When Two Nations Meet Once Again
"Why did we have to get up so early? The other four get to keep sleeping!" Lexington huffed as she, Langley, Enterprise, and Anya made their way towards the Carrier Range. Enterprise elbowed the Essex class carrier in the side as she gave a glare.
"Because we were ordered to, Lex." Enterprise snapped. Lexington looked at E with an incredulous expression.
"And you're telling me that response didn't have anything to do with sheer exhaustion?" Lexington asked in response. The Yorktown class girl simply offered a glare in return. Before the two could bicker any further however, a voice spoke out.
"You two." Langley began. "Stop it. We are up at this early hour because we were told to. There is no use bickering." The carrier stated. No, rather blatantly told. Enterprise and Lexington fell silent at the intervention, but sent each other one final glare before looking ahead once again.
"So... Exactly why are we up this early?" Lexington asked, giving another yawn as her body began to full awaken. If she were still a ship, she might compare the feeling to her crew heading to their stations to start the day.
"As I said yesterday, you three will work with the Japanese carriers. Or, more so, they will be teaching you their method of launching your planes. Which, as I informed you yesterday, is archery." Their Admiral explained.
"Do we have to use archery? I get the feeling a rifle might fit the job better... Or maybe even a crossbow..." Lexington wondered aloud. Anya gave a nod.
"As interesting as that theory may be, Lexington, there have been no strides in those subjects yet. The coming months may yield results to your liking, but for right now, it's going to be the basics." Anya replied. Lexington offered a shrug in response as Enterprise decided to speak.
"So are you aware of who will be teaching us?" She asked, to which her Admiral shook her head.
"I do not. But my guess is that Houshou does. Who is exactly I'm hoping to meet up with this morning." Anya explained.
"You sure she'll even be there this morning?" Lexington asked. Anya gave a nod in response.
"Yes I'm sure. She's there every morning." She responded.
It was currently 6:35. After Anya had gathered the three, they began to head for the carrier range. Once again dressed in their Sailor uniforms, freshly cleaned, they made their way towards their destination. Enterprise ran a hand through her still slightly damp hair.
"Showers are.... Well they're something alright...." Enterprise mused, which Anya offered a nod in response.
"Was it too cold when you stepped in? Captain Algerona said she heard a shriek when she was walking up to make sure you all were ready." Anya asked. Enterprise shook her head, instead looking over at Lexington with an amused expression. Lexington gave a huff in response.
"It's not my fault! How was I supposed to know?" Lexington demanded. Langley bit back a small laugh as she answered the girl.
"Maybe look to which way you turned the control? One side is labeled hot and one side cold..." Langley offered helpfully. Lexington rolled her eyes.
"How was I suppose to know? I had just woke up!" Lexington replied, to which Langley rose her hands as if to calm the rattled carrier down.
"It's fine dear. Just, try and be more observant next time..." Langley answered. Lexington simply gave a groan in response.
"Don't you laugh at me, Admiral..." Lexington sighed. Anya simply smiled.
"I would never." Came the response.
"Was that sarcasm?" Came the demand.
"I haven't the slightest idea of what you mean." Anya replied. Lexington sighed.
"Why me..." Whined the carrier. Enterprise laughed in response, laying a hand on the carrier's shoulder.
"It'll be alright Lex. Just think, you don't have any of your sisters to make fun of you for it yet..." Enterprise reasoned. Lexington arched a brow in response as she looked at Anya.
"That is a good point... Plus me, there's more than twenty of us within the Essex class... Will you be able to handle all of us?" Lexington asked, looking at Anya. The Admiral shrugged.
"Who knows. I think if we do end up with all of your sisters at one point, I'm not sure what I'll do... I mean, I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that we summoned seven of you instead of just one..." Anya replied.
"Seven for the price of one I guess..." Lexington offered in response. She then turned to Enterprise. "Do you think that if we actually get our sisters, Yorktown and Hornet will be highly confused?" Lexington mused. Enterprise gave a shrug in response.
