The flower boy
Yes, a chapter :]
Chapter name: The Flower boy
Category: Fluff
Au: Flower boy Quackity!
Requested by: None.
Narrator POV:
Quackity is a Flower boy (no shit sherlock), he has been handling his mother's flower shop as she had to retire. The reason his older brother, George didn't do it? Well, he had other dreams. But Quackity always wanted to help his mother's store so here he is.
George was with his friend group who call themselves the 'Feral boys'. It included George, Georges bf Dream, and his 2 friends who are also dating each other, Sapnap and Karl. But there was a problem going on with Sapnap and Karl. You see, they argue a lot, but love each other too much to let go, it was as if they need something (or someone😏) to light up their relationship. Sapnap thought that it was time they do something, they haven't gone to a date in a while, so he planned on that.
This is where the dream team, which is what the trio Sapnap, George and Dream call themselves started planning for Sapnap and Karls perfect date. Dream suggested him to set the location to be a Mall since Karl loves shopping (SHOPOHOLICS SAY 'WOOP WOOP'). They setted his clothing attire to this:
(Idk how to describe K?)
This is where George suggested him to go to his brother's flower shop for flowers. Sapnap decided to go there for flowers and also there was a toyshop nearby so he would get him a frog plushie.
Sapnap POV:
Today was the day. I wore my outfit and headed to the flower shop. Karl has no idea about what is coming. I was pretty excited for this, it has been over months since we've spent happy times before. I sat in my car and started driving to George's little brother, whose name is supposingly Quackity's flower shop.
As I was driving, I looked at the view outside, it was 9pm and the sky was perfect dark blue with the moon shaped in a crescent. It was not too far so I reached there on time.
I opened the flower shop door, and it made a ringing sound, I looked up to see a bell attached. I looked at the flower boy and my eyes widened. He was beautiful. His fluffy raven hair, his big brown eyes and his perfect tan skin along with his adorable short height and the cute uniform. Wait- Why am I thinking this? I'm not in love with him..right? No! I can't be! but...hes cute and- No! I love Karl! wait...I love both? I guess I'm poly?
My thoughts were cutten off with his voice. "Hello, sir. You're Sapnap I believe? My brother told me about you and your date. I have chosen some flowers for you, come here." He said smiling. His voice was so soft and smooth, like an angel. I followed where he took me.
There were roses, lily's, Daisys and Sunflower. "I'll take the Lillies." I said, smiling a little.
[After he got the flowers and is driving to Karls's house]
still Sapnaps POV:
I rang his doorbell with the flower and the frog plushie in my hand, he still had no idea. He opened the door in his night pajamas and looked at me in shock, blushing a little.
Karls POV:
I couldn't believe it! I was surprised and impressed. I hugged him. He told me to go get ready as we were going to the mall. I was excited and ran to my room, he chuckled.
Karls outfit:
Still Karls POV:
I kept the flowers and the frog plushies in my house and we headed to the mall in his car. The surroundings were beautiful.
After some time, we reached a mall and I went insane, going in every clothes shop and all and we played some of those games in the malls arcade and we were having fun, this was what I missed a lot.
Sapnaps POV:
In the mall, we spent a lot of time together, shopping matching outfits and playing the games. Tho I can't help but think about Quackity, he was so cute, along his personality. I kept on a smile with Karl and made sure he didn't get suspicious.
We sat in a cafe, having cinnamon rolls and coffee. I took out my phone and secretly took a photo of Karl smiling while eating the cinnamon roll and wrote the context 'I see no difference' and posted it in twitter.
The night ended with apologies and kisses then we went our homes.
I still couldn't help but think about that Quackity guy.
Narrator POV:
Days have gone by that date. Karl and Sapnap would still argue. Why? Well because Sapnap told Karl about his new 'crush' and Karl is not very happy about it.
"Well then." Karl said, calming down. "I wanna see this boy." He putted his hands on his hips.
And that's how both guys planned to meet Quackity in a park.
{In the park}
Karls POV:
We were now waiting for this Quackity guy in the park. I can't believe Sapnap was in love with another guy while being in a relationship with me! We were chilling, Sapnap got us some ice-cream to calm us down.
When I saw the Quackity guy come, I realized why Sapnap liked this dude. He was cute, pretty and funny. We spent the rest of the day together and I won't lie, I was catching feelings.
We had fun, sitting by the fountain, running around, eating. I liked it.
After Quackity left I apologized to Sapnap about my behavior, and we went home.
Quackitys outfit btw:
Narrator POV:
The 3 guys got really close. They would hang out at least 4 times a week. Karl and Sapnap slowly developed a crush and are planning to ask him out. Quackity now is also a part of the feral boys.
They all settled a day. A day when both guys would ask Quackity out. Then they selected the destination and time.
Karl was dressed in cargo jeans and a purple sleeveless T-shirt and Sapnap was dressed in a Black button shirt and jeans. They went to Quackitys flower shop and took sunflower bouquet as they knew it was Quackity's favorite flower. When Quackity asked them why they need flowers, they said it's because its Karls mom's birthday. Quackity told them to congratulate her from his side and both boys nodded before leaving.
Karl POV:
We took the flower Bouquet and went to our destination, which was a tent around a coastal place with the ocean waves sound, sand, and the perfect evening. Now George was going to bring Quackity here.
After some time, Quackity arrived in a light blue hoodie and shorts. He sat next to us and George went away saying that 'Dream needs him'.
We hid the flower behind us in the tent and he sat down, we talked, laughed, played games and all. His giggles made my heart flutter. After a while, Sapnap gave me a look and we got ready, Quackity looked at us confused.
Sapnap POV:
Me and Karl held both his hands gently, took out the sunflower bouquet and I spoke. "Quackity, since the day I saw you. My heart fluttered with love. I understood that I loved you and Karl to the bottom of my heart. I fell in love your voice, your looks, your personality, your height. I fell in love with you..." Then Karl continued. "We always felt that something is missing in our relationship, but we never understood what. But now we get it. We needed one more person, and it's you... " Then we spoke together.
"Dear Quackity Hq, would you do the honors and be our boyfriend?We promise on keeping you happy.
He looked at us both, shocked. Then he said...
Hehe Cliffhanger
Anyways how is it? It's been moths since I've written a chapter. I think I sucked but tell me your opinion. It was also pretty rushed.
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