Rest And Relaxation At Last
Author's Note: Once again, a big thank you to The_Atlantic_Queen for helping with some roles in this chapter.
Arizona gave a yawn as she and the fleet approached the apparent docking locations. This is where the destroyer had lead them too, and Arizona was willing to take the Captain's word on it considering the look of the place.
Unlike the other buildings of Pearl, some having marks upon them, some having visible storm damage, this place just looked new. Cut straight into the land from the water, it looked like a large warehouse overstaying it's welcome on the water's surface.
Watching the destroyer continue on it's way a moment, Arizona looked back to the building as she readjusted her grasp on Haruna, making sure the Battleship wasn't about to fall. Giving a nod, she gave the sign for the Fleet to approach the Warehouse.
And as they did so, the doors began to open, giving sight to within the building.
The water surged into the building, filling the floor as Arizona carefully entered the structure. As she did so, movement caught her eye.
Hosted above the water, about midway up the far wall of the Warehouse, was a glass booth like structure. And sitting inside was a woman dressed in the normal NWU's. She seemed to be surrounded by electronic equipment as she tapped away on what looked like a keyboard. After a moment, she pulled what looked like a microphone attached to a stand connected to the ceiling down to her level, giving it a tap.
The resulting noise sounded through the speakers a moment as she tapped on the mic. After she had done so, she took one last at one of the screen's next to her before gazing down at the fleet, giving a wave.
"Can you hear me?" She asked, running a hand through her russet brown hair as she looked at the group. Arizona gave a nod in her direction. The woman nodded. "Good, good. It's working then. Anyways, I should probably welcome you guys to Pearl. So... Welcome, I guess. I'm Whitney, and I'll be one of the main aides to you girls during your time on base." She introduced. "But there's time for that later. Let's get your girls on dry land again." She said.
Arizona only gave a nod. "A question though... Can you even hear us all the way up here?" She asked, speaking at a normal tone to see if she could. Whitney only nodded from her seat above as she answered.
"That I can. I can hear you all perfectly, whether yelling or whispering and everything in between. But anyways, let's get going. If you ladies will direct your attention to the sides of this building, we can get this started." She replied. The fleet gave various nods as some of the girls looked to be right while others looked to the left.
As they did so, they saw now that portions of the elevated walkway, a few feet above the water's surface, were now being lowered to below the water's surface, giving the girls a place to stand on the solid surface. Whitney only chuckled as she spoke again.
"Alright. We're gonna need a volunteer for this part. So if one of you girls wants to head on over to one of the slots, I can get this next part explained quickly and efficiently." She explained. The fleet gave each other a glance before Musashi shrugged, sailing forward to where she was now floating over the submerged piece of walkway.
As she did so, a small screen slid out of the rest the walkway, soon activating as it presented itself to the girl. As it did so, Whitney spoke again.
"That screen in front of you, that's what you're gonna use. The launching and docking programs for this building. They're the same programs that the launching chambers up at Yokosuka use, so there's no difference besides the location. So Musashi, if you wouldn't mind finding your name, you can see what I'm walking about." She explained. Musashi only nodded in response as she looked over the screen, scrolling through the various names.
After a moment, she found hers. Taking no time in tapping it, she was soon rewarded with activity as the piece of walkway she was floating above began to rise. As it did so, slats in the walkway and wall next to her slid open, emitting robotic arms tipped with various tools. The first of the arms to reach her were arms tipped with claw like appendages, they soon securing themselves to Musashi's main guns.
Just as they did so, two more arms tipped with screwdrivers, began to descend on the woman.
The rest of the fleet only watched as the mechanical arms began to quickly and efficiently disassemble the battleship's rigging without a second thought. Soon enough, the section of walkway was once again level with the rest, allowing the battleship to step off of it as she stretched. Turning, Musashi gave a yawn as she looked back to the fleet.
