The End Of A Day
"Bismarck! You can not interrupt someone while they're shooting!" Lexington scolded, attempting with all of her might to hold the small escort carrier still. Ryuujou laughed from the side as she watched the two battle for advantage, Bismarck Sea trying to shake free of the Fleet carrier's grasp.
With Bismarck Sea wrangled for the moment, and Enterprise and Cabot handling Lo and Kit, the Hiryuu sisters turned their attention back to their targets.
"So Saratoga isn't too keen on working with us?" Hiryuu asked as she released her arrow, sending it flying a ways before burying itself into one of the targets. Enterprise gave a nod from her seat on the ground, St. Lo sitting in her lap as she did so.
"Yeah, Saratoga doesn't seem very likable so far. She's too focused on what happened to her sister in the past and I think that's affecting a lot of her decisions now. Including the one to work with you girls peacefully..." Enterprise said as she played with Lo's hair. "And I don't think it will get better until Lexington comes through. If she comes through..." She said. Lo shrugged at this, looking up at Enterprise.
"I think she's just afraid." Lo said. "There's a lot of stuff to adjust to here. Like being human for one." The small escort carrier stated. Enterprise quirked a brow at the small girl, looking impressed.
"That was quite the intelligent comment. Are you secretly a genius?" She asked. Lo's only answer was to break down into a giggle fit, causing Enterprise to give a shake of the head. "Guess not. Anyways, at least we know more of our girls can come through now."
"Tell me about it!" Lexington exclaimed, leaning back as Bismarck Sea leaned against her. "It feels good to be able to depend on that Gateway again." She said.
The carrier range was now playing host to some of the new American carriers as well as they watched those of the Japanese practice. Hiryuu and Souryuu were up and able while the others sat back against the rear wall.
"You can only wonder who the next girl to come through will be...." Cabot said as she held Kitkun in her lap. Lexington opened her mouth to answer but found herself confused
"I believe I can answer that for you Cabot." Captain Algerona said as she entered the range. Following right after her came Kaga, who took no time in settling down next to Akgai. The red themed carrier in turn looked to her sister.
"Hello Kaga-nee. Where did you go?" She asked. Kaga in turn looked to her ship sister.
"Helping someone who needed it...." She answered. Akagi only gave a nod in response as Houshou and Langley approached the Captain.
"Captain? How can we help you?" Langley asked. Sofia shook her head.
"Not me. But there is someone you can help." She said as she stepped out of the way of the door. After a moment, Midway stepped inside. Langley gave the carrier a soft smile.
"It's good to see you again Midway. I trust everything is alright?" The American motherly carrier asked. Midway hesitated a brief moment before giving a nod. But as she did so, a wide smile creeped along her features. An action that caught Langley off guard. "Midway...?"
In turn, Midway let out a small laugh that quickly grew more and more out of our control. So much so, that Sofia ended up putting a hand in front of the carrier's mouth.
"Yes, well... That's enough laughter for the moment." She mused. Lexington and Enterprise in turn looked to Midway in concern.
"Is... Is she gonna be ok?" Lexington asked after a moment.
"And why is she laughing all of the sudden? What happened to the quiet, reserved Midway?" Enterprise asked. Zuikaku in turn approached Midway, hands on her hips.
"So this is Midway? The first carrier your country put out after the war?" The fleet carrier asked. Sofia in turn shook her head.
"No. This is her younger sister, CV-43, USS Coral Sea." She told them. Zuikaku in turn arched a brow in confusion.
"So wait... She lied about who she was?" Zuikaku asked. Sofia shook her head as two more entered the range behind her.
"Twenty minutes ago, Midway's younger sisters Franklin D. Roosevelt and Coral Sea here came through the Gateway in the presence of Midway and Kaga." She told them as Midway and Franklin stepped forward, now standing next to Coral Sea. Sofia took her hand off of Coral's mouth in turn, letting the fleet carrier to erupt in more laughter. Most carriers only stared in turn as Hiryuu and Souryuu turned back from their spot at the range to look at the three sisters.
"So wait.... We got twenty three girls in one day now?" Lexington asked. The Captain gave a nod.
"And that brings the American number to half of its limit as well as bringing the total number of Ship Girls up to ninety in total." She said. Enterprise looked between the now makeshift Midway triplets for a moment before looking back to the Captain.
"And there's been no headway in finding a way to increase the limit of how many girls we can have on base?" She asked. Sofia shook her head.
"No. If there were, we would not withhold that information from any of you. But as it stands at the moment, there are only thirty spots left." She said. Enterprise looked down in thought for a moment, prompting St. Lo to look up at the carrier. Enterprise gave the girl a small smile before looking back up to the Captain.
"If it were up to you Captain, who would you bring through next?" She asked. All eyes fell on Sofia at the question, who in turn held her hands behind her back.
"If it were up to me?" She asked for confirmation. Enterprise gave a nod in turn. "If it were up to me... I'd probably make sure that those of you who don't have at least one sister on base got one before venturing onto other classes. Such as Essex and Yorktown. Or Pennsylvania and South Dakota. Make sure those that are already present are happy before we move much farther ahead. But that is why I guess that it is not up to me. Or Admiral Johnson. Or Admiral Ishigara. Because we play favorites." She stared. Enterprise quirked a brow in confusion.
"Play favorites? How so?" She asked.
"While it is a nice thought to bring say Yorktown or Essex or Pennsylvania through the Gateway next, it is not a gift all can receive. Such as Jun'you or Hatsuharu or Amatsukaze. You would have me bring through one of your sisters when they can receive the same blessing?" She asked. Enterprise gave a nod in understanding.
"No is exactly right. Although this random selection of girls may cause pain, it is better than the opposite, which would only serve to build more tensions between the two groups." She said. Enterprise gave a slow nod in understanding.
"Point taken." The carrier said after a moment. Sofia gave a nod as she looked to the three Midway sisters.
"With that, I'm leaving you three in capable hands. And Coral... Try to tone down the insanity...." She said. Coral only laughed in response, eliciting a sigh from the Captain. "Yeah... Ok..." She said, which only prompted more laughter from the carrier. Sofia only shook her head as she walked out of the range.
Lexington watched her go for a moment before turning her attention to the three sisters. Moving Bismarck Sea from her lap, she stood and approached the three.
"It's good to know you're alright Midway. And as for you two. It's good to meet you." She said. Franklin gave a nod.
"Likewise. And you are?" She asked. Lexington gave a nod.
"I'm Lexington. Carrier of the Essex class. Everyone else in here is a carrier as well." She said. Franklin gave a nod.
