Sorting The Fleet
A/N: Life has been busy. I'm sorry for the wait and lack of substance of this chapter, but I've been all kinds of busy lately and haven't had much time for writing, between family and work.
I'm sorry to those of you who like this story and want more. I try, I really do, but sometimes it just gets away from me.
"So.... we've got everything figured out?" Sofia asked. Anya nodded as she looked between herself, Sofia, Ishigara, and her brothers who had been invited to sit in on the meeting since their arriving a few hours ago.
"Yes.. I believe so. The divisions and other forces have been decided." Anya said. Ishigara nodded.
"Then let's see what we have. The battleship's first." He said, looking to the woman. Anya nodded as she looked over the list.
Battleship Division One: Arizona, Tirptiz, Strasbourg, and Nagato.
Division two is North Carolina, Washington, and Mutsu.
Division three is Ise, Oklahoma, and Indiana.
Division four will be Maryland, Mississippi, and Hyuga.
Division five will be Kongou, Haruna, and Yamato.
Division six will be Hiei, Kirishima, and Musashi.
"So... the battleship's have been decided..." Anya agreed. Ishigara nodded.
"Each of the new girls has been paired with at least one experienced one." The man said. Sofia nodded at that as Danny spoke up.
"Ugh... I thought Missouri and her sisters were on base too." He answered as he looked to the three. Anya nodded.
"They are and they've got their own special assignment. Trust me, it'll make sense." She told her brother as she looked back down to the groupings. "Onto the carriers."
Carrier Division One will be Kaga, Zuihou, and Cabot.
Division Two will be Enterprise, Shouhou, and Taihou.
Division Three will be Zuikaku, Jun'you, and Ryuujou.
Division Four will be Lexington, Chitose, and Chiyoda.
Division Five will be F.D.R, Houshou, and Langley.
"I'm not up to date on the carriers present either but it sounds like there's members missing from those lists too." Danny said. "I'm sure Akagi is on base and there's a whole class of carrier missing from that list." Hank said. Anya nodded as she looked to her brother.
"And there are members being left out from this. And that will be explained, I assure you. But stay quiet until I get through these." She said. Her two brothers nodded, Sofia chuckling at them, as they let their older sister continue.
Looking back to the lists, she moved onto the Cruiser divisions.
Cruiser Division One will be Atago, Oakland, and Reno.
Division Two will be Takao, Pensacola, and Salt Lake City.
Division Three will be Myokou, Nachi, and Ashigara.
Division Four will be Chicago, Haguro, and Sendai.
Division Five will be San Francisco, Naka, and Jintsuu.
Division Six will be Yuubari, Kitakami, and Ooi.
"And we're sure putting Kitakami and Ooi within the same division is a good idea?" Sofia asked. Ishigara nodded at that question, sensing the concern.
"Despite Ooi's.... focus on her sister Ship, those two work better with no one else besides one another. I've tested and tried to get them to work as well as they do with other girls. But they don't. If you want Kitakami or Ooi to work well, then they need the other." He explained. Anya nodded.
"And putting Yuubari in charge?" She asked.
"She's the only cruiser either one of them will listen to because of the fact that she has control of whether or not their guns work properly." He answered. Anya nodded at that as Yuubari's answer to controlling the sisters came to one word.
"Well, if you're sure, we'll move onto the destroyers." Anya said as she looked to the list once again and the newly formed groupings.
Destroyer Division One will be Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Hatsuharu, and Amatsukaze.
Division Two will be Fubuki, Shirayuki, Murakumo, and Shimakaze.
Division Three will be Bristol, Ellyson, Mervine, McCalla, Forrest, Fitch, and Tatsuta.
Division Six will be Akatsuki, Hibiki, Inazuma, Ikazuchi, Hoel, and Tenryuu.
"Okay? So why have light cruisers in Destroyer divisions? Why not chuck them into other cruiser divisions?" Danny asked. Anya nodded at that as she took a glance over the list before looking to her sibling.
