Upgrades To The Armory
Author's Note: This Chapter will be all there is for week. No new chapter this coming Sunday. But after that, I'll try and get the chapters back on schedule.
"For Christ's sake Missy, it's a uniform. Not an abyssal. It's not going to kill you just by putting it on!" Arizona yelled as she and Indiana tried to hold the New Mexico class girl still. Oklahoma, Maryland San Francisco, and Chicago were standing by, already dressed in their NWU's. Arizona and Indiana were as well. But as for Mississippi? She was putting up quite the fight in response to the uniform.
"The Admiral is expecting us, Mississippi. Suck it up and put on the uniform!" Indiana yelled. Mississippi only continued to struggle against the two battleships. Maryland gave a sigh as she looked to Oklahoma.
"Shall we give them our assistance?" Maryland asked. Oklahoma gave a nod after a moment. The two battleships walked forward to assist the other two. The two heavy cruisers stood at the door, watching as the four battleships attempted to subdue the fifth.
"Who's gonna win...?" San Francisco asked, watching as the four battleships worked together to try and bring Mississippi under control. Chicago shrugged as she looked to San Francisco.
"I suggest we leave them before we get dragged in as well. As Indiana stated, the Admiral is expecting us. I believe it would be best to go ahead and explain the current situation..." She suggested. Frisco gave a nod.
"Sounds better than staying here and watching this unfold...." She reasoned. The two gave each other a nod as they walked away from the doorway and down the hall, out of the dorm building.
The two stepped out into what was forming to be a pleasant day in Yokosuka. It wasn't exactly warm, but there wasn't a drop of rain in the sky and the clouds were providing a decent amount of shade from the sun.
The day's date was just trying on November once again, the day being the fourth of said month. Earlier, Admiral Johnson had made her rounds, telling the girls that they had had various items delivered. This had so far to be proven true if the pixelated designed uniforms the two were adorning were anything to go by.
"What do you think Admiral wants us for?" San Francisco asked after a moment as the two walked on. Chicago only shrugged in reply, running a hand through her hair as she did so.
"I haven't an idea. But she is the Admiral, so I trust that she has a decent reason for requesting our presence along with those of the Battleships...." She reasoned. Frisco gave a shrug as the two neared the headquarters building. But after a moment, Chicago looked back to Frisco. "I suppose an apology is in order for my actions the other day...." Chicago said after a moment. San Francisco looked at her in confusion a moment before realizing what she was referring to.
"Wait? When I punched you...? Shouldn't I apologize to you for that..?" She asked uncertainly. Chicago gave a shrug as she pushed her glasses up.
"If it would relieve you to do so, then go ahead. But my personal thought is that I'm to blame for what happened the other day. I only served to be your antagonizer, something that was unbecoming of me. I apologize." Chicago said, looking at Frisco. Heavy cruiser in question only watched a moment, perplexed, before giving a shake of the head.
"No, no, no. It's not that simple. I'm the one who hit you! If I had not done that, there would be no current issue!" She insisted, in turn waving her arms through the air. Chicago gave a shake of the head, , crossing her arms as she did so.
"It was my words that caused you to take such action and for that I apologize." Chicago reasoned, giving a shrug as she did so. San Francisco looked at the heavy cruiser astounded before shaking her head.
"No! I'm the one that did wrong here! Not you! It was my fault! Not yours!" San Francisco yelled. Chicago gave a shrug.
"If you say so." Chicago answered, looking straight ahead. San Francisco only grew more upset.
"What do you mean if you say so!? That's not how this is supposed to end!" She yelled. Chicago looked to her with a surprised expression.
"Oh? But I thought it was over since you apologized to me. Is this not how this is supposed to go?" She asked, looking at Frisco in surprise. Frisco only stared at her a moment in surprise before giving a shake of the head.
"No, you know what? Screw it. You're too much trouble to have an actual conversation with." She huffed. Chicago just chuckled as she glanced over at San Francisco.
"At least you didn't punch me this time." She mused. San Francisco looked over at Chicago, a slight grin upon her lips.
