Visitors And Snowball Fights
"Okay.... let's go over everything we have. We have all the girls on base with their riggings." Anya asked as Langley looked over the paperwork.
"Yes." Sofia answered from her desk. Langley nodded as she marked it off on the list she was glancing over. Anya nodded at that.
"We have one hundred seven Ship Girls on base, all situated in their rooms together?" Anya asked. Sofia nodded as Langley marked off another thing on the list.
"And all one hundred seven girls are fit and prepared for combat." Anya asked. "With no new girls coming in?" The Admiral asked as she looked to the Captain. Sofia nodded.
"Affirmative." She answered.
"Finally." Anya sighed as she leaned back in her chair, hands behind her head as she sat there for a moment.
The day was November 29th, a day before the fleet was supposed to have their late Thanksgiving celebration. So, it was an off day for the girls, leaving the officers on base to catch up on work. And this meant making sure that all personnel on base were correctly outfitted and prepared.
With all the new girls coming through recently, it was nice for Anya and Sofia to be able to sit down for a moment without a new face popping up every other minute.
"Are the new girls settling in well enough?" Anya asked as she looked to Langley. "And is Akashi okay saying in the American dorms?" The Admiral asked. Langley nodded as she put the stack of palates she had been holding down on Anya's desk as she looked to the woman.
"Everyone is settling in quite nicely. The Iowa sisters are next to the North Carolina's and Tirptiz. Hoel has settled in with Cabot and San Francisco. And Akashi is now rooming with Dionysus and Yancey. There seems to be no ill will between them." She reported. Anya nodded.
"And Stras? How is she doing over at the Japanese dorms?" She asked.
"The Shiratsuyu sisters are making sure she feels welcome after she befriended Yamakaze. The two of them are sharing a room for the while so they can gain their bearings of how things work on base." She said.
"Abyssal activity in the region?" Anya asked as she got up, looking outside as the snow fell, before making way to the newly installed hot chocolate machine in their office.
"Pacific reports of Abyssal activity are low. Few scouts here and there. Atlantic activity is gradually picking up near the southern eastern seaboard of the United States and off the coasts of Spain. They're being kept at low levels of activity however by constant patrols by Spanish, British, and American forces." She answered. Anya nodded in satisfaction at that as Sofia looked to the woman.
"Can we take a moment to talk about Tirptiz's apparent lack or disliking of pants?" She said.
"No." Anya answered, her attention focused on working the machine in front of her.
"But she doesn't even wear some sort of shorts under her uniform. She kicks her legs up to high, and ta-da, panty shot. Just like that." Sofia answered. Anya nodded.
"I'm aware of what exactly the problems of her uniform are. But we looked at her and told her that she could dress herself. But that one problem aside, for a makeshift uniform she came up with what she could find, it looks damn sharp on her. And she really doesn't have a habit of going around and kicking up her legs like you make it should she does."
"But Hoel continually flipping up the hem of her uniform?" Sofia asked. Anya sighed as she gently blew on the cup of hot chocolate, taking a small sip of the beverage before staring at the wall.
"We'll have to get her to stop that line of activity. For right now though, Tirptiz hasn't voiced any serious complaint, mostly because she can handle one Fletcher class destroyer with a peeping Tom habit. And we've also made the other Battleships present aware of her habit. It'll be fine, I promise." Anya said as she walked to the window, looking out over the newly snow covered ground. There she found the Gleaves class girls and the Atlanta's decked out in snow gear as they seemed to be having a snowball fight.
Each destroyer had split off with a cruiser and were going up against their sisters. Except for Bristol and Ellyson. Since there were five cruisers and six destroyers, Bristol and Ellyson had seeming elected Atlanta as their mentor in the way of the snow. Even though Anya knew that this was the Atlanta's first snowfall as well.
But it did not escape her attention that everytime someone not originally apart of their so called fight, the group of eleven would immediately pummel the trespasser with a flurry of snow, this time the victim being one very unfortunate Haruna, no doubt intending to go see Arizona. However, Anya watched as the fast battleship scurried inside to avoid any more punishment. Rolling her eyes, she prepared to put the whole happening behind her. Just as she had begun to do so however, she noticed movement near the corner of one of the dorm buildings. Narrowing her eyes, she could barely make out the shape of one half of a halo floating there. Watching quietly, she watched as Tatsuta began to duck behind whatever she could to not be seen, slowly moving across the back half of the courtyard, soon to be followed by who looked like the Akatsuki sisters.