"If you knew ten out of eleven of those destroyers, trust me, you'd understand. We're not chucking Tenryuu and Tatsuta in for no reason. They're present in those groups for good reason and precaution. And when dealing with the Abyssals, precaution is something you can never have enough of." Anya said. Danny nodded in somewhat of an understanding as Anya looked back to the list once again, this time focusing on the Submarine groups.
Submarine WolfPack One will be Harder and Hachi.
Submarine WolfPack Two will be Iku and Pargo.
Submarine WolfPack Three will be Snook and Shioi.
Submarine WolfPack Four will be Imuya and Goya.
"And the point of keeping those confined to two girls and not three? You could have three squads with one left over." Danny said. Anya nodded.
"This has more to do with our next members of the base. January 6th, we will there on have an Admiral from Germany present. And tell me something, what was the German navy known for in World War II?" She asked, keeping her gaze on the list. She didn't need to look up to know that Hank had already caught onto why they had made the choices they had. And a few seconds later, Danny did the same.
"The U-Boats. Riggght." Danny said after a moment. Anya nodded at that as she finally looked to the two.
"Mhm. And to keep it easy to integrate the new subs into existing groups. Because there's bound to be more than a few from Germany alone. And we still have fifteen slots open among our own ranks. So who knows, we might get more subs. Like Darter and Dace. Or Sealion and Albacore. Or Wahoo and Balao." She answered. "Honestly, I was expecting to have more American subs on base by now." She said. The two nodded at that as Ishigara looked to Anya.
"I believe we're leaving the last group out?" He asked. Anya nodded at that.
Task Force One: Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Midway, Coral Sea, Saratoga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Akagi, Shokaku, St. Lo, Bismarck Sea, Kitkun Bay, Atlanta, Juneau, San Diego, Shigure, Harusame, Yuudachi, and Yamakaze.
"That's.... a lot of fire power..." Danny said after a moment. "And the Anti-Air capabilities of some of those ships? The Atlanta's and Missouri's? That's practically creating a safety net out of lead." He answered. Anya nodded just as the door to the office opened, admitting Langley inside, decked out in snow gear.
"Admiral, Captain. Many of the Ship Girls are gathered at Houshou's and they wished to know if you two would be making appearances. Mississippi wishes to know if your brothers will be joining." She said. "When I asked further on the subject, she went strangely silent." Langley said. Anya rolled her eyes.
"When I joined the navy, dealing with horny battleships was not how I thought I'd end up." She sighed. "Yeah, I'll come. What about you guys?" She asked as she looked to the other four in the room. Sofia nodded as they looked to Ishigara.
"I can't. I've got other business I must attend to as soon as possible." He answered as he stood. Anya nodded as she looked to her brothers.
"Are we even wanted there?" Danny asked. "I don't want to impose." He said. Anya rolled her eyes as she looked at her brother.
"Look. It's a Houshou's. if one of the girls are going to disrespect you, they're certainly not going to do it in front of her or Mamiya. Nor Langley, who will all be present. So scratch what I said, you're coming anyway. Come on. Get ready and let's go." She said as she began to get herself ready. Her brothers nodded at that as they began to dress as well.
Ten minutes later, the five of them, Langley leading, were stepping out into the falling snow. With maybe seven inches on the ground at the moment, it had coated everything besides the water in white. And apparently, one of the girls had thought it appropriate to start blasting Christmas music out their open window. As the sounds of Jingle Bell Rock filled the air, Anya chuckled somewhat as the five walked along the path that someone had shoveled off.
"So, you like working with the girls?" Hank asked as he looked to Anya and Sofia. The two nodded without hesitation, Sofia going to add to that. But was stopped from doing so as rapid footsteps began to occur. Soon enough, the culprits were found as Shimakaze and Amatsukaze shot around the corner, clearly in a race of some sorts as Murakumo and Hatsuharu ran after them, clearly trying to slow them down. But the two weren't having it.
Weren't having it all the way up until Shimakaze slipped, thereby tripping Amatsukaze, the two sliding through the snow as they stopped in a pile at Anya's feet. Anya only chuckled somewhat as her brother's watched the odd event.