Whitney only chuckled in response before nodding. "Alright. The rest of this should go just like that. If those of you who are not carrying a wounded member, there are still thirteen open slots to use. So go ahead. Let's strive for getting everyone who's not carrying a wounded member off of the water. After that, we'll adjust." She replied. The fleet only nodded as those who were not taking care of someone that was out cold went about grouping up at various slots.
This left Arizona, Franklin, Coral, Yamato, Tenryuu, Tatsuta, Atlanta, Atago, Mutsu, Kongou, and Maryland. They in turn were carrying Haruna, Shokaku, Midway, Akatsuki, Inazuma, Ikazuchi, San Diego, Takao, Nagato, Harusame, and Yuudachi.
Those in charge of the wounded watched as the fleet were de weaponed and unloaded of their ammunition before they stepped onto the walkway, the sections of walkway soon descending into the water once again to take the next set of the fleet.
As they did so, Maryland looked to Arizona, contacting her over the radio, contacting the other girls on the water as well, as if to keep their conversation private, away from the ears of Whitney.
"So... Do we have any clue as to what was up with the Abyssal planes during the sortie? Because I'm pretty sure that wasn't anything close to normal.." She said. Arizona nodded.
"Normal doesn't even begin to describe it. There's never been a sighting of any form of Abyssals offering assistance to anyone. So why would all of the sudden threw squadrons of fighters show up out of the blue, assisting us of all things?" She asked. Mutsu shrugged as she watched various members of the fleet be relieved of their weapons. After a moment, she looked back to the group.
"Although strange... I am grateful for them and their intervention... We may have lost more than just some conscious moments had they not have interfered..." She said. Arizona nodded.
"We're not doubting their contribution. I very much an grateful for that, but we can't get the idea into our heads that every other Abyssal we come across are gonna be as helpful as they were. That's not something we should get used to." She replied. Mutsu nodded in return at this. But before she could answer, Tenryuu tossed in her own thoughts.
"Plus we don't even know who it was. It might've been a whole fleet or it could've just been a stray carrier. Think about it. What are the chances that an actual Abyssal Princess would be willing to work with us?" She asked. The others only nodded at this.
"Fair point..." Arizona replied. But as she looked around, she now saw that the various slots were all submerged into the water, awaiting the next set. And since the rest of the fleet were already standing in various groups atop the walk way, the American battleship guessed it was their turn now. "So what's the plan, Whitney?" She asked. The Sailor nodded as she looked down at the fleet standing around on solid ground.
"Do you all have the ability to walk atop the water without your riggings summoned?" She asked. The fleet nodded in response. This in turn prompted Whitney to give a thumbs up.
"Good. That makes this easy then. If I could have one girl each ready to help those unconscious at each of the slots, that would be great. We need to get those riggings off." She replied. The members of the fleet standing on land nodded as those still on the water split off to each one of the various slots.
Arizona glided over to the farthest one on the right, soon meeting Chicago as the heavy cruiser hopped down onto the water to help hold Haruna. Arizona only offered a silent nod as she helped get the battleship upright as she and Chicago held her still. As she did so, Shimakaze laid down on her stomach as she reached down and pressed the button with Haruna's name on it, prompting the arms to emerge as they began to disassemble the Battleship's rigging.
Eventually, her rigging was completely taken away as Chicago held the girl firm, now being able to carry her bridal style as she looked around.
All of the other out cold girls have been safely removed from the water as well, now within the arms of waiting Kanmusu as the final set began to de-arm themselves.
Chicago casted her gaze downwards as she watched Arizona load onto the slot. Watching as the battleship gave a yawn, Arizona took almost no time in finding and pushing her name, bringing herself off of the water as her rigging began to be taken apart.
Soon enough, Arizona was stretching her shoulders as finally stepped off of the water for the first time in a week. And as she did so, allowing her muscles to finally relax, her body finally felt for the first time in a week of how tired she really was. It took all she had not to collapse right then and there as she took Haruna from Chicago, giving a silent thank you as she did so.
Gaining a firm grip on the battleship, she nodded as she and the rest of the fleet walked out of the building. As they did so, Whitney emerged from around the corner, straightening out her uniform a moment before giving a wave to the group.