"Yet...." She answered. Chicago only gave a nod in reply as the two humanized heavy cruisers walked closer to the American HQ. "So.... I had wanted to ask you.... What were you and Mississippi up to in the baths last week?" The woman asked, looking to Chicago. Said cruiser looked back at her, surprised written across her features. However, unlike earlier, this surprise was genuine.
"I beg your pardon...?" She asked, looking at Frisco. The heavy cruiser just gave a shrug in reply
"I mean everyone knows that she dragged you off to the baths but she hasn't said a word about it. And the Admiral and Captain haven't pushed for an answer. So I was wondering if I could get an answer out of you." She spoke. Chicago watched her a moment before looking ahead once again.
"I do not believe there is anything talk about. It was merely a session of relaxation, prompted by Mississippi. I do not see the need to discussing it further. Nor the advantage of said conversation." Chicago replied, her tone resorting to one of calm. San Francisco however arched a brow, looking at the cruiser skeptically.
"That wasn't a decent answer in my opinion. I want to know specifics. I want to know what exactly went on in there." Frisco said, looking at Chicago. The cruiser only shrugged.
"It was a simple relaxation method. That's all there was to it Frisco." She answered. San gave a shake of the head, throwing her arms up in defeat.
"Fine! I won't push it any further. But I don't buy that it was just a relaxation exercise! I don't trust your word and I don't take Mississippi to be the one to keep things decent!" She said, flailing her arms. Chicago arched a brow at this, now looking at Frisco in an amused fashion.
"Oh? Is someone jealous? Does someone have a little crush?" She mused. Frisco went beet red, waving her arms defensively.
"That's not it!" She replied. Chicago merely smiled to herself as she walked in front of the heavy cruiser, letting out a small laugh.
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." She answered as she walked into the HQ building. San Francisco watched a moment before letting out an agitated growl as she followed the cruiser inside.
A few brisk steps behind the girl, soon enough the two were within the Office of their commanders.
"Hello you two. I assume the battleships are on their way?" Anya asked, looking up from her desk. But as she did so, the two heavy cruisers noticed that they were not alone. Mutsu and Atago were currently present, talking amongst themselves with Langley.
"Why are Mutsu and Atago here...?" San Francisco asked after a moment, looking at the two. Mutsu and Atago only offered small giggles in response to the question, not turning away from Langley as they did so. Anya just gave a shake of the head, leaning on her desk as she did so.
"We'll get to that in a moment. Are the battleships on their way?" She asked. Chicago shrugged in reply, crossing her arms as she did so.
"I would assume so. But they were having.... Problems with Mississippi..." She answered, looking at Anya as she did so. Frisco gave a small laugh in turn, giving a shake of the head.
"Problems are not what I would call it. Missy looked bout ready to kill Arizona and Indy for going near her with the uniform." She said. Anya gave a nod.
"And how are your own uniforms treating the two of you?" She asked, looking over the blue pixelated clothes. The two gave shrugs.
"I don't know. They're pretty comfortable so far... Well, as comfortable as one can be in a uniform...." San Francisco answered. Chicago gave a nod as she looked down at herself, taking another once over herself, looking for any imperfections.
"And it is far more sensible than those outfits we arrived here in. I do not appreciate every time I make a move, someone gaining sight of undergarments." She reasoned. But Frisco gave a shake of the head.
"The skirts are fine. You'd have to wear a skirt like Mutsu's for that to be a valid fear." She mused, taking a glance over at the battleship. Chicago just gave a small nod, taking her own glance over at Mutsu. Anya gave a small laugh.
"The Nagato sister's outfits aside, it sounds like you two are satisfied with your apparel. That's good. I trust I will not have such luck with Mississippi however..." She reasoned. The two heavy cruisers gave a nod.
"That's a sucker bet if I've ever heard one." San Francisco huffed. Anya gave a laugh as Sofia got up from her desk, looking out the window that sat behind the two desks. Giving a small chuckle, she turned back to the three.
"The battleships approach. And no one looks happy." Sofia said. Anya gave a nod as she turned her attention to the door, most others in the room doing the same.
Soon enough, the door to the office opened, rather swiftly, as the battleships began to enter in line.