Anya crouched down to the two as she looked at them. "So... who won?" She asked. Her only response was groaning as the two tried to unsprawl them from one another as the other two destroyers caught up, not bothering to stop their apparent laughter at the sight.
"Dummies. That's why you don't run in the snow!" Hatsuharu said, laughing as her ornament above her lit up a light blue in response. Her only response was a snowball hitting the violet haired Destroyer in the face. Hatsuharu sputtered at the snow as Anya and Sofia hauled the downed half-sisters to their feet, brushing them off as they got thanks in return. After a moment, the two looked to Anya as the other two stood next to them.
"Where ya going, Admiral? Figured you'd stay away from the snow after you were executed." Murakumo said with a small laugh. Anya rolled her eyes as she looked to the destroyer.
"Well.. there's no battleship's present and you guys don't have a bucket. I think I'll be okay." She said as she looked to the four. "So what are you doing out? Playing in the snow are we?" She asked. The four nodded somewhat.
"We haven't had a real day off in months. Usually, there's always some sort of training or practice we have to be at. It's odd to be able to just do what we want for a day." Murakumo said. "But that's not an answer to what we asked. Where ya going?" She mused, looking to the Admiral. Anya nodded as she gestured to the group of five.
"We were heading to Mamiya's to get some snacks and maybe help my brothers learn some names of all the girls on base." She said. "Since they're going to be here for a few days, figured that might be something important." She said. Danny rolled his eyes as he looked to his sister.
"We're not stupid when it comes to naval history. We know our ships, whether they be Japanese or American." He said as Hank nodded to complete the statement. Anya nodded as she stood behind the four Japanese destroyers as she looked to her brothers.
"Name these four then. And anything else notable about them." She said as the four looked to the American sailors. Danny and Hank suddenly drew quiet. Danny almost said something, but slowly grew away from it as Anya chuckled. Naming warships was one thing. But naming them when they had human bodies was another. All clearly distinguishable features gone, such as citadels and bows, left in their places are faces just like your own.
"Amatsukaze, Murakumo, Shimakaze, and Hatsuharu. 83, 95, 77, and 91 respectively." She answered. "The four of them are easily three times my age but they look like they could be my children. I'm not saying you don't know your stuff, but when the ships can suddenly backtalk you, it's a whole other game you've got yourself in. Especially if your countries fought each other in a war that for them was just a few years ago." She said as the four Destroyer glared at the woman. Not for giving such a reason, but instead of speaking their true ages to people they didn't know. Well, three glared. Shimakaze did little to acknowledge the fact. Her brothers nodded somewhat before Anya gestured for them to follow. "Come on." She said before walking the other way. Sofia chuckled somewhat as she and the four destroyers
Anya lead the way inside of Mamiya's and Houshou's cafe, various voices already being heard. Since the recent renovations that had been slowly taking place as not to disturb the girls, the cafe could more easily fit a larger portion of the growing Ship girl population more easily. And the girls seemed to be challenging this. But, there was spots obviously kept for the four Naval officers as a table occupied by some girls gestured for them to sit with them.
In the end, Anya sat next to Maryland. Sofia ended up next to Chicago. Danny next to Mississippi. And Hank next to Lexington, the first four mentioned sitting across from the second group.
"Hello Admiral~" Maryland purred as she looked to the woman. Anya only chuckled as she made no move to revert her position as the battleship pressed closer to the woman. Though, Sofia and her brothers were quick to eye the movement with absolute attention.
"I didn't know you were intending on making a Ship girl part of our family, Anya." Danny said. Anya shook her head at that as she looked to her brothers.
"Nah. Just some harmless flirting from her part though. And with how much she does so, it's a whole lot easier to just accept it rather than just trying to get away from it. Though.... trying to sneak into my bed is not exactly flirting..." she said, looking up to the battleship. Maryland rolled her eyes.
"Bristol sleeps with you all the time! How's that fair?!" She demanded, looking down at the woman. Anya rolled her eyes as she looked to her brothers.
