The Bond Between Sisters
Midway atoll.
Staging area of the battle of Midway, one of the most decisive battles of World War Two. More importantly, it changed the tide of war in the Pacific.
Japanese Forces clashed with U.S. Forces in what the Japanese had depicted as the 'Decisive Battle'. Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu, and Souryuu clashed with the Yorktown sisters in what was a four day battle for the end.
It resulted in an American victory. It resulted in the Imperial Navy losing what grasp it had on the area by loss of its main Carrier based force.
It's the battle she was named after.
It's the battle she immortalized in name.
In name only.
Commissioned by the Navy only eight days after the end of World War Two, Midway had never known heavy naval combat. She had never known the gunslinging involved. She had never known it in its true form.
The Age of Battleships had ended with that battle. It had shown the world that future wars on the water would not be fought primarily with with guns that trumped one another, but instead with planes that laughed at gravity. That laughed at sound.
Midway had never known a time when the ocean wasn't theirs. When it didn't bow to the country of the free. A time when it didn't bow to the red, white, and blue.
She gone to sleep with it that way.
With it under control.
With it at peace.
She had awoken to fire and hell incarnate in its place.
It was one of the few memories that stuck out to her clearly out of the past. More vividly than she liked.
The date of March 1st in the year 2019. It was the day that she had awoken to a different world. A world where the oceans played host to a new kind of player. A new kind of threat.
She remembered when it began. She had been a museum ship since 92. But that one day in March... And everything had changed. When they had awoken her from the slumber she had so long embraced.
The first volley alone had ripped her island from her body. She could feel the steel bend and break as it plummeted over her deck and into the dark waters of San Diego Bay, bringing with it the tourists and caretakers that had been in the Island at the time.
Then came the second. And the third. And the fourth. And fifth. And sixth. And so on and so on. The plummeting fire had ripped into her armored flight deck with little to no trouble, as if they were firing at tissue paper.
The resulting smoke could be seen for miles around.
And with no fuel in her to finish the job for them, they sat there. And sat there. And sat there. They sat there as their guns spoke of fire and hell, taking no time to turn her hull into little more than scrap.
And with no planes of her own, she was forced to take it.
She had died defenseless.
She had died without her crew.
No, she had died with something far worse.
Three hundred and seventy four people had been on board when she had gone down. Three hundred and seventy four men, women, and children had been inside her when her hull was torn apart.
That is how many people she had brought down with her when they were finished with their work.
The number echoed through her mind like a whisper, always at the back of her mind and never letting up.
She could still hear their screams. She could still hear the children crying, calling out for their parents in utter fear. She could remember feeling as each of their lives were snuffed out within her as she was gutted.
She hated it.
She wanted it to go away.
She wanted nothing to do with it.
But it was there. And it wasn't letting go.
She had thought that was the end. She had thought it was over. She had thought that she was done.
But it wasn't. She wasn't.
And her current form was proof enough.
Why had she been called back like this? Why had fate done this to her?
She didn't deserve this. A second chance. It wasn't hers. This gift wasn't mean for her hands.
She had failed. She had let her country down. The people she had sworn to protect were the ones who had lost their lives when she had fallen.
She was supposed to be their shield. She was supposed to be their armor.
She had been neither.
She had been their grave.
And she hated it.
She didn't know why anyone would give her another chance. Another opportunity to be useless again.
She didn't know why anyone would take a chance. It didn't make sense to her. Why would you risk another failure when there were far better choices?
The stoic carrier looked up in surprise, yet her face remained void of emotion, as she laid eyes on the one who had called out to her.
"Hey?" Lexington asked, looking across their shared breakfast table at the girl. "You alright? You looked pretty out of it." The Essex class girl asked, chewing on a piece of bacon as she did so. Midway only blinked in response as another voiced their concern.
"She's not wrong." Saratoga added in agreement. "You look like something's bothering you quite a bit. And if that wasn't a giveaway, you haven't touched a speck of food on the table." She said, swallowing a bite of eggs as she did so. Someone gave Midway a slap on the back in turn, the carrier looking to find the owner of said gesture to be San Francisco.
"You really should eat something. Might make you feel better." The Heavy Cruiser suggested. Midway took a glance at the food before her. Contemplating it. Considering it.
It wasn't for her.
It was for those who were useful.
For those who hadn't failed.
"I do not require food at this time..." Midway finally said, her gaze lingering on the stacks of pancakes and waffles for a split second before she turned her gaze away from the food. The Kanmusu sitting at the same table only stopped eating in turn, their gazes now settling on the stoic carrier.
"Seriously? What's up?" Enterprise asked. "You're freshly summoned. You should be starving." She reasoned. The Yorktown girl's green eyes stared into the Midway's crimson eyes, searching for any sign of.... something. Midway only shook her head.
"I do not require food at this time. Please do not make me repeat myself." Midway responded, her tone and face still lacking any sort of emotion. Enterprise looked surprised for a moment as another spoke.
"Midway, they're just trying to be helpful. You really should eat something. Or at least have a drink. Juice for instance." Chicago suggested in a calm, refined tone. Midway only shook her head in response.
"Midway, just pick something small-"
"Just a-"
"Excuse me."
With that, Midway promptly got up from her seat and began to walk towards the exit of mess hall. Her hands were clasped together in front of her as she went, her gaze never straying from the door.
