The Brightest Smiles
Anya stood silent as she felt the water run down her back, leaning against the wall of the shower as she stared at her feet.
She could feel her neck. She hadn't even taken a look in the mirror to confirm it. She knew. She knew that there was bound to be a bruise in the shape of a hand print. Damming evidence at it's finest. She knew that if Maryland caught even the slightest of glimpses of the print, it would be Kentucky all over again.
But then again, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.
It wasn't that she wanted Hipper to get hurt. After all, the woman wasn't even a day old in this form.
But she wanted to help Mary more.
She hadn't noticed it at first. She'd not noticed it when the woman had gone ballistic on Kentucky. When she'd immediately brought her fists out instead of words. It was anger that the woman never exhibited, but if it came out that readily, there was bound to be far more than what the surface showed.
Anya had a very very humbling suspicion that the battleship had been hurting.
Hurting long before Kentucky had injured her.
She'd been hurting since she'd crossed over. And Anya had never even realized it.
She'd gone blind to it. Just like everyone else. They'd glanced at the woman and taken her smile for granted. That she was one of the few and far between who'd accepted her situation with gusto.
Anya had the darkest feeling that they'd been wrong. That they'd been oh so very wrong.
She'd let slip the day after that they'd gotten together about what had transpired the day they'd brought through the first seven. What had happened to her that morning when she'd met Tenryuu for the first time. And she'd seen it once more.
She'd seen the anger that welled within the battleship. As those periwinkle eyes took in what she was being told. But as quickly as it had come, the look had vanished, once again covered by that smile.
That damned smile.
With every passing second, Anya realized that more and more, that smile was plastic.
Anya slammed a fist against the wall of the shower, a loud bang filling the room's space. She could've seen it earlier. She should've seen it earlier. But she didn't. She'd played right by it just like everyone else.
She didn't know how deep the hurting went. How serious it had become. But she swore she'd find out. She swore to herself that she would try and ease the woman's pain.
As the water ran down the woman's back, the American admiral made a choice.
Turning off the water, she finished her shower. Originally, it had been to cleanse herself of the flour that she'd been decorated with because of the destroyers earlier in the day. But as she had, her mind had gotten away from her, her thoughts forging new trails.
She'd been in the shower for nearly forty minutes she finally realized when she glanced at the clock near the door. Sighing, she looked from the clock to the mirror. And she found herself stopped.
There before her stood her naked reflection among the steam and glass of the mirror. There, she found what Hipper had left upon her skin as she tilted her head side to side, the muscles in her neck screaming at her for it.
Her normal skin tone darkened and purple, clear to see that what had been done to her had been so out of anger. Out of something far more malicious that Kentucky had ever thought of doing so. Than she'd ever dreamed of doing so.
Kentucky had merely injured her arm.
Tenryuu had harmed her side on accident.
Hipper had gone for the woman's ability to live.
Anya had kept herself tight lipped with what had happened with Hipper.
Mary's anger would flare to proportions that even Anya hesitated to think about. Proportions that pained the woman to consider witnessing as they were written fresh upon her lover's face.
But to quell the hurting. To quell the pain, she would need the ugly beast to rear it's head.
She would have to face the fury head on. Not stand to the side as she'd done when hell had rained down on Kentucky. She would have to look into those periwinkle eyes when they were seeing the world painted in nothing but crimsons and scarlets. And she would have to stand her ground.
As Anya took another glance over herself in the mirror, her fingers grazing the skin, the woman wincing somewhat at even the slightest of pressures on surface. She closed her eyes a moment as she did so before opening them once more, steeling herself.
"When did being in the Navy get so hard..."
Anya muttered as she looked at herself in the mirror. Given her past experiences with this, she was somewhat expecting the captain to walk in from her room at any moment, take one look at the woman before her, and exclaim 'What the fuck' in her most demanding tone.
Anya supposed that was exactly what she need right now. To be yelled at. But she knew it wouldn't come. She knew that the room would remain silent. She was the only one not at Dinner at the moment. But after today, no one blamed her if she was a little late for chow. After all, she'd had to stare down forty nine and keep them in line.
Shaking her head in some amusement, she dried her hair, making sure to get the knots out, before retreating into her room. She glanced at the bed- it was a big bed after all- and wanted nothing more than to crawl into it and fall asleep. But she knew that was neither appropriate nor fair. She had a job to do.
So, she went about getting dressed. Deciding casual however, she steered away from the uniforms and the like.
A black high necked sweater and jeans. That's what she'd decided on. It's what spoke to her most out of everything she owned.
Plus, she knew the jeans made her ass look fantastic.
She was not a ship girl, of that she knew for sure, but that didn't mean she didn't have a stern to die for. Something, that when she and Maryland were alone, that the battleship would learn to appreciate.
After all, Anya had to maintain her figure. Maryland could eat as much as she wanted and that waistline, that oh so slender waistline, wouldn't budge an inch. And if Anya was being honest, she was okay with that.
It'd only happened after they'd sealed the deal with the ring, but after being true to herself, Anya had realized just how smitten with the woman she was.
She'd never hear the end of it from Cynthia when her older sister finally caught wind of just what was going on, of that Anya was absolutely sure. But as long at the end of the day, Anya held the battleship's heart and no one else, she couldn't care less about what others thought.
That didn't mean Cynthia was getting a step closer to this Base, that she knew with little thought. That she didn't have to even think about.
Smiling to herself despite the situation she was about Have unfold before her, she allowed her mind to wander to that of Cynthia, her older sister.
She and Cynthia had been the middle children. Greg and Daisy were already out of high school and gone by the time Cynthia had graced that school with her presence as a freshman. And Anya was only two years behind her.
And Hank and Danny had always been the little ones of the family. They'd always strive for the spotlight when they had been younger. They'd always garnered whatever attention they could get their hands on. And they'd loved every second of it.
There had been times when it had like it was just Cynthia and she against the world. The two had each other's backs through thick and thin. She wouldn't trade those memories for anything.
Anya briefly wondered when the next time she'd see her sister in person would be.
With Anya's luck, she'd be laid up in some hospital bed. Because that's just how her luck seemed to go. But, she doubted it.
After all, Anya wasn't sure the next time she was leaving the Base was. If the Gateway was going to continue to play games like it had been so, she supposed she might never get a chance to leave Base. Not until this damn war was over.
Thinking on that a moment however, she wondered what would become of the girls when the war ended. They were fighting this war with every thing they had to give, but at the end of the day, they were Warships of a bygone era. Well, most were. What would happen?
Would they be allowed to keep serving? If they wanted to?
Would they be pushed into Civilian life?
Or... would the Gateway recall what it had given?
Anya glanced down at the ring on her finger, watching it a moment. Would the Gateway really take back what it had given so readily after the threat was gone? As if those that had come from within had never existed?
Anya squeezed her hand into a fist at the thought before she shook it away, shaking her head as she went for her shoes. She needed to finish getting dressed. She wouldn't think like that.
Finishing up her outfit with just some simple boots, the woman grabbed a coat and opened the door to her to her room, stepping out into the upper hall of the American HQ and making way for the stairs.
Anya walked into the Mess Hall ten minutes later. Letting the door swing closed behind her, she took a glance around the Mess Hall. The entire fleet had all arrived from their various sorties so the full force of a hundred fifty nine ship girls were seated around the room, enjoying dinner as they helped their new members settle in.
Taking a second look around the room, letting her eyes wander the room a moment, she found her own table. Sofia. Ishigara. Her mother. And sister. Shaking her head somewhat, she slowly made way across the Mess Hall for the table, only for her to pause as she looked to her left.