"Maybe... What about you? How about you and Lexington? CV-2?" Enterprise questioned. Lexington gave a shrug of the shoulders in response, putting her hands on her head as they walked.
"Who knows... Depends on if we don't sink before then..." Lexington added on a quiet note. Enterprise gave a silent nod in response, an erie quiet settling between the two carriers. Langley gave a clap of her hands, a heated glare pointed at the two.
"There will be no talk of that. It is only our second day of this life we have been given. Do not waste it on such a negative outlook." The carrier scolded.
After a moment, Anya nodded ahead.
"There it is. Houshou should be inside." She informed the three. But, as they walked on, an object that looked much like an arrow shot out out of the building towards a set of targets set out much farther than what looked achievable. But just as the arrow began to slow, it suddenly bursted into three miniature Mitsubishi A6M Zeros. Quickly and efficiently, the three fighters decorated their assigned targets with an onslaught of ammunition before turning and promptly heading back towards the range building. Anya gave a smile as Lexington let out a low whistle.
"Impressive...." The Essex observed, watching the red and white fighters begin their landing procedures towards who was presumably the carrier that had launched them. With that, the four headed for the door.
As the group of three carriers and one Admiral entered, they laid eyes upon Houshou, adorning her full carrier outfit. Her left arm was raised, her flight deck standing ready to play host to the three incoming fighters.
The four stayed silent as they watched the landing, the three fighters lining up with the flight deck. With a soft thud, the first plane touched down on the flight deck. Slowly wheeling forward, the first rolled the length of the flight deck as the second touched down. This repeated for the third and final fighter, the three Zeros coming to one final stop. Their engines wound down as their propellers slowed to a silent still. Then, in a flash of light, the planes vanished. In return, an arrow was returned to Houshou's quiver. She preceded to put her arm down, lowering her deck as she stood there quietly, looking out over the range. After a moment, Anya spoke up.
"Houshou?" Anya asked. The Japanese carrier jumped slightly before wheeling around, staring at the four wide eyed. After seeing who they were, she gave a small laugh as she calmed down after a moment.
"Ahhh, I apologize Admiral. I did not hear you come in...." Houshou reasoned as she neared the four, bow close to her side. "Hello again Langley-san. And based on what I was told yesterday, you two must be Enterprise and Lexington, no?" Houshou asked. The two carriers gave a slow nod in return. "Well then, it is an honor to meet the two of you."
"Likewise, Houshou." Enterprise said.
"Mhm." Lexington answered.
"It's good to see you again, Houshou. I must ask... What are you wearing?" Langley questioned. Houshou blinked in response before looking at her deck.
"Oh. This is my flight deck. Since we are not ships any longer, we adorn the deck on our arm, opposite the one you hold your bow with. As you saw, we only hold it up when our planes need landing." Houshou explained. Langley nodded as the three examined the Japanese flight deck. After a few seconds, Lexington looked at Anya.
"Can we expect our own decks to look something like this? Speaking of decks... What about my other decks? Like the one I sank with?" Lexington asked. Anya thought about it a moment before answering.
"I'll inquire about it. But for right now, expect to have the single flight deck. But yes, this is what you should expect for the most part. Although, I imagine Houshou can explain further than I can." The admiral reasoned. Enterprise gave a nod as she turned to Houshou.
"I'm wondering who is going to be instructing us..." The carrier pondered. Houshou nodded in response.
"Ah yes. Enterprise-san and Lexington-san will be taught by Akagi and Shokaku.... I will be teaching Langley-san." Houshou answered, causing both Langley and Anya to exhibit a surprised expression.
"Are you sure?" Anya asked. Houshou gave a confident nod.
"It's no problem, I assure you. Mamiya has assured me she can handle the cafe for a few days by herself. And my skills are better used here at the moment, training you three before the next set of carriers show up." Houshou explained. Anya gave a nod.
"Well... If you're sure then." Anya slowly stated. Houshou gave a nod.