Chuckling, she began to realize what was happening as she watched more and more Japanese cruisers and destroyers move along the back half of the courtyard. She spotted the Shiratsuyu sisters, the Fubuki sisters, the Mutsuki sisters. Shimakaze. Amatsukaze. The Sendai sisters. She was even sure she caught sight of Hiryuu and Souryuu. And wait... was that Mutsu? It was. Anya needed to act if she was going to save her Girls from total annihilation by way of surprise attack by the enemy.
Turning, she looked to Langley. "Would you have the battleships meet me out in the courtyard?" She asked, looking to the carrier. Langley nodded, smiling as she could already see what was going to occur. Anya chuckled as she went for her coat that sat on the rack near the door. Bundling herself up, scarf included along with a pair of ear muffs, most of her outfit now a collaboration of white and blue. Hands firmly in her pockets, she found Sofia falling in behind her as the two Officers made their way out the door, down the front steps, and around the building to the left along the path.
"Think we'll spoil their fun?" Sofia asked as the two walked side by side. Anya fixed to answer only to suddenly stop as a snowball soared by her face. Blinking, Anya looked to who had thrown the snowball, finding the culprit to be Reno.
"Uh... sorry Admiral!" The Cruiser was quick to say. "I didn't realize it was you!" She called. Anya snorted in amusement as she and Sofia approached the eleven, the ship Girls making sure to lower any potential snowballs firing.
"How goes the snow day? Having fun?" Anya asked, looking to the group. The Atlanta sisters nodded as the six Gleaves class girls ran up to Anya, nearly knocking her over as they collided with her legs. Anya laughed as she stabilized herself as she looked to the six.
"IT'S SO MUCH FUN!" Bristol squealed at the top of her lungs. Ellyson offered a shy nod in response to her sister's statement as their sisters also voiced their opinions on the matter. Anya chuckled somewhat as she patted Bristol on the head, the destroyer seeming to melt under the attention, warranting the whines of disagreement from her sisters in the apparent attention. Anya shook her head in amusement as the other five tried to butt their oldest sister away from her enjoyment.
"Easy now. I'm only one person." Anya chuckled as gradually stopped with Bristol's headpats, much to the destroyer's displeasure.
"But you've got two hands..." McCalla said as she wrapped her arms around the Admiral's waist as if to promise that Anya would be taken prisoner should she refuse. The Admiral rolled her eyes but made no attempt to pry the destroyer off of her person. Atlanta approached the Admiral.
"Should I remove her..?" She asked, glancing down to the destroyer who was smothering her face into Anya's stomach. The Admiral shook her head as she laid a gentle hand atop the girl's head, much to her pleasure and sister's displeasure.
"Admiral! Why call us out here!?" Mississippi shouted as she emerged from the dorm building, leading the other nine American battleships behind her. And much to Anya's lack of surprise, mobilizing the battleships had piqued the curiosity of the other girls, as Saratoga, Lexington, Enterprise, San Francisco, and Pensacola made way behind the group. Anya nodded, fixing to say something when a snowball hit her in the side of the face.
Blinking, Anya wiped the snow off as she turned to look to the culprit, finding not a Ship girl to be seen, but instead Admiral Ishigara. Standing there, he held another snow ball as he looked to the woman.
"Mobilize all the forces you wish, Admiral! You will still face annihilation!" He called as his girl's began to stand, revealing themselves, all armed with snowballs. Anya stared a moment before she looked to the newly emerged girls.
"Surprise snowball fight..." Anya answered. The American Ship Girls blinked a moment before Atlanta tossed a snowball to Maryland, the battleship inspecting the object for a moment, before immediately pivoting and chucking the object In the direction of the Japanese, watching as the force of the throw flattened Souryuu.
"I'm ok...." Souryuu could be heard mumbling as she laid in the snow. Blinking, the Japanese forces looked back to their American counterparts.
"This means war!" Yuudachi screamed as the first salvo of snowballs flew through the air, prompting the Americans to scramble for cover as the snow produced shells fell among them, eliciting laughter from some of the girls as they prepared to fire back.
