Old And New Discoveries
It was the sound of laughter and yelling that finally awoke her from her slumber. It was the sounds of being alive and in good health that let her know that everything had gone alright. It was the sounds of her fellow fleet members that let Arizona know she had preformed well.
Cracking open an eye, she found a rather undressed Bristol streaking across the room, screaming and laughing as two of her sisters chased after her. Chuckling, Arizona stretched her arms as she laid back against her bath as she fully opened her eyes, letting the full sight and sounds that were apart of the docks register to her senses.
Besides the streaking members of the Bristol class running laps around the docks in the name of fun, the first thing that registered to Arizona's hearing was the conversation ongoing between Haruna and her clearly refreshed sister, Kongou. Taking a moment to herself, it was brought to an end when Kongou spotted her and did not hesitate to call out to the woman.
"Arizona-San, DESU! You're awake at last!" She said in her normal, upbeat tone as she looked at the woman. This of course prompted Haruna to turn to look at the woman as well, an action that prompted Arizona to give a small laugh.
"Well you seem to be well rested...." Arizona laughed, leaning over of her dock a tad to kiss Haruna on the cheek. The former battlecruiser blushed in response to the action, but offered no resistance to it. Arizona only smiled as she settled back down into her bath as Kongou watched the two with a rather large smile upon her lips.
"So.... Marriage, DESS?" Kongou asked, her smile as bright as always. Haruna only blushed deeper as the question seemed to jar Arizona awake more so than she already was.
"Hold just a moment Kongou. We're not gonna get married just out of the blue..." She said, looking at the eldest of the Kongou class. Kongou however just looked at the American like she had gone insane.
"But why, DESU!? You love Haruna-nee and Haruna-nee loves you! Why stay apart!?" She demanded, standing in a flurry as she put her hands on her hips. This of course would be perfectly normal had the woman not of been stark naked.
"Kongou-Onee! Sit down!" Haruna urged, trying to get her eldest sister to sit down. But both she and Arizona knew the battleship was too fired up to do anything to stop her. So Arizona only sighed in response as her fellow battleship tried in vain to get Kongou to tone down the antics. But as she continued to enjoy the dock, the feeling of her fairies running across her non-existent hull as they continued their repairs, she noticed someone approaching her.
She knew it was one of the older girls, that much was clear. But which one for sure without looking, she didn't know. But she didn't have to wait for long as the girl splashed down into her bath with her, their head finding it's way to use Arizona's chest as a pillow.
"Mary...." Arizona sighed as she looked at the battleship currently snuggling her way against the Pennsylvania class girl. "What are you doing...?" She asked slowly. The Colorado class girl only shrugged, sinking her form further into the water despite being bigger than Arizona.
"Because I wanted cuddles and the Admiral is being a meanie...." Maryland replied sleepily, her tone of voice more befitting of that of a five year old. It was clear the woman was barely conscious, and Arizona knew it. But Arizona had also tangled with a sleep induced Maryland before. To say the least, it was an experience that the battleship had no intention of reliving.
But like she knew, Arizona had been in docks before when Mary was like this. And in simple solutions, letting her be was the only real answer. So, Arizona only laid back, allowing the Colorado class woman full reign as she snuggled up to the Super Dreadnaught. At this point however, Haruna and Kongou were watching with a somewhat curious gaze. Well, Kongou was curious. Haruna was more along the lines of quietly upset that she could be in Mary's place. But, both of the former battle cruisers knew how Mary could be as well. So they were in no rush to get in the middle of the rest of Mary's sleeping.
"You having fun over there Arizona?" Atlanta asked, watching the two. The battleship mouthed a rather unbecoming phrase back at the girl, an action that only served to elicit a laugh from the cruiser.
Rolling her eyes, Arizona looked back to Haruna and Kongou, who had seemed to accept the new position of the Colorado Class girl rather quickly. But as she did so, she noticed Dr. Rushman approaching the girls.
"Yes Doctor? Can we help you?" Haruna asked, looking to the woman. The doctor nodded as she produced a tablet from her person, handing it down to Arizona who reached up for it a moment later.
"A tablet...? Why...?" Arizona asked after a moment. Rushman nodded as she looked down at the battleship.