"Hello again... Wow, some of you are kinda tall..." She mused before shaking her head. "Anyways, I'm gonna show you ladies to where you'll be spending your time on base in terms of where you'll be sleeping and the such." She said. The girls nodded as the Sailor began to lead the way, the fleet soon following behind her. As she did so, Chicago picked up her pace to where she was now walking next to the woman.
"So... Uh... Did you know we were coming...?" She asked. Whitney gave a nod as she looked at the battleship.
"Yeah. On base right this moment, there are only three people that know of your arrival here and the details of said arrival. Myself, Dr. Emily Rushman, and Admiral Hayfield. Other than us, no one else knows of your arrival here." She replied. Chicago nodded.
"Hayfield... Hayfield... Hayfield.... That sounds familiar..." She mused. Whitney only chuckled in response as she nodded.
"It should. He's the man in charge of the Ship Girl Program. Your Admiral... Johnson I think? She's the one that give you your orders but Hayfield is the one that makes sure she can keep doing that." She replied. Chicago gave a nod in response at this as the group walked on. As they did so however, Chicago's stomach made itself known as it send a loud grumble into the air. Chicago looked down at herself in surprise as Whitney bit back a laugh.
"Well... And here I was wondering if you girls were hungry... Guess that answers my question." She chuckled as they continued to walk across base, Chicago only blushing in response.
After another good fifteen minutes, the group began to near a peculiar looking building. Brand new, and still having a partial shine to it even with the setting sun.
The main part of the building seemed to be a double layered cylinder. And the second floor seemed to be walled in Windows, not a solid piece of wall in sight. Connected to the bottom level were two more cylindrical rooms on either side. Arching a brow, Arizona approached Whitney, walking on her other side as Chicago retained her pace.
"So... Is this... A compound or something? It looks more than sturdy enough to withstand anything..." She replied. Whitney gave a small nod in response.
"It's probably the most armored building in the state of Hawaii. Back up generators, armored walls... It can withstand the strongest of Hurricanes without a problem..." She said, looking at the battleship. But something about the way she said it told Arizona there was something more darker about the place.
"Storms aren't what they're worried about are they...?" She asked. Whitney only gave a smile as she shook her head.
"The Brass is more than ready... No, more than that, everyone are more than expecting a direct Abyssal Strike on a Naval Instillation. What better target for it than Pearl? Or Norfolk? If we're hit in the night, you girls can't be taken out of commission because of some cliche happening like being pinned under rubble of the building collapsing. It's not something we can afford. Especially not with a fleet of this size. We can't take chances..." She replied. Arizona only nodded, now wishing she hadn't asked the question as they neared the building.
As they approached the front door, they got a good luck at the front. Armored, reinforced double doors sat there, protecting those inside of the building without hesitation. Without a second thought.
This thought was only reinforced as Whitney knocked on the door, a panel next to it sliding open, giving sight to a digital hand scanner. Taking no time, Whitney placed a hand on the screen. A few moments later, it flashed green, the screen now showing a nine digit code panel. Once again, Whitney accessed it quietly, tapping in the four digit code.
"The code is 1776. Make sure before you girls leave, at least one of you have your handprint registered with the scanner so you don't get locked out." She said, looking to the fleet as she opened the door. Doing so, she gave a nod as she walked in, gesturing for the fleet to follow her.
In doing so, they were presented with the sight of the first room. The main lobby area of the building.
Like the lobby of the American HQ building at Yokosuka, it was a wide cylindrical room. But where as the HQ building had the seal of the Navy on it, this floor wasn't the same.
Instead, it had the flags of the Naval Powers of World War Two. The Fifty Stars. The Lone Sun. The Iron Cross. The Union Jack. And more so as they fully walked in, getting a good look at the place.
"I... I don't understand... We are on an American base, are we not...?" Yamato asked, unsure as she carried Akatsuki in her arms. "Why would our flag have a place here..? Why would it be displayed next to yours...?" She asked. Whitney nodded as she looked at the flag display on the carpet.