Anya and Sofia were moved by Arizona and Maryland to one of the snow covered hedges, as to act as a sort of cover as the other girl's took positions among the falling snow. So, as they did so, Anya and Sofia began to make snowballs, stacking them as Arizona and Maryland began to fire back at their surprise attackers.
"You ruined our fun, Anya! You will burn!" Tenryuu yelled from the Japanese territory. Anya blinked as Sofia laughed, looking to the Admiral.
"Well... you can't say they're not motivated..." she offered. Anya only chuckled.
"Motivated to kill me apparently..." she said as she handed another snowball to Maryland, the battleship now aiming to bring down Hiryuu as she had done to her sister.
"Hey, if anyone's going to have your ass on a silver platter, it's going to be me." Maryland huffed. Anya only rolled her eyes.
"You and Tenryuu want my ass for very different reasons!" She said as she spun to her feet, snowball in hand, throwing the object as hard as she could. Nearly hitting Shigure in the face, the Shiratsuyu sisters narrowed their eyes at the Admiral before firing back, Anya having to hit the ground quickly as she heard the snowballs fly overhead from both sides. "Note to self. Do not look directly at the Shiratsuyu sisters when waiting for them to fire back. It is death incarnate." Anya breathed.
Sofia laughed at that, looking up as she watched the snowballs fly through the falling snow, the whole situation seeming odd.
"Execute the Americans! Anya shall fall!" The two heard Amatsukaze yell, prompting a cheer from that side of the courtyard. Anya and Sofia traded a surprised glance as Sofia poked her head over the edge, only for her to hit the ground again as three snow balls soared just by where her head had been. After she was sure she wasn't in danger, Sofia looked to Anya.
"They've got what looks like a bucket of snow. My guess, we lose, that's going down your back." Sofia shrugged. Horrified, Anya looked to Arizona.
"We cannot lose!" She yelled as she grabbed a snowball, turning as she spun to her feet once again as she chucked the weapon, this time hitting Ikazuchi in the head who had just been preparing to throw another snowball. Blinking in surprise, the destroyer dropped her snowball as Tenryuu and Tatsuta glared at the American, hopping over their cover as they began to sprint across the courtyard. Anya quickly ducked back behind her cover as she heard the American forces in the battle of Yokosuka focus fire on the two charging cruisers.
Briefly, Anya thought she was safe from any danger. That was until Maryland was tackled to the ground by Tatsuta, the light cruiser moving quickly as to avoid the battleship's return moves. She may be a light Cruiser, but her strength wasn't enough to match that of a battleship. Especially not one who thought of anything happening to Anya as a sin.
Anya had rolled away from the two squabbling and began to begin to run from the cover, but found herself being yanked over the hedge by Tenryuu. The light Cruiser was careful not to actually injure the woman, but adding enough force so that she couldn't get away. Struggling, she began to yell for help, much to the amusement of the nearby American Ship Girls.
"They're taking the Admiral! We can't let this stand!" Enterprise yelled as she and Saratoga chucked snowballs at Tenryuu, only for the Cruiser to use the person they were trying to protect as a human shield. Anya spit out snow as she laughed.
"You're supposed to hit her! Not me!" She yelled back as she was pulled fully over the hedge as Tatsuta landed back next to Tenryuu. Seeing their allies had successfully capture the enemy leader, the invading forces began to move up as well as increasing the frequency of their throws. The Americans seemed unwilling to relent however as they were now intent on getting their Admiral back.
"Tatsuta, we need to go." Tenryuu hissed as she began to pick up Anya, as the Admiral continued to try and break hold of the Cruiser. Well, Ishigara had cruisers. And so did Anya.
As Tenryuu poked her head over, there had been a lot of things she had been expecting to encounter.
A facefull of Atlanta's chest was not one of those.
The two cruisers collided, Atlanta toppling Tenryuu as her four sisters hopped the hedge, Oakland helping Atlanta contain Tenryuu. The other three immediately focused their attention on Tatsuta amid the various snowballs flying through the air, thus allowing Anya to make a run for it.
Getting to her feet, she made a dash for safe harbor, only to regret her decision. As she had been so focused on the two cruisers, she had failed to see who had moved forward to apprehend her.
Anya was now face to face with Musashi, Yamato, and Nagato. The three battleships had moved up behind their line of hedges and Anya had run straight in their direction.