"Well... As you can imagine, I'm probably the most talkative of us three. Between Midway's quiet and Coral's laughter, we're a bit of a strange trio..." She said after a moment. Lexington gave a nod as Zuihou approached the group.
"And it doesn't help that the three of you look exactly the same." She said. Franklin in turn gave a nod, focusing her gaze on the light carrier.
"Indeed. But I question how identical we actually look?" She questioned. Zuihou gestured to the three in turn.
"How identical?! You look exactly the same as each other!" She exclaimed. "You look just like your older and younger sisters!" She stated. Franklin gave a shake of the head in return, crossing her arms as she did so.
"Your statement is incorrect. The correct phrasing is my younger sisters look like me." She said, her gaze focusing on Zuihou. The light carrier in turn looked confused as Ryuujou stepped forward in order to help her fellow carrier.
"No, it's not! You're CV-42! CV-41 is Midway-San, your older sister!" She said, pointing to Midway. In turn, Midway cracked a wide smile. She put her hands on her hips as she gazed down at the light carrier.
"I do a pretty good impression of big sis don't I?" She asked. "CV-43, USS Coral Sea at your service! I think?" She spoke. Ryuujou, Zuihou, and Lexington looked on in confusion as Zuikaku approached the group.
"Wait, wait, wait... So if Franklin is Midway. And Midway is Coral. Then Coral is....." She spoke, the four's gaze turning to the presumably CV-43. Carrier in question only gave a smug smirk in response.
"CV-42, Franklin D. Roosevelt at your service." She said with a short bow. Zuikaku in turn looked irked.
"This is gonna get old real fast, I can already tell." She grumbled. Lexington at this point had shaken off her confusion as she looked to Midway.
"So you had the Captain set up a switch when she came in?" She asked. Midway shook her head, her normal emotionless expression making itself known.
"Incorrect. Captain Algerona was unaware of which was which when she entered the Summoning Chamber. She assumed Coral who was pretending to be myself was actually Franklin." Midway recalled. Lexington only looked at the carrier for a moment before continuing.
"So you pulled one over on the Captain? Why!? You could get in trouble for that!" She scolded. Midway only shrugged.
"Outcome you speak of is highly doubtful. Reason for small joke is in the name of amusement. Status? Amused." Midway said with a small smirk, looking at the Essex class girl. Lexington in turn looked surprised for a moment before giving a shake of the head.
"Ok... Why would you take a suggestion from Coral in the first place? She doesn't exactly seem to be stable..." To which Midway once again shook her head.
"Incorrect. Suggestion for ruse came not from my sister but instead the fleet carrier Kaga." She told her. Lexington in turn looked to Kaga in surprise, as did just about every other carrier, including Akagi.
"Kaga-nee? Is this true?" Akagi asked, looking at her sister in surprise. Kaga simply shrugged, giving her sister a soft smile in turn. Watching the carrier a moment, Lexington looked back to the Midway sisters.
"Ok...... Anyways, let's get you three settled in now." She stated. Midway gave a nod as she looked around, but stopped after a moment. Looking back to Lexington, she voiced her confusion.
"Lexington? Where is Saratoga?" She asked, taking another look around the room for good measure just to make sure she hadn't missed the fleet carrier. Lexington gave a sigh in response.
"She's made it abundantly clear about her liking of being here. Which is not much." She said. Midway only gave a nod as she and her sisters settled into the carrier range.
Her eyes slowly eased open, finding the dark embrace of her room to be a welcome sight for once. Releasing a heavy groan into the air, she casted her gaze to her alarm clock that sat on the table next to her bed. And she bit back a small laugh at what she found.
The time was now 6:30 P.M. Shaking her head slightly, she reached over and turned on the lamp that sat next to the clock. Flicking it on, she watched as light filled her quarters. Staying still a few moments, Anya eventually began to get up from her so very comfortable spot in her bed.
Slinging her feet over the side of the bed, she waited a moment before standing, making sure her body was awake enough to move. As soon as she had, she went about shedding her sleeping attire. Which, as she found rather surprisingly, was nothing.
Just how tired had she been this morning? She remembered being there when she and Langley had gone to meet the girls. After that, she knew she had introduced the Captain to the girls. Which after that, the Captain had encouraged her at the threat of bodily harm from Arizona to get some sleep. And so she had.
Taking another look down at her naked form, she gave a shrug as she went about getting dressed. And when she thought dressed, it was a very relaxed fashion for the less than four hours she would be needed on base.
Going about getting dressed, she first started with a black pair of panties, matching that with an equally ebony bra. After doing so, she went about slipping on a pair of navy blue sweat pants that had NAVY in gold down the right leg.
With that, she met it with a navy blue t-shirt, equally as sporting, as it had NAVY also in gold across the chest. This would have to do for today, because there was no way she was squeezing herself into a uniform today. Not right now anyways.
Taking no time, she quickly secured her blonde locks into a ponytail. Running her hand down the length once, she gave it a solid tug. After which, she went about securing a pair of fuzzy socks.
Because who didn't like wearing fuzzy socks when they felt like death itself?
No one.
That's who.
Letting out a cough that made itself known into the crook of her arm, she opened the door to her quarters and stepped out into the upstairs hall of the HQ building.
Shuffling her way to the stairs, she took them slow, making sure she was awake enough not to fall her way down the stairs. That was something she did not need at the moment. She was already suffering from a cold she let get out of hand. She had no desire to add a concussion to that list.
As she walked down the stairs, the noise of pounding rain against the building's roof registered to her hearing. Coming to a stop in front of one of the Windows that sat at the bottom of the stairs, she watched the rain fall.
She had always liked the rain. It always seemed to calm things down a bit, bringing a sense of peace with it. She had never known a time when rain wasn't appealing to her. As she watched it fall, she noticed a few figures playing out in said rain.
As she watched them, she realized it was none other than the Gleaves sisters. Dressed in what looked like oversized raincoats, the six seemed to be asserting their dominance over a rain puddle. And judging by how much stomping seemed to be going on, Anya guessed that the puddle had no chance against the destroyer menace it now found itself faced with.
As she watched the girls play in the rain, she watched as who looked like Tenryuu and Tatsuta, also dressed in appropriate gear, approach the six, flanked by none other than the Akatsuki girls. Anya watched as the four sisters joined the six in their stomp fest, soon spreading out to other puddles nearby. The destroyer invasion had begun and no force could hope to resist its destruction.