There, she met eyes with Admiral Hipper, the heavy cruiser watching her a moment. But as if she noticed that the woman was looking back, the cruiser looked away in a moment's notice, focusing back in onto what Tirptiz was saying to her and Pola. Anya watched a moment before shaking her head as she reached her destination, taking a between Daisy and Sofia.
"Ohh, the Admiral yet lives. I was assuming you got lost." Sofia said, shooting the woman a smirk. Anya shook her head in response to that with a smile as she reached for a plate, looking over the table at what they had to choose from.
"No, not yet. But after today, can you really blame me?" She asked with a laugh as she began to put together a plate for herself. Ishigara chuckled at that as he looked across the table at her.
"I don't believe anyone can. So you're sure you don't know what prompted the Gateway to unlock the limit?" He asked as he sipped at his drink. Anya shook her head as she glanced over the room again, eyes darting to some of the new members.
"I can't say that I do. If I had any idea, you guys would be the first to know." She said.
"Can we take a moment to question the fact that you were matching pace with Alaska. At flank?" Daisy asked, eyeing her sister. "I'm not gonna claim to be some sort of expert on the subject of Ship girl. You're bound to be way more knowledgeable in the subject than I would and Cynthia would no doubt claim to be an expert, but matching flank speed with a ship girl on land seems rather hard to believe. Yet, we watched you do just that." She said. Anya shrugged at that as she took a bite of steak, giving her a moment to chew and swallow before she looked at her sister.
"I honestly don't know. It didn't feel like I was running that fast. Did Alaska confirm she was running at Flank?" She asked as she glanced around the table.
"She did." Sofia Answered her Question with a nod. "It was one of the first things I sought to seeking out. She confirmed that she was running at flank and you were matching pace with her. A large Cruiser." She said. She explained as she looked to Anya. Watching her a moment, Anya shrugged as she took another bite of steak, chewing slower than normal as she could feel her neck screaming at her all the while. Swallowing, she did her best to hide the wince that overcame her features for the briefest of moments. But luckily for her, no one at the table seemed to have taken notice.
Sipping at her drink a moment, she glanced around the room once more. "So? How's the Base settling since a group of ship girls nearly one third of our total force showed up?" She asked.
"Most notably, the Shiratsuyu sisters seemed to be the most ecstatic, given that they received the remainder of their class showed up in one go." Ishigara Answered. "But Yamakaze is still rooming with Strasbourg at moment so the rooming situation works well." He explained.
Anya nodded as she looked over towards the table the ten were seated at. Joining them was Kagero as they conversed with one another, Yuudachi squealing about something in turn, which only served to set laughter off amongst Umikaze and Samidare. The other seven sisters offered their own smiles or laughter in turn, but the point was clear. The ten were glad to be once more together.
"So as we understand it, you walked in on them having a fistfight with the Fletchers?" Ishigara asked. Anya's gaze briefly darted over to the table that now held six of the Fletcher class girls sitting about it, chatting just as wildly. Johnston and Heerman were seated at a different table with Hoel, St. Lo, and Kitkun Bay And Bismarck Sea. They were joined by Langley and Houshou.
"Yeah, they were. Well, most were. Samidare was standing off to the side. She wanted to separate them, but it look as if she didn't have the nerve to do so." Anya said with a sigh as she looked at the man. "Did anyone give a reason why as to why they were beating on one another like they were?" She asked.
"Houston let slip that Radford mumbled something about being a dirty jap under her breath and Kawakaze caught wind of it. There were still girls crossing over when she jumped both Radford and Fletcher." Sofia explained. "By the time everyone had crossed through, it had devolved into the situation you came across. By the way, how did you know? That there were girls that had come through?" She asked. Anya paused at that, her mind recalling the footsteps that had lead her there and the mystery figure that had grabbed her.
"Just figured I'd check." Anya said. "After all, the morning the twenty crossed through, I only caught them at the tail end. True, they had just finishing crossing when Langley and I showed up, but even then. That aside however, how's Kaga doing?" She asked, her gaze looking over to the table.
"Kaga's been fairly well receptive to her sister's sudden presence." Ishigara Answered as he as well looked over to the table, where Kaga and Tosa were conversing with one another in a calm manner. Seated at Kaga's side however, was no Akagi, but Midway instead. "Tosa's presence has seemed to change something about her, as i think I've seen her say more to anyone today alone than in the entire time I've known her." He said.
"Are we gonna talk about the fact that it's Midway at Kaga's side and not Akagi?" Sofia asked, looking between the two. Anya shrugged as she took another glance at the three for a moment before looking back to the two of them.
"We should've expected the possibility of ships like Tosa when Kentucky and Illinois made their appearances. If the Gateway is picking ships who want to serve once more or get the chance, then we need to start looking just beyond those that were actually launched and commissioned by their Navies. Louisiana and Totomi are good examples of that." She said.
Glancing over at the two, the two super battleships were seated with the three Iowa sisters and two Yamato sisters. The latter two classes had apparently taken it upon themselves to make sure that their younger cousins were properly informed of what was going on and where things lay.
"I'm not for sure, but I'm pretty sure I saw Totomi when Missouri and her sisters crossed over. She was behind the fog of course so I can't say for whether or not it was her, but the fact that the second time I saw a silhouette behind the fog ended up being her seemed a little too good to just be a coincidence." She said.
"Given that there was a limit when she first appeared, my guess is that the poor thing wanted to come through with the Iowa's. But because of aforementioned limit, my guess is that she found that she couldn't and left." Nancy Answered. Anya nodded at that, seeing the reasoning as solid for the moment.
"Do I need to even ask how Mutsu is adjusting to having two older sisters now?" Anya asked with a smirk as she sipped at her drink. Ishigara only chuckled at that as he cast a sideways glance at the three battleships. The Japanese Nagato only watched with amusement as Mutsu said something to the American Nagato, causing her to look at her sister like she'd gone crazy.
"Nagato's American counterpart is more easily flustered than that of her Japanese self. Mutsu quickly figured that out only recently, but she's made full use of it. But there is one oddity among the two that share the same name and face." He explained as Anya looked to him in confusion. "Our Nagato's memories of the war are clear, cut, and concise. She remembers her crew. She remembers her fights, her battles. But her memories past the day when our surrender was signed aboard Missouri are fuzzy. Unclear and hazy." He said. "But your Nagato's memories..." He trailed off.
"Are Vice Versa." Anya sighed. "She can't remember the war with clarity and calm, but she can remember what Came after and what became of her. Such as Crossroads." She concluded as she glanced at the three. "I can't even imagine that. Knowing that you're a proud warship of one country, but all that you can remember was being used as a test for another." She said.
Ishigara nodded. "She's shown no signs of it bothering her so far." He said. "But it's only her first day on Base. As things settle... well, I believe that Arizona had nightmares during her first weeks back?" He asked.
"Has." Anya corrected, glancing at the battleship across the room. "She keeps it under wraps, but I asked Haruna to let me know if they ever stopped. Considering Haruna never got back to me with that..." she trailed off, seeing that the man got the point. Ishigara sighed as he ran a hand over his face.
"And with Pennsylvania and Nevada..." He said. Anya nodded.
"As far as I can tell of the ones I've gotten the time to know, Oklahoma seems the least affected by their past lives. But that's only saying so much considering what they went through. And that says nothing of what Pennsylvania and Nevada may add to this." She said. "But considering that Pennsylvania looked about ready to kill me when she came over when I told them that we were working with those of the Japanese..." she said. Sofia looked to Anya.