"Anya wanted a check in last night, but you decided that sleep was more important. So as so, I related that info to her. Although not what you might call satisfied with the decision, she accepted it. But now, it's the morning and you can't do anything since your repairs are still on going. Which means you have nothing better to do than give your Admiral a status report." The Doctor said in a matter of fact tone. Arizona nodded in understanding as she went about getting the call set up. As she did so, Rushman stepped over to in front of Haruna's bath. "And how are you this morning?" She asked. "Feeling sore still?" She asked as she crouched down in front of the bath, resting her arms on her knees as she looked at the woman.
Haruna slowly nodded at the question, looking up at the doctor as she did so.
"A tad, yes..." Haruna answered. Rushman nodded.
"Well, we'll see if we can't get you and the other girls a bit more to eat this morning. I doubt the snack they gave you yesterday could have filled up even a normal person let alone a starving ship girl..." She said as she looked over to Nagato, who was now awake and alert as she conversed with her sister who was in the bath next to her. Haruna nodded as she and the doctor began to converse with one another, mostly over Ship girl biology and how their fairies functioned for them.
Watching them only a moment longer, Arizona chuckled as she focused in on the tablet as she went about preparing a video call with her Admiral. As she did so, she made sure Maryland was comfortable. Hey, she may not like it, but letting the battleship stay where she was was a whole lot easier than trying to persuade her into moving. So there she would stay.
Arizona only rolled her eyes in response as she set the tablet on the side of the dock as she went about inserting water proof ear buds into her ears. After that, she plugged in the audio jack to the tablet as she picked it up again, using the camera showing herself to organize herself in a decent manner. Which meant notching below her neck could be seen. Chest, Maryland, or otherwise. Well, not that it couldn't be seen. But Arizona didn't want to give reason to Maryland's obsession. If the Admiral was secretly gay and Maryland ever found out about it?
Arizona shuddered. She didn't want to consider what would occur then. And that was even before they became an item. It was Maryland's pre-couple tactics that scared Arizona the most.
Shaking her head of the thought, she had no time for such thoughts. She imagined that the Admiral would be answering any moment and she didn't want to-
"Arizona?" A voice asked through the ear buds, causing Arizona to freeze in her tracks as she looked at the Tablet. Arizona soon found herself greeted with the woman in command of the American Kanmusu looking at her from behind her desk in Yokosuka. "Is that... Maryland laying on your chest...?" She asked, somewhat leaning in closer to the screen. Arizona's face only began to heat up at the sight, somewhat struggling to hold the tablet still. The Admiral shrugged.
"Hey! No need to get embarrassed. If you're with Haruna, but keeping Mary fresh on the side, that's fine with me." She said, putting her hands up in surrender.
"ADMIRAL!" Arizona hissed, suddenly thankful that only she could hear the woman. She glared at the woman despite her face being a dark red in color. Anya laughed at the response, shaking her head as she did so.
"Kidding, kidding. I know you'd never hurt Haruna and like that and Mary won't rest until there's one person particular in her bed with her..." She huffed in response, shaking her head slightly at the thought. It was Arizona's turn to chuckle, nodding at the statement.
"How does it feel being wanted by a woman like Mary? I mean after all, she is a battleship so she's certainly not lacking in the curves department." The battleship asked with a small laugh. Anya sighed.
"Sure, but for all those curves, her sanity seems to be a little short staffed...." She huffed. Arizona only laughed in response as she nodded at the statement, taking a glance down at the battleship in question.
"So... You wanted a check in?" Arizona asked as she looked back up to the woman. Anya nodded as she looked to the battleship.
"Yeah. Hayfield hasn't told me anything about the Sortie so myself, Captain Algerona, and Admiral Ishigara are relying on your report to make sure everything when alright..." She replied. Arizona gave a hesitant nod.
"So when I elected to go to sleep last night straight away instead of checking in with you, I was keeping you all from information on our status..." Arizona realized a little to quickly for her own liking. Anya nodded.
"Pretty much. But you don't need to beat yourself up over it. From what Emily said, it sounded like you were pretty beat. And if your crew was calling for your head in dreamland, I'm not gonna get in their way. You're their ship. But you're my responsibility. Their wishes come first. Plus, they know what you need better than I do. If they thought you needed sleep, you needed sleep. I'm just glad to see that you're alright." Anya smiled, taking the edge off of Arizona just a tad. "So, how's the fleet? Anyone lost?" She asked, somewhat hoping the last question didn't have a yes following it. Arizona shook her head, stifling a yawn as she answered her Admiral.