Anya couldn't help the small smile that made its way to her lips as she watched the destroyers play. As if sensing her presence, Tenryuu and Tatsuta turned to look at her. Tenryuu offered a wave in response as Tatsuta gave a small nod. Returning the gesture for a moment, Anya turned and began to walk towards her shared office.
Opening the door, the first thing that greeted her was the voice of Sofia.
"Oh? She lives? What a surprise." The Captain joked from her desk. Anya only showed a small smirk in response as she walked into the office, the clothes she put on hanging loosely onto her body. "Dressing a little down are we?" Sofia asked with a small chuckle. Anya only rolled her eyes in response as she settled into her chair, taking no time in leaning back in the object.
"How have the girls been?" Anya finally asked. Sofia shrugged as she looked at her computer screen.
"Fine. A few problems here and there, but I can handle thirty humanized warships thank you very much." Sofia responded. Anya gave a nod and prepared to do something when something occurred to her. Looking up at Sofia in confusion, she voiced it.
"Thirty? We only have twenty eight..." She insisted. Sofia gave a small laugh.
"Midway's sisters came through around one in the afternoon. So yes, we now have thirty girls on base. A grand total of ninety in all. Admiral Ishigara wanted me to ask you what you thought about the idea of a mock battle." She said. Anya arched a brow as she logged into her computer.
"A mock battle? He knows they don't have riggings yet right?" She asked. Sofia gave the American Admiral a deadpanned expression.
"Of course he does! But he's talking about later." She said. Anya gave a chuckle.
"I know, I know. But we'd have to split up the girls equally. Cause there's no way we can just split up to where it's Japanese versus American. That's just asking for trouble. At least at first. And speaking of trouble, how did the girls actually do? Because I got a killing intent vibe from San Francisco pointed towards Chicago." She said. Sofia gave a nod.
"And correct you would be. Frisco left a nasty bruise on the side of Chicago's face earlier today. Took her glasses as well." She explained. Anya raised a brow in turn.
"Sorry I missed it." She said. Sofia gave a roll of the eyes, looking at the Admiral.
"I'm sure you are." Sofia said. Anya just smiled.
"And what about Saratoga?" She asked. Sofia gave a heavy sigh, which in turn prompted a small chuckle from Anya.
"So I take it she's sticking true to her word?" She asked. Sofia gave a nod in turn.
"Yeah. Enterprise and Lexington gave me the rundown of the first meeting. Basically, Saratoga walked in, stood around for about thirty seconds, and walked out. Didn't even acknowledge any of the girls." She stated. Anya gave a sigh as she leaned back again in her chair, resting her hands on top of her head as she did so.
"What are we gonna do with her?" Anya asked. Sofia shrugged.
"It's only the first day. Not anything just yet. Now, a month, two months down the road and she's still acting like World War Two is still going on? Then we'll do something. But for right now, nothing." Sofia answered as she looked at Anya from her desk. "Saratoga may just bury the hatchet sooner than later." She said. Anya gave a slow nod.
"You really believe that?" She asked. Sofia shrugged.
"I'm optimistic." Came the response.
"I'll take your word for it." Anya replied. Taking a look down at her desk, she noticed a sheet of paper with a list of information. Studying it a moment, she recognized it as the new girl's size list. Studying the list for a moment, she immediately recognized a serious difference. "Jesus Christ...." She exclaimed. Sofia let out a laugh at the expression.
"Find Indiana's sizes did you?" She asked. Anya only gave a nod.
"Just another reason to keep Cynthia half a world away." She answered. Sofia laughed as she looked to the woman.
"Do you really have that little faith in your older sister?" She asked. Anya shrugged.
"With my life? Something important to me? I trust her absolutely. But trusting her not to lust after one of these girls? Absolutely not." She answered. Sofia gave a nod.
"Fair point. So what are you gonna do when the public reveal comes along and the Internet has their way with them?" She asked.
"Ban the Internet." Came the response. Sofia laughed.
"Seriously?" She asked. Anya shook her head.
"Of course not. But Ishigara has the right idea. There's no way I'm letting Bristol or Kit or any of the smaller girls see what pops up because of it. Arizona? Indiana? If they want to look at what comes out of it? More power to them." She said. Sofia arched a brow at this.
"Oh? Even the art that surfaces of Admiral with Shipgirl?" She asked with a knowing smirk. Anya looked to her, the confused expression plain to see.
"What do you mean...?" She asked. Sofia gave a chuckle in response.
"One of the more popular topics is drawing the ship girls in various positions with their Admiral...." She said as she looked back to her computer. But Anya shook her head.
"I don't even want to discuss that little topic. Not now. Not ever." Anya replied. But before Sofia could respond any further, Chicago walked into the office.
"I'm here Captain.... Oh? Hello Admiral. It's good to see that you're awake again." The heavy cruiser said. Anya gave a nod as she looked at the girl, soon laying eyes on the bruise Chicago's face was adorning. Getting up from her seat, she approached the Heavy cruiser.
"I can see San Francisco left her mark on you..." She said. Chicago only offered a small nod in return as Anya took a close look at the bruise. After a moment, she looked back to Chicago.
"I suspect that she was not alone in her feelings however. Did you have something to do with her striking out?" She asked. Chicago gave a small nod in turn.
"I may have said something some may take as antagonizing...." She said after a moment. Anya gave a nod.
"Alright. It's only the first day here, so I'm gonna lay off on the consequences for now. But I trust you two to handle this between yourselves. If I have to get involved, it's not going to be any fun for anyone. Do I make myself clear?" She asked, looking at the Heavy cruiser. She got a nod in return.
"Yes Admiral." She responded. Anya gave a nod.
"Good. I trust you to make the right choices then. Now what did the Captain call you in for?" She asked as she and Chicago looked to Sofia. The woman gave a shrug.
"Pretty much what you just did. Look at you, just waking up and already back to work." Sofia said in a joking manner. Anya gave a shake of the head as she turned back to Chicago.
"So what's your plan for right now as to the whole aggression between the two of you?" She asked.
"I plan on an avoidance strategy for the moment. Takao and Atago are pleasant enough to spend my time with them for the time being." She said. Anya gave a nod in turn.
"Sounds like a solid plan to me. Captain? There anything else you need?" She asked, looking back to the woman. Sofia gave a shake of the head, prompting Anya to look back to Chicago.
"Well than, I guess that's all. You're free to go Chicago." She said. The heavy cruiser gave a nod in turn, quickly wheeling around and leaving the office. After she was gone, Anya turned back to Sofia.
"And what of San Francisco? You've already talked to her I assume?" She asked. The Captain gave a nod in response.