"Bristol is one of my destroyers who's prone to nightmares far more than she should be." She said as she looked to Maryland. "And doing so in minimal clothing is grounds for discipline as well." She huffed. Maryland only poured at that, trying her best to preform the battleship equivalent of puppy dog eyes on the Admiral.
"But if you'd stop being so stubborn and just take me already, we wouldn't have to play this silly game with you insisting you don't want me! I mean look at me!" She huffed. "I'm like the perfect pillow for you!" She said. As she did so, Mamiya had come over to the table. Since the new girls, the cafe now had an active staff of five instead of the usual two. Mamiya, Houshou, Langley, Irako, and Yancey. This in turn gave the ability to more easily take orders from the guests.
Turning away from Mary for a moment, Anya ordered four parfaits for the four new guests. Mamiya nodded at that as Yancey came by with a tray with four cans, sliding each one to the four Ship Girls seated at the table. As Mississippi and Maryland sipped at the beverage, Danny and Hank inspected the cans.
"What is that? I don't recognize the brand." Hank said. Lexington chuckled at that as she drained hers as Missy looked to the sailor.
"Oil." Mississippi's said as she glanced at the man. "We can eat human food, but our fairies prefer if we take in the raw stuff every so often. Oil, bauxite, steel. It's easier to work with than a lot of stuff." She said. Danny nodded at that.
"And if I were to drink a can of oil?" He asked. Mississippi shook her head as she sipped at the stuff again.
"There'd be one less Johnson sibling." She said with a chuckle. Danny nodded somewhat at that as Hank looked to Anya.
"That aside... does it always normally smell so... fruity...?" He asked. Anya chuckled as she gestured to the Ship Girls sitting at the table with them and then those spread around the cafe.
"You've no idea how much shampoo and body wash I have to regularly order. Since we joined the base, I took over from Ishigara in ordering all the shower and hygiene products. I can recall at least thirteen different fruit smells on body wash alone." She said as Maryland glared at her. Anya only chuckled. "Oh yes. Can't forget the occasional bottle of cool fire someone demands i secure. Tell you what though, if they'd go for the strawberries every once and a while, I'd be more open to some ideas. Love me some strawberries." She chuckled. Maryland only looked surprised at this, blinking at the proposition. Danny and Hank only laughed as they watched this before the latter looked to Hank.
"You'd best be careful around her. If you're trying to romance her, you need to watch your step. She had her boyfriend in high school driving six miles to get her strawberry ice cream at four in the morning during a thunderstorm once. That among many other things, get out while you can. Quick, while you're still in control!" Hank warned her. Maryland only blinked as Anya laughed at that.
"To be fair, he was trying real hard to win my heart." She said. Danny rolled his eyes.
"But Mom never really liked him. He was screwed the whole time. He just never knew it." He said. Anya nodded at that as Mamiya came back again with another tray, setting two parfaits in front of Anya and Sofia. Setting the other two in front of the twins, she soon went back to the counter, stowing the tray before checking in on the other guests of the Cafe as Anya and Sofia began to dig into their snacks. As they did so, Indiana looked to the brothers.
"So the two of you are in the Navy as well?" She asked as she watched the two from next to Sofia. Hank and Danny nodded.
"We are." Danny confirmed. "But aren't your typical Navy like Sofia and our sister here. We don't run ships and the like." He said.
"Special forces then I presume? SEALs maybe?" She asked. When she received nods from the two, she smiled. "I've been reading about the changes our Navy had gone through since my decommissioning." She said. Hank nodded.
"What's the biggest thing to adjust to since your time?" He asked.
"The fact that there are not more battleship's than the five of our Navy serving. And only because of the war. In my time, we ruled the seas. No one acted against one another without first checking their surroundings for one of us. But now, whether it be a sub or a flattop, we seem to have been replaced in our absence. But, it's not for nothing since I can see the reasoning most would have in such a choice. But that doesn't mean I exactly prefer it." She answered. He nodded at that as the group continued to chat as the snow fell outside, keeping the peace on the cold November day.
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