"No, we didn't lose anyone... We had a few close calls, but we're all here in the docks..." She said, taking a glance around to where most if not all of the various members of the fleet were up and moving around or talking amongst each other. One curious exception to that was Musashi, who was still sleeping within her own bath as her sister conversed with Oklahoma. But as Arizona had noticed the sleeping Musashi, so it would seem had Bristol.
Arizona locked her gaze onto the Gleaves class destroyer, and the gaze the small girl had. Arizona knew it well. It was the gaze of someone of who, if they weren't the size of an eight year old girl, knew what they were about to do would seriously injure someone. Ship girl or otherwise. Quietly, Arizona held the tablet up as she flipped the gaze around, to where Anya was now focusing in one the towered destroyer as well. After a brief moment of looking at Bristol, Arizona aimed the camera to where it was now focusing on the sleeping Musashi, still wearing her glasses.
"Oh no....." Anya suddenly said, resting her face in her hands. But only for a moment. Because as much as the Admiral didn't want to watch, she wanted to know exactly what happened.
After a moment, Arizona focused back to Bristol, waiting for her to make a move as she watched. And as she did so, some of the other various girls around the docks had seemed to catch on to what the destroyer was planning as well.
"This can't end well..." Zuikaku mused as she watched the girl, resting her chin on her arms as she sat within her dock.
"Oh geez...." Tenryuu huffed as she and her sister now focused in on the girl.
Waiting only a moment longer, as if she were an Olympic Sprinter, the destroyer took off, a wide smile on her face as she sprinted around the dock, her destination being the second of the Yamato's docks.
Arizona and the Admiral could only watch in horror as the destroyer made her way across the docks, the battleship sneaking a glance to the second of the Yamato class. And that's when Arizona saw it.
One of Musashi's eyes had cracked open only a tad, her gaze following the destroyer's movement and path with pinpoint accuracy. That's when Arizona had realized what was going on. The battleship had never been asleep, merely resting her eyes. That explained why her glasses were on. But clearly, Bristol hadn't caught on to that important piece of the puzzle. And it would be her demise.
At the range Bristol was closing, she was becoming more and more stranded by herself as she charged at what she thought was a sleeping battleship.
Arizona only watched as Bristol took to the sky, soaring through the air as she planned to land on the battleship's warm stomach. But that was all crashed to the ground as Musashi's eyes opened wide, a small grin spreading across her face as she stood.
Bristol only looked at the woman in surprise, her eyes wide at her miscalculation. But, she couldn't stop herself now. No, she was doomed as the Yamato class battleship plucked the girl out of the air and sat back down, soon attacking the girl with tickles. Something a destroyer like Bristol came unhinged to when applied.
The dock was suddenly filled the with noise of shrieking laughter as Bristol tried to break free. But, her prison was a Yamato class. There was no breaking free. So, she was forced to serve her sentence in her tickle held prison.
Anya only sighed, giving a slight laugh as she watched the battleship handle the destroyer with relative ease. "I don't know what I was worried about..." She mused. Arizona only nodded as the two continued to watch.
As for Bristol, her situation seemed hopeless. Well within the grasp of Musashi, there wasn't anything that could be done.
At least with one destroyer.
But, where there was one, there were five more awaiting to avenge their lost sister.
Musashi learned this quickly as Forrest jumped onto the battleship. And then Fitch. And then Mervine.
Ellyson and MacCalla only offered small smiles and support from the sidelines as their sisters attempted to wrangle one of the toughest battleships in history.
It only got worse when the rough housing attracted the attention of a nightmare.
"POI!" Yuudachi yelled as she sprinted only a few steps, before jumping, soaring across the docks for what seemed like too long for Physics's own liking, before splashing down in the middle of the five.
The blonde destroyer immediately went about helping her smaller comrades in dunking the battleship, something Musashi's muscles and towering frame weren't about to let happen so easily.
Watching the confrontation only a moment longer, Arizona turned her attention back to the tablet as she flipped the camera back to facing her. The Admiral chuckled as she smiled at Arizona.
"So, it would seem you're right all around. Twenty bucks says the destroyers take Musashi down...." She mused. Arizona only chuckled at the proposed bet before shaking her head.
"Musashi's a battleship, in close quarters with five destroyers who have no weapons. She's going to win unless they go for cheap shots..." Arizona replied. Anya only nodded.
"Musashi's whole body is a cheep shot if you haven't noticed..." She mused. Arizona couldn't help but agree with that statement. But after a moment, Arizona looked to her Admiral in a matter of seriousness, something that didn't go by Anya unnoticed.