"Yeah. Already talked to her as well. So what about you? Aren't you going to let Hayfield know what's going on?" She asked. Anya shook her head.
"Not just yet. It's like four in the morning there." She replied. Sofia gave a shrug in response.
"Fair enough." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she went back to her desk in turn, preparing to get to work. But as she did so, a flurry of activity ensued. This came in the form of the Gleaves sisters, still adorning their rain attire, zoomed into the office.
"ADMIRAL!" Bristol yelled, well intent on crashing into the woman. Anya put a hand, single handedly halting the six destroyer charge.
"Yes Bristol?" She asked. Bristol suddenly looked unsure.
"I wanted to make sure you were alright.... Tenryuu told us that you were awake...." She said, looking at the Admiral. Ellyson gave a nod at that.
"Y-yeah! When we h-heard that you w-were awake, we h-had to come see you!" She stated. Anya gave a smile to the destroyer.
"Well I thank you six for your worries. And I assure you that I am fine at the moment." She said as she looked to the four that were summoned prior that day. "And how are you four settling in? I hope everything's going alright." She said. She got a nod from Fitch.
"It's going alright. Miss Tenryuu and Tatsuta are nice enough. And Sendai and her sisters are silly..." She told her. Anya gave a nod in response.
"And what about Akatsuki and her sisters? Getting along with them alright?" She asked. McCalla was the one to nod this time.
"Mhm. They're all pretty nice... Except Inazuma keeps repeating the word nanodesu and we don't know why." She said. Anya simply smiled.
"Don't worry about that . She doesn't mean any trouble with it. So besides being on base, how's the obvious. How's being human for you girls?" She asked. She noticed as the four newly summoned destroyers traded a glance before looking back to Anya.
"It's really cool!" Forrest exclaimed. Anya gave a laugh as she stood from her seat and walked to the front of her desk, the destroyers watching her as she did so.
"It is? Well I'm glad. You feel the same too Mervine? Do you feel the same as your sisters as well?" She asked. The destroyer nodded in turn.
"Mhm. It's really cool being human like this. Back then, we couldn't talk to our crews. We couldn't talk with with our sisters. We couldn't do anything for ourselves. But like this, we can do anything." She said. Anya gave a nod in turn as she placed a pat on the destroyer's head.
"Indeed. Well, you know I'm ok. And it's still raining outside. So if you have no more concerns, there are still rain puddles that require stomping." She said. Bristol shot off a wide grin in response as she turned and ran out the door. Her sisters did near the same as they turned and rushed out the door as well. Anya gave a chuckle in response as she turned to Sofia.
"Where are the other girls?" She asked. Sofia stayed silent in thought a moment before answering.
"Besides those six, Langley's at the Cafe. And the others girls are hanging around in the dorm. They've made some rooming adjustments." She told her. Anya gave a nod, thinking for a moment, before walking towards the door. "Gonna make a house call?" Sofia called.
"Something like that." She replied as she walked out of their office.
Around ten minutes later, she was set to go. Of course, she still adorned the t-shirt and sweatpants. The changes to her outfit however included a pair of shoes and a coat. Coat in question being a simple black hoodie. But she would not risk the chance of Langley discovering that was taking more risk than necessary. Despite holding the rank of Admiral, Anya had to admit that Arizona and Langley did a very good job at being makeshift parents. Flipping her hood up, and securing the umbrella she now held in her grasp, she stepped outside.
The rain had let up some, no longer a straight downpour. Now, it fell at more of an even pace as Anya deployed her umbrella. The first thing she came across was once again the legion of destroyers that were ruining a puddle's day. Smiling, she walked towards the group, Tenryuu and Tatsuta noticing her approach.
"Hello Anya-San." Tatsuta greeted from her spot. Anya gave a nod in return as she approached the two.
"Hello you two. How goes your day?" She asked as she stopped next to the two. Tenryuu grew a small smirk in response.
"You mean besides the fact that you suddenly decided to show up at breakfast with twenty one new girls? Pretty good." She said in an amused manner. Anya gave a nod.
"Technically it's twenty three now apparently but I haven't met the new two yet. Have you met them?" She asked to which both Tenryuu and Tatsuta nodded.
"Yeah we met them. Akatsuki and Inazuma ran into Coral Sea earlier. It was almost impossible to get the two away from her after she declared them to adorable to release. We only got them out of her grasp after Franklin intervened." She told her. Anya gave a nod. "Hey, Anya. They weren't in the war right?" She asked. Anya shook her head.
"No. Midway was commissioned a few days after the war's end. Franklin, later that year. And Coral wasn't commissioned until forty seven." She told her. Tenryuu nodded.
"I guessed as much. But if they weren't apart of the war? Why are they here then? Not that I'm complaining though because I'm certainly grateful for the air support they no doubt can provide. But it's a bit odd." She said. Anya gave a nod.
"Yeah I know. Technically, if you go by everything that's been said about how this whole thing works, then they technically shouldn't exist. But yet here we are, discussing the three." She said. Tatsuta gave a nod at that, her halo ever present above her head as it glowed among the rainfall.
"They represent something different... Midway was the first ship that your Navy had that had never known our country as an enemy." She said. Anya gave a nod in turn as she watched the ten destroyers play.
"Indeed. But here I am standing wondering if they were just a chance summoning, and we'll end up going with other World War Two vessels. Or if we're only on the brink of a bunch of Cold War era ships waiting for their chances to send a bunch of Abyssals to the bottom." She said. The two light cruisers gave a nod in turn.
"I'd say it's a win win either way for us. On one hand, you have the fleet that won you guys the war in the Pacific. On the other hand, you have ships that made ships of our time irrelevant." She said. Anya offered a nod in turn as she watched Bristol jump into another puddle.
"Indeed. But I'm fine with the number we're at for right now. No need to push it more than necessary." She said. Tenryuu gave a small laugh.
"That's a different opinion from the one that was so prevalent yesterday." She said. Anya gave a nod.
"That was before our numbers went from seven to thirty in one day." She said in response. Tenryuu gave a laugh as Tatsuta gave a nod.
"Indeed. But I imagine that you did not come out here to make pleasant conversation with us?" She asked. Anya gave a shake of the head.
"Not exactly. I plan on going to see how the new girls are settling in. I would do the same for these four but as I can see, they're quite content at the moment." She mused. The light cruiser sisters gave a nod in turn.
"Well, we'll keep the tin cans wrangled for now." Tenryuu said. Anya gave a nod as she looked back to the first dorm building.