First came Oklahoma, arms crossed as she stepped out of the way, admitting the other four, looking equally miffed. Anya watched the five, looking between them a moment, before shaking her head.
"So what's got you five in such a bad mood? Although, based on what these two relayed, my guess is that it has something to do with Mississippi and the uniforms." She reasoned. She had her question answered when both Arizona and Indiana sighed. Mississippi only gave a small chuckle in response, despite keeping her miffed appearance. Anya gave a nod in understanding. "Fair enough. Anyways, for those of you besides Mississippi, how are the uniforms?" She asked. Indiana shrugged as she looked down at herself.
"I don't know. They're pretty nice and nothing like what my crews wore back in the day. It's easy to see that the Navy's made some changes since our time..." She reasoned. Maryland gave a nod at that as she took her own glance at Indiana.
"Are all of the military branches in possession of similar uniforms?" She asked. Anya gave a nod.
"More or less. Anyways, I'm guessing that you six are wondering what I've called you in for. And I suspect that Arizona already has her suspicions..."
"I do." Arizona replied. "And that coupled with the fact that Mutsu and Atago are present only cements it that much more. So I suspect that in a few moments, we're going to be taking a field trip. Does this sound about right?" She asked. Anya gave a small nod in reply.
"Indeed." Anya replied. Arizona just chuckled in reply as the six looked between the two.
"Ok? Someone want to explain exactly what you two are going on about? What we're doing here?" Oklahoma asked. Anya gave a nod as she leaned against her desk, looking at the girls.
"As with how it happened with Arizona, Langley, and the first girls, their clothes and riggings came on the same day. This is no different for you all either. Nagato and Takao are there now, making sure your riggings are installed into the launching chamber correctly." She said. Arizona gave a nod as the other four battleships and two heavy cruisers looked surprised at this.
"Wait? So we have our guns now?!" Mississippi asked, looking at her Admiral. Anya gave a nod as she looked to Mutsu and Atago.
"If you two are ready, I believe these girls would like to get out on the water." She said. Mustu and Atago gave a nod, the battleship looking to Arizona.
"And you Ari? Will you be joining us?" Mutsu asked. Arizona watched her for a moment before looking to Anya, a questioning glance. Anya shrugged.
"It's your choice. You want to stand on the pier, observing, you can. But if you want to get out on the water as well, I'm not gonna stop you." She answered. Arizona gave a nod in turn, looking back to Mustu. Taking it as an answer, the Japanese battleship girl gave a nod.
"Well, if you all will follow Atago and myself, we'll get you ladies set up." Mutsu said before promptly walking by the group, Atago close behind. Watching her go for a moment, the girls looked back to Anya. The American Admiral just gave a chuckle in turn.
"Go. What are you waiting for?" She asked. Hesitating a moment, the girls gave a nod as they followed the two out. Arizona just gave an amused shake of the head as she followed as well. Anya just chuckled as she watched them go, Langley soon walking up to Anya. Looking to Anya, Langley voiced her question.
"Are you not going to them observe them Admiral?" She asked. Anya gave a nod.
"I will, I will. There's four of them so they'll be out there for a while. But I feel that it's Christmas time for the carriers...." She reasoned. Langley only smiled as she gave a nod.
"Shall I find some help to move said objects?" She asked. Anya gave a shake of the head.
"Ise and Hyuga have already said they're ready to help. So I suggest we take a trip to the carrier range..." She reasoned. Langley only gave a nod as Anya made her way out of the office, Langley following behind. Sofia only watched as they went a moment before turning her attention back to the work on her desk.
"Coral, you have to ease up on the strength. These bows can take a lot of beating but they can't just take you ripping it apart!" Zuikaku yelled, trying to get the carrier to relent on her pull. Coral only gave her usual laugh in reply as she struggled against Zuikaku's hold.
"Coral." Midway said from the side, her own form under the watchful eye of Akagi. "Zuikaku is your better in this sense. Respect that and listen to what she has to say." Midway said, her tone the ever present calm. Coral gave a huff as she stopped struggling against Zuikaku, the Japanese carrier giving a silent thank you to the oldest. Midway only nodded as she looked back to the target for a brief moment, made an adjustment, and released the grip she had had on her own bowstring.