"What is it?" Anya asked carefully, looking to the battleship. Arizona sighed.
"Like I said, we have all of our members here safe and sound. But.... We had an intervention throughout our sortie that made that possible... A third party intervention..." She replied, dropping her voice to where only Anya could hear her. Anya looked at the battleship like she had grown another head.
"Third party intervention? Like, another Navy? Russian? Chinese?" She asked. Arizona shook her head.
"Abyssal." Arizona replied. She watched as her Admiral's eyes widened a fraction of an inch as she digested what the battleship was telling her, processing it for a moment, before nodding slowly to top it all off.
"You sure...?" Anya asked after a moment. Arizona nodded.
"Three full squadrons of what looked like White Abyssal fighters. They intercepted those of the hostiles a few moments after we almost lost Midway." She replied. Anya slowly nodded.
"You're sure they were there for the other Abyssals? Not that they were just biding their time?" She asked, still trying to partway process what Arizona was saying. The battleship nodded in response as she looked at her Admiral.
"Mhm. They had multiple chances to strike while our guard was down and Atlanta accidentally shot a few down while she was trying to hold the skies against the normal threats. But, they only renewed their numbers as they oversaw our progress. They only split off from us last night before we broke into Hawaii's waters." She said. Anya gave a slow nod at this.
"Have you told Hayfield about this?" She asked. Arizona shook her head.
"No. When Mutsu and myself reported to him last night, he seemed more concerned with us getting the proper sleep and repairs we were in need of rather recalling every detail of a week long journey across the Pacific. Which... I can't say I'm exactly against..." She said after a moment. Anya nodded at this, mulling it over a moment, before looking to Arizona.
"Alright.... When you report to Heyfield again, I will leave it up to your discretion wether or not Hayfield learns of these... New Abyssals..." She said. Arizona arched a brow.
"You'd keep something like this from him?" She asked. Anya nodded after a moment.
"Yes. For one, we don't have hard evidence that this means anything. It could just be a rogue carrier that they had lost control of. One, may I remind you, that may not even still be around. Secondly, it could all be a ploy. The Abyssals have more than sufficient numbers to fake an attack on their own forces like they so evidently have. If this is the case, and they are faking attacks, it might cause us to lower our guard which is something that we can't afford...." She said. "And third, if news of a new type of Abyssal does make the rounds, we'd have so many people trying to go out and look for them. Or identify what is an enemy as a friendly, leading to more casualties in the long run." She said in a huff. Arizona nodded slowly, starting to see the multiple reasons telling Hayfield could go wrong.
"Did you actually have eyes on the carrier or carriers launching the planes that assisted you?" Anya asked. Arizona shook her head, thinking just how insane this whole thing sounded now that she had a moment to look at it from afar.
"No, we never had visual contact with any carriers besides standard Abyssal forces. And none of our planes ever had visual confirmation of any carrier in the waters surrounding us..." Arizona recalled. Anya nodded at this.
"Which, given what we know about Abyssals, means two things..."
"That the carrier was staying well out of range to reach it or even throw attacks its way..." Arizona said. Anya nodded.
"Or it was ghosting you..." She said. Arizona furrowed her brow at this.
"But we never saw anything approaching from the rear or diagonal flanks. I find that chance highly unlikely. Plus, with how many patrol flights we had running in various directions, we had sight for miles. We would've seen at least something..." Arizona urged. Anya shook her head.
"Not if the carrier was under you..." Anya said. "Most if not all Abyssals observed thus far have shown some capability of submersible movement. If the carrier was spacing its planes emergence far enough behind you, and with no subs attached to your fleet, and as long as it didn't give itself away..." Anya trailed off.
"We wouldn't have any reason to even think about the possibility...." Arizona said with realization. Anya nodded in response.
"Exactly. And if that's the case, that raises tons of new questions that we can't even possibly fathom how to answer them. That's why I suggest keeping the happenings involving these 'New Abyssals' on the down low until we have a better idea of what we're dealing with." Anya said. Arizona slowly nodded at the idea.
"Fair enough...." She said before Maryland began to shift again, the battleship groaning as she stretched. Yawning, the battleship looked around a moment before looking up to Arizona. And with her, the tablet she held.
"Admiral...?" Maryland asked in a sleepy voice. Arizona only chuckled as she offered the woman one of the ear buds as she moved over a tad so Mary could sit comfortably as well. Maryland yawned as she sat up, moving off of Arizona, as she sat next to the battleship.