"Oklahoma? What about Maryland?" The captain asked. "She always has a smile on her face most of the time. Especially when you're concerned." She asked. Anya shook her head as she looked down at her food a moment.
"Oklahoma deals with it the best. Dealing with and hiding it are two very different things." She said, looking to the captain. Sofia blinked as she looked at her.
"You think Maryland is keeping how she feels about her past concealed?" She asked as Ishigara looked at Anya. The admiral sighed.
"I've my suspicions." She Answered as she glanced at the battleship a few tables over, who was seated with the South Dakota's, Nevada's, and New Mexico's. Mississippi And Idaho were clearly enthralling the other members of their table with some sort of story. South Dakota gave a barking laugh at that as she nudged Maryland. The battleship in question only rolled her eyes, a smile of her own upon her lips. But it was that moment that she caught sight of Anya watching her. Giving a smile to the admiral, Anya readily returned it. Daisy gave a noise of amusement.
"I thought Cynthia was the one we needed to watch for trying to snatch ship girls in the night." She mused, giving her sister a smirk. Anya rolled her eyes at that, elbowing her older sister in the side.
"Anyways, I assume that the battleships that got their sisters are doing alright as well?" Anya asked. Sofia nodded.
"Oklahoma got her only sister. Mississippi got a sister. And Indiana got two. Besides Louisiana, Maryland's the only battleship we have that doesn't have a sister on base." Sofia said. Anya nodded at that as she sighed.
"Here's hoping that the next group the Gateway gives is not, A, double this one, or B, when I'm the only on base." She said. "If either one or both occur, you're all gonna find me out cold on the floor." She said, cutting another bite of steak. Nancy hummed as she took a look out over the room for herself.
"You seem to have handled it pretty well this time to my attention." She said. Anya shrugged as she noted her attention was being garnered at someone waving at her. Looking over, she found Cossack readily trying to get her to come over. Arching a brow at the girl, she traded a glance with her table before getting up, making her way around tables as she made way for the one that Cossack was sitting at. Joining her was Ark Royal, Vampire, Richelieu, Strasbourg, Leningrad, And Molotov. Liz was also standing about the table, no doubt because of the two British Warships.
"Yes Cossack?" Anya asked as she reached the table, glancing down at the British destroyer.
"Ms. Hiroshi says that one of you yank's favorite drinks is Iced Tea. Iced. Tea. Please tell me she's lying to my bloody face. Even that would be preferable to the truth!" She insisted. Anya hummed in thought for a moment before leaning down to the destroyer, meeting her eyes with her own.
"Raspberry Iced Tea is the best." She said simply.
The look of horror that overcame the destroyer's face was enough to make Anya laugh, covering her mouth as she did so. Even Ark Royal looked disturbed at the woman's choice of beverages for a moment before her face once more took on a look of seriousness. Liz only hid her smirk behind her cup as she sipped, eyeing the American admiral.
It'd only taken a few seconds for Anya's laughter to subside. When she did so, she looked to the two British ships.
"Now that things have settled down somewhat, how're the two of you settling in? Not to much trouble I hope?" She asked. Ark Royal nodded.
"Langley and Houshou have been very welcoming to myself. And I find myself adoring the three Casablanca sisters." She said. "But Kitty Hawk is...." she trailed off. Anya only smiled as she glanced at the Big carrier, seated with Lexington and her sisters, the four laughing as one.
"Kitty Hawk knows a war that involved far less shooting, But was far more tense. Forgive her if she gets a little too out of hand." Anya said. Ark Royal only nodded somewhat at that, glancing at the carrier for a moment before turning back to the Admiral. "Ms. Hiroshi has been quite helpful in updating us on what our country has been through since we last lived. So much has changed... except her Majesty it would seem." She said. Anya nodded.
"The U.S. could use a few presidents like her." Anya said. Ark only nodded as she looked up at the woman.
"If you hadn't of insisted on independence..." She hummed, showing a smile of amusement. Anya rolled her eyes at that, her own smile of amusement present.
"Alright." She said. "I'm not gonna say you're wrong in that regard, but what would the world be if they didn't have the U.S.?" She asked.
"Calmer." Liz said.
"Peaceful." Ark Royal Answered.
"Quieter." Molotov replied.
Anya narrowed her eyes at all involved, drawing laughs from everyone. Shaking her head in a playful manner with a huff thrown in, she worked her way around the table to Vampire. "And How is our resident Australian doing today?" She asked. Vampire shrugged as she stuffed another piece of pizza into her mouth. "You know you had Pizza earlier, right?" She asked.
"Pizza'a good though. You even said it yourself." Was her response through a full mouth.
She had a point.
"Yeah, fair enough. But you need to balance your diet out with good too. You can't just stuff yourself with Pizza." She said, looking down at the destroyer.
"Can't i?" She asked. Anya opened her mouth to answer, but slowly came to the realization that at the end of the day, she didn't actually know. But knowing the general topic of ship girl, the answer was likely yes. Looking to Liz in a questioning manner, the woman offered a helpful shrug. "I'm taking the silence as yes, Vampire, you can survive on Pizza for a lifetime." She said as she stuffed another piece of pizza into her mouth. This time however, the motion was slow as she made eye contact with Anya the entire time, as if taunting her.
"That doesn't mean you should make your entire diet Pizza though." Anya said. Vampire swallowed her current piece of pizza as she looked at the woman.
"Why?" She asked.
Anya hung her head in defeat.
Liz laughed somewhat at that as she sipped at her drink.
Shaking her head, Anya rounded the table to Molotov and Leningrad, the second of which Anya noted, was armed with yet another bottle of alcohol. "I'm surprised Liz let you have another bottle after Pola got ahold of your first one." Anya mused. Leningrad shrugged as Liz looked to the woman.
"Yeah, that bottle isn't one of mine. The kitchen isn't missing any of it's stocks." Liz Answered. Anya looked up at the woman in surprise.
"So? Where did she get it?" Anya asked. Liz shrugged.
"I took her earlier bottle away, turned around for a second. And when I looked back at her, she had another bottle while I still had the first in my hands." She explained. Anya furrowed her brow as she looked down at the destroyer leader, only to be met with yet another shrug.
"Okay." Anya hummed. "So how're the two of you settling into Base since the chaotic happening that was your summoning?" She asked. Leningrad offered only another shrug in response as Molotov looked to the American admiral.
"It could be considered fair I suppose." The cruiser said. "Though the fact that we don't have an admiral of our own Base is disappointing, we will have to make do I suppose." She Answered. "At least until there is an actual plan."
Anya nodded at that as she rounded off to the last of the table, glancing down at Richelieu. "And how are you? I trust that Strasbourg here has helped you settle in?" She asked. The battleship nodded, shooting her fellow French ship girl a smile as she looked up to the woman.
"Yes, Strasbourg has been quite helpful in getting me settled in. I hope you do not mind it, but I have selected to room with her and her Japanese companion... Yamakaze?" She asked, as if trying to remember the name. Anya nodded at that.
"That's fine. There's no rules stating that you have to room up in the American dorms. And it'll probably be calmer over there anyways given that the Fletchers are most likely going to cause many many new issues." She said, prompting the French woman to give a smile.
"I do have to ask however to know what the situation with our country is. Strasbourg says that the situation at home is preventing them from sending an Admiral of our own to base." She said. Anya nodded.
"France, Germany, and Britain are trying to make sure that they've got the English Channel under full control. Britain is reliant upon supplies from the two of them so it's been vital for them to secure that. I imagine that when they're more confident in the fact that they have it under control, they'll probably look to see about sending someone. They already know of Strasbourg, so my guess is that when Admiral Mercier learns of you as well, she'll probably give it more thought." She said. Richelieu furrowed her brow.