Her actions in turn caught the attention of the other American Kanmusu. Arching a brow at this, Arizona looked to the table from her own.
"Hey! What'd you guys do to Midway?" The battleship asked in a rather noisy tone. Cabot in turn looked to the battleship.
"We didn't do anything. She wasn't eating, and we suggested that she do. So, she just got up and left!" The light carrier responded, her arms flailing in an exasperated motion. Arizona looked to Enterprise for confirmation, who in turn gave a nod.
"That's basically it. Oh and great." Enterprise sighed. "The captain's coming this way..." The carrier said with a sigh. She was indeed correct as the other girls pivoted their heads to find Captain Algerona coming this way, cup of coffee in her grasp and intrigued expression upon her features.
Hesitating a moment, watching as Midway made her way out of the Mess Hall, the Captain turned her attention back to the table that Midway had been present at moments ago.
The table and the girls who sat around it.
"So.... Anyone wanna let me know what that was about?" The Captain asked, taking a sip of the liquid in her cup. Enterprise gave a resigned shrug, watching the door for a moment. She then shook her head as Lexington looked to the woman.
"We have no idea. She was being all quiet and mysterious, kind of like Kaga is, but about ten times more than that. When we noticed she wasn't eating anything, we spoke up to her, seeing if we could get her to eat something. Well, after a couple of times, she just got up and left." The carrier reported. Sofia looked on in brief thought for a moment before taking another look at the door.
"Nothing other than that?" She asked in confirmation. Enterprise gave a nod.
"Nothing Captain." She confirmed. Sofia fell silent as Chicago looked to San Francisco, looking over the rim of her glasses in an accusatory manner.
"Maybe it was San Francisco that drove her away...." She said, her tone holding a slight amusement to it. Heavy cruiser in question only looked at Chicago in disbelief.
"And how you did you come to that conclusion, Ms. Pissy?" She snarled. Chicago only shrugged the odd nickname away, still watching her fellow cruiser across the table.
"I only base this off of evidence. And being that you slapped her...." Chicago trailed off, feeling more than satisfied as the Captain looked to San Francisco in turn.
"Is this true?" She asked. But before the Heavy Cruiser could defend herself, Lexington spoke up.
"It was a slap on the back if anything. Chicago's just letting her personal vendetta cloud her thought." The carrier mused, ignoring the pointed glare that she received in turn. The Captain gave a nod in turn as she glanced at Chicago for a moment before giving a sigh.
"Alright. Anyways, you all just focus on eating. We'll try to figure out what's going on with Midway at time when people aren't starving...." She suggested. The girls nodded as San Francisco shot a smirk to Chicago, the latter rolling her eyes in response. The Captain gave a huff in response as she turned around, walking back to the table she shared with Ishigara.
"What's going on?" He asked. Sofia gave a shrug in response, her shoulders slumping as she sat down.
"Not a clue. Something's up with Midway. Plus, San Francisco and Chicago are only a few moments away from going for each other's throats." She said with a huff. Ishigara couldn't help but let a small fraction of the grin he was holding back show through, glancing over at the American Kanmusu as he did so.
"So what is your plan then?" He asked. Sofia gave a shrug.
"Leave the girls to their own devices for the day while I keep an eye on Midway, try to get into her mind, see what's keeping her on edge. Although I might have a hint of what that is...." She mused. Ishigara arched a brow at this, looking to the Captain.
"Oh?" He asked. She gave a nod.
"Yeah. And that's all I'll say about the subject." She finalized. Ishigara gave a nod in turn, taking a sip of his tea as he did so.
"And what of the Admiral?" He asked. Sofia shrugged.
"Hopefully she gets some sleep for the next few hours. And if not, I'll let her snap whatever is bothering the heavy cruisers out of them." She answered. Ishigara chuckled as Sofia took a look over the other side of the room. She watched as a few of the Japanese ship girls whispered away furiously, would poke their head up for a second or two, and then back to their whispers.
"They're still trying to figure out where the invasion came from aren't they?" Sofia asked with a chuckle. Ishigara gave a nod, looking over the girls.
"Yeah. First, you set a standard with summoning seven at once. And then you shatter that standard with triple that. Of course they'd be surprised..." He reasoned. Sofia offered a shrug in response as she took another sip of her drink.
"True...." Was all she replied with.
"They're at twenty eight now...." Zuikaku muttered in disbelief as she watched Akagi prepare another shot.
Breakfast was over by now. At least for those of the Japanese. The new faces of the Americans were still well within their meals, having showed no sign of slowing down. But even still, it was a cause for concern. At least for Zuikaku.
The carriers of the Japanese, Houshou included, we're all currently present at the carrier range. Although the they weren't sure or not, they were half expecting their American allies to show up with new carrier girls.
"Yeah, we get it. They have twenty eight. We've been over this. Like... About... Well about twenty eight times to be honest." Jun'you droned out, tossing a dismissive hand gesture in the direction of the fleet carrier. Zuikaku gave a roll of the eyes in response, hands on her hips as she stood there.
"Zuikaku's just worried because if one of E's sisters comes through, she won't have any more time for little old her." Chitose added, light slur evident, from the side with a laugh, sitting next to Jun'you as the two shared a bottle of alcohol.
"You're the last two people I want to hear anything from. The stuff kills you, ya know?" Zuikaku replied, her arms crossed as she looked at the two. Carriers in question only laughed in response, eliciting Shokaku to place a hand on her sister's shoulder.