"I assure you, it isn't an issue." Houshou stated. Anya gave a nod in response.
"Alright. Well, I'll get out of your way then. I look forward to seeing you three in action." Anya stated, looking at the three American carriers. Three confident nods were returned in response. With a wave, the American admiral walked out the door, leaving the four carriers alone. Watching the Admiral leave for a moment, Houshou turned her attention back to the three Americans.
"Alright. First, I'll start off with this. Although the bow is quite common among the carriers here to launch planes, it is not the only method that is practiced here." Houshou explained as she walked over to the far wall.
"It's not?" Lexington asked as she watched the woman remove her flight deck from her arm, carefully putting it away. Doing the same with her quiver, the arrows vanishing as she did so, she then retrieved what looked like a long black cylinder.
"This is what's known as a scroll." Houshou explained as she walked back over to the two. "Some of the carriers here, such as Jun'you and Ryuujou use these." Houshou said as she unrolled the scroll, revealing the image of a flight deck.
"And you can use these to launch planes?" Enterprise asked, looking over the scroll. Houshou nodded.
"Mhm. Although this method is not very popular among many of our fleet carriers. Simply because this method does not always work for everyone where as the bow never fails. Plus, the scroll method is rather... Touchy at times..." Houshou clarified as she rolled up the scroll again. "But for right now, we will be keeping you three on the bows." Houshou answered as she quickly put the scroll away. "Now, let's go over the basics." Houshou began.
Akagi, Kaga, Shokaku, and Zuikaku made their way towards the carrier range for morning practice. Sure, it could be a hassle at times. But that fact was over looked by the fact that it was their responsibility to do so. Their job to keep the people of Japan safe.
"So did we ever figure out who our new guests are?" Akagi asked the other three after a moment, referring to the mystery Kanmusu at breakfast yesterday. Kaga shook her head as Shokaku answered the dark headed girl.
"No, Akagi-san. All we know of them for sure is that one of them is the battleship Arizona, given a new form...." Shokaku answered. Zuikaku gave a scoff in response, to which Kaga looked over at the carrier.
"Are you afraid that the Americans will pass the fifth carrier division in skill, Zuikaku?" Kaga asked, her face never showing anything apart from her usual calm. Zuikaku however was not the same in return. She wheeled on the carrier, her eyes forming a vicious glare.
"Oh yeah?! What about you? What if the Americans pass you precious little carriers in carrier division one?" Zuikaku snarled. Kaga gave a small shrug.
"If they possess the skill to pass Akagi and myself, then let the praise go to them as well. I do not see a problem with finding some worthy competition." Kaga replied. Zuikaku nearly snapped a nerve in response.
"Are you telling me that you don't find me a quality competitor? Because I can tell you that I am more than worthy to face you!" Zuikaku yelled. Before the blue themed carrier could respond however, Shokaku placed a hand on her sister's shoulder.
"Zuikaku-nee, you really shouldn't let Kaga get to you like that..." Shokaku suggested. The second of the Shokaku class sent a glare to Kaga, who just so happened to be looking else where at the moment. Zuikaku was going to snap at her again, but was stopped at the last second by a Shokaku glare. Giving one last glare instead, Zuikaku faced ahead once again, staying rather silent.
Eventually, the four began to near the carrier range. Akagi leading the way, the four headed inside. And stopped dead in their tracks at the sight.
Houshou was currently standing a few feet behind a Navy Blue clad woman, one of the American Kanmusu that they had encountered yesterday. She seemed to be listening intently to what Houshou was saying, every so often correcting her posture and stance. After a moment, Houshou gave a nod. In response, the woman drew her bowstring back, arrow at the ready.
The four carriers standing at the door instinctively fell silent at the sight. Even if the stranger didn't have their respect just yet, the art she was demonstrating did. They wouldn't dare interrupt someone else's shot, lest they do it to them in return.
With a calming breath, the woman stood there a moment before releasing her hold, sending the arrow flying towards its target about thirty feet away. With determination, the arrow soared towards its target.