"Mercier...?" She asked. Anya nodded as Strasbourg looked to the battleship.
"She's the one leading our Navy right now. Promoted in a time of war, like Admiral Johnson." She said. Richelieu only nodded in understanding at that.
Dinner had come and gone. Well, for Anya at least. She'd eaten her fill and had some chat with her mother and sister. But the time was edging in on eight o'clock even. And Hayfield needed to be In the know about the latest summoning pool. Saying a few parting words to her table, Anya got up and made way for the doors to the Mess Hall.
Unknowingly being watched the entire time.
Heading outside, her hands went to the pockets of her coat, losing herself In thought as she began to make way back for the American HQ. Or, at least that had been the plan.
When two slender arms wrapped themselves around her waist, Anya couldn't help the small, ever so present smile appearing on her face.
"Mary." Anya said with a sense of amusement. What sounded to be disappointment sounded from behind her as she felt the battleship rest her chin on the woman's head.
"Aww, no fun." Maryland said. Anya rolled her eyes somewhat, her smile still present as she slipped herself from the woman's arms, turning around as she looked up at the woman.
"No fun indeed. You do know that having a secret relationship means just that? I'm pretty sure this counts as being within the public eye." She said, watching Maryland. The battleship only rolled her eyes as she smiled at the woman, arms out to her sides.
"And who here, is among the public eye besides you and me?" She asked with a hum. "Not anyone that I can see..." She said quietly as she began to lean in towards the woman.
Somewhere within her mind, Anya knew that she should've stopped the battleship. That she should've halted the advance.
But she didn't.
And as Maryland brought up her hands to the woman's face, laying one on the woman's neck. Anya knew there was no turning back.
Anya winced.
Maryland halted, pulling back somewhat. She looked at the woman in a questioning manner, her eyes looking over the woman's face for any sign that she'd done something wrong. That she'd accidentally hurt her.
"A-anya?" She asked quietly. The admiral let a sigh escape her lips as she reached for the neckline of her sweater, bringing it down somewhat until it folded in over itself, exposing the woman's neck to the battleship, allowing her eyes to glance over the now clearly bruised skin.
Maryland's heartbeat quickened as she sucked in a breath in apprehension. Had she been so careless with her touches that she'd accidentally hurt her? Had she been so focused on what was in front of her?
No, wait. That didn't make sense. There was bruising on a side of her neck that she Battleship hadn't even laid a finger on. As Maryland gingerly tilted Anya's face up towards her, allowing her to get a better look at it, her confusion and hesitation boiled away as it was overcome with a sea of rage and the thunder of fury.
She knew a hand print when she saw one.
"Who." Maryland asked, her tone void of her previous attachment. Her previous care free attitude. Her tone was dead and straight forward, something that Anya wanted nothing more than to back away from.
"Mary...." Anya began.
"Who. Who dare lay a hand upon you?" Mary asked again, her eyes studying Anya's for a moment. After a moment of tense silence, Anya let a sigh escape her lips as she closed her eyes.
"Hipper..." She said finally.
Maryland's rage and fury soared to new heights. The muscles in her neck tensed as her jaw clamped. Her entire being bristled as somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard the call for General Quarters.
Wheeling around, the battleship made way for the Mess Hall in a quiet rage, her face the essence of calm. Except her eyes. Those periwinkle eyes were so venomous, that they could've killed.
And Anya?
Anya didn't say a thing as she watched battleship go.
The Mess Hall was still just as noisy as it had been, still just as bustling with activity as there had been before. But of course, when some saw Maryland leave after Anya had, the chatter had only hastened. Rumors were flying and bets were being encouraged. The sum of money being discussed among some would make your average gambler pale at the thought.
Langley and Houshou traded a glance, their eyes twinkling with amusement.
Kongou hummed a tuneless song to herself as she traded a knowing glance with Hiei.
A small smile passed between Washington and Kirishima.
Arizona and Haruna shared a mirthful knowing laugh between the two of them.
Akagi and Enterprise had quick kiss with one another.
Missouri met eyes with Souryuu across the Mess Hall, the battleship winking at the carrier.
Would today finally be the day when the bet was settled? Would today be the day when the victor walked away with a pocketful of fresh cash?
They were brought from their thoughts as the sound of groaning metal screamed through the air. The sound of a poor door frame screaming as it struggled to keep itself firmly in place against a force that seemed to laugh at it's holdings.
Not everyone looked, but multiple pairs of eyes were brought to the Mess Hall door, where Maryland had practically ripped it open. The battleship, her face a mask of calm despite what she'd just done to the door, quietly made her way across the Mess Hall.
Her eyes locked to Hipper the second she'd been able to see into the building. And when they landed on her, everyone, everything else simply vanished. Everything but her. She, who dare lay a hand on the Admiral. On Anya.
The room watched as the battleship made way for the cruiser, who for her sake, hadn't noticed the American battleship approaching on her. It was only when Pola nudged the Heavy Cruiser did Admiral Hipper notice Maryland's approach.
And a look of recognition seemed to flash over those blue eyes.
Rising from her seat, Hipper turned fully to the battleship to say something.
She was cut off when Maryland's fist, driven by fury and regret, slammed into her face, sending the Heavy Cruiser sprawling across the ground.
Confused talk broke out among the Mess Hall as Musashi, the Captain, Ishigara, And Liz immediately neared the battleship. But Maryland paid them little mind as she reached down, gripping the Heavy Cruiser by the neck, and began to make way for the door. Her face betrayed none of her emotion as she ignored the calls from the Captain.
Slamming the Hess Hall door open once more, she tossed the woman that she'd been dragging a few feet into the snow, her eyes once again snapping to the cruiser. If she noted the various footsteps following her out the door, she paid them no mind as she approached the cruiser.
Hipper, for her sake, had just pushed herself up and off the ground, her feet stabilizing her when she stood. She still wasn't used to being human, so her turn towards the battleship was slow.
It was immediately smashed as Maryland slammed another fist into the woman's face, sending her sprawling into the snow, the cruiser kicking some of the stuff up as she landed.
As Maryland neared the German cruiser, a majority of those that had seen the hit flocked outside, all trying to get a look at what was transpiring. But when Musashi and Yamato neared Maryland, intending to halt the woman, that is when the battleship finally spoke, Maryland's eyes glued to Hipper.
"You crossed a line that even the damned Japs didn't give thought to." The battleship seethed, approaching the cruiser. But her tone, her words gave pause to Musashi and Yamato, who traded an uncertain glance. Naming aside, that was a tone that was out of place for the normally cheery battleship.
They weren't the only ones though, as those of American and Japanese traded uncertain gazes at the saying.
Hipper hadn't gotten to her feet yet by the time the battleship reached her, hauling her to her feet only to toss her back towards the group gathered around.
"Maryland! Stop! That's an order!" Sofia tried, but it fell on deaf ears as Maryland towered over the German Cruiser, once more hauling her to her feet.
"You could've killed her! You could've laid her out in the snow!" Maryland said in a low tone of voice as she stared the German cruiser in the eyes. "You goddamn kraut!"
Sofia found herself silenced in confusion, much like the rest of those watching. But as someone pushed past her and Ishigara, the Captain found Anya focusing on Maryland and Maryland alone. But her eyes were drawn to the bruise now decorating the woman's neck, her sweater neckline still pulled away for all to see. "Anya...." Sofia breathed.