"Hi there Mary. You have a good rest?" She asked, looking at the battleship. Maryland nodded as she smiled.
"It would've been better if you had been with me..." She replied. Anya only rolled her eyes in response as she shook her head.
"It always seems to be that way, doesn't it?" Anya asked. Maryland nodded, a tired smile on her face, as Arizona shook her head. As she did so, Maryland seemed to notice the happenings of the distant battleship and five destroyers.
"Uhh.... Is Musashi using the girls as stuffed animals?" She asked in a tired fashion. Arizona arched a brow as she looked to where the battle had been raging, only to see that it had met its conclusion in a matter of moments. Musashi, now sleeping, had the five brave destroyers snuggled to her as her powerful arms kept them in their place with no hope of breaking free without outside help. After a moment, Arizona slowly nodded to Mary's question.
"Yes... I think so...." She mused. Maryland only nodded before the two looked back down to their Admiral, who had quite the smile upon her lips.
"Admiral?" Maryland asked, looking at the screen. Anya only laughed as she shook her head.
"Sorry. I know I've been in this position for a couple of months now, commanding you girls. But I still can't wrap my head around it. You two were warships. You two are Warships. And we're just sitting here, talking with one another like it's another Tuesday afternoon." She mused. Arizona only chuckled as Maryland shook her head.
"But Tuesday was yesterday. And it's not the afternoon, it's morning." Maryland said in response. Anya only rolled her eyes at the statement, an action that elicited a tired giggle from the Colorado class woman. Anya only chuckled at that as Arizona looked to the Admiral.
"So what are you going to be doing today?" She asked. Anya nodded.
"Indiana's fleet should be returning in a little while. Other than seeing them arrive, mostly the usual. But who knows, maybe something new-"
"WHY THE FUCK CANT I SEE THAT SHIT TIER DESTROYER!?" A voice suddenly bellowed from Anya's end of the video call. The Admiral sighed as she glared at something off screen.
"Who... Who was that?" Arizona asked upon hearing the voice. Anya only sighed as she picked up the tablet, whilst switching around the camera. As it settled, the two battleships were now focusing in on two Women, dressed in the summoning outfit as they sat in the middle of he office floor, back to back each armed with a laptop. Based on what one of them had said, they were presumably playing World of Warships.
"Are those..." Maryland trailed off. Anya nodded.
"Yep." Came the Admiral's voice. "Pensacola and Salt Lake City, the Pensacola Class of Heavy Cruisers respectively." She said as the three continued to watch the oblivious women.
"Hate to tell ya sis... But that Shit Tier destroyer is a Kagero. That's like... Eight tiers above shit..." Pensacola laughed as continued to fire her weapons.
Of course, the two sisters were sticking with the trend and playing around in a division consisting of the two Pensacola Cruisers. Both in game and out. Salt Lake was obviously having a bad time of the game based on her erratic movements. It's like she was trying to encourage her cruiser to turn more than physically possible. She was clearly trying to dodge one of the many torpedoes that the Japanese destroyer was capable of delivering.
Salt Lake screamed in defiance as one of the torpedoes caught her stern, knocking her engine off line. That only prompted the next few torps to make full contact with her ship, prompting the destruction of the vessel much to Salt's annoyance. Not only that, her death filled the max 1000 points for the opposition, giving them the victory. This only prompted another scream of anger.
"Hehe... Who knew Salt.... Was so...."
"Don't you dare!"
"Salty~" Pensacola said in defiance. Salt Lake only screamed at her sister as she whipped around, the laptop be damned as the heavy cruiser attacked her sister. Anya only sighed as she flipped the camera back around as she looked to Maryland.
"That is why I ordered industrial strength, steel reinforced laptops for you girls. Because I had a feeling that something like that would happen. SALT! Stop Strangling her!" She yelled, standing as she sighed. Looking down to the two battleships, she gave a smile as she waved goodbye. "I'll see you again when I see you." She said. The battleships nodded as they waved goodbye as well before Anya ended the call.
Anya sighed as she put her hands on her hips as she watched the two sisters wrestle one another in the middle of the office before walking from around her desk and up to the two. "Salt! Pen! Cease and desist!" She bellowed. Her yelling seemed to gain the attention of the two as they stopped, still intertwined with one another as they looked up to their Admiral.
"Yeah, Admiral?" Pensacola asked. Anya only shook her head as she began to walk for the door.