And right past it.
The arrow burrowed itself into the ground a few feet beyond the target, almost sticking straight up. With a sigh, the woman lowered the bow as she gave a glance to Houshou. But in doing so, her vision landed on the four quiet carriers by the door. Following her gaze, Houshou turned to look at the four. With a smile, she greeted the four.
"Ahh, it's good you four are here." Houshou greeted. "Shokaku, Akagi. Your new students are waiting." She informed them as she pointed at the wall. The four's heads turned to follow her gaze and found two more girls standing there.
The two offered waves in response. Well, only one offered a wave. The other of the two, the shorter one, shot them a peace sign before her hand fell back down to her side. Two more of the American Kanmusu watched the four, quietly studying them. After a moment, trading a glance between them, Akagi and Shokaku approached the two with Kaga and Zuikaku in tow.
"Ah.. Hello." Akagi greeted, her hands clasped together in front of her. "I am Akagi." She introduced. Shokaku gave a nod.
"And I am Shokaku. This is my ship sister Zuikaku." The white haired carrier introduced to the two. Akagi gave a nod as she did so, gesturing to Kaga.
"And this is my ship sister, Kaga. If we may inquire, what might your names be? Or, which ships you were...?" Akagi asked politely. The shorter of the two gave a nod.
"I'm Lexington, CV-16. The woman up there with Houshou is Langley, CV-1." Lexington answered. Akagi and Shokaku gave a nod as they turned their sights to the second of the two.
"And you?" Shokaku asked, studying the taller girl. Person in question gave a nod.
"CV-6, Enterprise." She answered.
The four Japanese carriers blinked in response.
The girl that stood before them was her. The Enterprise. The very carrier their people had tried time and time again to sink, yet only met with failure as the she returned time and time again, bringing with her planes of reckoning. She was a symbol to her people.
This woman was the ghost.
The Grey Ghost.
Or... Was, being the keyword.
"Enterprise... Like... The Enterprise? As in the one that earned her legacy during the war?" Zuikaku asked, her former attitude wiped away, in its place sat one of awe. Enterprise gave a slow nod.
"Yeah, that's me. Well, unless I'm remembering wrong and I was just a sailboat." Enterprise joked. The six fell quiet for a moment before Akagi turned to Shokaku.
"I will teach Enterprise then? You teach Lexington?" Akagi asked. Shokaku gave a nod as she turned to Zuikaku.
"Would you mind going and getting two new bows, Zuikaku-nee?" The fleet carrier asked. The later gave a silent nod, going and doing just that. Turning back to Lexington, she gestured for the American carrier to follow her. "If you would?" She asked. Lexington offered a quiet nod in response as she did so.
The American Battleship that was Arizona walked along the base, Atlanta in tow behind her. They had a job to do. A job given to them by their very own Admiral. A job so important and vital, that it would even make the most battle hardened soldier wither under the stress.
Destroyer watch.
Or, to be more specific.
Bristol Watch.
After breakfast, which the four non carriers had gotten a report of just how their flattop friends were doing in training, Anya had put Arizona and Atlanta on babysitting duty. But, in that sense, it was mostly Bristol who needed to be watched. Ellyson just tagged along after her sister because of just that. They were sisters. They stuck together.
They had been informed by one Admiral Ishigara that they were expecting a group of currently deployed ship girls to return to base today. So that meant Bristol had to be reigned in. Easier said than done as the Battleship and Light Cruiser watched the destroyers run full three speeds above flank.
"Yeah.... There's nooooooo way in hell we can keep up with her...." Atlanta said. "Why did we even get this job?" The cruiser questioned. Arizona chuckled as she looked at the shorter girl.
"You heard the man. The Japs have got girls coming back today. And the last thing they're expecting on their little base are a bunch of yanks." Arizona reminded her lighter tonned counterpart. Atlanta shrugged, looking up at the blonde battleship in response.