"That's because this building is international Territory. American. Japanese. German. British. It doesn't have the same meaning as it did before. Before, the world knew the Navies separately. They knew them as separate powers. But now? With the Abyssals being the one ruling force? The scared... The voiceless... The wounded, the hurt, the lost, the damned.... They're all looking to you. The Ship Girl Navy doesn't have a country in front of it or behind it. Only supporting it. As far as the public is concerned, you ladies are heroes. And that will only strengthen when they learn of more countries summoning their own." She replied before looking to the right.
"Through there are gonna be the docks. Get your wounded situated, and we can go over the rest of this place before we get the rest of you something to eat. After that, Hayfield is expecting at least one of you to report to them. He came all the way from D.C. Just to meet you girls, both Japanese and American. So... I wouldn't keep him waiting if possible..." She suggested. Arizona only nodded in response as the fleet began to head for the double doors leading to the docks.
Having Juneau open the door for them, they were presented with the sight of the docks. And unlike the Yokosuka docks, where they had a main bath in the middle with the personal docks along the sides, it was not the case with the Docks here at Pearl.
Instead of the lined up formation, these docks wrapped around the room, looking to reach a total of sixth in quantity. Spacing only enough to give room for what was presumably the door to the changing rooms, the docks sat still as the room remained quiet.
And yet again, unlike Yokosuka, the center was not a main bath. Instead, it was an elevated platform. Much like something you might see at a nightclub where a DJ would stand, this was much like that. Walls wrapped around the elevated platform as they seemed to shield what looked like electronic equipment from the humidity of the rest of the room. And the walls, combined with the ceiling high Windows, it seemed to work well.
But as Arizona and the other girls carrying wounded, intending on getting them prepared for the baths, movement within the smaller center room registered to their vision.
Looking into the glass, they found a woman with her hair in a messy bun, blonde. Her blue eyes looked at the group just over the rim of her glasses. After a moment, she gave a wave as she opened a section of the glass.
"We don't really have time for introductions just yet, but I'm Dr. Rushman. I'll be the one overseeing your recovery while in the docks." She introduced herself before closing the glass again, soon going back to her work before the girls could get a word in edgewise.
Shrugging, Arizona only lead the rest to the changing room to get the wounded finally settled.
The Arctic Queen of the Abyssal's sighed as she entered her Throne Chambers. It had been a long day already and she still had stuff to handle before she could finally settle down to rest.
She only gave a small laugh as she settled down into her Throne, mulling over her thoughts for a moment before yawning. The time had to be around 7 or so.... She would need sleep soon... And a lot of it considering her lack of sleep over the last few days.
But that was a problem for another time. Another day when she didn't have things to attend to. And right now, the one thing she had to focus on was known as Pacific. To be more specific, the Pacific Queen of the Abyssal's. And the fact that she was trying to rally the other three Queen's under her banner. And given her and Atlantic's past history, there was no doubt that the Queen would join her forces.
That only left the Southern and Indian Queens as free sides. But given how much trouble Arctic's forces had been causing the two's, the Queen doubted that she would find allies in the two. This left Arctic to her own devices, something that would eventually bite the other four in the behind.
It was four against one now. Arctic had to move fast if she wanted to have a chance of making it out of this in one piece. Either that, or find a weapon that the other Queen's won't see coming. So she had to act fast.
"Laptev...." She called through the Throne Room, trying to locate her Empress. "Laptev, are you in?" She asked in her usual tone. A few moments late, The Laptev Empress entered the room, looking to her Queen.
"Yes Arctic?" She asked as she looked to her Queen as she approached. The Empress stopped before her, watching her expectantly. "Is there something wrong?" She asked, looking slightly worried.
Arctic sighed as she looked to the Empress, resting her chin on a hand as she sat in her throne.
"Are White and Greenland around? I assume they are since they never tend to do anything without being asked multiple times.... And even then, they're hard to get moving..." She huffed. Laptev gave a nod, tilting her head as her eye haze continued to stand towards the ceiling.
