"Bloody hell!" Harry yells, as him and Astrid run back into our makeshift tent on the beach. His hair is dripping wet and his already tight clothes have been sticking to him for the last half an hour, along with Astrid, who looks quite the same as he does. Her pink shirt is now see-through, revealing the even brighter pink bra underneath, and her blonde hair is sticking to her face. "You better have gotten the shots you need, because we're not going back out there again!"
Our plan to come back to the beach for Harry and Astrid's sunset photo shoot had backfired. There was no sunset. No sun at all actually. The dark clouds brought the pouring rain, and the ocean was full of angry waves that came with the wind. Although we decided to still come despite the unnerving weather, the 'couple in love' was definitely the most unhappy about the decision, for good reason.
I watch as Harry takes his shirt off to wring the water out of it, as I hand Astrid a towel to warm up. "I didn't get the shots! You better get back out there--just like that!" My eyes travel up and down his now revealed toned torso, tattoos inked in more places than I thought they were, muscles more prominent, his wet skin glistening in the light from the tiny camping light sitting on the cooler beside him.
Harry laughs as he swats me with his twisted up black t-shirt. "Are you flirting with me?" He jokes. "Two days in a row! It must be my lucky week!"
Yesterday was the first time I unintentionally flirted with him. After he said the one thing that seemed to be stuck in my head since he said it, he dropped me into the water, which in turn started a water war between us. Splashing each other like children and laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. He kept picking me up over his shoulder, which resulted in me screaming for him to put me down and he would throw me back into the water with little effort. If I thought karaoke was fun, this moment with Harry beat that by a long shot.
It was one of those moments that I wanted to store into my memory and keep forever, as there was no denying the fact my trust in him didn't falter once and the progress I made with him, seemed to be complete. I trusted him with everything I am, to carry me and to pick me up and throw me and it was nice to just let it all happen the way it was supposed to, not even thinking about it at the time, the way Dr. Swanson told me to do so. And the way the pink sky somehow lit up his eyes a brighter shade of green and his wet curls fell over his face, the beauty before me made this moment almost dreamlike.
I'm happy Harry and Astrid's shoot is over with. Blake kept yelling from the tent, over the loud sound of rain and waves, for them to get closer to each other, for Harry to touch her face more, to look more deeply into each other's eyes, and although I knew it had to be done to get the shots, since we took our pictures at the same time so they could get out of the rain quicker, I wanted to punch Blake in the face for putting me through this. When I first made them dance in the rain at the beginning of the shoot, I knew I would have a hard time having to capture these moments, fake or not.
Seeing Harry have his arms around Astrid, their bodies intertwined together for more than half of the shoot, made me understand my feelings for Harry more than I thought it would. The jealousy in the pit of my stomach almost made me feel sick at the sight of them being so close, especially because Harry is Harry and he's always smiling and he made it look like he was actually enjoying himself with her, which just made it worse. Despite it being just a photo shoot, the pain I felt from it, was definitely real. But that feeling was gone the second I called "That's a wrap!" and I watched how fast they let each other go, like they were just as relieved as I was, that they didn't have to be touching each other anymore.
"Can we please just go home now?" Astrid asks through chattering teeth. "All I want is my pajamas, my bed and Netflix."
"And your beloved rabbit!" Harry points out. "Can't forget about Hopster!"
"It's Hopsie! Get it right!" Astrid retorts. "You hurt his feelings every time you call him that!"
"Hopster is a way better name!" Harry laughs, as he puts his wet t-shirt back on and starts putting some of the equipment back into the cooler, so it wont get wet on our trek back to my car. "You know you agree with me and wish you could tell your five year old self to name him that, instead of Hopsie!"
After our hike across the beach, tarp carried over our heads and all of our equipment in tow, the drive back to the dorms is short. Harry and I, from the front seat of my car, watch Blake awkwardly ask Astrid if he can join her to watch Netflix with Hopsie, making sure to give Harry a look as he says the stuffed rabbit's name correctly, as she stumbles out the door.
She smiles, delighted with his request, as she looks at me, seeing that I'm smiling along with her. "Of course you can!" she says, looking back at him.
All day, I had to listen to her gush about how amazing their conversations on the beach were, while Harry and I were off having our own fun. Other than the fact she was disappointed when he had his camera focused on Harry and I acting like idiots in the water, she said he is a very interesting guy and wants to know more about him, especially because he is so cute. I'm happy that he asked her to hang out and do what she loves most with her. He seems genuine enough for her, and that's all I could really ask of, for a girl as sweet as she is.
"How about we have our own Netflix night?" Harry asks, as we reach the doors to our dorms.