"Come on. There's a fleet arriving shortly and I need to be there. And after what I just witnessed, leaving you two alone near anything breakable suddenly doesn't sound like a very wise idea..." Anya said. The two heavy cruisers only watched the woman a moment, glanced at each other, and got a final punch in before they hauled themselves off the ground and began to follow the woman, letting Anya lead the way.
As they did so, Pensacola looked to the Admiral. "So... When are we going to get our riggings? I mean, this is great and all.... But I'd like to be out on the water..." She said. Anya nodded.
"And you will be. Hayfield knows and is getting proper people together to get your riggings assembled and your wardrobes created. But for the time being, the idea is that you amuse yourselves with things you find to do on base... Whether that be Warships or sleeping, so be it." She said as the neared one of the docks, where Ishigara and Algerona was already standing. Turning, the Captain offered a wave to the three as they approached.
"Where are the other four?" Sofia asked as the three reached them. Anya nodded at the question, soon providing an answer.
"North and Wash are sleeping the day away. It would seem they've taken to their beds a lot more gracefully than they thought they would. Oakland and Reno are playing a game of basketball on he court behind the dorms. Two on two with Chiyoda and Chitose. I think the latter of the four lost a bet...." She mused. Ishigara only chuckled at that as Sofia nodded.
"And these two?" She asked.
"Got into a fistfight in our office. Decided it was in everyone's best interest if they were to come and greet the fleet as well." She said. Sofia only laughed as she nodded, turning back to look at the water again as the five stood there.
"To be fair....." Salt murmured. "I'm pretty sure that Kagero Captain was hacking..." She said with distaste, crossing her arms. Pensacola rolled her eyes.
"Or you're just bad at the game..." She supplied. Salt glared at her older sister as Anya sighed at their antics as she turned her attention back to the water.
After a little while, the first of the girls popped into view, a very happy and overly excited Kitkun Bay. Behind her followed her sisters, just as excited as well. And as if on cue, Kit spotted Anya.
"ADMIRAL!" Kit bellowed at the maximum noise her tiny lungs would allow her body to emit. Anya only laughed at the carrier's antics as she watched the girls grow closer.
"Who are those three?" Salt Lake asked, watching the three. Anya chuckled. "St. Lo, Bismarck Sea, and Kitkun Bay. Three of our escort carriers. This was their first sortie." She explained as she watched the three skate across the waves. Soon enough, the rest of the fleet registered to her vision, the three Fubuki class destroyers speeding up to keep up with the carrier's surprising burst of speed.
"Slow down!" Anya called. "You'll just tire yourself out more doing that!" She yelled at the carrier's in a careful manner. The three didn't pay her any though as they continued their impromptu race to their Admiral, the lead never staying with one girl as they pushed their engines as hard as they could go. Eventually, the race came to a screeching halt as Kit collided with the dock, only pouring salt on the wound as her sisters ran into her.
But, once again, unlike normal girls, the three only broke down into giggles as their escorting class of destroyers caught up to them, making sure none of them were too wounded by their collision. Anya only watched them with a smile before looking back up to the approaching fleet, quickly doing a quick tally to make sure each and everyone was present. When she had counted and recounted, making sure, she looked to the flagship of the fleet who had been selected as Indiana.
"How'd it go?" Anya asked, looking to the woman. The battleship shrugged as she glanced over the members of her fleet.
"Well enough. What was supposed to be a patrol stayed pretty much that. We had a few stray Abyssals here and there, but nothing much more than that.... But there was one... Strange thing that happened..." Indiana said after a moment, looking up at the woman she called Admiral.
"And that would be?" Anya asked, looking down at the woman while gaining the attention of Ishigara and Sofia.
"When we were off he coast, we encountered two Abyssal battleships. Maybe 8 kilometers away from us. Well, they noticed us first. And we were expecting shells to start flying any moment. But they never did. They only seemed to watch us for a moment before turning and leaving. Fubuki and Shirayuki pursued with air support, but even then they never seemed to pay us mind. It's like they weren't even worried about us." She recalled, making Anya's eyes widen a tad at the news.
"Oh! Oh! Don't forget their outfits! They were really pretty!" Kitkun said. Indiana nodded in thought.
"Yes, that as well. They weren't dressed in the standard black armor or black outfits. Everything that had to do with them was a... White color. Almost like a pure snow right after' it's fallen. Their eyes even seemed to have a tint of white to them." She said, looking at Anya. The Admiral nodded slowly, taking this in for a moment before shaking her head.