"And for that, I thank you two. I'll see you two later." She spoke as she turned and began to walk towards the dorm building.
A few minutes later, she was at the front door of the dorm building. Opening the door, she closed her umbrella as she stepped inside. Closing the door behind her, she heard various voices up and down the hall. Some were yelling at one another and some were laughing. Shaking her head, she put her umbrella to the side as she hung her coat on the rack that set next to the door.
Walking into the hallway itself, she looked to her left first. And where, two days before, the room had been shared between Arizona, Atlanta, Bristol, and Ellyson. Now, the same could not be said.
Instead, the door still held Arizona's nameplate. But under hers now sat two other battleships instead. Instead, Arizona now shared her room with Oklahoma and Indiana.
Arching a brow, she gave a few knocks on the door. And soon enough, her efforts provided results as footsteps approached the door from the other side.
"Hello...?" Indiana asked as she opened the door. "Oh! Hello Admiral. What brings you here?" The taller woman asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Just checking in on everyone. Is Oklahoma present?" She asked. Before Indiana could answer though, another did so for her.
"Here Admiral." Oklahoma called from inside the room. Indiana gave a nod as she opened the door further, admitting Anya inside. Stepping in, she saw that Oklahoma was behind Arizona, watching the battleship do something on the laptop. And from the noises and music being produced, Anya had a pretty good clue as to what that was.
"Warships?" Anya asked. Arizona gave a nod as she spared a brief glance from the screen.
"Yeah. Iowa. Three kills." She said before looking back down at the computer. Anya gave a nod as she looked to Oklahoma and then back to Indiana.
"I just wanted to make sure you two were settling in alright. As I can see, Arizona made some trade ins...." She said. Arizona gave a shake of the head.
"They left on their own terms. Don't think I could've stopped them even if I wanted to." She said. Anya gave a small nod in turn.
"Understandable. Besides that though, how are you two settling in?" She asked, looking between Oklahoma and Indiana. The two gave a shrug in response.
"Not too badly. Arizona's little friends seem nice enough..." Oklahoma said.
"And the Kongou's aren't too much of a handful...." Indiana mused. Anya looked surprised before giving a small laugh.
"That's not a common place ideal here on Yokosuka. But if that's what you think, then by all means, more power to ya." She said. "Well, I'm glad that you two are settling in alright. And you know where to find the Captain or myself should you need anything. Now, if you'll excuse me, I still have another fifteen plus girls to check in on." She said.
"Of course Admiral." Indiana said. With a nod, Anya stepped out of the room, listening as the door closed behind her. Mulling over her choices a moment, she decided to take a look at the door across from her. Finding that the room still belonged the to the first three carriers to come through, she went with her second choice.
The room next to the three battleships now sat occupied if the three nameplates were anything to go by. Maryland, Mississippi, and surprisingly enough, Chicago. Waiting a moment, she gave a knock to the door.
A few moments later, the door was opened, giving sight to Maryland, who quickly lit up at the sight before her.
"Admiral!" She exclaimed before pulling Anya into a hug, one that the woman found hard to break away from on her own power. Instead, Anya just gave a laugh as the Colorado class battleship hugged her to her content. After a few moments, Maryland eventually set her back on her feet.
"You going to hug me every time we're away from eachother for more than an hour?" Anya asked amusedly. Maryland only smiled in response.
"Maybe~. Not that I don't enjoy the sudden visit though, but why?" The battleship asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Fair point. I'm just making sure that all the new girls are settling in alright. And since you and your two roommates qualify as such, you can assume the rest." She said. Maryland gave a nod in turn.
"Indeed we do. But... Uh... There's gonna be a problem with your plan..." Maryland stated. Anya gave a nod.
"Your roommates aren't in right now are they?" She asked. Maryland gave a nod in turn.
"Yeah." She said.
"So if I may ask, where are they?" She asked. Maryland poked her head out the door as she pointed at the room at the end of the hall.
"Chicago was having some problems relaxing so Mississippi dragged her to the baths...." Maryland said. Anya stared at the door for a moment before looking at Maryland in surprise.
"Do I even want to know?" She asked. Maryland shrugged in response.
"Probably not. Leave it to your imagination. It's a whole lot more fun that way." Maryland mused, sending a grin to the Admiral. Anya shook her head.
"I'd rather not. But all that aside, how are you settling in so far?" She asked. Maryland shrugged.
"As good as I can at the moment. Sure, i'm still adjusting to a lot of it to be sure. Like being human and working with Japan. But even with that, it's not all bad. The woman in charge isn't too stiff. And she ain't too hard on the eyes either." Maryland said, relaxing against the doorframe as she did so. Anya only gave a smile in return.
"I'll be sure to let Sofia know." Anya said in reply. Maryland only gave a laugh in response as she closed the door. Anya simply shook her head as she turned, studying the name plates of the owners of the room next to the three carriers. And to her surprise, more carriers.
Saratoga and the Casablanca sisters called this room home. Making sure Maryland's door was closed behind her, she looked back to the door adorning the four nameplates. Taking no time in hesitation, she reached up and knocked a few times.
Soon enough, the door was opened from within. And Anya found herself surprised to find Lo the culprit.
"Hello Admiral!" Lo exclaimed before hugging the woman. Anya couldn't help but laugh. Giving Lo a head pat in turn, she spoke.
"Hello to you too Lo. Are your sisters and Saratoga in?" She asked. Lo gave a nod as she opened the door further, giving her view into the room. Saratoga offered a wave in turn as did Kit and Bismarck
"Hey Admiral. What brings you to our humble abode?" Saratoga asked from her spot on her bed. Anya raised a brow as she noticed that instead of the normal three beds, there were just two. One normal bed. And one abnormally large bed. It took Anya a moment to realize that two had been pushed together.
"Not much. Just checking up on you girls. Did you do this Sara?" She asked, gesturing to the combined beds. Saratoga gave a nod as she looked at her handiwork.
"Indeed I did. These three demanded I do it. And I'm not one to shy away from peer pressure." She said. Anya raised a brow as she looked to the three escort carriers.
"Is that so? First day on base and already taking control of other people?" She asked. The three only giggled in response. Anya gave a nod as she looked back to Saratoga.
"Speaking of peers, Saratoga, I heard you met the Japanese carrier girls..." Anya mused. Saratoga suddenly looked to the side in a huff as she crossed her arms.
"Yeah? What of it?" She asked nonchalantly.
"Well, technically you didn't meet them since you apparently didn't even acknowledge them." Anya said. Saratoga shrugged.