"Do not let them get to you, Zuikaku-nee. They do not mean any harm by what they say." Shokaku insisted, looking at her sister with a kind smile. Zuikaku only gave a nod in turn, giving her sister a small smile in return, before Jun'you gave a laugh.
"You know what they say~" Jun'you sang in a horribly off key tone. Chitose gave a laugh, the two carriers leaning into eachother as the latter finished.
"Wincest is bestest~!" Chitose continued, somehow in the same horrible sing song tone, causing the two alcoholic carriers to break down into a fit of giggles. Zuikaku gave a roll of the eyes as Chiyoda gave a sigh, getting up from her seat.
"You two, I swear...." She sighed as she retrieved the bottle of liquor from the two. Carriers in question didn't even notice as their giggle fit continued, Jun'you eventually falling over from the actions. Chitose wasn't far behind.
"As much as our American allies may be odd in their ways, at least we haven't met their counterpart of Jun'you and Chitose...." Taihou commented, watching as Jun'you continued to laugh. Other carriers only gave a nod at that.
"Let us not jinx ourselves....." Zuihou reasoned. "There are still many carriers to come from our American allies. Too many chances to tempt fate." She said. Ryuujou gave a nod at that, shooting her hand into the air at that moment.
"Yes! No more drunks.... And no more..." Ryuujou trailed off as she muttered to herself, crossing her arms indignantly as she quickly lost herself within her own conversation.
"No more what, Ryuujou?" Hiryuu asked, looking at the light carrier. Carrier in question only grew more flustered. Eventually, she did speak when she looked at Zuikaku.
"We need more carriers like Zuikaku!" She eventually got out, looking quite flustered as she did so. Carriers in present in turn looked at Zuikaku, trying to figure out what Ryuujou meant. Zuikaku even took a glance down at herself, trying to figure out what exactly the light carrier was referring to.
"What.... I'm not getting...." Zuikaku's trailed off, trying to figure out what the carrier was saying. The further their confusion was growing, the more flustered Ryuujou became.
"Flightdeck....." Ryuujou muttered, causing the carriers to take another glance at Zuikaku. But the confusion was put to the side as Souryuu let out a small laugh, Hiryuu soon joining her in such.
"What? What's so funny?" Shouhou asked, looking at the two. The two carriers in question only gestured to their chests as their laughter continued. Shouhou in turn too another look at Zuikaku and couldn't help the sudden bout of laughter that overtook her.
"Flightdeck...." Shouhou said again as she continued to laugh, trying with all her might to calm down. But it just wasn't happening as she continued to laugh. By this time however, Zuikaku had caught on.
"Hey!" Zuikaku shouted, crossing her arms against her chest as she stared at the four carriers. Three of them only laughed harder while Ryuujou only let out a small giggle in response at the fleet carrier's expense. Zuikaku gave a huff of agitation, glaring at some of the carriers in response. Houshou gave a small smile as she stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on the carrier's shoulder.
"It's alright Zuikaku. You know they don't mean any harm..." Houshou reasoned, trying to keep the carrier under control. Zuikaku only gave a huff in response, a small nod as well. Shokakua gave a small laugh at the situation.
"One thing I will give our American friends credit for is their designation system." Souryuu said after she had calmed down from her bout of laughter. Taihou looked at the carrier in question, confusion apparent on her features.
"Designation system?" She asked. Hiryuu looked at her sister in turn, nodding as well.
"I think I get what you mean. Like how Langley is CV-1. And Enterprise is CV-6. And Lexington is CV-16." She said. Souryuu gave a nod from her seat.
"Exactly. It's kind of like a stomping order. Who's above who I'd think." She explained. Zuihou put a finger to her chin in thought at that, thinking for a moment.
"But is that really a reliable way to go by? I feel like we might step on some toes if we do that...." She reasoned. Souryuu shrugged.
"I'm not saying we use that for everything. Just saying its a reference point. Cause we know Enterprise is basically God. As declared by Zuikaku." The fleet carrier said with a laugh, only laughing harder when Zuikaku shot her a glare.
"I never said that." She snapped.
"But you get those wide eyes every time you look at E. Like, really really really really taken with the girl. I wouldn't be surprised if we woke up on morning, and you had just so happened to have a sleepover at the American dorms." Souryuu said with a laugh. Zuikaku gave a huff.
"It's admiration for her I carry. Not love. Don't confuse the two." She replied. Souryuu rolled her eyes.
"Fine. You're no fun Zuikaku." She huffed. Zuikaku rolled her eyes, watching as Kaga and Akagi prepared to fire two more shots.
"Oh no. Whatever will I do." Zuikaku said with a deadpan tone. Zuikaku and Shokaku then traded off with Akagi and Kaga, preparing their own bows.
As they turned, Akagi looked to Houshou.
"Do we know which, if any, of their carriers came through?" She asked. Houshou shook her head.
"I have not had the chance to speak with Langley-San today. So I have no idea if any came through." She told them. Akagi looked deep in thought for a moment before giving a shrug. She joined Hiryuu and Souryuu in their spot, taking time to prepare a cup of tea for herself. As the three carriers watched Shokaku and Zuikaku prepare to shoot, Kaga stayed within her thoughts.
She stayed in her thoughts directly in front of the open door, thinking nothing of it.
Something she would come to regret in the coming moments.