It sent the arrow flying with near perfection as it soared through the air, taking no time in burrowing its way into the target.
Midway looked at the target as she lowered her bow, watching her handiwork. Franklin let out an impressed whistle as Akagi placed a gentle hand upon Midway's shoulder.
"Very well done Midway-San. You appear to be quite efficient with your bow in the short time you've had it..." Akagi said. Midway gave a nod.
"The principles of Archery are simple enough. It's the skill and practice that keep it disciplined. I am quite fortunate to have a skilled teacher such as yourself." Midway said. Akagi only gave a small smile in reply as she gave a nod.
Lexington gave a chuckle from the side as Bismarck Sea sat on her lap. Leaning over to Enterprise, she voiced a question.
"So I have to ask E. And I want you to be truthful with me. Ever considered taking Akagi out for a date?" She asked, watching the carrier. Enterprise only looked at her in surprise, taking her attention away from Kit's hair.
"Wait? What? Ask her out? Why would I?" She asked in a whisper, her tone barely there. Lexington gave a shrug as she looked at Akagi.
"Come on E! Don't tell me she doesn't absolutely look fantastic. And what better match than you two? She's basically the poster carrier of the Japanese Kanmusu. And no doubt you'll be the same for us Americans when we're revealed to the public. Not to mention she's not exactly the greatest definition of flattop..." Lexington mused, a small smile upon her features. E only watched her a moment, her cheeks beginning to lightly blush.
"Shhhh! You're gonna start rumors!" Enterprise threatened. Lex only chuckled as she turned her attention back to the practicing sisters, watching as Shokaku and Kaga helped Franklin with her posture.
"I'm just saying E, that if you have feelings for anyone, you shouldn't keep them to yourself..." She reasoned. E gave a roll of the eyes as she looked at the carrier.
"What are you talking about? Not to mention you're no expert on this either! You're just as old as I am in this form! You know Love like you know about being a battleship." She replied. Lex gave a shrug.
"I mean there's not much to it. Big guns. Big voices. Big chests. Sounds simple enough to me." She reasoned. Bismarck Sea and Kitkun Bay broke out into giggles as they listened to the conversation that was going on. "Do you like a battleship? Because I could totally see you going to town on Yamato's cannons. I mean seriously, the pride of Japan, the pride of America. It's a match made in heaven." She said. Enterprise gave a sigh, putting her face in a hand as she shook her head.
"Lex. Stop talking." E begged.
"Why? Am I onto something?" Lex said amusedly. E gave a shake of the head as the two escort carriers on their laps only laughed harder. E only gave a shake of the head as someone cleared her throat.
"No. So our opinion of you doesn't plummet too much further...." Saratoga mused from the firing line, looking back at Lex directly. Not only was the Lexington class girl staring the Essex girl down, but just about every single other carrier as well, American and Japanese alike.
"You know, when you're trying to keep things on the down low, make sure we can't actually hear you..." Souryuu suggested, her own grin of amusement evident. Lex only gave a slow nod, prompting a small chuckle from Sara as she turned her attention back to the firing range with Kaga to her side. But before anyone could do anything further, someone knocked on the wall next to the door. Turning their vision to it, they found Anya standing there, watching the various carriers.
"Am I interrupting something...?" She asked after a moment, looking at some of the girls. Sara gave a shake of the head, taking another glance back at Lex.
"You're not missing much. Just telling Lex what is and what isn't ok to discuss in public. What brings you here Admiral?" She asked. Anya gave a nod as she walked to Sara, looking the girl up and down.
"Just came to check up on you girls and see how you like your uniforms. I can see that it looks rather sharp on you Saratoga rather easily." She reasoned, looking back up to Saratoga. "If those of you who got your uniform today would come forward, I would appreciate it." She said, putting her hands behind her back. Sara gave a nod as she took a look around, watching as the other seven carriers that had been previously summoned rose from their seats to come forward. Soon enough, not only was Saratoga present in front of Anya, but as was the Midway and Casabalanca sisters as well as Cabot. Taking a moment to look each of them up and down, she gave a nod.