Anya only spared a passing glance to the woman before pushing out into the circle that the ship girls watching had formed. Watching as Maryland punched Hipper once more in the face, Hipper sprawling out across the ground, she let a quiet breath release. "Maryland, that's enough." She said, her voice calm and composed, her hands behind her back as she watched the battleship.
When Maryland paid no heed to the woman's words, approaching Hipper with no doubt the intent to maim or worse. Anya shook her head as she approached from behind.
"Maryland, cease and desist." Anya said. But when that fell of Deaf ears, Anya sped up her pace, getting in between Maryland and the downed heavy cruiser, who had propped herself up on an elbow. "Maryland. Stop."
"Move Admiral." Maryland said as she went to step around the woman, stepping to the side as she watched Hipper. Anya watched a moment before sighing, looking straight ahead as she spoke.
"I am not West Virginia." She said, her voice calm. But as if the words themselves were a bomb, they blew away all of Maryland's intentions as she froze in place, standing side by side with her Admiral, the two facing different directions.
"What...." Maryland asked quietly.
"I said I'm not West Virginia. Or California. Or Utah. Or Downes. Or Cassin." She said, her voice calm. "It took me a while to piece it together, what's been eating away at you. All the other girls that were there, they've all voiced discontent about working with our new allies. Pennsylvania screamed at me, Arizona questioned it. Oklahoma voiced her displeasure and Nevada wouldn't stop glaring at them. Frisco yelled and Helena seemed displeased." She said as she glanced at each of them as she named them off. "But Maryland, once you walked out the door of the summoning chambers, it was as if your memories of that day had just vanished. As if they'd not meant anything to you anymore. I thought that at least one of you would willingly accept your new situation with open arms." She said "But I was wrong. I was so very wrong and I'm sorry for not seeing it sooner. You smothered your emotions, your memories with what I asked of you. I asked you girls to get along with those of the Japanese and you took that to heart, prioritizing what I asked of you over how you felt." She said quietly, but enough to where those around them could hear.
Maryland was no longer looking at Hipper and the anger and hate had faded from her eyes as she looked down at the snow before her.
"But the hate. The anger. Watching the people you loved die. That just doesn't go away. And it didn't, not for you. It boiled away within you. Day after day after day. But you put up a plastic smile to those around you. To me. When Kentucky pushed me down, the mask you had broke. It broke and everything that you'd wanted to say to those responsible, to those that had taken your sister from you Came rushing out. You didn't hesitate to bring fire to Kentucky for daring to injure me. But when Musashi hauled you off of her, when you saw who had done so, your mask went back on. Because I asked you to without even knowing it." She said as she glanced back at Hipper. "And when you learned who had put their hands on me this time? Once again, the mask fell away and the anger and hurt and the loss you suffered Came boiling over once more. And you took no time in finding them and making them pay the same punishment."
Silence settled over those watching as they watched, some only looked at the Admiral in surprise. But most had their eyes on Maryland, some in shock and some in surprise. They'd never had a clue.
When Anya heard something hit the snow in front of Mary, she didn't need to look to know that the battleship was crying.
"When I let slip a few days ago about what Tenryuu did to me the first day I was here, once again, the anger well and the mask came away. But when you realized who had done it, the mask was on. But I saw the hurt. I saw the pain. Even the simplest look in someone's eyes can tell someone a story." She said as she looked to Maryland. "If someone were to ask me who my angriest ship girl was, some who know might think I'd say Saratoga. Others would assume it may be Nevada. Others could guess Pennsylvania. But they would never guess you. Not one of them. And that's what hurts the most about this, because I am your Admiral. I am the one you're supposed to be able to confide in at the end of the day, and you had me fooled most of all. Maryland, you've worn a fake smile for some time, but you don't have to. You never had to." She said softly, still looking straight ahead.
Maryland suddenly found her knees no longer willing to support her as she slumped to the snow, the tears now falling more and more frequently, her slow sniffles more and more breaking out into open sobs of grief, sorrow, and loss.
Anya didn't glance at the battleship, instead placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, lest she knew that she'd break down into tears too.
"SHE WAS MY SISTER!" Maryland cried, her sobs cutting through the silence as she clenched at the snow between her fingers, willing something to break. "SHE WAS MY BABY SISTER AND I COULDN'T SAVE HER!"
The ship girls watching were watching in a stunned silence. Those that had sisters next to them subconsciously moved closer to one another as they watched. At this however, Anya gave a glance to Sofia, silently pleading for help.
Sofia hesitated a moment. She wanted nothing more than to hug the battleship, but she knew she'd need her space for a while. Turning, she began to work on corralling the ship girls back into the Mess Hall amongst the stunned silence. Some of the hardest to get moving were Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Nevada. But eventually, even they gave into the Captain's orders.
When Tirptiz helped Hipper up and the two began to make way for the Mess Hall themselves, Anya caught the heavy cruiser by the arm. Nearing her ear, Tirptiz saw the woman whisper something to the cruiser. When all the cruiser offered in turn was a small nod, the woman let the two continue.
Nancy offered a glance of worry to Anya, but nothing more as she and Daisy were the last to return inside, leaving Anya and Maryland as they'd started. Entirely alone.
Finally glancing at the battleship she'd brought to tears and her knees, Anya steeled herself as she moved to in front of the woman, kneeling down in front of her. Placing a hand on the woman's cheek, she could feel that she was still crying. Trying her hardest not to cry herself, she titled the woman's head up to her as Anya pressed her forehead to Mary's, the two staying there for more than a few minutes. Anya wouldn't move until Mary's cries quieted.
Eventually, in no short time, they did. Her sobs became ever so quieter with each passing moment and her tears slowly dried. Using her thumbs, Anya wiped away what tears were there still as she listened to the battleship quiet down. When Mary finally had, her eyes met Anya's, the two staying like that for a few seconds before Anya moved, pressing her lips to the battleship's ever so softly.
"Me getting hurt is not your damming defeat." Anya said when they parted, their foreheads still pressed together. Maryland only offered a small nod to acknowledge that she'd heard the woman.
"You know it's not polite to make a girl cry, right?" Maryland asked, the smallest signs of a smile tugging at her lips. It was a sad smile, but it was more than Anya thought she'd get for a while.
"I know.." she said as she pulled away from her. Standing, she flipped her sweater's collar up once more as she offered a hand to the woman, letting her get her feet under her. "But it needed to be said." She offered.
Maryland let a sigh escape her lips as she glanced back at the Mess Hall, hesitating. "How do I even face them after that?" She asked. Anya shook her head as she tugged Maryland a different way, back towards the American side of Yokosuka.
"You don't. Not right now. You could probably use some sleep after that." She offered. Maryland pursed her lips at that before shrugging.
"I suppose my room is the quietest it's going to be right now..."
"And my room is quiet all day." Anya offered as she glanced back at the battleship, a small smile upon her lips.
Maryland only returned one of her own.
Dinner had taken a somber note after that. No one really had wanted to say anything and where people were seated had changed. Arizona and Haruna no longer sat together. Akagi and Enterprise weren't seated next to one another.
Sisters sat by sisters. Maryland's breakdown had reminded them that, while they had gotten another chance in this life, it wouldn't last forever, one way or another.
But dinner had come and gone and the present found Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, And Oklahoma heading for the American dorms. They'd not had a clue about Maryland and how she'd actually felt, Arizona and Oklahoma specifically.
They'd been there together. On that early December morning. Without West Virginia or Colorado, the four of them were the closest things the battleship had to sisters. And they'd gone blind to what had been in front of them the whole time.