Soon enough, the air was filled with distant shouts, one of the voices seeming to belong to Enterprise.
"Sounds like they're close...." Taihou mused.
"Slow down!" They heard in the distance. Some of the carrier girls raised brows at this.
"Who're they talking to?" Ryuujou asked to no one in particular. Various of the carrier girls shrugged in response at the question, the answer seemingly unknown to them.
Soon enough, the sound of fast footsteps registered to them. As if someone was running at full force, they kept up their speed. And from the sounds of it, there was more than one person. But, before anyone could question this, chaos ensued.
Before anyone know what was happening, someone had entered the carrier range at an alarmingly high speed.
The first one ran straight into Kaga, mowing the fleet carrier down in an instant as the two went sliding across the floor in a tangled mess of limbs and pain.
The second proceeded to trip, flying across the range as they came in for a landing, Kaga and the first runner breaking their fall.
Then a third ran in and promptly stopped at the door. But upon seeing the mess before her, she gave a wide grin as she ran forward, took a leap, and bellyflopped onto what she assumed was a dog pile.
At this, the other two that had run in before her bursted into giggles, soon enough the third joining them in the laughter.
Besides the laughter the three mystery were giving off, the carrier range sat silent. Zuikaku and Shokaku lowered their bows as they watched. The others that were present sat silent, and a little shocked, as they tried to process what had just happened. Even Kaga, who they had no doubts would be in a mood as of now, seemed to be eerily quiet for what had just happened.
The silence was put to an end when a panting Enterprise appeared in the doorway, gripping the side as she caught her breath. Looking up, her eyes grew wide.
"Oh shit...." Enterprise said, still trying to catch her breath as she jogged over to the pile. "I yelled for you guys to slow down!" She scolded, looking down at the three that were still laying atop Kaga. The three only giggled in response, making no move to get up from their position.
"But slow's no fun E! It's all about speed and danger!" One said before she collapsed into another giggle fit, flopping back onto Kaga. The other two only giggled at this, soon collapsing into their own fits of giggles. Enterprise put a hand to her forehead with a sigh as some of the Japanese carriers neared her.
"Uhhhh.... Enterprise-San? Who are these three? And why are three destroyers in the carrier range?" Shouhou asked, looking down at the three from next to Enterprise. The Yorktown girl gave a sigh.
"They're not destroyers....." She sighed. "This is Saint Lo, Kitkun Bay, and Bismark Sea. They're escort carriers." She explained, causing more than a few of the Japanese carrier's eyes to go wide.
"Seriously?" Zuihou asked. "They look younger than the Akatsuki sisters....." She reasoned.
"And here I thought Ryuujou was small for a carrier...." Hiryuu said with a small grin, causing Ryuujou to pummel on the fleet carrier's side. Fleet carrier in question only laughed as Souryuu looked down at the four.
"Small or not, they ran Kaga's ass over." Souryuu said. The three escort carriers in turn looked down at the girl under them.
"Kaga? Is that the name of our pillow lady?" Kitkun Bay asked, poking the fleet carrier in the cheek. Some of the Japanese carriers only laughed at this as Lexington ran in followed by the others.
"E!? Did you get them to...... Woah..." Lexington said as she laid eyes on the carnage.
"Oh dear....." Langley said, walking up to the mess that was one fleet carrier and three escort carriers.
"Well this is quite the sight...." One of the last two to enter mused, hand on her hip in a broad fashion. Shouhou and Zuihou looked to her in turn.
"And you are?" Shouhou asked, watching the girl curiously. The latter only rolled her eyes as she walked past the two light carriers, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Enterprise.
"No need to be a dick, Saratoga. This is CV-3, Saratoga." She answered, glaring at the girl in turn. Saratoga only gave a small chuckle in response, looking down at the collision before them.
"And I'm Cabot, CVL-28." The light carrier introduced herself. "Don't worry about Saratoga. She's just got a stick too far up her ass." She answered. It was Saratoga's turn to glare, an action that Cabot answered by sticking her tongue out at the girl.
"Is Kaga gonna be alright?" Lexington asked. Some shrugged as Akagi kneeled down near her sister, gently shaking the blue themed girl.
"Kaga-nee....." Akagi said gently. The red themed fleet carrier repeated this action for a time until Kaga's eyes finally flashed open.
"Hell, they knocked her out...." Zuikaku mused from the side. Akagi simply shook her head as she continued to try and fully awaken her sister.
After a moment, Kaga's eyes finally glanced at Akagi. Blinking a few times, she seemed to be realizing where she was. And then she scowled.
Using her hands to push against the ground with all her might, she slowly begin to rise, knocking the escort carriers off of her back as she did so. Eventually standing, she whipped around, taking no time to focus on the three with a pointed glare.
The three escort carriers only giggled in response, Bismarck Sea taking no time of her own to walk up to Kaga and hug her leg with all her might.
"We're sorry pillow lady....." She said as she looked up at the fleet carrier, meeting her gaze. The two carriers faced off in a staring match for a moment before Kaga eventually nodded.
"It is alright....." Kaga said in her usual monotone self, placing a hand on the escort carrier's head. Bismarck Sea only giggled under the contact, causing a few of the Japanese carriers to look on with awe.
"They've tamed Kaga..... I didn't think it was possible...." Chiyoda mused from the side. Kaga in turn glared at the sea plane tender, but she made no action to remove the escort carrier that clung to her leg. Chiyoda only laughed in response.