"So do you ladies like your uniforms? Because I know the battleships and heavy cruisers do." Anya asked. Cabot gave a nod.
"Yes Admiral. I find mine rather well suiting." She said. Anya gave a nod as Coral spoke.
"Man, we only had one kiss and you're already getting me gifts. How thoughtful." She laughed. Anya simply shook her head as just about everyone who was not one of Coral's sisters looked at Anya in surprise.
"Wait....? Coral.... And the Admiral kissed....?" Lex asked after a moment, looking at Anya in disbelief. Anya gave a sigh as she watched Coral for a moment before shaking her head.
"No, we did not kiss. She kissed me on the cheek. There is a difference." She replied. Lex gave an amused nod as Anya sighed. "Enough. Anyways, how goes the training?" She asked. Midway gave a shrug.
"Well enough Admiral. We are in the presence of quite the skilled teachers. And patience is in well supply here." She replied. Anya gave a nod as Langley entered the range behind her.
"Have you practiced with any planes so far?" She asked. The seven gave shakes of the head.
"They've kept myself, my sisters, Saratoga and Cabot away from any training with planes. And the Casablanca sisters have yet to begin training of any kind. A simple bow will not meet their needs. Simply because of their size." Midway reported. Anya gave a nod as she took a look at the three escort carriers, now adoring the pixelated blue uniforms. Watching them a moment, she looked around the room for a moment.
"Taihou? Can you come here?" She asked. Watching as the carrier gave a nod, she approached her and the eight new carriers.
"Yes Admiral?" Taihou asked, looking up at the woman.
"You use a crossbow as your launching technique correct?" She asked. Taihou gave a nod in turn, looking at her.
"Yes Admiral. That is my preference." She said, giving a nod.
"Could you teach someone how to use a crossbow if it was needed?" She asked. Taihou gave a slow nod in turn.
"Yes... I suppose I could Admiral... Why do you ask?" She wondered aloud. Anya gave a nod as she turned to Langley, holding out an open hand. Giving a nod, Langley placed what looked like a smaller crossbow into the Admiral's waiting hand. Giving a nod, Anya turned back to Taihou.
"Is it possible for you to instruct the Casablanca sisters in the use of a crossbow?" She asked as she handed the object to Taihou. Taking a look over the object, she eventually took a look back up at Anya.
"I suppose it would be possible. But if I may ask, this crossbow looks modified. Smaller than normal. And this isn't something that we can produce something on base... Where'd you get this from..?" She asked. Anya gave a shrug as she gave a nod to Langley. Giving her own nod, Langley walked back to the door.
"We had a small delivery...." She stated as Ise and Hyuga walked in, carrying a large black case. Giving a small grin, she turned back to the box. Setting it on the floor, Ise and Hyuga walked back out as Anya approached the box they had brought in. Un-clasping the clasps on the box, the carriers present watched as it collapses, soon enough revealing eight different cases within. Each one was marked with a different identification symbol. Going to the black case that was marked with a CV-3, she unlatched it, soon opening the case, giving sight to Saratoga's flight deck. Sara's eyes widened as she rushed forward, looking over the piece of rigging.
"Woah...." She breathed. Anya just smiled as she opened another case, this one marked with CVL-28. Cabot walked forward, inspecting the one that belonged to her. Giving a nod, Anya moved onto the next case.
As she opened the three belonging to the Casablanca sisters, Ise and Hyuga brought in another case. As they did so, some of the Japanese carriers came up to inspect the new flight decks as well, some looking over Sara and Cabot's decks.
As Anya finished up with the Casablanca's cases, she moved onto the last three, marked with the numbers 41, 42, and 43. But before she opened them, she took a glance at the three sisters.
"When they were making your flight decks... You three... They decided to get creative...." Anya reasoned. Midway only gave a nod as Franklin arched a brow at this, looking over the cases.
"How so Admiral...?" She asked. Anya in turn looked at the case, flipping the latches on the first case, the one marked with 41. Soon enough, she opened the top, giving sight to Midway's flight deck. Except, it was not as simple as it seemed.
"What in the hell....?" Zuikaku said, looking at the flight deck with fascination. Other carriers were doing other similar things, whether it be looking at the deck in confusion or inspecting it closely.
