Stirring The Pot
Anya stifled a yawn as she sat at her table that she shared with Ishigara and Sofia as they watched the fleet enjoy dinner for another night. However, this night was somewhat different than the rest.
The presence of Tirptiz, the blonde Battleship sitting with Mississippi and Musashi certainly reinforced that fact. And Stras sitting with Nagato and Hyuga only still kept it in the foresight.
But aside from the apparent random visitor's to base, or the luck of the draw that had transpired during the last summoning, things certainly still had a way of going off the rails.
Anya eventually let the yawn overcome her, covering her mouth with a hand as she let her dinner settle within her, her other hand planted firmly on her cup of tea. Looking to the woman, Sofia arched a brow.
"Someone's tired...." The Captain said. Anya nodded, taking a sip as her yawn calmed down.
"Yeah. I didn't manage my time with the Gato sisters effectively between awake and asleep. I need to get that fixed before I even think of teaching the carriers the basics of rifling." She said. Sofia nodded as Ishigara looked to the Admiral.
"But what about Berlin and Paris? Should they not be made aware of what has transpired here?" He asked. Anya nodded at that as she sighed.
"Yes, they should. We'll have to get in touch with someone from their navies. But I'm not exactly sure how to do that. For right now though, we need to figure out where those two will be sleeping tonight. Because for the most part, I don't want them anywhere near each other tonight." She said, staring at her tea as she rested her head in a hand. Sofia nodded as she looked to Ishigara.
"Your dorms wouldn't possibly have the space to house one of them?" Sofia asked. Ishigara nodded.
"We can handle as such if that's what she wants. Yamakaze will need a room as well, and basing this off on how well they got along today, I do not see issue with allowing the two to room together if they so wish. But that still presents the question of where Tirptiz will sleep." He replied. Anya nodded.
"She can have a room to herself or she can room with some of our girls if she wants. I know North and Wash have space for one more. But we'll have to see what they want to do." She said. Ishigara nodded as he watched the fleet for a moment before looking back to Anya.
"So what about the rest of the girls? Such as Hoel and Yancey?" He asked. Anya shrugged.
"It's not hard for me to imagine Lo and Kit talking Saratoga into letting Hoel sleep in their room as well. Yancey may have to pick a new room, but I'm willing to be Dionysus will join her in there." She said. Ishigara nodded as Sofia looked over the fleet another time before looking to the two Admirals.
"We need better organization of the fleet. As it stands right now, we have no way to identify them besides names. We need more than that." She said. Anya arched a brow.
"You mean like sorting them into divisions and the like?" She asked. Sofia nodded.
"We would be better able to deploy the girl's more effectively with smaller numbers. We would've been screwed had another assignment come up while the other sorties were going on." She said. Anya pursed her lips.
"I think that has more to do with the fact that six of the girls we had on hand didn't have their riggings." She said. Sofia shrugged.
"And they still don't have them."
"They do." Anya answered. "They were transported aboard the Missouri. That and extra clothes for the six. But I'm going to have to let Hayfield know about our new three and let him know the total situation here. Maybe we can get a German team put together and have them start some designs before their girls start showing up in force around the New Year." She said. Sofia nodded.
"And the French need to be considering plans as well. With Strasbourg, maybe they need to look at an earlier arrival. Maybe even before the British." She said. Ishigara nodded.
"Assuming the Gateway plays nice and doesn't do something like this again. I pale to think how Russia will react if one of their ships were to come through in the presence of someone that's not Russian command." He said. Anya nodded, sighing somewhat at that as she took another sip.
"When did everything decide it was going to go crazy? At least the Gateway had a sense of predictability, not stirring up potential political firestorms." She sighed. Her table mates only chuckled at that as Anya looked over the fleet once again.
Deciding that she could leave the girls to their food without incident, Anya stood, sipping away the last of her tea before looking to Sofia and Ishigara.
"I need to get back to work. Lost of stuff to do and I need to figure out someway to get meetings set up." She said. Sofia nodded.
"I'd ask Hayfield. He's probably going to be your best bet. Also, the new girl's sizes are on your desk. That includes Stras and Tirptiz." She said. Anya nodded at that as she turned and began to make way for the exit of the Mess hall, stepping out into the cool air of November.
