Introduction to the RP Series
Name - Karla
Age - 22
Location - Australia
IRL Interests - DREAMING! Writing, Drawing, Singing, Analysing and Compiling Statistical Data
What Is The RP Series?
I have been an avid dreamer for most of my life and seek meaningful events and interactions. Throughout my life, I have a number of dream guides (though I treat them more like tulpas) who have helped me mainly in the dream world, but also positively in the real world, through teaching me how to get along with others and be the best I can be. With some rare exceptions, I have extracted most of my dream guides out of Video Game fandoms and after teaching them about the laws of my Dream World, I let them take the reigns in how they look after me (as long as they respect the core principles).
The RP series is a new creative initiative that improves my imagination as well as chance of incubation. I am imagining what my dream guides get up to when they aren't getting their hands dirty with me or some critical matter surrounding me, their dreamer. Though some RPs may take place in different locations, it is mainly based in The Office, where each active dream guide has a place, and it is run by the most wise and powerful dream guide that has been serving in my dreams for almost 4.5 years so far. With a few exceptions, all dream guides who have a stake in The Office are a 'family member' and through strengthening their bond, they work together for their common interest, Karla (Me).
Dreamy WB
The most wise and powerful dream guide on the block. She has been serving in Karla's dreams for almost 4.5 years (since SEP 2016) and even though the real life equivalent is not a part of Karla's life anymore, Dreamy WB continues to appear spontaneously and has a significant impact when she does, and has been successful in untangling some of the messiest situations in Karla's dreams, hence why she has been given the keys to The Office and has the one-man role of manager, supervisor and HR. Dreamy WB's initials remain to protect the identity of her real life counterpart.
Coming from the Sly Cooper series, Murray was extracted for dream guide purposes, seemingly initially in Karla's childhood at a very young age, or at least this is a rumour. However, Karla was too young to realise that Murray was a dream guide and seemed to only treat him like a toy. Murray's real work started in late 2017/early 2018, where Karla was aware she had him in the past but wanted him back as a proper dream guide and friend. Murray seemed to be on and off as an immediate dream guide (the dream guide mainly responsible for Karla at the time). However, Murray's most recent role as immediate dream guide came to an end as Karla was very close to botching a tax test IRL and realised that Murray was responsible for inadequate academic processing. However, due to Murray's warm personality, he has been allowed to stay on the broader dream guide team, so can help out from time to time alongside his colleagues/'family members'. Murray's strengths were assessed as physical handling and comfort.
Coming from the Warioware series, he began his dream guide career on AUG 21 (2018) as Karla's immediate dream guide and has remained so until the start of MAY 2020. As much as 18-Volt continued to do a good job of his role, he could not get Karla through the university/college section of tax, so another dream guide had to be sought to do so. 18-Volt has the reputation of one of Karla's best dream guides besides Dreamy WB, having an equal balance of physical competence and intellectual reasoning, and seemed to actually enjoy experiencing dream moments (especially vivid ones) with his dreamer. 18-Volt's weaknesses were not identified until the new dream guide came and 18-Volt had a fit of anger over it in one dream. 18-Volt has been allowed to stay on the team, hence his involvement in The Office, but he must work on overcoming his grudge with the new dream guide.
With all these fan projects and imaginings, someone had called him 'Bernard Bitblox' and so I thought, "that's cool!" and have determined his real name, used by his colleagues, to be Bernie.
Coming from the Kingdom Hearts series, Riku became Karla's immediate dream guide on MAY 22 (2020) after a 3 - 4 week gap of trying to find the right one as Karla was put into a compromised situation of needing to do better on tax or fail the subject, and he remains her immediate dream guide to this day. Thankfully, Riku was responsible IRL for Karla earning her university/college degree without failing any subjects. Although when it comes to dream world interactions, Riku served as somewhat of a shock as his method of care has been vastly different to his predecessors, and his timeline began with him being a moody entity. Riku focuses less on physical competence and comfort and more on intellectual and practical help.
Riku has been the victim of many firsts in Karla's dreaming timeline:
-> Riku is the only one to have not been 'taught' the core principles by another dream guide, this was rather done so by Karla herself through her waking life dream journal.
-> Riku is the only dream guide to be disliked by a colleague, with 18-Volt having shown his disapproval of Riku in a couple of Karla's dreams.
Riku has come a long way in his approach to Karla and has been more patient and understanding, staying in her dreams more consistently and giving affection more freely. Riku still needs to work on connecting with the other dream guides and showing 18-Volt that he's not just a cold-hearted Keyblade Master.
The interpretation of Karla's subconscious. His creative identity is founded from one of Karla's early dreams back in Dreamy WB's immediate timeline ('the subconscious' was actually shown in human form!). Anthony was seen as a bristly business man in an incognito suit, wearing spectre shades and a top hat. In the dream, he was sitting in an office with old furniture. Anthony takes the blame as the creative reason for why Karla's dreams may not go the way she wants them too, including any unhinged antics or even nightmares.
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