"I thought Admiral said not to call them Japs." Atlanta questioned. Arizona shook her head.
"She said not to call them Japs when they were around. Which I won't." The battleship informed with a small smirk. Atlanta shrugged as the two walked on at a pace just barely keeping the destroyers in their line of sight. "Hey, Brist! Slow the hell down! You're gonna run into somebody!" Arizona shouted through cupped hands, but her warning fell on deaf ears. Or at least, they seemed to.
"Hey... Arizona, what do you remember?" Atlanta asked after a moment. The battleship turned a curious eye to the cruiser.
"What do you mean, what do I remember? From like my service?" Arizona asked. Atlanta gave a slow nod.
"Well yeah... But something more specific...." Atlanta said slowly. Arizona watched the cruiser suspiciously for a moment before giving a sigh in response.
"You wanna know about Pearl, don't ya?" Arizona asked. Atlanta merely offered a quiet nod in return. Arizona shook her head for a moment, thinking to herself.
"Couldn't tell ya... There ain't a whole lot to tell. At least not from my view of things... It's a bit foggy at points.... And other points... Other points are just missing altogether...." Arizona said quietly, watching the destroyers ahead of them. Atlanta fell quiet a few moments, speaking once again.
"Do... Do you remember anything for sure?" Atlanta asked, looking up at the battleship. Arizona gave the cruiser a questioning glance.
"Why do you want to know so much about this?" The battleship asked half heartedly. Atlanta didn't respond at first, instead going silent at the moment. Arizona let out a long, drawn sigh as she watched the destroyers ahead.
"What I remember? What I remember is absolute hell in its rawest form.... I remember my crew talking with each other, doing their jobs just like every other day. And then? Fire... So much fire it makes a volcano look weak. I can remember feeling my crew burning to death, never getting a chance. Those who didn't burn? Most were snuffed out by the smoke.... Then... I remember just slowly descending beneath the waves, the cries of my crew silenced...." Arizona recalled softly.
Honestly? She hated talking about it. She hated even thinking about it. But it was on her mind every other second, her mind never getting a solid rest before the next wave of horrifying thoughts entered the waters of her mind. Even her sleep was plagued by it. She'd only been human for less than two days and she'd already woken up enough times from nightmares getting to vivid for her liking.
"So... I'll ask again, Atlanta. Why do you want to know so much about this?" The battleship demanded. Atlanta stayed silent before answering a few seconds later.
"Because I wasn't there... All I know about it at the moment is what my crew mentioned back then. And even then, it wasn't much. Just swears and swears blasted at the Japanese. We were dragged into a war and not even all of us were the for the start... Not even E was there..." Atlanta mumbled. Arizona let out a dry laugh.
"You know what would've happened had Enteprise been at Pearl? She would've been no different from me. There would have been so many bombs decorating her deck that she would've looked more like a Fourth of July firework celebration... And the war had been going on before we got involved, Atlanta..." Arizona answered. Atlanta fell silent at this statement as she turned her attention back to the two destroyers. Who were no where to be seen.
"Oh great...." Atlanta groaned. Arizona placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Knowing Bristol, it won't take long to figure out where she went..." The battleship reasoned.
As if the cosmos themselves were playing favor upon the two American Ladies of Steel, they found their question soon answered as they rounded the next corner. There, they found quite the sight.
There they found Ellyson, standing off to the side looking quite panicked. In front of her sat quite the mess. Bristol, plain to see, laid in the middle of what looked like a multi-ship collision. The American destroyer laid on top of a pile of four, all five of them looking equally startled. Just beyond the group stood two other figures, just gazing down at the group of five.
"God damnit Bristol." Arizona droned, pinching the bridge of her nose in agitation as she marched right up to the collision. With one hand, she reached down and grabbed the back of Bristol's top, hefting the small girl off of the other four. Shaking out of their confused stupor, the two still standing began helping the small group of four off the ground. "What did I say?" Arizona asked as she deposited Bristol on her feet. The destroyer simply shrugged, a suspicious grin on her face.