Wordlessly walking into the dorms, they went for the second door on the left, this door they knew to be Maryland's room. But when Arizona opened it, they found it empty. And not just empty, it was as if the woman had never stayed there in the first place. Even Mary's black book was gone.
"What...?" Arizona asked somewhat confused and worried.
"The admiral. Let's ask Her." Oklahoma offered. The other three battleships nodded at that as they left the dorm immediately, going for the American HQ building, finding the office light on through the window. And as they approached, they could see Anya sitting at her desk, working on something from the looks of it.
Only a minute later and they were approaching the door to their Admiral's office. Hesitating only a moment, Arizona opened it as the four walked into the office, the woman seated at her desk looking up at the four.
"Yes?" Anya asked as she watched the four.
"We were wondering where Maryland was." Arizona Said. "We wanted to make sure she was alright..."
"Oh. Well, she's asleep right now. At best, you'll have to check in with her tomorrow." She said. "She seems pretty out right now." She offered as she looked back down at her work.
"Maryland's not in her room, Admiral! How can you dare say that she's sleeping straight to our faces? That's a bold faced-" Pennsylvania tried.
"She's sleeping. Upstairs." Anya said, correcting herself. "She needs the rest and with how noisy the dorms are going to get in the next thirty minutes with people switching rooms and over Seventy American ship girls in one building, the noise level's going to spike. I wouldn't be able to sleep through that either."
"But Upstairs...that's..." Oklahoma began.
"Mine and the Captain's bedrooms. Between those two choices, it shouldn't be that hard to guess where she's sleeping." She Answered, still looking over the papers on her desk before glancing up at the four. "Look, she needed the rest and my room remains quiet all day besides when I'm up and moving about." She said.
"Sleeping in the Admiral's bed? That's improper-" Nevada tried as well, but Anya shrugged.
"We're just sleeping. Bristol's slept in my bed. Look, she'll be fine. Just let her sleep for right now. Tomorrow, you can check up on her all you want and make sure she's still sane. But right now, she gets sleep. Anyways, I'll be stopping by the dorms in about an hour to check up on everyone. So do remember that." She said. The four only watched her in surprise for a moment before nodding somewhat, Arizona and Oklahoma having to get their older sisters moving. But as they turned and just about to head for the door, Anya spoke once again. "By the way ladies. I don't care if it's in one another, or someone else. Either it be me or the Captain. Or Admiral Ishigara even, but do not keep things holed up within. That's exactly the reason I had one of my battleships reduced to tears. And I don't want to see it again." She said, glancing at the four.
When none of the four nodded at first, Anya sighed. "Do I make myself clear?" She asked.
That got the nods she was looking for as they walked out, the four battleships going. And as such, Anya went back to her work.
It was maybe forty five minutes later after that, the time easing around 9:30, bringing quite the eventful day to an end.
After the four battleships had shown up inquiring to where Maryland was, Anya hadn't found herself faced with any more of her girls coming to her office. She assumed that the four had some hand in that. And she was grateful to a point of that.
Now however found just Anya, Sofia, Nancy, and Daisy inhabiting the office. They'd not said much. Sofia, Daisy, and Nancy seemed to still be reeling at the sight of the battleship crying out for a lost sister.
And Anya seemed more than content to allow them their silence. In her opinion, it had been handled and Maryland was sleeping the rest of the day away. She just wanted this day to end, that much was for sure.
Standing, she stretched a moment before walking out from behind her desk.
"Going to see how everyone's settling in." Anya said simply as she walked out the door, not another word put in.
Walking out of the American HQ and around the building, she walked along the pathway taking her to the American dorm building.
Opening the door, she found a flurry of activity, whether it be girls talking with one another in the hallway or moving stuff from one room to another. A new feature this time however was the sight of girls coming down and going up the stairs to her sides. Trying to stay out of their ways, she decided on the first room to her left, which had since the very start, been home to Arizona.
"Knock knock." Anya hummed, rapping her knuckles against the already open door. Arizona turned to look at the woman, giving her a nod in greeting.
"Admiral." She greeted. Anya nodded as she watched Indiana move a box past her, out of the room, leaving Pennsylvania in the room with her sister.
"So? How's Big sister settling in?" Anya asked, gaze landing on Pennsylvania. The older of the two battleships only offered a brief nod, her eyes narrowed somewhat at the woman.
"The accommodations are suitable enough. And given that Nevada and Indiana's sisters are present on base, their spots opened for myself to finally share a room with my sister." She Answered. Anya nodded at that as she looked to Arizona, who seemed to be happy at the sudden change.
"So I presume that we should probably put a hold on that rooming change?" She asked with a knowing smile. Arizona suddenly looked at the woman with narrowed eyes, prompting Anya to laugh as Pennsylvania narrowed her eyes at her sister.
"Room change?" She asked. Arizona glared at Anya a moment longer before sighing, looking to her sister.
"I had been planning to get a room with Haruna." Arizona said. "But when you showed up, we put that plan on the back burner." She explained. Pennsylvania looked about ready to have a heart attack at that news however, prompting Arizona to worry. But Anya simply laughed as she offered the two a nod in passing as she turned away from the room, going to the one across from them.
At what had once been Enterprise, Langley, and Lexington's domain no longer could be said. Noting the door, Langley's nameplate was still present. But joining her was now Kitty Hawk and Wasp.
The Big carrier, bless her, was already sprawled out on a bed, softly snoring the rest of the day away. Anya smiled somewhat as she lightly knocked on the door, garnering the attention of the other two carriers. Women in question looked up and greeted Anya with a smile.
"Admiral." Langley said In a quiet voice. "I was just helping Wasp here settle in." She offered. Anya nodded at that as she looked to the carrier.
"And how are you Wasp? Finding everything alright?" She asked. Wasp nodded at that as she glanced at the sleeping Kitty Hawk.
"Our country sure learned how to build our carriers Big and strong since my time." She have a quiet laugh. "Kitty's got more energy than I know what to do with. Bless her heart, she was busy trying to help Ark Royal feel at home even though she's no resident to these dorms any longer than Ark is." She Answered. Anya nodded.
"It kind of came as a requirement. After the Second World War, then Came the Cold War. The Russians wanted to flaunt their stuff and we returned the gesture. Kitty Hawk knew a war quieter than the one you knew, but one wrong move resulted in more harrowing consequences than anyone in the Second World War could've imagined." She said. Wasp only nodded somewhat at that as she looked back to the Admiral. At that however, Langley approached the woman before her.
"Admiral, is Maryland Alright? After what we saw..." she trailed off. Anya nodded at that with a hum.
"Maryland's Alright I assure you. She's just sleeping right now." She Answered. Langley only nodded somewhat at that, giving a small smile. Anya returned the gesture as she stepped away from the room, going to the left.
The room seemed to still belong to Saratoga and the three sisters of the Casablanca class. But three escort carriers in question were missing.
Peeking her head in to the room, she found Saratoga seated at their desk, headphones in, as she moused around the screen of a game of World Of Warships. Peering over her shoulder for a moment, the carrier was battling it out in the tier eight Lexington. Watching as a squadron landed back on deck, Saratoga easily hit two more buttons on the key board, keying up two more squadrons.
Taking a moment, she stepped to the side of the carrier next to the desk, letting the woman see her on her own. Eventually, the carrier's eyes wandered to the woman and she pulled an earbud from her ear.
"Yes Admiral?" She asked, eyes going back to her game.
"Might I ask where your roommates are?" She asked. Saratoga in turn pointed a finger at the ceiling.
"They're buzzing around the Fletchers. Well, Kit and Lo are. Bismarck is helping Tirptiz settle Hipper in with Pola." She said, before glancing back at the woman. "Admiral, are you sure you want to let Hipper stay here? I mean, after all...."