"I don't mean to cause problems here, but how are they supposed to shoot?" Taihou mused. As if suddenly realizing this themselves, the other carriers looked at the three. Shokaku in turn handed her bow to Kitkun Bay, who was already having troubles with the object.
"We'll have to figure something out. Or maybe request a different way to launch planes...." Enterprise suggested. Some of the other carriers nodded as Zuikaku looked to Saratoga.
"So what's got you in such a bad mood?" She asked. Saratoga rolled her eyes, electing to turn away from the carrier, now facing Enterprise.
"Okay. Met them. I'm gonna go now." She said before promptly walking out of the range. Enterprise gave a heavy sigh as Lexington rolled her eyes in response. Langley only shook her head.
"Ignoring her for the moment, are these five all the carriers that came through in the twenty one?" Souryuu asked. Enterprise shook her head.
"No. We had one other. Her name's Midway." She told them. If she noticed how a few of the carriers suddenly went stiff, she didn't say anything.
"Was she the one we saw walking out of breakfast?" Ryuujou asked. Enterprise gave a nod.
"Something's bothering her for sure... We just don't have any idea of what that is..." Lexington answered. Enterprise gave a nod.
"Whatever it is, it was keeping her from eating...." She explained. A few of the girls thought about it a moment. But Kaga however looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Excuse me." She said, pulling the escort carrier off of her leg. Then, without another word, she walked out of the carrier range.
"What is going on?" Langley asked, watching as Kaga went. Enterprise gave a shrug.
"I blame Lex."
"Do you think they're nice poi?"
"I don't know Yuudachi. How about you go ask them yourself....." Shigure replied, glancing at her sister only for a brief moment before turning her attention back to their previous sight. Yuudachi only gave a huff in response as she did the same.
"I don't think Arizona-senpai would like them if they weren't nice....." Fubuki reasoned, watching around the corner with her five fellow destroyers as they watched the Battleship in question converse with the still mystery women.
After breakfast had drawn to a close, the six destroyers had decided to tail the group, to observe the new guests and what they were up to.
That's what they were currently up to. The six destroyers watching from around a corner as they conversed with eachother, standing in one group near the water.
"I'm not sure... I think she's just glad to have more American battleships on base..." Harusame offered in reply. "I think she could care less if they're nice at the moment.... Hey, Fubuki, why didn't Shirayuki come with us?" The pink haired destroyer asked. Destroyer in question gave a shrug in response as she looked at the girl.
"She said she wasn't sure how she felt about the chances." Fubuki reported. Harusame rose a brow at this as they continued to watch the group.
"I don't blame her...." She said, giving a shake of the head. "Once again, the Americans have turned our base on its head...." She answered. Mutsuki in turn looked to the destroyer.
"You don't like Arizona-San?" She asked. Harusame shook her head.
"No, I don't have a problem with Arizona. And I don't have a problem with the new girls. Not yet anyways...." She answered. Mutsuki only nodded in response as they continued.
"Should we approach them, poi?" Yuudachi asked. Fubuki shrugged.
"Wouldn't that be impolite?" She asked, looking at the blonde destroyer. Yuudachi gave a shrug as Harusame answered.
"As opposed to what we're doing right now?" She asked, looking at the two. The two destroyers in question only traded a shrug in response.
They watched as Arizona conversed with the others, watching as the few shared a few laughs. And from the looks of it, it was at the expense of another. The girl in question seemed to reply something to the few, something that only served to send another bout of laughter among the others.
When the New American ship girls had entered at Breakfast, the destroyers had found themselves astounded at all of the new faces. They had been surprised at the sheer number of all the potential allies that had come through.
But that had all been put aside when Arizona had walked in, followed by what could only be more American battleships. They had found themselves completely shocked.
When they had first met Arizona, they had found themselves nervous and not sure how to react around her. But as time had gone by, as the days had rolled on, the destroyers had grown more used to the American battleship.
It was a normal day occurrence for some of destroyers to spend at least a little time with the Battleship. Despite what had happened in the past, Arizona had greeted them as friends. And they were happy for the chance to return the favor.
But as they watched Arizona converse with the other American battleships, they couldn't help but wonder.
They couldn't help but wonder if it would all come to an end.
After all, Arizona now had more ship girls of her own country. More importantly, she had more battleships of her own country.
But the more they thought about it, the more they turned away from the idea. Although they knew that more American Ship Girls may change things, they also knew Arizona.
They knew she had made a promise.
A promise to them.
A promise they doubted she was planning to break.
But as they watched the group converse, something was clearly wrong.
"Weren't there four earlier?" Kisaragi finally asked, voicing her confusion to the other five present. Destroyers in question brought their focus onto the group of American Battleships once again. And sure enough, Kisaragi's statement proved to be troubling.
There had been in fact four American battleships following Arizona into breakfast. There had been four American battleships eating breakfast with the Pennsylvania class girl. There had been four American battleships following Arizona out of the Mess Hall.
There had been four American battleships when the six destroyers were tailing the five.
But now there were only three American battleships with Arizona.
They had lost one.
"How did we not notice that?!" Harusame asked quietly, craning her neck just a smidge further around the corner of the building, seeing if she could spot the missing battleship. But instead she only let out a small huff when she found no such luck.
