Chapter 2: The Sheikah
"Alright ladies, you know what to do," Ganondorf's deep voice boomed.
Luck, Hope, and I are all lined up, standing in front of our employer. Or as he wanted us to call him, "Master". That is so not happening.
"Karma," he looks into my violet eyes, "just injure yourself. Get into the village and pretend to be one of them. When the time is right, in a month, kill them."
I nod. "Yes, Ganon," I say, and he scowls slightly, from my response lacking the word "Master".
"Luck." He looks at her, and her green eyes and tall back straighten up. She's more than ready. "Tell the stupid forest kids that you're lost, and they'll easily let you in. Sneak away every now and then, and get the Skull Kids to join you and become part of my army."
"Yes, Master," she responds with confidence. He grins devilishly. Ugh, he soaks up all the attention he gets.
"Lastly, Hope." She looks up, her blue eyes not showing any weakness despite the fact that she wasn't too comfortable with this idea. "Tell the Zoras that you have amnesia. They're stubborn people, so make it believable. Then, just use this"—he tosses her a small vial with a bright blue substance in it—"to freeze those fish."
"Okay," she murmurs. If she's worried, she isn't making it visible.
He grins at us, his dark eyes glistening and his smile widening. Ganon is so intimidating, that I think the room is closing in.
"I'll take care of the Gorons, with some...extra force, if necessary," Ganondorf growls. In other words, torture and kill them. "And remember," he continues. "Use the mirrors I gave you to contact each other. Do it regularly, so you are all prepared and can move the date if necessary. But, I want it in a month, give or take a few days."
We nod in unison.
One thing I don't understand is that if Ganondorf has the Triforce of Power, why doesn't he do the dirty work himself? Why hire us? Hopefully, I'll get an answer to that sooner or later. That, and I'm not sure that he likes me.
Maybe it's because of the bandana I wrap around my head that covers my nose and mouth. Does it make me look untrustworthy and mysterious? Well, that doesn't matter. He sure likes Luck and Hope, so we're fine.
Now, to conquer Hyrule.
"This mission starts now," he grumbles, and then chuckles. The walls of his Gerudo Fortress almost shake with the noise.
Luck, Hope, and I leave. This'll hopefully be a piece of cake. But if we succeed and get our money, we can have all of that cake, and a million more.
As we walk out, the Gerudo women stare at us as we walk by. They raise their spears, whoop and holler, and smile. Soon, they'll take over, and it'll be thanks to us.
"Karma," Luck looks at me. She has that serious look she takes on whenever she wants me to mature. "Don't screw this up. I know you can do it. But, I wish I got the job with the Sheikah instead of the Kokiri."
My anger flares up, and I try and calm it. Does she not think I can do this? Sometimes, I feel like I need to always prove myself to her. I know she loves me and wants me to try my hardest and she's only doing what a good big sister does; but she always does it in that condescending tone she constantly has... Good thing most of my face is covered, or else she would've seen my anger and gotten a laugh. But, sadly, eyes can show more than a million emotions.
"I can do it," I argue, and try to not let my violet eyes give away my anger. She raises a thin, perfectly shaped red eyebrow. "I can, and I will!" I finalize. She gives her smirk, that makes a small dimple under her four-leaf clover birthmark below her eye.
"Good. Hope?" The innocent girl turns to Luck. "I know you can do it. Let's do good."
What? She trusts that not-able-to-squash-a-bug Hope can freeze the Zoras, but I can't kill a whole village?!
Actually, never mind. That sounded bad out of context.
"Alright, see you soon. I'll contact you guys tonight!" Hope calls, and runs into the fields of Hyrule, towards the Zora's Domain.
Her blonde ringlets bounce in her ponytails, the little blue butterflies holding the curls up gently flap their wings in the breeze. Peace lets out a purr-like hoot, as a farewell of sorts.
Luck gives me a smile, and starts to walk away. "I'm going to the Kokiri. You can do this, Karma. Make sure that not a single one is left. Use those daggers if necessary," she says, and points to my boots and shoulders. "But the next time I see you, this will be covered in blood."
Luck tosses her axe in her hands, with a malicious look in her green eyes. I hate it when she starts getting bloodthirsty. She gets on edge.
