out when? During the morning I think; so that means the whole day's gone by. Not too bad, I didn't lose much time at all.
But at the same time... I don't want that nuisance carrying me! It'll make me feel weak, which I'm not; and I don't even want to get near him, he's so annoying. Just thinking about him makes my blood boil.
From the looks of it, he doesn't like that idea either.
The elders smile, once again showing ignorance to our now mental war. "You will start in the morning. Goodnight, Sheik, Karma."
And they take Rhia's hand, and walk out of the tent. That's it? When I want them to leave they stay, and when I want them to stay they leave! Doesn't matter though, I'll get my revenge in a month. These people don't know what's coming.
He looks at me, and glares with his red eyes. I might be seventeen, but I stick out my tongue, which can be made out through my bandana.
Damn, I am mature.
Roughly, he rips the sheets off me. As he does that, I see it. My shirt has been removed, with only bandages around my chest, which feel a little tight. I don't have a ginormous chest, but I need more space than this! And below those wraps is my stomach, wrapped in bandages as well. A little bit of red has seeped through.
He puts one arm under my backside, and brings me to a seated position. I swear, I'm going to make this as hard as possible for him just because I can. Then, he slips his other arm under my knees, and slowly stands up when he leans me against his body.
Most of the glare is gone, but he doesn't look happy. It must be hard being nice to a person and not hurting them when you really want to bash their face in with a brick. But, he's doing well. He may want to hurt me, but he knows he can't.
He backs out of the tent, and I see the town from the inside. Just beside us was the fire, where people sit and play instruments, and little kids play with masks. Small houses are lined up along the edges. If I remember my trip to Kakariko Village, then I'd say this bares some resemblance to Kakariko Village.
Before I even know it, he's kicking open a door, and carrying me into a house. It's pretty small, but spacious. So this is his house.
He rips off the sheets of the bed, and gently but angrily lays me down, before he throws the sheet back down.
"Comfy?" I open my mouth, but he continues. "Great. Go to sleep."
He starts to walk away, but I call him back. "Wait!"
His eyes barely even glance at me. "Is this your bed?" I ask.
"No, it's the dog's," he replies sarcastically. I glare with my purple fury.
"If it's yours, then where are you sleeping? There aren't any more beds."
He points with a bandaged hand to the chair. "On the couch, genius. Now go to sleep. I'm not going easy on you tomorrow."
And with that, he shuts the door, and everything almost goes dark except for the dim orange glow of the fire in the fireplace. That's a chair, not a couch. And a tiny chair at that. He'll be seriously uncomfortable, so why put me on the bed?
Immediately, I take out my mirror, and tap it. It ripples like water, and then calms when Luck's face appears. Her green eyes are piercing, and her wavy red hair looks a little disorganized from the ponytail its in.
"Did you do it?" she asks. I nod.
"I'm in. What about you?"
"Good. These kids are so naive, they easily let me in and offered me beds and food," she replies. I smile under my Triforce bandana.
"Okay, but I've got a question," I say. She quirks her brow. "In order for me to stay, I have to become a Sheikah and learn their ways. Is that okay?"
Luck laughs. "Wow, you got really unlucky. It's like being in school. But yeah, just go along with it and then attack in a month like Ganondorf told us."
"Okay. I have to go, or the idiot will return. These people are so unpredictable. Contact Hope, see how she's doing with the Zoras. See you," I say, and she smiles while her image fades.
I shove the mirror back in my waist pocket, and roll onto my side with a cringe. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.
As soon as I close my eyes, I dream of a bunch of Sheiks running around with targets on their backs; while I throw daggers at every bullseye.
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