Anya shook her head. "She'll be fine. She just needs some time to cool her jets. And if not, that's on her. But she'll be more cautious after today, that I'm sure of." She said. Saratoga only shot the woman smirk as she looked back to her game, scooting back in her chair somewhat as she kept her legs crossed.
"Sure. After you let Maryland loose on her. After we saw what she did to Kentucky." She said with a small amount of amusement. "How is Mary by the way? Haven't seen her come back to the dorms."
"She's alright. Thanks for letting me know about the Casablanca's." She Answered. Saratoga only offered a two finger salute before putting her earbud back in and refocusing in on her game.
Anya was stopped at the doorway as the Gato sisters bolted past the doorway, offering only a small wave to Anya as they whipped by, carrying what looked to be clothing. A second later, Franklin tore down the hall, wrapped in only a towel preserving her dignity. Noting that this had become the new normal for the woman, she didn't bat an eye at it as she walked across the hall.
Seeing that the room had been taken by Mississippi and Idaho, she poked her head into the open door. Noting that most of the doors were open in the hall, she shrugged as she looked about.
The two battleships were already fast asleep, having taken beds on either side of the room. Shrugging at it, she flipped off the light as she closed the door, humming somewhat as she did so.
Stepping to the door to her right, she found that the room still belonged to the Gleaves class.
Poking her head in, she found Bristol playing what looked to be a game of War Thunder. Shrugging, she stepped into the room, prompting Mervine and McCalla to immediately flock to the woman, hugging her legs.
"Admiral! We're still your favorite destroyers, right?!" Mervine asked, peering up at the woman. Anya laughed at that as she placed a hand on the destroyer's head.
"So far. You've not beaten up any of the Japanese ship girls, have you?" She asked. When those listening in shook their heads in acknowledgement, Anya nodded. "Then, yes, you six are still my favorite. Simply because you six seemed to behave better than Hoel. And with eight of her sisters present, that's probably going to increase." She said. "Just wanted to check up on you girls." She said.
The six waved goodbye as Anya turned and went across the hall, finding that Cabot and San Francisco still called this room home. But they'd opened up their home to accommodate Helena now as well.
Poking her head in, she found Frisco explaining how World Of Warships worked to her fellow cruiser as she pointed to various things on screen.
Cabot only offered a nod to the Admiral as she lounged back on her bed, going back to reading Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire. Anya only returned the nod as she approached the two cruisers focused on the computer screen, placing a hand on Frisco to let her know she was there.
Frisco turned and offered a nod.
"Hello Frisco. Hello Helena." Anya offered in greeting.
"Hi Admiral. Have you tried this game?" She asked with a sigh. "This isn't how any of this works. If it were this simple, we would've won the war so much easier." She whined. Frisco only rolled her eyes at that as she pointed to another thing on screen.
"That's because you're not leading your shots properly, Helena. You've got to be accurate." She chided. Helena only rolled her eyes as she fired a full salvo from her South Carolina tier three battleship at the opposing Nassau. When the shots dialed just in over the battleship, Helena huffed as she was bracketed with a near miss in return.
"Some sound advice there Frisco." Helena mumbled. Frisco only laughed as Anya put a hand on the woman's shoulder in support.
"The Wyoming gets better. But that tree doesn't really start getting fun until tier seven." She Answered. "But you didn't hear that from me."
Frisco looked at the woman wide eyed as Helena only shrugged. "I can't say I'm surprised. Do you think I'll get a version of myself in this game?" She asked.
Anya nodded. "When the Japanese Kanmusu were revealed, they all got special accounts or additions to their accounts that included a premium version of their former hull. And they're the only ones with those. So let's say if you find a premium Sendai in a game, you know exactly who's playing." She said. Helena only nodded, seeming somewhat intrigued at this.
"I see." She hummed. Anya only smiled at that.
"Just Seeing How you're settling in. Frisco and Cabot being good roommates?" She asked. Helena nodded at that, which Anya nodded in return.
"Good. You need me, you know where to find me." She Answered before stepping out of the room.
Finding the fourth room on the right still belonging to that of the first three Atlanta sisters and the left door belonging to that of the Gato sisters, she pressed on.
Coming to the fifth set of doors, the one next to the Atlanta's held Reno and Oakland. Since both Atlanta sister's doors were closed and the lights in the room were off based on the fact that there was no light coming under the door, she assumed they were asleep.
Looking to the fifth door on the left, she found Dionysus leaning against the door frame, reading a book. Approaching the repair ship, the woman in question looked up to see Anya. Smiling at her, she closed her book briefly.
"So how have you settled in Dionysus. Haven't really asked you that since you've always been so busy at the docks." She said. Dionysus shrugged.
"Easy enough." She Answered. "Though if a certain Japanese Repair ship would calm down the energy a bit, it'd be a bit easier to get things done in a quicker manner." She Answered.
It was at that moment however that Akashi poked her head out from behind the door, grin adorned as she glanced at Dionysus.
"Don't listen to Dio, Admiral." She said, ignoring the look that she received from the American Repair ship, elbowing her in the side. "She loves having me around. I make everything an adventure." She said with a grin. Anya only nodded.
"I can only assume so. How're you handling all the rearranging Akashi? You're the only Japanese ship girl in these dorms after all." She said. The pink haired ship shrugged at that as she glanced down the hall.
"Just more manuals my crew have to read at the end of the day." She Answered. "Other than that, I haven't really had any problems with any of them. The Fletchers briefly had a conversation with me, but other than that." She said. Anya only nodded.
"Where might Yancey be?" She asked.
"It's her and Mamiya's turn to close down the Cafe today. So that's where they are." She Answered. Anya nodded at that.
"Fair enough." She said, stepping away from the room, arriving at the last two doors. Noting that one still held the Midway sisters, the other still held the North Carolina sisters.
Approaching the battleship's door, it was opened just Anya stood there, revealing one Washington. Blinking, she offered her Admiral a smile. Anya smiled in return as she peered around the battleship, noting that the three beds were still pushed together.
"Tirptiz is still rooming with you two?" Anya asked. Washington nodded.
"She's helping Hipper settle in upstairs, but... she seems angry at her for what she did to you." Washington said, gesturing to the bruise on Anya's neck. The woman nodded in somewhat understanding at that.
"Not that I blame her, but she didn't give any other reason than that?" She asked. Washington shook her head at that.
"Afraid not, Admiral." She Answered. Anya only nodded somewhat at that as she offered a wave in leaving as she made her way towards the stairs of the building, ascending to the second floor.
She realized in some part of her mind that this was the first time she'd been up here since she'd arrived on Base. But that thought was quickly pushed to the side as she pressed herself to the wall as the Gato sisters ran down the stairs, clothing still in hand. And Franklin ran by still wrapped in her towel, chasing after the three subs.
Shaking her head in amusement, she got to the second floor.
Noting the three first doors to her left, she found them taken by the nine Fletcher sisters on base. And given that the first two were closed, she assumed that six of them were asleep. Approaching the first door on her left, she found Hoel putting her stuff away as Johnston and Heermann watched. Sitting next to them was Kitkun Bay and St. Lo. Noticing the Admiral's presence, the two escort carriers immediately launched for the woman, Anya laughed as she slowed them somewhat as they hugged her.
Ruffling their hair, she looked to the three Fletchers, notably Johnston and Heermann.
"Your sisters already asleep?" She asked. When the two nodded in turn, Anya hummed. "Just figured I'd check in and see if you girls are settling in Alright." She said.