I look at him from a few feet away. "It's Friday Harry, aren't you going to the pub tonight?" Although I want to tell him yes, I feel the need to remind him of his usual Friday night plans. Or his whole weekend plans, really, since that's where he can be seen all weekend, every weekend.
Just as he's about to answer, the door to Harry's dorm room opens and Nova appears with a bright smile on her painted red lips. Her hair in cute pigtails. "Oh good, you're---what the hell happened to you?" Her eyes widen at the sight of Harry, wet hair and a blanket wrapped around him. "Go swimming in puddles, did you?" She then notices I'm standing in front of our door and her smile returns. "Hey sweets! We're gonna leave for the pub soon! Gonna be a good night! You should go get ready, because right now, you two resemble wet dogs!"
"Oh, I think---" I start to say.
"We're just going to stay in tonight and watch Netflix," Harry interrupts, apparently sure that I would accept his proposal to stay in with him. "Now, if you don't mind, Princess, you're in the way, and I really need to shower." When she moves to let him in, he looks at me, pointing his finger in my direction. "I'll be seeing you---soon!"
Nova watches Harry enter the room before looking back at me, leaning against the door frame and letting the door close in on her. "Staying in together, huh?" She smiles again and I notice her eye brows move up and down swiftly.
"Give me a break, Nova!" I whine. "You know it's not like that! I don't know why you keep saying this shit! You're driving me crazy!"
"Yeah yeah," she laughs. "Which room are you watching Netflix in then? Me and Niall want whichever one you're not in tonight."
"In here!" We hear Harry yell from behind the almost closed door.
"Good then, you can stay in here tonight!"
I groan. "Why didn't you and Niall just get a freakin' apartment together, so I wouldn't have to share a room with Harry?"
"I heard that!" Harry yells.
Not even an hour later, Harry is walking into my dorm room while I'm hunched over drying my hair with a towel. "Don't you people ever knock?" I ask, looking at him upside down.
"Ready?" he asks, sitting on my bed. "You're taking forever. I had enough time to get to the cafeteria before it closed to get some snacks. I even got you a coffee!"
"There better be ice cream!" I tell him, running a hand through my hair, standing up straight to look at him.
" Only you're favorite!" He says with a proud smile. "Mint chocolate chip!"
"How did you know?"
"Oh. Uh," he looks around the room nervously, while running his hand through his hair. "Good guess?"
I look at him curiously. I know we have never discussed ice cream since we've known each other. There's absolutely no way he could have known that. "Apparently---"
"So I guess you're sleeping in my room tonight," he changes the subject quickly. "I'd say bring pajamas, but I see you're already wearing them." He looks me up and down and takes in my plaid pants and plain white long sleeve shirt. "Cute, by the way!"
I take a few more minutes in the bathroom, brushing my hair and applying fresh cover up to my arms, before grabbing my tooth brush and going to Harry's room with him.
It's the first time I've been in Harry's dorm room and as I look around, it doesn't surprise me he has a calendar of half naked women hanging next to his bed, his comforter is black, along with his pillows. A Green Day poster is taped to the wall along with a bunch of black and white pictures I'm assuming Harry has taken, hanging over his bed. It's noticeable which side of the room is Harry's and which one is Niall's because Harry seems to be extremely tidy, while Niall is apparently a tornado, with clothes strewn about the floor on his side of the room.
Nova and Niall are already gone and our snacks sit on top of one of Harry's night stands. "What side of the bed do you want tonight?" he asks, rolling the tv stand to face his bed.
"I guess I'll take the left," I say, as I sit down against the wall, putting his pillow in my lap. I'm very aware that my heart isn't pounding and I'm not in the least bit afraid of being alone with Harry, and that I sat on his bed without a care in the world, as if it's normal for me to do so.
"So you're going to sleep with me tonight?" Harry asks, as he sits next to me on the bed, a clear smirk on his face, displaying only one of his dimples.
"You're sleeping with me!"
"Sleeping with you?"
"In my bed!"
"With me!"
"You're so annoying! I thought we were past this!"
Harry laughs, shaking his head at me. "I don't think you're going to want to sleep in Niall's bed. Think of all the sex that has been had in that thing!"
I groan, whacking him with the pillow that was on my lap before looking over to Niall's unmade bed in disgust. "I hate you so much right now for reminding me of that!"
"You can't beat me because I'm telling you the truth!" he snickers. "And for the record, I'm always going to be annoying and you're always going to love me for it!"
"Yeah? Says who?" I ask, raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.
"Says you!" he tells me with a straight face. "I know that's one of the reasons you like me so much!"
"Keep dreaming!" I counter, unable to hide the smirk on my face. "How did you get such a big ego anyways?"
"Big ego?!" he questions. "You think I have a big ego?"