She had to remember, Thanksgiving was coming up. Since most of the fleet had been missing during the actual date of the holiday, it had been decided that it would simply be postponed until the last day of November. So there was that heading their way as well. For the moment however, Anya needed to focus. There was much to do at the moment and the first objective was checking in on her Sub force.
Making her destination the docks, she focused solely on that and habitants of the docks. Which at moment, should number in at a total of five. Three subs and two repair ships. Hopefully, the two would be making some progress with their patients. At least, that was want Anya hoped. But who knows how bad the damage actually extended with those two.
Soon enough, the Admiral was entering the the dock's changing room. Seeing no one occupying the changing room, she assumed that the five were still within the docks themselves, figuring repairs were still underway. But when she walked in, she found herself somewhat surprised.
The first thing her sight settled on was the view of Akashi standing about within the main bath. Floating near her was the form of Pargo, floating around on her back as she looked up at the repair ship. Staying quiet, she listened to their conversation.
"Are you going to try this again now in a serious way? I need to know that your legs were repaired properly." Akashi huffed. "And you continually trying to dive is not helping anything." She said.
But Anya was surprised, and found herself somewhat relived that the two repair ships had come through. Because she could see from her spot Pargo's newly repaired and rebuilt legs. They slowly splashed along in the water as Pargo floated in a circle around Akashi.
"They work fine, Kashi. See, I can even move them again." The Sub said. And for added effect, she splashed them in the water. Akashi sighed at this as she glared down at her patient.
Down the bath, Snook was being far more reasonable. Hand in hand with Dionysus, she followed the repair ship along, Dinonysus walking backwards as her fairies watched Snook with alert attention, watching for any sign that the repairs had been conducted wrong. But as the American repair ship continued to lead her charge through the water, the fairies seemed rather pleased with how things had gone.
Anya only watched a little while longer before making herself known, clearing her throat as she stepped forwards. This in turn caused the four present to look up at the woman in surprise as they looked at the Admiral. All the way before Pargo and Snook gave waves to Anya, looking rather excited.
"Admiral!" Pargo yelled excitedly. Anya only chuckled as she neared the dockside, crouching down as The two subs neared the same edge as well.
"Well, I can see that Akashi and Dionysus certainly work fast..." she chuckled, looking up to the two repair ships. Akashi shrugged.
"I mean.... it's normal time for a ship repair... I'd say this is about average..." she said.
"As opposed to a normal human." Anya replied. "If I were to lose a leg, it'd be months of rehab and possibly even more to try and find a solution such as a prosthetic. I might have fast track because of military position, but even then..." she trailed off, having put her point forward. Dionysus nodded.
"You right, you right." She said, nodding her head. Akashi nodded as she looked at the Admiral.
"You make an excellent point, but do we know if our fairies would excel at increasing recovery speed for a normal human? Ship girls and Human's register rather closely on the anatomy side of things." She said, crossing her arms. Anya shrugged.
"Perhaps. But you two are the first ones with fairies that might be able to pull it off. If I ever lose my arm, I'll give the two of you a call." She chuckled. The two repair ships only rolled their eyes, but still held amused feelings about them. Pargo rolled her eyes.
"Sure. And I'll be sure to dye my hair red and stab Sofia in front of you before I cut it off." She chuckled. Snook broke out into laughter as Anya rolled her eyes as Akashi looked to Anya.
"How are Stras and Tirptiz adjusting? Are they doing alright?" She asked. Anya looked surprised somewhat before nodding.
"Yes. Strasbourg's taken a liking to Yamakaze and Tirptiz has found a friend in Bismarck Sea. But I find myself somewhat surprised that you show so much concern especially since you've not been on base for more than a day." She said. Akashi and Dinonysus nodded as the repair ships chuckled.
"Well, as we've seen." Akashi began. "This is not simply the Pacific Fleet or the Combined fleet. This is an allied fleet. And even though I'm Japanese and Dio is American, we have to be prepared for the day when the next one that needs our help is Tirptiz or Strasbourg. Hell, the only reason I was able to help repair Pargo and Snook is because Dionysus's fairies worked with mine to translate the manuals." She reasoned. Anya nodded at that.
"Well... good on the two of you for electing to look at this whole situation with a good eye. My job will be making sure Strasbourg is ok with her place before the new year's when the Germans finally send an Admiral." She said. Akashi only chuckled.
