Chapter 2-
"Ugh" Eliza groaned into her silky, soft white pillow. She fought the urge to throw it at the maid who had just woken her up. "I give you three seconds to walk out that door," she warned, Yawning but still meanin her threat. "And shut it and let me sleep."
"I'm sorry, mistress," the maid looked at Eliza, who was simply wearing a white sports bra and sweat pants. "But they wouldn't wait." Eliza shot out of bed, excited.
"Are Mother and Father back?" She bounced a little on her king sized, circular bed, instantly awake. You see, her parents had left a few years ago, they just left a note saying dinner was in the fridge. Why? Well, she had never been her father's favorite, she was an illigigitament child, so to say. She did not have the same dad as her two younger brothers, and yet she was still the heir to Hishari Sound Company. Her mom, hating that she had proof of her one night stand with another man, often ignored her, but still felt pity. She was Eliza's mother, after all. Her father, on the other hand, was constantly trying to find ways to get her out of the picture. Not kill her or anything, but not only was Eliza a product of a sultry, but she was a female, and her father wasn't very forward thinking. He wanted one of HIS SONS to take over the business, but Eliza herself bought herself the best Lawyers at age 13, and over the past 3 years she had started to convince herself the fantasy that they had changed, that they loved her.
"I'm sorry, Mistress, still no word from them. The people at the doo-" The poor timid maid fell as fast as Eliza's smile wanted to, but she kept it on as her maid was trampled by two particularly annoying twins. Eliza's voice was tense with forced patience and hidden disappointment and guilt.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, what are you doing here?" 'And why do you think it's okay for you to barge into my room like that?' She added internally. The smirking twins just laughed and said, in perfect unison,
"Nice outfit, Partner~" The stalked closer. Her forced smile twitched, and she threw a pillow at both of their faces. They easily dodged and snickered. Eliza rolled her eyes and asked why the fuck they called her partner.
"Proper ladies don't swear," Hikaru started, sitting next to her on one side of her bed.
"Or they'll never get married," Kaoru finished, sitting on her other side. Eliza froze, biting her lip and fighting back tears at Kaoru's words. 'Your being dramatic, cry baby' she told herself. 'It's all in the past!' Eliza stood up and stretched, slightly feeling the twins eyes were they shouldn't be.
"PERVERTS!" She screeched, throwing another pillow at them. The snickered again.
"Anyway," Kaoru said, "weren't you paying attention in class? We're partners! All-"
"Three of us!" Hikaru finished Kaoru's sentence and they both linked arms with a groaning Eliza. "We're hungry!" They exclaimed, leading her to her kitchen. She struggled, still wearing no shirt, but gave up when she realized they were stronger than her, by a lot.
"You know," Hikaru started flirtily, "you look much better without a shirt" Both twins sat on either side of her, pulling their chairs closer. She didn't blush, knowing that this is what the twins did when they were bored, use and play with girls' emotions. So all she mumbled was,
"Haven't you guys ever heard of personal space?" She then called over a maid. "French toast, eggs, just the way I like them, and.. apple cider. Oh! And cheese danish! And strawberry danish!" The brunette maid bowed her head respectfully and walked away.
"So, partner, where are your parents?" Kaoru asked, leaning back in his seat.
"None of your damn business!" She snapped, then bit her lip. Kaoru just nodded, surprisingly, and didn't pry. Hikaru, however just had to say the 4 words they were known for:
"Let's play a game!"
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