"If you're going to kill them, at least do it decently and painlessly," I remind her. She rolls her eyes.
"Okay. See you."
She walks away, and soon I'm left alone. My silver hair wafts around my face in the wind, and I start running my way, towards the Sheikah Village.
If I need to look injured, the tired and sweaty look will really sell it. If I sprint there, I'll be able to make it in half the time, and I'll look exhausted. Bonus.
After about half an hour, my thighs start aching. Just another two hours...
I've run through majority of the fields, but after this I'll have to sneak through the Mountain Pass. If I don't, the Gorons will see me and then be on guard. Even after that, I have to get through the forest. I'm ready for this long journey.
My legs slowly start to lose speed over the next two hours. I go from my sprint to more of a jog. The red rock of the mountains towers over me, and I see Gorons walking around, but none of them see me. Good thing I'm stealthy. That was probably the most dangerous part. Once I get to the forest, I'm forced to slow down my speed. The trees are close together, which means I have to constantly dodge them. That, and the branches will give you whiplash if you don't watch out and slow down.
After all that sprinting, I'm tired and shaky. I'll probably be sore as well tomorrow. Just through the trees, I can make out the Sheikah's Village.
There are small huts, and most of them aren't that big. They have have a bonfire going, and a huge pig is roasting on a spit. Some children are sitting down and talking, or running around with dolls and play swords.
They may be considered to be a mysterious people, but they look ordinary to me. Mothers and fathers with their sons and daughters... Oh, that rhymed.
The Sheikahns wear thin flexible armor, and cover most of their bodies. Most of the older men thicker armor and wraps around their necks, but the women wear thinner, flexible armor that covers less skin, and they shield their faces with wraps.
The children wear similar things, but are more appropriated for them. They wear full-body armor, but theirs is thinner yet. Some have small hoods and other have cowls, or fabric loosely wrapped around their necks like scarves.
One thing they all have in common is the tattoo. Draw somewhere on their bodies or painted somewhere on their clothing is the Sheikahn Eye of Truth. It's basically an eye with three triangles hovering overtop, to represent the Triforce. And below red the eye is an elongated teardrop.
Time to make my move.
I move back around behind my tree, and pull out one of my small daggers; black and a blade no longer than my palm. Quickly, I flip it in my hands so that it faces me. Dammit, this'll be harder to do than I thought. I take a deep breath, tighten my grip, raise my arms, and plunge down.
I muffle a cry, and put part of my bandana in my mouth to bite on. Red blossoms on the front of my clothing, already covering my stomach. My vision gets a little blurry, but that's to be expected.
Hurriedly, I take out my canteen and dump water on my dagger to clean it of my blood. After all, if they saw my weapon covered in my own blood, wouldn't that be suspicious?
After I scrub the blood off, I slide it back into its spot on my forearm. Now, my clothing around my whole stomach has turned a deep red, and feels wet. I lean against the tree, and put my other hand gently on my stomach. I groan, and look at the villagers.
Slowly, I start to walk and stumble to the village—and I'm not faking. My vision is going in and out, repeatedly. As soon as I'm about thirty feet from the village, I fall to my knees. I made that wound way too deep.
As soon as I start to slide onto my stomach, a small girl runs out with her doll she's playing with, with the Sheikah Eye painted on its shirt. Her long, thick, chestnut braid down her back flies behind her like a tail, and her large brown eyes twinkle with joy. Come on, come closer...
She hums, and runs in my direction. But when she looks away from her doll and at me, her eyes widen in shock. I roll onto my back, and though I might traumatize her, she needs to go get help. The girl gasps, and drops her doll, and runs away from my bloody stomach.
"Sheik!" she screams desperately. "Sheik, help! I need help!"
Thank goodness. Quickly, a man runs next to her, and crouches to her height. Through the brush I can see his face wrapped in cloth, covering as much as I do. She speaks urgently, and then his red eyes flick up to mine.
Quickly, he runs through the dense wood over to me. If I blinked, I would have missed it. How stupid I was... I didn't mean to make it that deep!
As my vision and hearing start to fade, I see his red eyes and hear him whisper, "Do you want me to put you out of your misery?"
I shake my head, and feebly whisper while my violet eyes close, "Please... P-Please, for the love of the Goddesses, help me..."
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