"I don't know... You might've said slow down or something like that..." Bristol reasoned. Arizona gave a smirk to the destroyer as she ruffled the girl's hair. Looking back up at the six, she scratched the back of her head.
"Yeah... Sorry about her. She didn't mean any harm...." Arizona began. One of the two taller ones waved it off, nodding.
"It's quite alright. We weren't really prepared for it anyways either. My, you are quite the sight. If I may ask, which ships were you?" Tatsuta asked. Arizona gave a nod, laying her hands on the heads of the two smaller girls.
"This is Bristol and Ellyson. The one behind me is Atlanta. And I'm Arizona." Arizona introduced the four of them. Tatsuta nodded in return.
"You looked like a battleship.... Anyways, I am Tatsuta. This is my older sister, Tenryuu. And the four that Bristol collided with are Akatsuki, Hibiki, Inazuma, and Ikazuchi. If I may question, what might you be doing over here?" Tatsuta asked, looking up at the Battleship girl. Arizona offered a small chuckle.
"We were trying to keep up with these two. Guess we weren't doing a well enough job of it... Although if someone" Arizona said as she gave a glare to Bristol "would slow the hell down, it might've gone a bit better..." The battleship informed them. "But, we were also trying to keep in check for when the group you have out returns today. As I understand it, they aren't aware of our presence here..." Arizona answered. Tatsuta gave a nod.
"This is true. But actually, we were just going to greet them. Would you like to accompany us?" Tatsuta asked in invitation. Arizona thought for a moment in silence for a moment, taking a glance at the other three. After a moment, she gave a shrug.
"Oh, why the hell not?" Came the response. Tatsuta simply offered a smile in response, gesturing for the four to follow them. Upon Arizona's prodding, they eventually did so.
As the newly formed group of ten walked on, Tatsuta came to a walk next to the battleship.
"If you do not mind me asking... Which of you survived the war? I know, Arizona, that you did not... But I am unsure for the rest of you..." Tatsuta asked carefully. Arizona nodded.
"Bristol didn't... She was sunk by the Germans. Atlanta?" Arizona asked. The cruiser simply shook her head. "But Ellyson survived. She was actually given to your people after the war. Isn't that what you said, Ellyson?" Arizona asked. Ellyson gave a nod as she turned to look at Arizona.
"Indeed I did. I served sixteen years with the Japanese." Ellyson responded in fluent Japanese, not an ounce of hesitation in her words.
Arizona, Atlanta, Bristol, Tatsuta, and Tenryuu blinked in response. The four Akatsuki girls merely stared at the Gleaves class girl in shock.
"You can speak Japanese?" Tenryuu asked incredulously, looking down at the girl. Ellyson nodded.
"Indeed I can. It is not unsurprising when you consider that I had a Japanese crew for much of my service. I was bound to have more or less an understanding of the language." Ellyson responded yet again in Japanese. Arizona let out a bark like laugh as Bristol stared at her sister in awe.
"You can speak Japanese? Thatissocool!" Bristol said in a rapid fire fashion as she pulled her ship sister in for one of the tightest hugs that the Earth itself had ever bare witnessed to. Ellyson merely offered a small smile in response.
After the ten had settled down after their sudden discovery, they continued to walk on until they reached a rather large steel door at the near very edge of the base on the Japanese side. Arizona gave a whistle as she looked to Tatsuta.
"So... What is this?" Arizona asked, looking at the halo adorning cruiser. Tatsuta let loose a small giggle as she happily answered the American battleship.
"This is the door to the launching chamber. When we Kanmusu sortie, we use this to launch. This assembles our riggings for us, instead of the Manual summoning method. It uses less of your energy as well. You will be taught both methods I imagine when your rigging arrives from your Navy." Tatsuta informed the Battleship. Arizona gave a nod as she looked over at Atlanta. She and Tenryuu seemed to be discussing something. Quietly and calmly, yet very animatedly at the same time.