"Strasbourg seems tough. I'm pretty sure she could take them in a knockdown dragout fight." She said. Anya shrugged.
"As much as she may be able to, I would rather prefer we stick away from that. Speaking of which, do the two of you have any idea where you'd like to sleep tonight?" She asked. Akashi arched a brow.
"We're getting a choice?" She asked. Anya shrugged.
"Everyone has a choice. It's just that those who come through have so far elected to share buildings with those of their own country." She replied. Dionysus nodded.
"And what are our choices?" She asked. Anya nodded.
"American Dorm Building, where rooms to yourselves will be easy to find. But a roommate maybe not so much. As for the Japanese, it's pretty much he opposite. Plenty of people to share a room with. But not too many rooms by yourself." She replied. Akashi nodded as the two repair ships seemed to consider the question.
"We'll let you know when we make a decision Admiral." Dionysus said. Anya nodded in response.
"Fair enough. If the two of you need me, I'll be in my office. I need to let Hayfield know what's going on and see if he can set up a call with the Heads of the French and German. They need to know they've got representation on base. After all of this is handled, then we can start looking to the Missouri for the next step." She said before starting to walk out of the Docks. She heard the four say goodbye before looking back to their own problems, leaving Anya to go as she wished.
Walking out of the Docks, Anya began to head for the HQ building, not expecting to run into anyone else. Everyone was at dinner and those that weren't were at the Docks. So unless there was a 105th Ship girl running around that she wasn't aware of, she was going to make it to the HQ without issue.
And that she did.
Opening the door, she stepped in as she rubbed her stomach, feeling royally stuffed from dinner. But, it wasn't exactly a bad thing. Liz's staff knew how to cook and they provided so much variety that if one got sick from eating to much, they had no one to blame but them self.
Chuckling, she walked into the office, closing the door behind her. Flipping on the light as she went, she made way for her desk. But, before sitting down, she went to the side of the back window of the office, flipping another switch.
This in turn lit up the sides of the various pathways of the courtyard, so that when the girl's came back from dinner, they could see where they were going. Especially Tirptiz, as it would be her first time visiting the dorms.
Deciding that had been handled, Anya turned back to her desk. Contact Hayfield, that was her next step. That would be the next thing she decided as she sat down, stretching for a moment.
Certainly not jumping slightly as the notification noise for an incoming video call sounding off twice. Definitely not staring blankly as she realized who was trying to call. Most assuredly not hitting the answer button faster than she could possibly process, the video screen popping up as it split down the middle. And as they finally connected, on the right sat a man. And on the left, a woman. The two watching Anya with stern stares, as if they were preparing to criticize every choice made since she had gotten out of the academy.
That had lasted all the way until the woman on the left broke out into a wide grin, her green eyes watching Anya with an overpowering sense of pride. Anya couldn't help but return the gesture, brushing some of her hair out of the way as she looked at the woman.
"General." Anya spoke with a faltering sense of professionalism. The woman only chuckled, her own grating blonde hair present.
"Admiral." Came the response, the voice speaking being one that has long held the ability to calm any fear Anya had encountered. To provide a quiet place for the woman. Ever since Anya had opened her eyes for the first all those years ago.
"Hi mom." Anya finally spoke again, breaking all sense of professionalism before looking to the man that sat on the right side of the screen. "Hi dad." She followed up. The two only chuckled as they smiled back at their youngest daughter.
"Hi Anya." Her mother, Nancy finally replied. Her father, Fredrick, only chuckled as the two parents focused in on their daughter, her mother continuing where she had paused. "It's been some time since we've been able to have words with you. And if you're siblings are correct, sounds to me like you're getting down to work over there in Japan." She said. "Of course, that's all they could really give me since they don't exactly have the clearance to know much more than that." Nancy answered. Anya only chuckled as she nodded somewhat at that.
"Well, they're not wrong. Things never seem to slow down and recently, they only seem to be speeding up, especially with all the girls finally getting back today after getting the Missouri across the Pacific in one piece. This is the only time I've had a chance to sit down in the last couple of days and it's mostly do to the fact that the girls are still eating. I however, am stuffed..." she said. Nancy nodded.
"Big dinner then I assume?" She asked. Anya nodded.
"The girl's are still eating but their appetite laughs at mine." She replied. "So I figured I'd come back to my office and try to get some work done. Why did the two of you call though?" She asked, looking between her parents. Her father nodded.