Just as I'm about to answer, he clobbers with with the pillow I just whacked him with and starts laughing again.
"You do have a big ego!" I laugh, stealing his other pillow. "And you're annoying!" I hit him again.
He gets on his knees in front of me, whacking me over the head a few times with his pillow. Our laughter is carrying through the room, as I hit him back enticing him to continue this juvenile pillow fight. "If I'm annoying, you're annoying!"
"I am far from annoying!" Somehow we end up off the bed, attacking each other with our pillows, running around his room.
"Oh, but you are the most annoying girl I ever met, Paisley Hayes!" he says through chuckles.
"And you're the most annoying boy I ever met, Harry Styles!"
"But you like it!" he says, pushing my body back against the bed. Together, we fall on it, Harry on top of me.
Everything feels like slow motion and instinctively, I clench my eyes shut and I take a deep breath in, unable to let it out. The laughter has stopped and all I can hear is the sound of my heart beat echoing through my head and I'm afraid to open my eyes.
"You like it when I'm annoying," he says. "Am I right?"
When I open my eyes, Harry's face is inches from mine. I can feel his breath fan across my face and his eyes are flicking back and forth between mine with a small smile on his lips.
I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I take another deep breath in and let it out slowly, trying to regulate the pace of my heart, keeping my eyes on his. This position isn't a place I have fond memories of. The feeling of someone having all their control over me. Although I know that Harry isn't going to hurt me, I need to repeat it over in my head to remind myself. I close my eyes once more to take a few more breaths.
I can feel Harry shift on top of me, to lift himself up onto his elbows to hold his weight up and his hand slowly brushes the hair from my forehead, which makes me open my eyes to look at him again. The thumping in my chest is still there, but all I feel is calmness around me. His hair hangs over his face as he gazes into my eyes, seriousness in his every feature. Never in my life, have I ever seen such artistry in someone's appearance. The way his green eyes are absorbing every inch of my face as he licks his lips slowly before biting down on his bottom one. I can feel his heart hammering in his chest against mine and his breath fan against my face again.
When I blink, I'm taken out of the trance I seemed to have been in, and I instantly try to sit up, pushing him off of me at the same time. "What should we watch on Netflix?" I ask, nervously. I'm hoping he can't hear the shakiness in my voice, but I know it was clear.
"Uh, right," he says, standing up from the bed and pushing his hand through his hair, looking around the room before grabbing the remote from his desk.
I tell him I'm going to be right back, jumping from the bed and quickly leaving the room. When I close the door behind me in my own room, I lean against it and take a deep breath, running my hands through my hair, before stealing my blanket and pillow off of my bed to take to Harry's room. If I'm going to be sleeping in Niall's bed, it's going to be on top of my own blankets, and I decide tomorrow I'll wash my blanket a few times to rid it of any evidence it was near Niall's dirty sheets.
As I'm about to leave my room, blanket and pillow clasped to my chest, there's a knock at my door. I find it odd that Harry would knock, since he never does, but when I open it, he is standing there, in the doorway, concerned expression on his face.
"Is everything okay?" he asks, his voice sounding exactly how his face looks. "I mean. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to---"
"Everything is fine, Harry," I tell him. I smile to show him that I'm not lying and explain the blanket situation to him as I push him out of the doorway and into his room. "Now, I could really go for that ice cream if it's not completely melted now! And my coffee is probably cold, which seriously sucks, but I'll drink it anyways, I guess! And I think we should watch The 100. I heard it's really good. Have you seen it? Because if you have, we can watch something else. It doesn't really matter to me. Or you can just choose what to watch! I don't mind."
He turns to look at me, confused look on his face, as my fast paced jibber jabber must have caught him off guard. I am obviously nervous as I'm more than certain I didn't even take a breath as those few sentences flew out of me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, as I sit back down on his bed.
"Ice cream?" I ask, deciding to not answer him, holding my hand out towards his night stand for him to acknowledge that I want him to hand me the container.
With a smile on his face as he shakes his head, he hands me the ice cream and a spoon before sitting down next to me at the head of his bed, leaning against the wall and turning the tv on to find The 100 on Netflix.
"You better share that ice cream!"
"No way!"
He laughs, digging his own spoon into the container. "You're sure everything is okay?" He asks, putting the spoon full of ice cream in his mouth.
"You're annoying. Stop it!"
A/N: The support I've been getting on this story recently has been so amazing and uplifting! I can't even thank you enough for reading it and liking it!! I've been loving all your comments and votes!
I loved writing this chapter! I love when they're happy together and flirty! And I love them together so so much! I hope you liked it as much as I loved writing it!
Please continue to vote and comment! I love your feedback!! You really do know how to make a girl smile! :) i love you all so so much!
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