"Oh no..." Anya muttered as she immediately pivoted, willing her legs to work faster. But Musashi was quicker to the draw, wrapping an arm around the woman, hoisting her to her shoulder as the battleship smirked at the American girl's. Should've been a deterrent, seeing their Admiral in the hands of the enemy.
Not for Hoel to initiate a charge.
Leading herself, the three Casablanca sisters ,and the six Gleaves class girls, the ten charged the battleship. Suddenly, Musashi did not feel as confident as she had before as she and the other two battleships to retreat with their prize.
But the three could not hope to outrun or even match pace with the ten smaller craft.
Nagato went down hard, Kitkun Bay and St. Lo clamping onto her legs, overloading Nagato and putting her into the starting stages of Nagamon. Yamato had no chance as Hoel, Bismarck Sea, and McCalla jumped her, the battleship laughing as she focused her attention on taming the three.
This left the other five of the Gleaves class on a direct collision course with Musashi, one of the sisters jumping to the woman's back. Smirking, Musashi dropped Anya as she went to dealing with the five new annoyances. Anya took her chance once again in running back to the Americans territory amidst the snowballs flying at her.
But, for a third time, her luck had seemed to run out. And this time, it seemed to be for good as someone got a grip on the woman. Turning, she found the culprit to be Kongou, who had practically turned up out of no where.
"Execution, dess!" She said accompanied with a grin as the fast battleship lifted the woman off of the ground and hesitated in no way as she, Hiei, and Kirishima began to make way back to Ishigara, where Anya could see Amatsukaze and Shimakaze further filling the bucket of snow in with even more snow.
"No, no, no! Kongou, listen, we can talk this out!" Anya shrieked hysterically, now trying with all her might to get out of the battleship's grasp. Kongou however only shook her head in a slow fashion as the three now entered what could effectively be called the Japanese side of the courtyard. A cheer went up among the Japanese forces as Kongou stopped in the front their forces, placing Anya on her knees, facing her Girls.
"We'll always remember you Admiral! Even though the next one will probably be a hot guy!" Mississippi shouted, prompting laughter from the Americans. Anya scowled at the battleship.
"Traitors!" She yelled as she could feel Kongou working on opening her collar so that the snow could be delivered. As if adding to the tension, she could hear Amatsukaze and Shimakaze's footsteps approaching from behind, bucket in tow.
"Ex-ec-ute. Ex-ec-ute. Ex-ec-ute." The Japanese girls began to chant. Sofia laughed as she poked over the hedge.
"Don't worry. It'll all be over soon!" She yelled in support. Anya just glared at the woman as the two approaching destroyers stopped.
"First... the ice water..." Amatsukaze said. Eyes snapping wide, Anya tried to move but found herself hissing as she felt the liquids make it down her back, leading the admiral to do the only suitable thing.
She squealed as her back arched from the cold, this reaction clearly not being the one most of the observing girls were expecting. Some laughed at the reaction as Kongou looked amused. Nodding to the destroyers, Amatsukaze and Shimakaze grinned at one another before tipping the bucket forward, sending the snow into the dark below that was the space between Anya's clothes and her bare back. Squealing once again, Anya tried so very hard to shake from Kongou's and Hiei's grasp.
It was a fruitless endeavor.
Thanks to Kirishima, the admiral was kept upright for the entire bucket. Few seconds later, the last of the snow was down the Admiral's back. Chuckling, Kongou and Hiei lifted the woman to her feet.
"Can't have you getting away so easily though..." Hiei said as she watched the woman mischievously before reaching around her. Feeling around the woman's now freezing back, she found her prize.
The waist band of Anya's pants.
Giving them a solid tug, Anya screamed outright this time as snow fell from her back down into the back of her pants. This in turn prompted the shivering of the American Admiral as the Japanese girls laughed.
"Admiral! You'll always be remembered!" Idiana called from their side of the courtyard.
"Sorry we couldn't save you!" Franklin yelled.
"Hey! Maybe you'll get a Ship named after you!" Enterprise called.
"Anya?" A new voice asked. The girls looked to the new voice in surprise, having not expected another man's voice besides Ishigara's. But Anya swore the hypothermia was kicking in already. There's no way he was here.
But, much to her surprise as she slowly and painfully turned to look at the voice, her doubts were erased. Amid the falling snow, standing at the entrance to the courtyard, was Hank and Danny, her younger brothers. Looking at their older sister with concern, all Anya could do was wave in a confused motion.