The second of the Pennsylvania class then turned her gaze to the two Gleaves class destroyers. If she didn't know any better, she might of supposed that the two of them were plotting something with the four Akatsuki girls they were currently chatting with.
With a chuckle, Arizona turned her attention back to Tatsuta.
"So Tatsuta, which of your battleships are on base? I have already met Nagato and Mutsu so I was just curious..." Arizona asked. Tatsuta put a finger to her chin in thought as she recalled the various members of their fleet.
"Well... We have Yamato-san and Musashi-san..." Tatsuta offered. "We also have Ise and Hyuga.... They're currently deployed with the fleet we are greeting. And then there are the Kongou sisters... Although technically battle cruisers, it's useless to correct them...." Tatsuta informed the Battleship. Arizona was fixed to reply when the metal door in front of them began to groan, slowly raising with each mechanical clink it made. "Ahh, they're finally back." Tatsuta declared. Arizona watched as the door rose.
"So what were they deployed for? Combat or what?"
"This group was deployed to deal with supposed Abyssal sightings. They were also deployed to look for possible supplies... We refer to these missions as expeditions." Tatsuta revealed. Arizona gave a quiet nod as the door continued to raise, eventually giving sight to the rather sizable group of Japanese Kanmusu behind it. Arizona quickly tallied their numbers, coming up with a solid 15 personnel.
"Ahh, Tatsuta-san. It is good to see you." One of them called, waving a hand at the cruiser. Tatsuta returned the gesture with a smile as the woman approached.
"Ahh, Myoukou-san. How was the expedition?" Tatsuta asked. The heavy cruiser girl gave a thumbs up in response as she led the group of fifteen out of the door.
"It went quite well. We did end up encountering some Abyssals, but we took care of them." Myoukou informed the cruiser. Tatsuta nodded. But before she could respond, most of the girl's gazes had landed on Arizona.
"And who are you?" A white headed girl demanded, her floating additions staying close to her head. Arizona looked down at the girl for a moment before looking to Tatsuta. The light cruiser nodded as she looked at the new group.
"Ok? If I could have everyone's attention please? Those of you who just arrived?" Tatsuta asked. The 15 girls who had just arrived looked to the Light Cruiser in confusion. "Alright, as you had been informed before you girls Sortied, the Americans were coming to Yokosuka. Correct?" Tatsuta asked. She got a couple of nods in response.
"Yeah, I think we are all aware of that Tatsuta." A pink haired girl said, her hat sitting on top of her head in a calm fashion. Tatsuta gave a nod.
"Very well Harusame. I ask this because things have changed. I say this because the Americans are already present, much like we did not expect. They arrived a couple of days ago." Tatsuta informed the group. Some eyes went wide at this as one of them spoke out.
"So they're actually here, are they? When they bringing their first girls through?" One girl, dressed quite like Myoukou, asked. Tatsuta simply offered a smile as she gestured to Arizona.
"They already have. This woman is the American Battleship Arizona. Along with her is the Cruiser Atlanta. And the destroyers Bristol and Ellyson." She then turned to look at Arizona.
"There's quite a few of them so try to follow along. Here, we have the destroyers Harusame, Murakumo, Amatsukaze, and Hatsuharu. The light cruisers Kitakami and Ooi. The Heavy Cruisers Myoukou, Nachi, Ashigara, and Haguro. The carriers Shouhou, Zuiho, and Ryuujou. And the Battleships Ise and Hyuga." Tatsuta introduced the fifteen as she pointed to each one. Arizona took a glance over the fifteen as she offered a small wave in response. All were silent for a few moments until the one Tatsuta introduced as Ise stepped towards Arizona, hands on her hips.
"So you're an American battleship, eh? Size of your guns?" Ise asked. Arizona gave a smirk as she stared back at the Japanese Battleship.
"Twelve fourteen inchers." Arizona responded. Ise gave a slow nod before cracking a wide grin.