"We've not talked to you since you left for Japan. We decided that we needed to check in for ourselves and not take word of mouth from your siblings. So, how was your Thanksgiving?" He asked. Anya shook her head.
"Haven't had it yet. With the crossing of the Pacific for the Missouri and her required escorts who just got back today, we decided to hold off until the last day in November. That way, everyone would be able to be there and it'd be a day to relax, no training, no anything." She said. "Most of them seem eager to have a thanksgiving as a human for once. And I'm happy to help." She said. Her parents nodded at that in understanding. "So how was your thanksgiving?" She asked. Nancy chuckled.
"It was nice enough. Had the family there. Although, your cousins were quite upset that their cousin the Admiral was not present. They were quite looking forward to hearing your stories." She said. Anya chuckled.
"I hope they knew that I'm sorry for missing, but there was no way I could leave.... how much do the two of you know who's on this base?" She asked. The two Generals nodded.
"A fair amount." Fredrick answered. "We've talked with Hayfield about how you've been doing and from the way he talks about it, you would think he's your parent as well. But, yes, I believe we have fully updated lists. The last to come through were four cruisers and two battleships?" He stated. Anya nodded.
"Yep, you guys know alright." She said as she looked to her mother. "You know Grandpa's ship is here, right?" She asked. Nancy nodded.
"Mhm. Maryland. How is she? What's she like? Does she know that you're related to her crew?" She asked. Anya chuckled somewhat.
"Yeah... Maryland's one of my more... exuberant ship girls... yeah, that's putting it mildly..." she chuckled. "But she does know. Upon hearing Grandpa's name, she knew immediately who I was." She answered. "Speaking of Hayfield, I need to call him though. We got new summons today that he needs to know about immediately." She said. Nancy nodded.
"Give me a moment." She said before looking somewhere else on her screen. A few moments later, the screen that was split between her mother and father split again, shrinking their windows as they were moved to the bottom. Above them, a third screen appeared, admitting one Admiral Hayfield to the conversation.
"Admiral. General. General." He greeted, adding in a slow nod. The three members of the Johnson family only nodded in response as Hayfield focused his attention in on Anya. "I'm guessing that there's new summons on base?" He asked. Anya nodded.
"Yes, you could say that. But for a moment, we're going to put a pin in that and I'm going to ask you a question Admiral." She replied, looking to the fleet Admiral. Hayfield nodded in response, looking to her for her to continue her statement.
"How well acquainted are you with those in charge of the German and French Navies?" She asked, looking stern as she asked the question. Hayfield arched a brow, turning to face her on exactly as her parents only watched the ensuing conversation.
"That's a question that you're looking for a specific answer. But to answer it, yes, I believe myself to be on good terms with the both of them. At least in a professional sense. Why do you ask, Johnson?" He replied. Anya sighed.
"Because i'm sending you a full updated list, new summons on the top. Take a look at the names there and see if any stick out to you." She said as she shot the Admiral a copy of the list, watching his face for a reaction. After a moment, she got what she was looking for.
"Tirptiz and Strasbourg?" He asked, somewhat disbelieving as he looked at the Admiral. "And you're sure?" He asked. Anya nodded as she did so.
"Yeah, its them. They were at each other's throats when they came through and they still want no part of one another. They're not even sleeping next to one another. Stras is sleeping at the Japanese dorms and Tirptiz is sleeping with our girls. They're certainly got a grudge and I'd like to put a cap on it before things stir up between our girls and the Japanese again. Or it carries down the line to when the Germans arrive in force. I don't want to risk it." She said. Hayfield nodded at that.
"Well, in that case, expect word tomorrow. If you're this sure about this, I'll get them to listen. Especially if there's Ship Girls involved. Don't be surprised if they want them to come home though. I'm not sure how they'll react." He replied. Anya nodded.
"All I need is a chance to talk with them. I want to get this out of the way before we start poking around the Missouri." She answered. Hayfield nodded.
"Well, I was planning to talk to you more, but I'm going to focus on this. Let me know how the Missouri situation ends up and we'll talk more." He said before his screen went dark. Anya only sighed as she looked to her parents before smiling and continuing their previous conversation, the parents learning more of their daughter's experiences and her subordinates.