How had this happened? It was destroyers that were small and maneuverable. It was destroyers that were easy to lose sight of. It was the destroyers that were supposed to make Battleships nervous.
Not the other way around.
"Where did she go?" Fubuki asked quietly, looking around for the missing member. Yuudachi and Shigure gave shrugs as they did the same, their attention focused on trying to locate the fourth American battleship.
"I don't know, poi... She vanished. It's, like, spooky..." She Yuudachi answered. Some of the destroyers gave a nod.
"Yeah, I know what you mean...." A voice answered. Yuudachi gave a nod to Shigure. But Shigure looked confused.
"I didn't say anything....." She told her sister. Yuudachi's brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before something occurred to her. Her eyes widened as she did so.
And she wasn't the only one. Mutsuki and Kisaragi looked at eachother with an uncertain expression. Fubuki looked completely surprised as Harusame's eyes went wide.
The problem was that there was six of them. Six various Japanese destroyers.
Yet, the voice that had answered Yuudachi was not one of the six. Was not a known one to them.
Slowly and mechanically turning her head, Harusame came face to face with a blue clad woman. One of the Ship Girls that Arizona had both walked in and out of breakfast with. She had her hands on her hips as she gave a wide grin.
"Boo." She said. In doing so, she brought the carefully balanced structure of the destroyers toppling down, some toppling into the view of the other four American Battleships. But luckily, they had not noticed. But luck was not on their side at the moment.
The Navy Blue clad girl that had startled the six took no time in picking up Fubuki and Mutsuki by their waists, clinging them to her side, as she walked on, grin still present on her face. The two destroyers in question merely looked on, still trying to come to terms with what had just happened. Still, they didn't completely notice when the girl drew closer to the other American battleships.
"Hey, Ari!" She called, trying to keep the intoxicating laugh that made itself known at bay. "I found something!" She shouted. Arizona in turn looked away from the four and to the approaching battleship. The four destroyers left behind could only watch as the next moments unfolded.
"Mississippi?" Arizona asked as she neared the battleship. She then realized that the New Mexico class girl was carrying something. Or someones. "Wait? Fubuki? Mutsuki? That you?" She asked, looking down at the two girls within the larger's grasp. The dark headed destroyer in turn raised a hand, as if offering a wave to the American battleship.
"Hai Arizona-Sempai....." Fubuki said as she looked up to the battleship. Arizona gave a short laugh as she looked to the one carrying to two.
"Missy, put them down." She said after a moment. The battleship only nodded as she lowered the two to the ground, allowing them to get their feet back underneath them. After they had done so, Mississippi ruffled Fubuki's hair.
"Sorry about that. Didn't realize you were one of the destroyers Ari was telling us about." She told the girl. Fubuki and Mutsuki looked up in surprise.
"You were talking about us?" Mutsuki asked, her surprise evident on her features. Arizona gave a nod.
"Well yeah. They were asking about how I could get along with you girls so well. So I started talking about you girls, Ise and Mutsu, Myoukou and a few others. So here's my question. Why have you guys been hiding around the corner for so long?" Arizona asked. Fubuki's face suddenly burned with a light blush as Mutsuki suddenly looked away from the Battleship's gaze. Arizona gave a shake of the head as she looked to the building where the other four destroyers were still gazing from afar.
"I know you girls are there!" Arizona yelled, her hands cupped around her mouth. "You can come out!" She said.
After a few moments, Yuudachi suddenly appeared. But the way she had appeared, Arizona guessed that she had been pushed out into the open rather than walked out on her own free will. Arizona guessed that it most likely had been either Harusame's or Shigure's doing. Kisaragi was too kind in spirit to do something against someone's wishes, let alone make them do something.
"Would you lot quit hiding?" Arizona asked. "I thought destroyers were supposed to be fearless!" She yelled. Harusame poked her head around the corner in objection.
"We are!" She said. Arizona simply shook her head.
"Not based on current evidence!" She replied, giving a shake of the head. Harusame replied with a glare, marching right up to the American battleship.
"What evidence!?" She asked, her tone only growing louder with each word. Arizona gave a shrug, her hands up in the air in defeat.
"I forget." She replied. Harusame gave an aggravated sigh. "But." Arizona began. "It's about time you finally walked over here. I was about to drag you all out here myself but Missy beat me to it." She reported. Harusame looked confused at this, her twintails shaking lightly.
"Missy? You have a battleship named the USS Missy?" She asked with an amused grin. Arizona shook her head as Mississippi put a hand on the destroyer's head.
"That's Mississippi to you, ya little punk." She replied, narrowing her eyes at the pink haired destroyer. Harusame only stuck her tongue out in reply.
"Enough with keeping us in the dark, Arizona. Who's who here?" Maryland asked from behind. Arizona gave a nod as the other three destroyers finally reached the group.
"This is Mutsuki and Kisaragi of the Mutsuki class, Fubuki of the Fubuki class, and Shigure, Harusame, and Yuudachi of the Shiratsuyu class. All destroyer types." Arizona introduced the six. Maryland gave a nod as Indiana stepped up to the six, gazing down at the group.
"Woah!" Yuudachi exclaimed. "And I thought Arizona-San was tall, poi!" The destroyer declared. Indiana, however, crinkled her nose in confusion.
"Poi? What's poi?" She asked, looking between Yuudachi and Arizona. The destroyer only grinned in response as Arizona gave a hearty laugh.