"I'm assuming you want me to fetch them? I can do so, but why Arctic? Like you said, they're not usually useful for anything..." She replied. Arctic nodded as she watched the girl.
"Yes, I am aware. Please fetch them. Quickly. And I ask you to do so Laptev because things have become complicated. The other Queen's are becoming.... Restless..." She replied cooly. Laptev nodded as she bowed briefly before rushing out of the Throne Chamber.
Looking around quickly, she began to try and track down the two relaxed Empress's, something that irked her because it was required. The two Empress's should know better. If their Queen raises a finger, they should be there at her feet, ready to receive their orders. Not off doing who knows what in who knows where.
Laptev shook her head in an annoyed fashion, rounding a corner. The various Abyssals present, such as A Re, a Ru, and even a Aircraft Carrier Princess removed themselves from her path as she walked on.
Making a decision, Laptev began to head in the general direction of the Empress's Quarters. Her room was in close proximity with the other two, just being down a hall from eachother. Perhaps luck would be on her side and she would find the two without much trouble. That was the hope anyways.
Well, luck was on her side.
Perhaps even too much luck.
As Laptev neared White's Quarters, she could hear movement within. And a few moments longer, she could confirm that both were within the confines of the Empress's bedroom. But she couldn't have predicted what she would find within.
Standing in front of the door, she opened it. Standing there as the metallic gateway opened with a long hiss, she was soon presented with the sight of Empress White's bedroom. And more than that, she was presented with the sight of Empress White on her bed.
Atop Empress Greenland.
The former making out with the latter.
And it was quickly heading in a very particular direction if the strewn about articles of clothing were anything to go by.
The warrior Empress scowled at the sight, her lips tugging downwards into a heavy frown as she settled her hands on her hips. Holding a moment, she eventually called out to the two.
"White!" Laptev called, watching the Empress. "Arctic has requested our presence!" She continued. But as she stood there, her messages had seemed to fall on deaf ears as White didn't even come up for air, her lips still locked very much against Greenland's own. Rolling her eyes, Laptev called again from the door.
"White! I'm serious! Arctic has requested the three of us! We need to go!" She urged. But once again, her call fell on deaf ears as White didn't bother to pull away from her current activity. In fact, White only got more involved in her little encounter with Greenland as she began to sneak a hand up The Empress's shirt.
Sighing, Laptev began to walk across the room to the two, her eyes paying not even the slightest attention to White's practically exposed rear. Abyssal attire had never been the most dignifying apparel, but White liked to test that barrier as much as she could with as little as she could get away with.
Stepping up to the bed, Laptev only shook her head in annoyance as the two Empress's didn't even seem to register her presence.
"Idiots..." She muttered before she lifted White's head off of Greenland's, yanking her by the hair. The two Empress's looked briefly surprised for a moment before Laptev slammed White's head back down, colliding it hard with Greenland's. Laptev only watched the two in mirth as White rolled off of Greenland as she held her head in pain, groaning for effect as well.
"Why Laptev...." Greenland groaned as she rolled around on the bed, holding practically her whole face. Laptev only put her hands on her hips as she looked at the two.
"Arctic has requested us. Get up and let's get going." She said, picking up and throwing various articles of clothing at the two. "And White, I swear to god, if you're not wearing pants when we walk out of here, I'm giving you to the Humans as a consolation prize." She replied, her tone one of venom. White only chuckled at this.
"But you love when I don't wear pants! It gives me a chance to show off my fantastic ass! Which, may I remind you, is a wonder of the world!" She argued. Greenland only laughed as she straightened out her outfit after reassembling it.
"Oh yeah? Who declared that? Can't be the Human's. They'd more rather blow it out of the water than take in the wonder before them..." She mused. Laptev only sighed as she chucked a pair of pants at the Empress, the article of clothing hitting her in the face.
"Them! On! Now!" Laptev yelled. White only gave an irritable sigh as she took the article of clothing.