As Hank and Danny began to move towards their sister however, they found themselves stopped when Musashi and Nagato got in their way, as if to interrogate them as to why they were here and who they were. That didn't last though as both Ishigara and Sofia approached the two battleships.
"Easy there ladies. These two are Anya's younger brothers." Sofia said to the two, but loud enough to where the other girls present could hear as well. Blinking at that, the two battleships nodded, getting out of the way of the two so that they could approach their sister.
"You know, when I learned we were going to be among the Ship Girls, I thought we'd see a lot of naval combat. Not our sister being put out to a snow execution." Hank said half amused as he and Danny dropped their bags in the snow next to them as they stopped in front of Anya, who was now shivering more than was probably good for her. Anya only chuckled somewhat as she hugged herself, desperately trying to warm herself up among the falling snow. As she tried to say something however, Danny shook his head as he covered her mouth.
"We'll have a conversation when you're not about to die of hypothermia." He said, soon scooping up his older sister in one fell swoop. Since she was shorter than him however, this proved no issue as Hank picked up their bags.
Looking to Sofia, Danny gave a smile. Rolling her eyes, she gestured for the two to follow her. "This way, you muscle heads." She said as she began to lead towards the American HQ. The two nodded as they followed the unofficial sister of the Johnson family as the American Ship Girls in their way cleared a way for them, mostly out of confusion as they watched the two go with their Admiral in tow.
"Okay... explain.." Anya said as she entered her office, now dressed in dry and warm clothes as she toweled off her hair, getting he last remnants of her hot shower out of the blonde locks. Hank arched a brow, having seated himself behind his sister's desk, shrugged at the question.
"Whatever do you mean, dearest sister of mine? Explain what exactly?" He asked. Anya rolled her eyes as she hung the towel on the rack next to her as she approached one of her brothers. Danny was standing next to Sofia as the two enjoyed cups of hot chocolate, the two watching Anya.
"Why are the two of you here? And if that fails to receive a response, what are you doing here?" She asked, hands on her hips as she looked between the two. Danny nodded.
"Mom said that you hadn't had thanksgiving yet so we figured that you two should have family present. So she got in contact with Hayfield, asked if we couldn't work something out so myself and Hank could come here." He said. Anya nodded.
"But sending no one warning that you were coming?" She asked. Danny shook his head as he sipped at the beverage.
"Ishigara approved it. Hayfield took up the issue with him, asking if it would be ok since this is technically his base. He said ok, but we asked him to keep quiet about the whole visit. We wanted to surprise you." He said. Anya nodded somewhat at that.
"Ok... I'll let the whole surprise thing slide if you can tell me that Cynthia's not going to show up in the next ten minutes." She said. The twins nodded.
"Cynthia's the only one of our family who does not presently know where we are. We made that call for your sake, and she's currently helping with relief efforts in Florida and Georgia along the coast. So even if she wanted to come with, she wouldn't have been able to grab the time or transport to do so." Hank said. "And we know that her near your girl's isn't exactly a comforting thought to you, so we also factored that in with deciding not to tell her." He answered. Anya nodded at that.
"Well, I can't say I'm not happy to see the two of you. But aren't you guys busy? To busy to come out and see us all the way in Japan?" She asked. "A trip like this isn't exactly something you can make easily."
The two nodded. "Which is why visiting you serves as an extra bonus to our assignment." Danny said. Anya blinked. An assignment?
"Is it safe for myself to know about said assignment? Because if it concerns the girls or myself in anyway, I'd think I'd have a demand to know." She said. Hank nodded as he leaned back in the chair.
"Does the name Abyssalist mean anything to you?" He asked, watching his sister. Anya shook her head.
"No. If I'd have to guess about it, sounds like a member of a group or something." She said. Sofia nodded.
"Like a terrorist organization or something along those lines." She added. The two men nodded at that.
"A couple of months ago, around March, posts on social media started popping up by various people, claiming that humanity's future is under the thumb of the Abyssals and trying to prevent that is defying what history is meant to be. Basically, they believe that the Navies of the world, whether they be US, British, German, Japanese, Russian, Chinese or any other nationality should stop their fighting and lay down their weapons in the name of the Abyssals." Danny said, putting his mug down on the counter as he looked to his sister. Anya nodded as she gestured for Hank to move from her seat, which he did as he moved to Sofia's seat.