The Abyssal queen of the Southern ocean sighed as she walked along the dark halls of her base. The supposed battle against the weapons had revealed many potential answered as and problems, but had done nothing to cut down the weapons's own numbers and forces. As she did so, her five Empress's were following along, like ducklings following their mother.
Somov groaned as she followed her Queen, listening quietly as the other four talked amongst themselves in a quiet but excited fashion. "Stupid Arctic. Stupid traitors. Stupid weapons." She grumbled to herself, crossing her arms as she did so. Southern chuckled as she looked to the Empress.
"The weapons of the humans certainly don't belong to Arctic and her forces. But for being an enemy of the Humans, they seem to be able to hold their fire enough for they to make use of one another. Much more efficiently than I figured possible." She sighed. Somov only grumbled to herself.
"They still deserve to sink... just like the first two..." Somov declared. Southern only giggled somewhat, covering her mouth with a hand in amused fashion as Riiser piped up.
"So... Southern? Where are we going? You have yet to tell us?" She said, tilting her head as she looked up at the black haired Abyssal Queen. Southern nodded.
"We must discover whether or not there's another traitor hiding amongst the ranks of the Empress's. And although I know you girls would never do anything like it, I have to keep up appearances with the other Queens. After what we learned of Arctic's capabilities and how closely she is willing to work with the Human's, we need some sort of unity among us. And Atlantic's already more than cross enough since she learned of what happened to Caribbean. I don't need her suspecting us of Foul play." She sighed. Haakon nodded.
"Yeah... we should probably avoid pissing off Atlantic and Indian...." she agreed. Southern nodded.
"They're considered our Heavy hitters for a reason. We didn't trust the destruction of New York to Atlantic alone under false hopes. There is much that can be screwed up or altered because one of them becomes unreasonably angry." She said. Mawson nodded as she looked to her Queen.
"Yes..... so when are they getting here?" She asked. Southern nodded.
"They all should be arriving soon. I'm hoping Pacific is the first though... she's going to be the most reasonable.. getting her girls settled in should be easier.." she said. Mawson giggled excitedly.
"Oh! Yay! Yay!" She exclaimed. "Her Empress's are really cute!" She said. Southern only chuckled at her Empress's amusement at the idea.
"I don't know if they'd appreciate it. Bering and Philippine try their best, but are often met with failure. Don't know if calling them cute will help their confidence." She said. Somov nodded as she lightly backhanded the Empress in response.
"Yeah, Mawson! They like it pushy! They like being bossed around!" She said in a care free manner. Southern watched in somewhat annoyance.
"If you make Mawson cry, Somov, there will be consequences." Southern said, leaving the threat hanging in the air as she lead the group through another door and down another hall. Somov only nodded as she continued to walk on, staring down at her feet now as she did so.
Southern only chuckled as she continued to lead the way, making sure she still had all five behind her. Even though the Empress's weren't even close to being considered children physically or mentally, they could still be a handful. It helped the fact that all of them were at least thirty years old, having been brought under the command of Southern.
"My Queen. Pacific and her Empress's have arrived." She informed the Queen. Southern nodded for the Princess to lead the way. Lazarev stayed quiet, feeling defeated along with Riiser, Haakon, and Mawson. Somov only groaned at the interruption, loudly as she threw her hands up into the air following after the noise.
Southern only followed Harbor instead of responding, soon being able to hear Pacific's voice, presumably talking with one of her Empress's.
Bering sighed, tapping her finger impatiently against her arm as she had them crossed. "Where is she?" She huffed, demanding an answer. Pacific chuckled somewhat.
"What? One bout with Laptev and you're ready to take on the world?" She asked, a brow arched in amusement. "What happened to the old timid Bering?" She asked.
"I'm just tired and done with this. We need to find Arctic and slaughter her little band of rebels. Then we can try to undo the damage she's caused." She sighed. Pacific chuckled.
"If only finding Arctic were that easy..." she chuckled as she looked back at her Empress. Bering rolled her eyes as she looked to Philippine who was in the middle of teasing her.
"Har, har, har. You're just mad that your ass got kicked when you wanted it slapped instead." She said as she looked at the Queen. Pacific arched a brow.
"And how exactly would you know what I like and don't like?" She asked. "Technically, you shouldn't even be talking to me like this. That tone of voice would get most Abyssals killed." She said. Bering only shrugged as Philippine went stiff.