"Yes mother!" She replied in a snarky tone as she began to put the pants on. After she had done so, she looked down at herself before giving a huff in response. "My beautiful ass... Ruined... By pants..." She said in a sorrowful voice. Laptev only rolled her eyes in response as she jerked her head towards the door.
"Come on. Arctic's waiting and this has already taken longer than it should have." She replied before walking out. White and Greenland only followed in response, trailing behind the Empress.
"What's the big deal? It's not like she's gonna skin us and string us up as an example. She's not Indian after all." White huffed, her arms behind her head as the three walked on. Laptev only shook her head in an annoyed fashion as she didn't bother looking back at the girl as she answered.
"It's because she's the Queen. We're the Empress's. That's how it goes. Or do I need to explain the whole idea of Chain of Command to you for the seventieth time this week?" Laptev mused. White only stuck her tongue out in response, crossing her arms over her sizable chest.
"You're just jealous because Arctic likes me best! I'm her cuddle buddy after all." She smirked. Greenland only chuckled as she looked over to the Empress.
"Didn't you name yourself that? After you snuck into Arctic's bed? Multiple times? While she was sleeping?" Greenland asked in a sly fashion. White momentarily faltered before shaking her head.
"That's not the point!" She insisted as she threw her arms up in the air. "The simple matter of fact is that she likes me more!" She insisted. Greenland only chuckled in response as the three walked on.
Eventually, the three returned to the Throne Chamber, soon finding Arctic still sitting on her Throne. The Queen soon found them, thanks in part to White immediately rushing the Queen, taking no time in making herself comfortable upon her lap. Arctic only chuckled as she patted the Empress's head as she looked at her legs.
"I'm surprise White... You're wearing pants today..." She mused. White only chuckled in response as she leaned back against her Queen, Arctic doing nothing to prevent her from doing so.
Looking up, Arctic smiled. "I trust I didn't interrupt anything?" She asked. Both White and Greenland gave a huff in response, White only snuggling into Arctic more as Greenland crossed her arms.
"It just so happens that you did! And it didn't help when Laptev came in either. So Thank you Laptev!" Greenland huffed. The Empress in question only rolled her eyes as she looked up to Arctic.
"Anyways, why not enlighten us? What is this all about anyways?" She asked. Arctic nodded as she wrapped an arm around White's waist as she pulled the Empress to her while answering.
"We need to discuss the other Queen's and the moves that they're starting to make against me. They're gearing up for war, that much is clear..." She replied. Laptev only sat down on the ground in thought as Greenland chuckled.
"So I assume Infil is doing her job well?" She asked. Arctic nodded.
"Quite. Caribbean has been a little... Hard to control and keep under, but for the most part... She's being a good little house guest... As far as we know, Atlantic isn't onto Infil just yet..." She replied. Laptev only nodded as she looked up to Arctic.
"So... What's happened this time?" She asked. "We're aware the Queen's have never been fond of you. It has to be pretty serious I'd imagine.." She replied. Arctic nodded.
"And it is. Pacific has sent out the call to arms. She is more than ready enough to see the end of me. And Atlantic has already embraced the call. My guess is that Indian and Southern won't hesitate to join her crusade as well..." She replied. Greenland only shrugged in response.
"As far as I can tell, the blockades we have set up are doing a wonderful job at keeping Atlantic's girls out. So if she wanted to Invade, she'd have to do it through the Bering Sea." She replied. White nodded.
"And Pacific isn't about to let an invasion sized force just go freely through her territory. She's to cautious about that kind of stuff." She said thoughtfully, a rare happening for her. Arctic nodded.
"True. But it's three Armada's worth of Hostile opponents, and Pacific knows exactly what they're doing there, then we'll have a problem. Not only that, but if all four come at us, we'll have more than our fair share of problems..." She said. Laptev nodded.
"Yes... I can see the issue..." She said, scratching her chin with her hand. "What to do... What to do..." She mused.