"The angled flight deck. You'd be hard pressed to find a modern day carrier short of one." Anya reasoned. Midway gave a nod as she looked over the flight deck as Franklin and Coral popped open the cases containing their own flight decks, revealing close to the same as Midway's. As the various carriers were looking at the new flight decks in wonder, Lex and E looked to Anya in a questioning manner.
"Wait.... So why do they get their bigger flight decks first but we don't...?" Lex asked. Anya crossed her arms as she took a glance at the flight decks and then back to the two.
"As the boys and girls in R&D put it, they thought that putting the Midway sisters at their starting riggings and set would be counterproductive...." She reasoned. Lexington just stared at her in shock.
"But me? But E? We're not good enough for it?" She asked, her arms crossed. E placed a hand on Lex's shoulder, giving a shake of the head.
"Lex, I was decommissioned in 47. I never got a chance for one of these. So I don't see the problem..." E replied. Lex gave a shake of the head.
"Ok, point taken. But still! I was here first. Where's my flight deck?" She asked. Anya shook her head.
"I imagine it's in the works. But you have to realize that this is new for you girls. So far, it's been the basic flight deck. The basics. The angled flight deck you see here is a stretch. They weren't sure if they could do it and they still aren't. Not to mention, that from Midway's commissioning in 45, she was the biggest thing on the water until 55. Plus, they seemed more content to provide for a full class of three rather than a potential class of over twenty." She replied. Lex gave a shrug in response.
"That sounds reasonable.... I think..." She reasoned. Anya shrugged as Ise and Hyuga brought in another case. "So... What's in the other cases? The first one contained all eight of the new flight decks so what's in the other two?" She asked. Anya gave a nod as she walked over to the cases.
"Alternate launching techniques." She answered as she removed the lid of the first case, giving sight to multiple crossbows. Picking one up, she looked over it for a moment as Taihou walked forward, looking at the crossbows with surprise.
"Woah..." She said. Anya gave a nod as she put the crossbow back, soon moving onto the second crate. Removing the lid to this crate as well, Anya took no time in retrieving one of the box's contents, giving sight to a rifle.
"The M1 Garand. The boys and girls over in R&D couldn't resist." She reasoned. Lex lit up at the sight of the rifle, taking it from Anya in no time. As she was looking over the object, Zuikaku looked at the rifles with a cautious eye.
"Not that I'm saying they're not helpful, but why rifles? We already have our bows and they're plenty enough..." She reasoned. Anya shrugged as she watched Lex look over the rifle.
"Maybe. But apparently they couldn't resist. And... We are Americans. We do like our guns..." She reasoned. Zuikaku looked at her with a deadpanned expression.
"Pardon my French, but that's a bullshit reason." She reasoned. Anya only shrugged as the Hiryuu sisters walked towards the crate, taking a look inside. After a moment, Hiryuu looked in confusion as she hefted on of the rifles out of the crate.
"This is not an American rifle I'm absolutely sure. Pretty sure this is an Arisaka..." She reasoned. Anya gave a nod.
"That's because it is. Basically they provided enough rifles for anyone who wanted to change how they launch planes. Same with the crossbows. But before this, to those of you still learning with the bow, continue to do so. Have at least one method before you expand." She said. Lex gave a nod as she continued to inspect the rifle she was holding.
"So... That's all good and all, but what are we supposed to do? We have a crossbow instructor, but she's gonna be busy since she's teaching the escort carriers. And what about the rifles? We don't have a teacher for the rifles." She reasoned. Anya gave a shake of the head.
"You do." She answered. "I can teach you. But like I said, I want those of you still learning archery to do so. But I will say this. If any of you are interested even the slightest at learning how to handle a rifle, come to my office tonight so I can get a general idea of who wants to do so. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I need to oversee the battleships. I hope to see you eight in action later today if you feel up to it." Anya replied, looking to the eight carriers. The eight nodded in return. Nodding, Anya quietly left the carrier range. After a moment, Taihou looked to the three escort carriers, holding one of the crossbows over her shoulder.
"So? You three ready to learn how to shoot?" She asked. She got three enthusiastic nods in turn.