"Well, it's good to meet you. Might be nice having a few more of us gun queens on base among all these fish throwers." Ise laughed. Her sister, Hyuga, simply sighed as she shook her head. Arizona was fixing to say something in return when she noticed the three that had been identified as carriers slowly walking up to her.
"Arizona?" Ryuujou asked slowly, looking up at the Battleship. The strawberry blonde woman looked down at the short light carrier, a brow raised.
"Yes?" Arizona responded. This time, Shouhou was the one to speak.
"Did any of your carriers happen to come through as well...?" The carrier asked carefully. Arizona gave a nod.
"Langley, Enterprise, and Lexington are already training with some of your other carriers. Akagi and Shokaku if they told us right...." Arizona began, but stopped when she noticed the three carrier's eyes widen slightly at the mention of E's name. Before Arizona could speak further, the carriers were well on their way towards the carrier range. Arizona just watched them go, a confused expression on her face.
"They've been itching to meet Enterprise." A voice stated as they walked up next to Arizona. The battleship turned to find the one Tatsuta had greeted as Myoukou. "Although, with our limit of Kanmusu reached, I think they're just glad in general to have new carriers on base." The Heavy cruiser mused. Arizona gave a silent nod as she looked at the girl.
"I'm not exactly up to speed when it comes to you girls. But based on the fact that you and three of the others are dressed the same, I'm gonna guess sisters?" Arizona asked. Myoukou gave a nod, a smile gracing her lips.
"Indeed. So seven of you came through? That's quite a lot if you ask me." Myoukou reasoned. Arizona gave a nod in response.
"Not even our Admiral was prepared for seven of us to come through. She had to many expectations on how the summonings went for you guys. Usually just a few at a time, never more than three if that. So seven was a bit of a wake up call I guess you could call it." Arizona replied. Myoukou gave a nod.
"Well, it was nice to meet you Arizona-san. If you do not mind, my sisters and myself would like to go get some food." Myoukou said. Arizona shook her head.
"Not a problem. Nice to meet you too- Myoukou was it?" Arizona asked. She was answered with a nod. "Nice to meet you too Myoukou." The battleship said as the Heavy Cruiser nodded. Watching them go for a moment, Arizona then turned her gaze to the group of Japanese destroyers currently conversing with Ellyson and Bristol. Harusame seemed to be talking with Bristol as Ellyson conversed with the other three in what looked like Japanese based on how fast the Gleaves's mouth was moving.
Arizona watched as the other various Kanmusu dispersed in various directions, some keeping a careful eye on the Americans as they did so. Ise approached the American battleship again, looking at her.
"You wanna get a snack or something? You look kind of hungry..." Ise suggested. Arizona was about to say something in objection, but as she thought about it, the idea of food did sound appealing. Looking over to Bristol and Ellyson, she called out to the two.
"Hey! You two gonna be alright on your own?" Arizona asked the two. She got nods indicating yes amidst the group of Japanese destroyers they found themselves in. Turning her head to Atlanta, who was still talking with Tenryuu, Arizona shrugged. "Yeah, why the hell not."
Ise let out a little cheer in response, Hyuga simply sighing at her sister's antics. As the three battleships walked on, Hyuga looked over at Arizona.
"So. What is your opinion of your admiral?" Hyuga asked, looking at Arizona. The American twisted her lips in thought at the question, trying to come up with an answer. After a moment, she finally answered.
"That's an interesting question... If I had to answer, I'd have to say she's quite different from the ones I remember back then. She's... She's got a certain charm about her. Can't say for sure what it is, but it's there..." Arizona answered. Hyuga nodded as Ise let out a small chuckle.
"Well that's good to hear. It's always good to have an Admiral that you like." Ise reasoned. Arizona nodded in return.
"Better than the opposite I guess." Arizona confirmed. Ise nodded, ushering the Battleship forward.
"Mhm. Now come on. Mamiya makes parfaits to die for." Ise said as she ran ahead. Hyuga merely shook her head as Arizona smirked, the two battleships following after the third.
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