"If I knew Indy, you'd be the first to know." She assured the taller girl. Harusame looked up to Arizona in turn.
"They know our names? Don't we got to know theirs?" She asked. Arizona gave a nod in turn.
"Right, sorry. This is Oklahoma of the Nevada class, Mississippi of the New Mexico class, Maryland of the Colorado class, and Indiana of the South Dakota class." Arizona introduced the four. Maryland gave a laugh in response.
"If Oklahoma seems a bit mean, don't mind her. We aren't sure if she really likes anyone to be sure." Maryland offered with a laugh. Oklahoma gave a roll of the eyes, giving a hardy glare to the battleship.
"Because I'm sure you're an expert on that little topic...." Oklahoma mused. Maryland only shrugged, a grin still present on her face. Arizona gave a shake of the head.
"Quiet you two. I'm not sure who would win in a brawl between the two of you...." She answered. Maryland gave a laugh.
"Seriously?" Maryland asked. "I could take her no problem." She mused. Mississippi gave a laugh.
"But Homa's old and stubborn." She answered. Oklahoma in turn gave a glare to the battleship.
"Would you please stop calling me that? It's not even a good nickname!" She reasoned. Mississippi gave a laugh in response, soon joined by Maryland.
"I don't see why. It fits you, odd and short." Maryland mused. Oklahoma at that point had had enough and launched for the younger battleship, which was only brought under control after Indiana wrapped her arms around the flustered battleship. With no hope of removing herself from the larger Battleship's grasp on her own fruition, she simply resorted to a half glare half pout. A gesture that only served to make Maryland laugh harder.
The six destroyers watched in silence. Their own battleships were never this amusing. Sure, each class had their own little interactions between the sisters. The constant banter between Ise and Hyuga. The comfortable silence that settled in between Nagato and Mutsu. The older sister responsibility that Musashi held over Yamato even though history held it as the opposite. The never ending shenanigans that sparked up between the four Kongou sisters.
But for all they were, the various Japanese battleship classes of Yokosuka never sought each other out. They never strayed too far away from their own sisters. They never went and interacted with each other more than necessary, such as being deployed on fleets together. They were never without their sisters too far behind.
But the same could not be said for those of the Americans. The six destroyers present were watching evidence of it. Five different battleships. Five different classes. Yet they showed no indication of it. Maryland and Mississippi teasing Oklahoma showed no sign of hatred or disliking of each other, only a friendly teasing that went on between family. Arizona and Indiana's interventions showed no sign of annoyance with the other three. Instead, they only showed a light worry for a possible altercation.
The destroyers couldn't help but wonder how more of the American battleships would fit into this. They were by far more numerous than their country's own members. And each seemed to be independent from one another, yet not at all.
It was almost like the American battleships saw one another like sisters, class and name be damned, as they interacted with one another.
But as they watched, Fubuki noticed another presence. Turning her gaze lightly, she noticed a lone woman walking along, seemingly oblivious to the happenings that were taking place. Watching her a few moments longer as she went on, Fubuki turned to Arizona.
"Arizona-San? Who's that?" She asked. Arizona in turn looked to where Fubuki was gesturing, and found herself quiet.
"That's Midway." Arizona said, identifying the figure almost immediately. "She's one of our carriers that came through. But something's up with her...." Arizona told her. Fubuki in turn looked to the carrier once again, but found herself surprised when she found that Midway had slipped from her vision, no longer in sight of the dark headed destroyer's gaze. Furrowing her brow in confusion for a moment, she glanced that way again. But she suppressed a giggle when she noticed someone else now watching the group.
"Arizona-San, we're being watched..." Fubuki reported. Arizona in turn, along with just about everyone else present, turned to find a group of four fast battleships watching the gathering. With a slight laugh, Arizona waved them over.
"Bristol! Slow down!" Atlanta called, trying to reach the hyperactive destroyer. Girl in question only sped up, her laughter tearing through the air as she went. The light cruiser gave a sigh as a few laughs sounded from behind her.
"And you've had to take her on all alone?" San Diego asked, a small grin apparent on her features. Atlanta only gave a nod as she watched Bristol lead the pack of now six destroyers, her sisters following the oldest more than willingly as they tore across the base.
"Yeah. Usually Arizona's the one to handle her the best. But with her showing the other battleships around, it's fallen to me. And when I say me, I mean us." Atlanta said with a smile, looking at her two sisters. "I still like the ability of being able to say that now.... Us...." She said. Juneau only nodded in response, placing a hand on her older sister's shoulder.
"Indeed. But what I don't understand is why you're so worried about Bristol and her sisters. They're just running around. Where's the harm in that?" The cruiser asked. Atlanta gave a shake of the head.
"Quick fact about Bristol. When she starts running, she's only gonna come to a stop with one of two ways. The first will be under her own power, meaning she'll slow herself down. The second. The second means some got in the way of her, and she came to a stop that way. That usually involves some unsuspecting ship girl and a crash to the ground." She told them. San Diego gave a laugh at that.
"You sure? That sounds oddly specific and I don't think you give the little twerp enough credit..." The light cruiser reasoned. But as she did so, Ellyson appeared running back to the three cruisers.
"Atlanta!" The destroyer shouted. Atlanta only offered a small laugh at the sight.
"Bristol run into someone again?" She asked.
"A-and Mervine. And M-McCalla. And Fitch. And F-Forrest." Ellyson reported. Atlanta only laughed further.