Greenland only shrugged. "Why don't we just go up to the surface and outright offer our support to the Human's? I'm sure they'd be glad for the helping hand at this point..." She said in suggestion. Arctic shook her head.
"No. We can offer the odd assurance here and there when we can spare it. But we can't bring more attention to the Human's than what they already have on them. With Pacific and her crusade focused on us, the Human's finally have a chance to regroup and take a step back to readdress their forces and strategies." She replied.
"That's also assuming the Human's would give us a chance to actually talk with them. Which, after how the last few years have been for them, isn't likely." White said, looking to Greenland. Laptev nodded.
"Yes, I can understand the whole stealth idea... But eventually, they will catch on. More so than that, they'll learn the location of our base..." She huffed. Arctic nodded.
"I'm well aware of the risks. But any time we can buy the Human's would be well rewarded in the end. If that means throwing a few more of our forces into the fire, then I say go for it." She replied.
Greenland nodded. "Well said, but I believe Laptev means that we have to be stealthy anywhere we make a move." She replied. Arctic nodded at this.
"As much as I would prefer that, Stealth will not be an option every single time we make a move. We have to be willing to break cover of we need to." She replied. Laptev gave a nod.
"Well then, what is the plan?" She asked. Arctic sighed.
"At this point, we have to wait for Pacific to show her hand first." She responded. Greenland only sighed in response, standing a moment, before looking up to Arctic.
"My Queen... Would you like to join us for some... Fun?" She mused, looking to the woman. Arctic arched a brow at this.
"And what might you have in mind...?" She asked, looking at the Empress. White only chuckled as she looked behind her to Arctic from her place on the Queen's lap.
"Oh, you know, the usual. A nice comfy bed. A quiet room. Some restraints... You know, the fun time..." She mused. Arctic only gave an amused shake of the head.
"Such naughty Empress's I have under my command.... Laptev, were you apart of this idea too...?" She mused, looking to the Empress. Laptev only gave a small smile in response, her haze burning brightly. Arctic only smirked at that.
"So? You in?" Greenland asked. As Arctic began to think about it however, the Chukchi Empress entered the throne room.
"My Queen..." She said as she walked up to Arctic before kneeling. "I bring important news..." She replied. Arctic suddenly casted away her previous thoughts as she focused on the fourth Empress.
"Yes Chukchi? What is it?" She asked. The Empress stood as she looked to her Queen.
"The Human's weapons have made it to the Instillation Known as Pearl Harbor. They are now within safe haven. We pulled our planes away. But our Scouts to the East found that the Human's have also pulled a piece of their forces away from the East Coast of the U.S., they also making their way for Pearl." She replied. Arctic arched a brow at this as the four Empress's looked to their Queen.
"And this second force? What was it?" She asked. Chukchi only nodded.
"It was composed of six smaller ships and one larger one. The larger one is far older than the smaller ones, giving the belief that it is of previous wars past." She replied. Arctic nodded.
"Then it's probably a battleship of sorts assuming correctly... Alright, Chukchi, position the Prototypes around Pearl but let no one discover them. We must not panic the Human's, but we must also ensure the completion of the Human Weapon's mission. If it will give them an advantage, then it will work for us as well." She replied. Chukchi nodded.
"And the Prototypes? They will need Ones in charge... Who shall that be?" She asked. Arctic nodded.
"Awaken our... Refugees... Explain the situation to them and make sure we mean them no harm. After so, give them command.... I believe they'll catch on rather quickly... Again..." Arctic chuckled. Chukchi only snapped off a quick salute before nodding, leaving the room a in a flurry. As she did so, Arctic stood, making sure White didn't fall on the floor as she did so.
"If you three wish to continue with your plans, I must go. This new development prompts the procurement of additional assets. Which I would rather not have fall into enemy hands..." She replied. White and Greenland nodded, soon leaving the room. But Laptev stayed, watching Arctic.
"Where you go, I go my Queen." She replied. Arctic only nodded.
"Come then. We must not hesitate." She replied before quickly exiting the room, followed by the lone Empress.
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