"Alright. Well, if there's not anymore pressing business to take care of, I believe that you ladies would like some time in the docks. Unless Ishigara or Algerona has something to say, you're free to go..." She said, taking a glance at the two behind her. When the two of them shook their heads, Anya nodded to Indiana, who in turn began to lead the fleet to the launching chambers to unload and disarm. Watching them go a moment, Ishigara approached Anya.
"Somethings not sitting right with you I take it?" He asked. Anya shook her head.
"No, not at all." She said as she watched Pensacola and Salt Lake walking along the edge of the docks with the fleet, introducing themselves and talking with one another. "When I was talking with Arizona, she said one of their battles had an intervention consisting of white Abyssal fighters. They never saw a carrier however, so I was skeptical. But because of this.... I don't know what to say anymore..." She said. The two nodded a moment before Ishigara looked to the woman.
"At this point, the Abyssals have the element of surprise... And that is something we must hope that they use to our own advantage..." He said. Anya nodded slowly.
"I still don't like it..." She huffed.
In the depths of the Pacifc, no one can see anything.
The most advanced Submarines in the world have their work cut out for them in this terrain, being so close to friendly and hostile waters.
The sea life on the sea floor is like nothing ever seen before. The 2% Humanity knows of its oceans pales in comparison to what is actually down there.
Humanity could never have born witness to the magnificence of the Abyass. It's Queens or lower, they never knew what lie beneath the surface.
"My Queen..... Stop narrating...." Laptev said, looking up to Arctic as they traveled along the sea floor. Arctic only laughed to herself as she nodded.
"My apologies, but I couldn't resist." Arctic laughed. Laptev only nodded slowly, leading the way as she looked around. Normally, the depths of the Pacific required light. And even then, that would only afford a few feet of sight. For an Abyssal, the darkness of the sea floor was like a cloudy day at dusk. Not great, but still visible.
"So... What are we doing down here anyways? Not that I don't enjoy getting out and stretching my legs, but why?" Laptev asked. Arctic nodded as the continued to walk, eventually coming up to a cliff. The Abyssal Queen then pointed down to the ground below, where their prize lay.
"That, Laptev, is why we came all the way here..." She said as she gazed down at the hulking form of moss covered steel and dented frames.
"That's a ship...." Laptev said. "What's so important about a ship?" She asked. Arctic only chuckled as she stepped off the cliff, now floating down to the ground below as Laptev followed after.
"This ship, is not just any ship. It's... A relic of sorts... Though it held great pride for the country that built it... It was... Too costly... And overshadowed by its elder.... And now, here it rests for eternity as a reminder to the wars that Humanity has engulfed itself in..." She said. Laptev slowly nodded before looking to Arctic again.
"It's a ship..." She said again. Arctic only rolled her eyes in response as she touched down on the same level as the hull. But as she did so, she noticed a source of light moving about within.
"It seems we have company..." She said slowly. Laptev only grinned as she looked to Arctic, who in turn nodded. This of course sent Laptev forward, quickly and quietly as she clambered up the hull, causing the metal to creak and groan from the new movement.
Watching, Arctic observed as Laptev quickly found a way into the hull, soon moving about the structure with all the skill of a professional assassin. Soon enough, Arctic saw the light within begin to jerk around and wave wildly, as if the one holding it had been attacked. This was only cemented when the Abyssal Queen of the Snow began to see blood float about, black in color as it signaled the loss of Abyssal life. Chuckling, Arctic made her way forward, soon taking the same way in that Laptev had.
Navigating her way through the ship, she soon found the floating husk of what had been an Abyssal scavenger. Newly upgraded to dead because of a missing throat. Arching a brow, she found Laptev playing with the light that the scavenger had been using.
"I'm assuming it was quick? We can't have her sending warnings back to Pacific." Arctic said. Laptev nodded.
"The quickest." She said. Arctic nodded as she began to wander through the mass. As she did so, she would every so often released a mechanical orb, which when released, took no time in scanning the particular hallway it had been released it, scanning the data, and moving on. It continued this way all the way until Arctic stood on the deck, looking out over the other pieces of the ship as her mechanical orbs began to go to them as well, delving within as Arctic watched.
"So why are we here my Queen?" Laptev asked as she walked up behind the woman. Arctic only smiled.
"All in do time, Laptev... All in do time..."
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