"I told you I wasn't going to like working with them!" Saratoga responded. Anya gave a sigh.
"Working with them is one thing. Treating them like they're below you is another. Hell, the two aren't even remotely close to each other. So, Saratoga, I'll tell you this once and you had better listen for all you're worth. And that is cut the act, Saratoga. Sure, you may not like them and you may not be friendly with them. But do not treat them like you are better than them." She said, her voice going stern. Saratoga rolled her eyes.
"But they sank Lexington!" She insisted. Anya shook her head.
"So how do you think they feel? Enterprise and her sisters alone sank Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu, and Souryuu. But yet here they are, welcoming you girls to their country to the best of their ability. Which so far, is light years away from what you've attempted." She replied, glaring at Saratoga as she did so. Saratoga rolled her eyes in turn.
"So?" She reasoned. Anya gave an irritated sigh.
"Let me approach this a different way. One that may make you listen. When Lexington comes through the Gateway, do you think she will enjoy being known as the girl with the sister who is the only one that hasn't reached out our allies in anyway, shape, or form? I mean, as it stands right now, you're worse than Zuikaku!" She exclaimed. Saratoga fell silent at this.
"You think Lexington won't like me because of something so similar? You're willing to bet that risk?" Saratoga asked. Anya shook her head.
"No, the question Saratoga, is if you're willing to take that risk." Anya replied. Sara fell silent again at this, giving a shrug.
"I'll try to be nice tomorrow...." She answered.
"That's all I ask. I'll see you four at dinner." Anya replied before she closed the bedroom door. Deciding on her next course of action, she went to the room next to the current one. Arriving at Indicated door, she read the nameplates.
Cabot and San Francisco. Taking no time with this door either, she gave a knock. And soon enough, her efforts proved rewarded as the door was opened, giving sight to Cabot.
"Hello Admiral." Cabot greeted. But based on the fact that she seemed to be rubbing on her eyes, Anya guessed that she had previously been asleep.
"Did I wake you?" She asked. Cabot shrugged.
"Just resting my eyes. Frisco's been out for a few hours though..." Cabot said, taking a glance back at her sleeping roommate. Anya arched a brow.
"Do you know what went down today?" She asked. Cabot gave a nod.
"It's hard not too. Everyone saw San Francisco and Chicago leave breakfast together. And then Chicago comes back with a bruise on her face. Now unless one of them Jap ships has a death wish, the obvious suspect is Frisco." She said. Anya gave a nod.
"And what's the common opinion on this little happening?" She asked. Cabot shrugged.
"Common place idea with us American Ship Girls is that they're both guilty. San Francisco is too easily worked up and Chicago doesn't know when to stop. It's like having a bunch of fuel spilled on the ground, throwing a match onto it, and hoping it doesn't catch fire. It's a nice thought to hold onto but you're screwed in the end." Cabot said as she took another glance at San Francisco. Anya gave a nod as she took a look for herself, watching as Frisco's chest rose and fell with her breathing as she slept. After a moment, Anya looked back to Cabot.
"Well, anyways, I wanted to ask. How are you settling in?" She asked. Cabot gave a shrug.
"Well enough. Their light carriers seem kind enough. Although Jun'you kept trying to stuff some alcohol down my throat for some reason." She said. Anya simply shook her head at the thought.
"And the other carriers?" She asked.
"The Shouhou sisters are nice enough. And Ryuujou's pretty cool. Although she seems a bit envious of the older girls concerning their top weight...." Cabot said after a moment. Anya gave a nod of the head.
"Indeed. And compared to girls like Yamato and Indiana, it's hard not to be..." She replied without thinking about it. But after a moment, she her eyes widened in surprise as she looked to Cabot, who looked amused. "I didn't say a thing. You hear me?" She spoke. Cabot only gave a nod.
"Of course Admiral." Cabot replied, her grin still present. Anya only smiled in response as Cabot closed the door. Turning, Anya focused on the door across from Cabot's. And she found the door decorated with a plethora of names.
The six Gleaves class sisters now had control of this room if the six vertically stacked nameplates were anything to go by. But knowing where they were already, Anya turned her attention to the next door to the right of that.
The Gato sisters now called the fourth room on the left side of the hallway home. Harder, Pargo, and Snook could be heard within the room. From the sounds of it, Harder was yelling at one of her sisters rather lividly. Arching a brow, she gave a knock on the door. And in turn, it was nearly ripped open as Harder opened it.
"What!?!" She asked. But as she saw who it was that had knocked, she calmed down. Or tried to. "Oh, hello Admiral." She greeted.
"Hello Harder. And may I ask what's got you so worked up?" She asked, looking down at the Submarine girl. Harder in turn shook her head.
"It's nothing Admiral..." Harder said, shaking her head.
The three submarine girls no longer adorned their blue summoning attire. Instead, the three adorned black shirts and sweatpants.
"Oh? Nothing is it? So if I ask Pargo or Snook, I'll get the same answer right?" She asked. Harder gave a hesitant nod of the head.
"Mhm...." She answered. Arching a brow, Anya looked past Harder into the room, where Pargo and Snook now stood.
"So what was Harder yelling about just now?" She asked to the two. Pargo gave a snort of laughter in reply as Snook grinned.
"We called her old." She replied. Anya arched a brow as she looked down at submarine two fifty seven.
"She called you old?" She asked. Harder gave another nod, glaring at Snook as she did so. Anya in turn placed a hand on Harder's head, shrugging.
"So? Old usually means the most responsible. Why are you letting it bother you? They're younger sisters after all. Younger siblings are good at annoying the older ones. I should know. I've got three older siblings." She said, looking down at the girl. Harder in turn gave a nod.
"Will do Admiral." Harder replied. Anya gave a chuckle as she looked to the three collectively.
"All that aside though, how are you three settling in?" She asked. The three shrugged.
"Pretty good. But uh.... We're not gonna have to dress like Iku right...?" Pargo asked. Anya gave a shake of the head.
"Of course not. How you dress is your choice. Within reason of course." She said. The three submarines gave nods of their own in turn.
"Okie dokie." Pargo replied. Anya gave a nod in turn.
"Very well. Then I'll see you three at dinner. Question though. Maryland said that Mississippi dragged Chicago to the baths at the end of the hall. You three wouldn't by any chance know what they're up to in there would you?" She asked. The three gave shakes of the head in turn.
"Nope. And we aren't in any rush to find out..." Harder stated. Anya gave a nod in turn as she took a glance at the door at the end of the hall, where Mississippi and Chicago were supposedly behind. Giving a shake of the head, she gave a nod to the three.