"So? Social media's always been an outlet of such feelings. There's no stopping them from posting something like that." She said. Danny nodded.
"That was the overall feeling shared by the Navy and intelligence communities were as well. Just keep an eye on them and they'll eventually die off. That was until there was a potential bombing stopped last week at Norfolk. They've now gone from just a possible threat to a very real, very dangerous threat." He said.
"Well damn..." Anya sighed. "And so the two of you being here isn't just to visit?" She asked. The two shook their heads.
"No. The head honchos want to make sure the current Ship Girls stationed here are safe and the incoming ones will be as well. Because where do you think a prime target for a group that wants to destroy Naval capabilities would be?" Hank asked.
"Yokosuka." Sofia answered.
"Bingo." Hank said.
"Which is why the two of you were selected. You can still do your jobs, but because of thanksgiving and your relation to me, it doesn't seem that odd to anyone not looking to much into the subject." She said. The two nodded.
"Indeed. So we'll be looking around while we're here just to make sure nothing is out of place." Danny told her, picking up his mug as he took another sip. Anya nodded at that.
"Well.. if you're going to stay here then, we'll need to put the two of you somewhere. And with that being said, there's spare guest rooms upstairs. You'll have to share though." She said. Her brothers nodded at that, not seeing an issue. "And try to keep the whole muscle thing on the down low. I'm not sure how your presence is going to mess with the daily life on base.." she sighed. The two arched brows at that.
"Are you neglecting their needs, Anya?" Hank asked in a joking manner, looking to his sister. Anya shook her head at that, fixing to say something, when the door suddenly bursted inwards, giving way to the sounds of running of pairs of feet. Standing, Anya looked to the door as the Gleaves class, followed by the Atlanta's desperately trying to stop them, followed by Maryland and Mississippi bringing up the rear. Seeing Anya stand, the six destroyers came to an immediate stop, skidding on their heels as Bristol bumped into Anya's desk.
Going silent, the room seem to be still as Anya walked to the front of her desk as she laid a hand on Bristol's head, ruffling her hair as she looked to the girl's as a whole.
"So... who won the snowball fight?" Anya asked, looking to the thirteen. Bristol, Mervine, and Fitch immediately shot up their hands.
"W-we would've won if the J-Japanese didn't use reinforcements!" Ellyson answered before her sisters could do so, prompting dirty looks from the three as Anya nodded as she looked to the Atlanta class, some of who were watching Hank and Danny with uncertain gazes. Atlanta however was looking to Anya.
"However, we came to find out how you were doing, Admiral. You're not gonna be sick... are you?" She asked. Anya shook her head.
"All I needed to stave off the final effects of my execution was a hot shower. I'm feeling much better now, thank you for asking." She said as she looked to Atlanta's four sisters. "Is there something you'd like to know ladies?" She asked. San Diego nodded.
"Is he.... really your brother?" She asked, watching Danny cautiously. Anya chuckled as she nodded, jerking her head in Hank's direction as well.
"They are. This is Hank and Danny, my younger twin brothers. Hank, Danny, this is Bristol, Ellyson, Forrest, Fitch, Mervine, McCalla, Atlanta, San Diego, Juneau, Reno, Oakland, Maryland, and Mississippi." Anya said, doing the introductions as Danny nodded.
"Nice to meet you ladies. But as we saw... this is obviously not all the girls on base..." He said. "But I thought they came through one at a time? How are so many on base?" He asked. Anya nodded as the girl's laughed somewhat.
"Our girls don't really agree with how the Japanese did their summons. In order, the numbering members of each summon went like this. Seven. Twenty one. Three. Six. Three. And Three. That leaves us at a grand total of forty five Ship Girls. Also, it should be noted that there is a French and German Ship girl on base as well." Anya said. Bristol nodded.
"Strasbourg is really nice!" She said. Anya nodded at that as she looked to her brothers as the snow continued to fall. As it did so, Mississippi leaned over to Maryland.
"You know... at first, I thought you were crazy in going after the Admiral." The Battleship whispered. "But her brothers... maybe you were onto something..." she mused. Maryland stifled a laugh, hand over her mouth, causing Mississippi to give a small chuckle as well.
"Something funny you two?" Anya asked, having noticed the two. The two stood at rapt attention.
"Nothing, Admiral~" Maryland replied as the two looked to the woman.
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