Anya walked along the base as she listened to the distant explosions, signifying the firing of various sized shells out of variously sized guns. Anya listened to the various voices she could hear between the various rounds, before the next round of shots went into the air.
She could hear the various, subtle differences in the various salvos. Mississippi's 12 14inch guns. Oklahoma's 10 14inch guns. Maryland's 8 16inch guns. Indiana's 9 16inch guns. The various volleys that Chicago's and San Francisco's guns were spitting into the air. As she walked on, she could now make out the forms of the various girls out on the water.
She watched as who was clearly Indiana fired off another salvo at various targets. Anya watched as one of the distant targets soon enough went up in flames, causing the next one over to explode as well. Anya only smiled as she walked over to where Ishigara and Sofia were observing the various battleships, watching as Nagato, Mustu, and Arizona stood not to far from the group atop the water's surface, decked out in their riggings. As well as the three, Haruna was also present, standing rather close to Arizona as the four watched the new girls.
"How're they doing?" Anya asked as she walked up, watching as Oklahoma was the next to fire off a salvo. Sofia shrugged.
"Fairly well. A miss here and there, but otherwise they're getting the basics down rather well. Their fairies seem to be quite helpful as well." She reported. Anya gave a nod as she took a stance next to the two, watching as the various battleships and cruisers practiced out on the water.
"So when are we planning for the destroyers and subs?" She asked.
"Later today. It's not even lunchtime. There's still time. Did the carriers like the surprise?" She asked. Anya gave a shrug.
"More or less. The flight decks were well received. Few questions about the Midway's. The crossbows seemed to hold some stature. But the rifles are still a bit on the odd side. I told them to come to my office tonight so I can see which of them wish to learn and which don't. I'm not expecting many of those who are Japanese, but I'm always welcome to a surprise." She reasoned. Ishigara in turn gave a nod.
"Take no offense if the carriers of my country turn your offer down. The carriers are some of the most traditional girls on base and are not easy to accept change. Americans being here on Yokosuka is a test to them, there's no doubt to that. But the fact that they've opened up to you all as much as they have surprises even me. The fact that Kaga sought out Midway on her own terms is something that she would not have done two years ago. It is not something she would have done a year ago. Yet here we are, discussing the indicated event...." He said as he watched the girls. Anya gave a nod.
"Well it's fairly easy to do when the girls are so calm about this. And Saratoga, even with her troubles at first those first few days, has been pretty easy going about this whole thing." She replied. Ishigara gave a nod.
"True. But I believe your girls had little to do with it. I believe the change really got started with the two of you. You see, the two of you represent the very Navy that these girls were at odds with so many decades ago. Half of them were more than ready descend into chaos should you have caused even the slightest issue. Even Nagato and Mutsu were ready to act had they felt the need to do so. But it never came to that, simply because from the very first words, you two have been more than respectful to them, something that no doubt caught them off guard. And for that I thank you." He said. Anya only nodded.
"It doesn't matter what nationality these girls come from. Japanese. American. It doesn't matter. All of the deserve respect. They're all members of a type of warfare that hasn't been seen since World War Two. And the same respect will go to those of the English. Of the French. Of the German. Of the Italians. It doesn't matter. Not only that, but what right do we have to stir them from their sleep? We don't. We're lucky that they decide to answer." She reasoned. Both Sofia and Ishigara gave a nod at that as the girls fired off another round of salvos. After a moment, Sofia looked to Anya.
"So... The carriers have their gear. The battleships and heavy cruisers are practicing now. The subs and destroyers and light cruisers will be soon enough. What's the plan after today?" She asked. Anya bit her lip in thought for a moment, mulling over the possibilities before coming up with a solution.
"Well... Apparently Hayfield has something he wants help with. He'll give us details in a few days. But besides that, most likely letting them practice and planning various sorties. But, there is one other thing." She reasoned as she looked to Ishigara. Man in question rose a brow as he looked to her.
"And that would be?" He inquired. Anya only smiled.
"I believe you showed interest in a mock battle? Still hold that interest?" She asked. Ishigara only gave a chuckle.
"Indeed." He answered.
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