"Alright. Let's go survey the carnage." She suggested. Ellyson gave a nod as she whipped around and ran the other way while Juneau and San Diego only gave brief laughs.
"Sure enough...." Juneau mused. Atlanta only nodded as the three followed the destroyer's trail.
Soon enough, they rounded the corner and laid eyes on the destruction for themselves.
Standing off to the side, looking on with a slight worried expression was Ellyson. Before her laid her five sisters jumbled up in one big pile of destroyer lolis. Just past the pile stood Sendai and Jintsuu. Sendai looked quite amused at the spectacle as Jintsuu looked worried for whatever poor soul was buried under the impromptu destroyer dog pile. And based on the fact that the third Sendai sister was strangely absent, Atlanta had a good guess as to who was currently buried alive.
"Help me with them, would you?" Atlanta asked, looking back to her sisters. The two gave nods as the three went about helping the destroyers off of their victim. Who, as Atlanta had guessed, was none other than Naka.
"Hey! Naka! You alright down there?" Sendai asked, looking down at her partially trampled sister. Naka responded in a incoherent tongue, to which Sendai simply clicked her tongue. "Looks like she had the Japanese knocked right out of her." She mused, still looking down at her sister. Jintsuu shook her head In response as she kneeled down next to her sister, lightly shaking her head around.
"Naka, you need to get up." Jintsuu reasoned, seeing if her younger sister was alright. Based on the gibberish Naka offered in response, the second oldest guess that she was not just yet.
As she did so, Sendai looked to Atlanta and the destroyers she and her sisters were helping.
"Well, you girls certainly know how to make an entrance." Sendai mused, stepping towards the group of American ship girls. Bristol only offered a small giggle as Atlanta gave a nod.
"Yeah, sorry about that. Keeping Bristol under control is hard enough if not impossible at times. And now that she and Ellyson have more, younger impressionable sisters with them, it's only going to get worse." Atlanta replied. Sendai gave a nod as she looked down to the four new faces, watching her with expressions of uncertainty.
"And their names?" Sendai asked. Atlanta in turn ushered the four mystery destroyers forward.
"Introduce yourselves. She won't bite." She answered. The four took one last glance at Sendai before giving small nods.
The four introduced themselves as Sendai gave a nod in response. She then looked up to the two girls standing closely behind Atlanta. Studying them for a moment, Sendai looked to Atlanta with a small smile.
"I would seem that they are not the only ones who are happy with the recent additions...." Sendai stated, shooting a glance to Atlanta. The light cruiser couldn't help but let the small smile she had been repressing show through.
"Indeed... This is Juneau and San Diego, the second and third of the Atlanta class." Atlanta said as she gestured to the two. Sendai gave a nod as she studied the two for a moment. After a few moments of silence, she turned back to Jintsuu.
"So what's the damage?" Sendai asked, looking down at her sisters. Jintsuu gave a sigh as Naka responded with more gibberish, offering a giggle as well. Sendai rolled her eyes as she looked to Bristol.
"You knocked her out? Can you maybe knock her back in?" She asked. The destroyer gave a vigorous nod as she ran forward, partially pushing Jintsuu out of the way as she sat down on Naka's chest.
"Ms. Naka! You need to get up!" Bristol yelled, the noise seeming to be at an impossibly loud volume. She placed her hands on Naka's cheeks as she pinched and pulled at them. After a moment, Naka seemed to stir slightly, but it seemed impossible to tell with Bristol contorting the light cruiser's face the way she was.
After a few moments, Naka snapped awake.
"I, the fleet idol, am okay....." She said after a moment, her tone somewhere between excited and relieved. Bristol gave a laugh in response as she looked down at the cruiser.
"You're silly, Ms. Naka...." Bristol said with a giggle. Naka only gave a laugh in response, shifting the destroyer girl to a different position as she sat up.
"And you are heavy." Naka replied. Bristol only giggled as the two got up from the ground. Naka dusted herself off as Bristol straightened out her outfit. Taking a slow look at the new girls for a moment, Naka got up off of the ground, Bristol offering what help she could.
"And you three might be.....?" Juneau finally asked, watching the three. Sendai gave a nod.
"I am Sendai, nameship of the Sendai class. These are my sisters Jintsuu and Naka." She introduced. Juneau gave a slow nod as did San Diego. But before either could say anything further, someone called to Atlanta from the side.
"Atlanta-San." A calm voice called. The light cruiser, along with most everyone else, looked to the side to find the person who had called out to the girl. But those not freshly summoned found themselves surprised.
"Kaga?" Atlanta asked in confusion. The fleet carrier approaching her gave a nod as she came to a stop in front of the light cruiser.
"Atlanta-San, do you know Midway-San's whereabouts?" She asked, her tone staying a simple calm one. But something told Atlanta that Kaga would take measures to insure that she received the information she wanted.
"No, I don't Kaga. Haven't seen her since breakfast." Atlanta told the carrier. Kaga watched her a moment.
"Thank you." Kaga said before promptly turning and walking away. But Atlanta and the Sendai sisters watched her go, quite confused.
"What's up with her?" San Diego asked. Atlanta shrugged.
"Couldn't tell you. But I'll say this. If Kaga's looking for Midway on her own terms, then she probably has a good reason....." Atlanta said after a moment. The rest only watched in silence as the fleet carrier walked away.
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