"Alright. I'll see you later then." She said.
"Alrighty Admiral." Pargo replied before the door was closed. Giving a nod, Anya turned to the door behind her.
Atlanta and her sisters. Makes sense that Atlanta would now room with the two. Taking another glance at the door at the end of the hall, she knocked on Atlanta's door. Soon enough, it was opened, giving sight to Atlanta and San Diego.
"Hey there Admiral. What brings you here?" The third in class asked.
"Checking in on everyone. So how are you and Juneau settling in?" Anya asked, looking at San Diego. The light cruiser shrugged as Juneau appeared behind her sisters.
"We're doing alright. Getting the whole rooming situation figured out." She said. Anya gave a nod as she looked to Atlanta.
"I figured. As I understand it, you left your previous roommates." She said. Atlanta gave a nod.
"As did Bristol and Ellyson... Arizona seemed... hesitant..." She stated. Anya gave a nod as she glanced at the door Arizona and the two other battleships were behind.
"Understandable. You got two sisters. Bristol and Ellyson got four. She only has one and she has yet to show." She stated. Atlanta gave a hesitant nod.
"Do you think Pennsylvania will show...?" She asked. Anya shrugged.
"I'm just hoping everyone here ends up with a sister before we get to sixty. Pennsylvania, Nevada, New Orleans, Northampton.... I think all of them need their sisters...." She said. Atlanta in turn gave a nod.
"And what if we hit sixty?" She asked. Anya gave a shrug.
"Then we'll just have to go to sixty one." She replied. San Diego arched a brow at this.
"You think you can do that?" She asked surprised. Juneau shook her head.
"That seems a bit impossible." The light cruiser reasoned. Anya bit back a smile at this.
"Five years ago, people thought an invasion based out of our own oceans was impossible. The mere idea of warships gaining bodies and minds of their own was thought to be the stuff of fiction. Yet fast forward to twenty twenty two. Here we are, having this discussion." She reasoned. The two light cruisers shrugged.
"Touché." Juneau replied. Anya simply smiled.
"So... Completely off topic here, you three wouldn't happen to know what Mississippi and Chicago are up to in the baths would you?" She asked. The three light cruisers shook their heads.
"Nope." Atlanta said.
"Not a clue." San Diego replied.
"Nada." Juneau reasoned.
Anya gave a nod as she took another glance.
"Well I should probably learn what's going on in there.... But...." She trailed off.
"Didn't know the Admiral was so dirty minded...." San Diego snickered. Juneau gave a nod.
"Indeed. It's quite unbecoming of someone of your rank. But you've no reason to be worried. Look, if it's seeing them nude you're worried about, you took the wrong job. You're bound to see some skin here and there." The light cruiser reasoned. Anya arched a brow in turn.
"Now that sounds quite scandalous Juneau. Are you sure that you're not the one I should be worried about?" She asked. Juneau arched a brow in turn.
"Only if you ask, Admiral." She said with a straight face. Atlanta and San Diego looked at their sister in surprise, their mouths hanging open in shock as Anya just gave a small laugh.
"Indeed. Well, then I'll see you three at dinner later." Anya said. Atlanta gave a slow nod in turn as she closed the door. She could hear Atlanta and San Diego yelling at the middle sister almost immediately, but waved it aside.
Taking another glance at the baths door, she instead walked to the end of the hall. Stopping just before the bath house door, she turned her attention to the right side of the hall.
The room that now belonged to the Midway sisters, she only having previously met Midway. Out of the ten rooms that sat on either side of the hall, they had to pick the one at he complete opposite end of the hall.
Giving a shrug, she knocked on the door. Soon enough, Midway answered, opening the door in one fell swoop.
"Greetings Admiral." Midway responded. Before Anya could reply though, a voice yelled from inside.
"ADMIRAL! IT'S THE ADMIRAL!" Came the shriek. Midway moved out of the way as what looked like Midway's clone bolted out of the door and pulled the American Admiral into a hug faster than she could react. Blinking in surprise, the oldest of the carriers put a hand on her sister's shoulder.
"Coral. Put the Admiral down." She stated.
"Awwwww! Do I have to?" Coral replied, looking back at Midway as she continued to hold Anya in a death grip. Anya looked to Midway for help, who in turn gave a nod.
"Coral. Put the Admiral down. We need not break her on her first day." Midway replied. Coral arched a brow as she looked to her sister.
"Maybe not now... But one day, she will be all mine...." Coral said before quickly planting a kiss on Anya's cheek before setting her down. Anya looked at Coral wide eyed as Midway gave a sigh.
"Coral. Back inside. Now." She said sternly. Coral gave a sigh as she stomped back into their room, sighing with each step she took. Midway gave a shake of the head as yet another Midway clone appeared next to Midway, an amused smirk upon her lips.
"Quite the first introductions we're having Admiral..." Franklin said. Anya gave a slow nod.
"I imagine that you are Franklin D. Roosevelt, CV-42. And Coral in there is Coral Sea, CV-43..." She reasoned.
"Right you are, Admiral." Franklin replied. Anya gave a small nod as she looked to Midway, still quite surprised. Midway gave a sigh.
"I apologize for Coral's actions Admiral. She will be reprimanded accordingly." Midway stated in a calm manor.
"YOU'RE NO FUN SIS!" Coral cried from inside their room. Midway gave a sigh as Franklin gave a small chuckle. Anya gave a shake of the head.
"Don't worry about her. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm, and there's no real harm done. Maryland was flirting with me a few moments ago i'm pretty sure. And Juneau... I'm not going to even discuss what Juneau offered, but a simple kiss on the cheek is acceptable by normal standards. Just.. Make sure she doesn't make a habit out of it." Anya replied. Midway gave a nod in turn, if it was somewhat hesitant.
"THANK YOU ADMIRAL!" Coral called from inside again. Anya gave a small laugh in reply. After a moment, she regained her composure.
"Anyways, Franklin, Coral. It's good to meet you two. I am Vice Admiral Anya S. Johnson of the United States Navy and I hope we can work together well from now on." She said. Franklin gave a nod.
"Likewise Admiral." She replied.
"YEAH! WHAT SHE SAID!" Coral yelled yet again. Anya simply gave a small laugh, Midway giving a nod as well.
"Well said Admiral. We will see you at dinner I assume?" Midway asked. Anya gave a nod in turn.
"Indeed." She replied. Midway gave a nod as she closed the door. Anya, then turned her attention to the boathouse door. Silently weighing her options, she considered the best option at the moment.