Johnston shrugged. "Live on second fighting the Japanese Navy and die at sea. Now, next thing I know, I'm living above a Japanese repair ship as a human. I'm also within walking distance of most of the ships that were there when I went down." She said. "I'm still trying to figure out where Alright sits."
Anya shrugged at that. "It's a fair point I suppose." She said with a hum. "But I ask that you and your sisters don't go starting another fight like you did. We get the Germans in two days and I don't need to worry about you nine causing another fight with the Shiratsuyu sisters." She said.
"No promises Admiral." Johnston said. "But I'll try not to fight with the four of them that were already on Base before we got here." She said.
Anya sighed. But it was a start.
"Alright." She offered in parting as she backed away from the room. The other six Fletchers were asleep. And, looked to be, most of the second floor's occupants.
Across from the Fletchers lead the doors to the Iowa's, Yorktown's, and the Essex class sisters. The fourth door on the left of the hall held the Northampton sisters, their door closed as well. Across from them was the Nevada sisters.
Walking for the fifth pair of doors, she found that the South Dakota's now made this room home. Knocking on the open door to announce her presence, the three battleships turned to find Anya standing there. Indiana only offered a nod as she went back to putting her stuff away. South and Massachusetts however nodded their heads at the woman.
"Admiral." South said in greeting. "Sorry about... not stopping Hipper..." she said, her tone taking one of solace. Anya waved a hand at the apology.
"That's not your fault. You couldn't have known she was going to wait and I'm not gonna have another battleship break down on me today. One is enough, thank you very much." She said. South Dakota only nodded somewhat at that. "So how are you enjoying being human so far. I'm sure Indiana appreciates having her sisters." She said.
Indiana shot the woman a smile in agreement as South Dakota and Massachusetts smiled as well.
"It'd be even better if we could get Alabama here with us." Massachusetts said. Anya nodded at that.
"Unfortunately, that's a little hard for us. We can't just pull her and the other three Iowa sisters over to Japan. They're needed on the East Coast. Even having Missouri relocated to Japan was a stretch. But it's not a matter of whether or not we can do it since we proved it with Missouri. It's just a matter of getting personnel over to them." She said. "Eventually, Alabama will join us here. Just gotta be patient." She said. "But with the limit increase, the pressure to get them here has relaxed a little."
The two new summons nodded somewhat at that, accepting the logic as sound.
"Well, we just got here. So we can be a little patient." South Dakota nodded. Anya offered a smile in response as she turned and went for the door across the hall, finding that the Alaska sisters were calling this room home. And already, it would seem, they'd learned of World Of Warships as Alaska was playing a game as herself, tier nine Large Cruiser Alaska.
"How many kills?" Anya asked, prompting the three to look at her.
"Six. They do me too much justice in this. If I had been half as useful as I am in his..." Alaska offered, eyes going back to the screen. Anya only nodded as she looked over the cruiser's shoulder, watching her brawl it out with an Ibuki.
"Well, hopefully you'll get a chance to prove them right. You ladies settled in Alright. Find everything acceptable?" She asked.
"The future is comfy." Hawaii said in simplicity as she gestured to her Pajama pants. Anya laughed at that as she nodded.
"Admiral... is Maryland going to be alright?" Guam asked from the side, watching the woman carefully, as if she'd asked something forbidden.
Anya watched the cruiser for a moment before nodding. "She'll be alright. She just needs some rest, which she's getting right now, and she'll be fine. Now whether or not she'll be the same, that remains to be seen." She Answered. Guam only nodded somewhat at that as she went back to watching Alaska play her game.
Anya slipped from the room as she went to the sixth room on the right. Finding the door open somewhat, she peeked inside, finding the room to belong to Nagato and Louisiana. Seeing that the two were having a quiet conversation with one another, she voted against interrupting them.
Turning to find the last room, she found Tirptiz and Bismarck Sea just leaving the room. Spotting the Admiral, Tirptiz offered a small wave. But the look on her face said otherwise.
"Admiral... I'm sorry for what Hipper did to you. She... she wasn't acting as a responsible member of our Navy. She.. she shouldn't have laid her hands on you like she did, whether or not she had anger within her. That was not the appropriate response." She said. Anya shrugged.
"I'm not dead so there's no harm done." She said. Tirptiz looked unsure at that, to which Anya shook her head. "Look, we're gonna sweeps this under the rug. Your Admiral arrives in two days. There's no need to make them discipline one of their own ship girls right off the bat." She said. "Now, get to bed. It's lights out in ten minutes." She said. Tirptiz only nodded somewhat as she and Bismarck sea began to make way for the stairs.
Anya only watched the door to Hipper's room a moment before shaking her head, following after Tirptiz and Bismarck Sea.
Anya breathed a sigh as she watched herself in the mirror. Now dressed in a tank top and pajama pants, she titled her head up somewhat as she ran her fingers over her neck, wincing somewhat as she did so.
The day was winding down and all of the girls were very much asleep. Anya was the only person on the American half of Yokosuka that was awake. And she was currently standing amongst her shared bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror.
It was only when the door to her room opened however when her attention was brought from herself. Watching as the one that had come from her room, she waited as the one stopped behind her, standing behind her as she watched her in the mirror.
"Have a good nap?" Anya asked with a smile. The form of Maryland nodded, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
"Mhm.... your bed is a lot more comfortable than mine." She said. Anya only chuckled somewhat at that.
"I assume you're alright with it, but I took the liberty of moving your stuff to my room." She Answered as she turned to look up at the woman. Maryland nodded at that somewhat as she slowly brought her hands to Anya's waist, resting them there as she looked down at the woman. "You feeling better at least?" She asked.
Maryland nodded somewhat. "A bit... it still hurts. But... at least I can't hide it anymore." She said. Anya nodded somewhat as she leaned back against the counter of the bathroom.
The silence overcame them a moment later as the two watched one another. Eventually, Maryland brought her hands up to the woman's neck, carefully holding her as she leaned in, bringing her lips to Anya's.
The two stayed like that for a time, it slowly getting heavier and heavier until Anya slowly pushed Maryland off. "No... not right now... not when you were crying only hours ago..." she said. "We'll get to that at some point, but not.. not right now." She said as she looked up at the battleship.
Maryland looked like she wanted to say something in argument of this, but slowly thought better of it. Anya only smiled softly at this as she clasped her hands with Mary's. "There is one thing we have to discuss though. You disobeyed both mine and Sofia's orders to stop. So... your punishment... is that you get to get up in the morning and run laps with me." She said, looking up at the woman. Maryland only shrugged.
"I figured it would be worse honestly." She said. Anya only shrugged.
"Well, I want someone to run with. Not that your figure needs it, but it would be nice." She said as she poked the battleship in the stomach. Maryland only nodded somewhat.
"Bed then?" She asked.
"Are you even tired? You just took a two hour nap." She Answered. Maryland shrugged.
"I might not be as proficient as sleeping as my younger cousins, I can still sleep when I want." She said, stifling a yawn for effect. Anya nodded at that as she lead the way back into her- their room, flipping the light off of the bathroom.
Easing herself onto bed, Anya claimed the side closest to the bathroom with Mary on her other side. Laying down, she felt Mary climb into bed behind her. And as the battleship wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist, pulling her close, Anya felt more content than she had in a while.
As Maryland buried her nose in Anya's blonde locks, the battleship was asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.
Anya stayed awake a little while longer, listening to the battleship breathe softly. Taking a moment, she leaned up and turned off the lamp next to the bed.
Anya was asleep faster than she thought possible.
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