"Please forgive her my Queen.... I was teasing her earlier and it must've gone to far...." she said. Pacific only nodded as she ruffled the empress's hair in a friendly manner.
"Nothing's going to happen to you for just having a little fun. I'm not going to be like Atlantic or Indian." She said. Philippine giggled in response.
"Thank you my queen..... you know I love head pats..." she said. Pacific only nodded as she looked at her Empress.
"I am more than aware." She said as Celebes approached her Queen, looking up at her in a hopeful manner.
"May... may I have a headpat as well?" She asked. Pacific only chuckled, nodding as she returned the Empress's wish, ruffling her hair for good measure as well. Koro and Shantar only pouted at this as they looked to their queen.
"Us too!" Shantar cried. Pacific only chuckled somewhat as she kept Celebes's headpats going while also adding Koro to the group, now having to use both hands, one with their own Empress.
Shantar pouted hard at this however, looking up at her Queen. "But I want headpats too!" She demanded.
Pacific scowled at the Empress. "Everyone will get headpats." She said as she continued with Koro's and Celebes's actions. "But you have to be patient." She said. Shantar pouted.
"Nnnnn.... but I don't like not being near my queen." She pouted as she looked down at her feet. Pacific rolled her eyes.
"You're like a foot a half away from me." She said as she looked to the Empress. "How is that far away?" She asked. Shantar only looked to Pacific.
"I just like cuddling with my Queen though...." she said. Pacific nodded.
"I'm aware. But you have to be patient. There's one of me and five of you." She said a she looked to Shantar. Before the Empress responded, she looked passed Pacific, spotting Southern and her forces.
"My queen." She said as she gestured to the approaching group. Arching a brow, Pacific looked to the Queen.
"Southern." She said as she halted the ongoing headpats but kept her hands on Koro's and Celebes's heads. "How've you been since the battle?" She asked as she looked to the woman.
Southern only shrugged as she looked to the Queen. "Most of our losses have been replaced and refrained. But our Air Defense Hime remains rather frazzled about the whole ordeal." She said. Pacific sighed.
"So I figured. Our Hime's aren't much better. I've been having to keep an eye on them. Anyways, where will we be going?"
She asked. Southern nodded as she gestured for the group to follow along.
"It's still taking some time to set up so we'll have to put everyone in the waiting room for the moment. Plenty of stuff to do though. Enough seats for everyone." She said.
Pacific nodded as she continued to follow the Queen and her empress's through the halls of their base. As she did so, Southern looked to Pacific with a smile.
"You know, I'd love to catch up some time. Just you, me... and some wine...." she chuckled. Pacific only shook her head in somewhat amusement.
"As tempting as that sounds, the two bruisers we call loved ones would not take so kindly to that. You know how Atlantic can be and I know Indian can be touchy at times...." she said. Southern chuckled.
"Perhaps we will have some time to spend with one another while the Empress's are being tested." She said as she lead the group into the waiting room. Pacific shrugged.
"Perhaps I can make some time if my schedule lines up.... I do question what wine you're considering however..." she said. Southern nodded.
"I was perhaps thinking some nice reds..." she said.
Pacific chuckled as she watched her Empress's dogpile Southern's, the ten creating one big pile as Pacific took a seat next to Southern. "I prefer a white.... it's far easier to tolerate..." she said, looking to the Queen. Crossing her legs, she looked to the native Queen. "So... why are they here? Really?" She asked. Southern arched a brow.
"Who? The Empress's?" She asked as she watched the ten snuggle to one another in the big pile they had formed. Pacific nodded.
"Look, I understand you need the testing done, but why now of all times? Most of my girls still haven't healed and I have only a portion of my forces ready for any sort of combat capacity. And even then, it's highly restrictive roles. There's no way I can field another strike like I did at the moment." She informed her.
Southern nodded. "I know. But we must discover any other leaks among our forces. If the corruption of Arctic does indeed have more members among our ranks, we must make sure that none of those are coming from our inner circles." She said. Pacific nodded.
"Indeed. Well, if you'll be ok here for the time being, I'll go wait for Indian and Atlantic. I trust my Empress's are in good hands?" She asked. Southern nodded.
"Only the best for them." She answered. Pacific nodded.
Taking one last glance, she pulled a book from her space, and picked up where she left off, the section being labeled the Last Battleship.
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