Giving a shake of the head, she turned and walked back down the hall, away from the bathhouse door.
A few hours later, Anya was settling into her chair within her office. Sofia was seated at her desk as well, and Langley had taken up her spot in standing behind Anya.
The time was edging on the brink of twenty two hundred hours. 10 P.M. Langley had been hesitant to allow work so late, but Anya had assured her that she would not be staying up as late as she had done so the previous night. And she still had to report the new summonings to Hayfield. After a few moments, Langley had given a nod in relent, accepting her word as promise.
Giving a nod, Anya went about rummaging through her desk instead. Quickly pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen, she went to work. Langley, watching her Admiral work for a moment, eventually speaking her confusion.
"Admiral? What are you working on?" The carrier asked. Anya wrote a few more lines before she gave Langley a look, to who's surprise found Maryland's, Juneau's, and Coral Sea's name written in a list fashion. And next to their name, each had a mark. "Admiral? What is this?" Langley asked after a moment of studying the list, looking at the woman. By this time, Sofia was watching the Admiral as well.
"From this day forward, I'm keeping a list of the girls who have actively hit on me in one way or another, and how many times they've done so...." Anya eventually said. Langley's eyes widened in surprise.
"Oh dear..." The carrier breathed. Sofia gave a laugh in response, leaning back in her chair as she did so.
"Cynthia's gonna kill you, she's gonna be so jealous..." Sofia said.
"Which is exactly why I am not going to breathe a word of this to her. Neither shall you Captain. Do I make myself clear?" She asked, looking at the woman. Sofia gave a nod of the head.
"Yeah, yeah. I hear you." Sofia eventually answered. Anya gave a nod as she looked to her computer, taking no time in getting the required info put in. Soon enough, she was watching the screen as it prepared to connect a video conference. After a few moments, the screen flicked with color as it gave sight to Admiral Hayfield.
"Admiral." Anya greeted.
"Admiral." Came the response. "I suppose you have good news?" He asked, somewhat hopeful. Anya gave a nod.
"I can safely say that there are now thirty American Ship Girls based on Yokosuka." Anya replied. Hayfield's features now held a surprised look as he watched Anya.
"Truthfully?" He asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Truthfully. I've already sent you their sizes and the like." She answered. Hayfield gave a nod in turn.
"Well, don't keep me in the dark. Who'd we get?" He asked. Anya gave a small laugh as she prepared to list off the roster of names.
"Submarines 257, 264, and 279. USS Harder, USS Pargo, and USS Snook. Destroyers 461, 462, 488, and 489. USS Forrest, Fitch, McCalla, and Mervine. Light cruisers 52 and 53. USS Juneau and San Diego. Heavy cruisers 28 and 39. USS Chicago and San Francisco. Escort carriers 63, 71, and 95. St. Lo, Kitkun Bay, and Bismarck Sea. Light carrier 28, USS Cabot. Carriers 3, 41, 42, and 43. USS Saratoga, Midway, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Coral Sea. And battleships 37, 41, 46, and 58. USS Oklahoma, Mississippi, Maryland, and Indiana." She reported. Hayfield gave a slow nod, adjusting to this information, as he watched the woman.
"That's quite the lineup. And the Midway sisters? All three at once?" He asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Yeah. We don't know what happened with them, but I'm not gonna overlook the support they can provide us with." She said. He gave a nod in turn.
"Good plan. Well, you know the drill. I'll get this info passed onto R&D and soon enough, your girls will be good to go." He said. She gave a nod in turn.
"And I thank you for that. But before I let you go, I need to make a note of this. The escort carriers need an alternative method to launch planes. The bows most of the girls use won't be what they need." She told him. Hayfield in turn arched a brow.
"Oh? What's their form like? What are we working with?" He asked.
"They look like they're eight years old." She replied. Hayfield gave small chuckle.
"Never ceasing with the surprises I see...." He said. She gave a nod in turn.
"Now, unless you have any other matters that must be handled at the moment, I ask that we end this early. It's been a long day and I'm raring for some sleep." She said. Hayfield gave a nod.
"Of course Admiral. I'll talk to you at a later date then." He said. She gave a nod as she ended the video call.
Admiral Hayfield sat back in his chair as he let out a small chuckle. Twenty three ship girls in one day? He didn't know how someone had managed that, but he wasn't about to look his metaphorical gift horse in the mouth.
Running a hand through his hair, he prepared to call up a few people on his phone. But, as luck would have it, he had no need.
"Admiral Hayfield?" Amanda Scotts asked, opening his office door by a smidgen as she looked at him. The good Admiral in turn ushered her in.
"Come in, come in." He said. She gave a nod as she fully stepped into his office, closing the door behind her as she entered. "If I may so inquire, what brings you to my office? I was actually just getting ready to call you. Being one of the heads of the R&D division in charge of the girl's weaponry, I thought you might find this interesting." He said. The woman in question looked surprised.
"We got more girls?" She asked, her excitement evident. Hayfield gave a nod, handing her the list. Amanda took a lasting glance over the rim of her glasses at the Admiral before casting her attention down to the list in her hands.
Admiral Hayfield watched with an amused expression as he watched Amanda's face begin to light up.
"Christ..... Is Christmas coming early or something?" She asked after a moment. Hayfield only gave a laugh in response.
"I wonder the same thing. I take it you can take care of the rest? Admiral Johnson requested special preference for the three escort carriers. Apparently, the usual bow will not be adequate for them." He asked. She gave a nod.
"I think we can work something out." She said, taking another glance over the sheet of paper. He gave a nod in reply.
"Good. Now what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked. "I presume that's what you made your way here for anyways."
"Indeed. You recall at the very start of this whole thing that you would help us as much as you could to make sure the girls were properly armed correct?" She asked. He gave a nod.
"Indeed I do. Why?" He questioned. Amanda in turn pulled a picture from the file he just now recognized she was holding under her arm. Placing the picture in front of him, she looked him dead in the eye.
"It's just a theory at this point, but how hard would it be to get this ship to Yokosuka?" She asked. Hayfield in turn looked down at the picture, and found himself silent.
The ship in question, he no doubt knew. It was hard not to. It held too much importance in history just to be another name in the Navy's ship roster. Not only that, the old girl was named after his home state. A personal honor if he had anything to say about it. And, he had quite enjoyed back before the war, taking his grandkids to see the old girl down in Hawaii.
After a moment, he looked back up at Amanda with a stone cold gaze.
"How about you explain why first..." He said, but it was more along the lines of an order.
She did just that.
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