More Firepower
Author's Note:
A thousand reads? Really?
Thank you.
To those of you who have followed this story from the first chapter or those of you just now joining us.
It doesn't matter.
Thanks to all of you.
It means a lot. It really does.
In return, I give you the longest chapter yet.
Tenryuu and Atlanta watched as the six destroyers bobbed on the water's surface ahead of them, the six in their own conversation of sorts.
The time of the day was around eighteen hundred hours. The day's date was October 25th, almost three full months since the first seven American Kanmusu had come through the Gateway.
And since then?
The Gateway had remained stubbornly quiet, giving no indication of when another girl would come through. It just sat there, as if quietly contemplating its own existence.
For the seven American Kanmusu, their worries had all but vanished. For the two women in charge of the seven, their worries were in much the same state.
Now the worry was starting to spread to those of the Japanese Kanmusu and their Admiral as well.
Although some were not too keen on the idea of the Americans coming in force, the current group they found themselves faced with was not what they had expected.
When first hearing that the Americans were coming to Yokosuka, those of the Japanese immediately thought of the countless ships that the U.S. had wielded. They thought of the many vessels that had brought the Pacific under their control.
The Seven that had come through did not match those expectations.
Although the Seven were fearsome in their own right, they were certainly lacking in the numbers that those of the Japanese had come to expect.
To put it straight, everyone was at least a little bit worried. Whether or not they admitted it.
Tenryuu watched ahead, the gaggle of destroyers kept locked in some quiet discussion.
The eight Kanmusu were returning from Sortie, one that had taken them up to the northern coasts of Japan. It was a simple patrol and had remained as much.
Tenryuu looked up at the sky, not a spec of blue in sight. They'd been fighting the off and on rain squalls all day as the sky remained a pale gray. Said sky was turning the water beneath them into nothing they couldn't handle. If anything, the off and on breeze was a pleasant feeling against the bare skin of Tenryuu's legs, the sea spray kissing them from time to time.
The Japanese light cruiser watched the six kids in front of her for a while. After which, she turned her attention to the suspiciously quiet American Anti-Air Cruiser.
It was clear something was up. Atlanta was never the kind of person to stay quiet for long, especially during a sortie.
Yet, she had yet to say more than thirty words during their time on the water. Which was now edging into its eleventh hour. Tenryuu knew something was up.
Even if the silence wasn't a dead giveaway, Atlanta's rigging was spotted with the occasional Fairy, looking up at their ship with worry. Tenryuu decided that it was time to get to the bottom of this silence that was falling over the American redhead.
Coming to a sail next to the girl, Atlanta's fairies looked at Tenryuu with a hopeful expression. Giving a nod to the small beings, the eye patch adorning cruiser looked at Atlanta.
"Hey, Atlanta..." Tenryuu said, her voice going firm. She was only ignored in response. Tenryuu's one visible eye narrowed in response.
"Atlanta...." Tenryuu tried again, but once again was only met with silence. Tenryuu gave a huff in response.
"Atlanta!" Tenryuu finally yelled, about ready to throttle the cruiser. But once again, she was met with silence as Atlanta remained buried in her thoughts.
"How do I...." Tenryuu mused, trying to figure out an answer. But before she could find a solution, someone else found one for her.
"HEY! ATLANTA!" One of the destroyers shouted ahead of her. But Tenryuu didn't need to guess. Nor did she have time as warning sirens went off in her mind, her crew having spotted a now approaching Torpedo.
"Oh for Christ's sake...." Tenryuu muttered to herself as she maneuvered herself out of the way of the impromptu torpedo. But she didn't need eyes on Atlanta to know that the sudden surprise had succeeded in rousing the thoughtful girl.
"Wha- OH SHIT!" Atlanta's voice tore through the air in a sudden manner, panicked splashing and movement of water registering to Tenryuu's hearing. And then to top it off, one final splash for good measure. Already having a good idea of what she'd find, Tenryuu turned.
She found that the final splash had been Atlanta falling over, now in a sitting like position on top of the water's surface, thoroughly soaked through as she glared at the destroyers.
"Bristol..." Atlanta growled from her sitting position. Destroyer in question merely offered a nervous giggle, now hiding behind Ellyson and Hibiki. Tenryuu gave a small laugh as she offered a hand to the cruiser, who in turn gladly accepted the help as she righted herself. "Why did you throw a torpedo at me?!" Atlanta asked as she got her feet back under her, her gaze shooting straight to the destroyer.
"Tenryuu was trying to talk to you...." Bristol squeaked out, still partially hidden behind her fellow destroyers. Raising a brow in return, Atlanta looked over at the cruiser.
"Is that so....?" She asked. Tenryuu gave a nod, her hands at her hips.
"It is. You've been too quiet since we got out here and I want to know what's up. Arizona looked about ready to kill you...." The light cruiser informed her, an action that was answered with a shrug.
"You really need to even ask? It's the same as it has been for the absolute last month. When is the gateway finally gonna give us more girls? And now more than ever after what happened to Lexington last week..." Atlanta replied. Tenryuu only gave a nod in response to that.
The event Atlanta was referring to did in fact involve Lexington. A Sortie had gone south quickly after three fleets had surrounded the Kanmusu fleet. Well, long story short, had Yokosuka been any farther away than it was, The Essex Class girl would've been the first American Kanmusu to be lost.
But luck had been on their side. Or more importantly, her side. And although Majorly Injured, Lexington had been able to make it back to Yokosuka in one piece where she ended up spending more than three days within the docks.
"That's true, but you can't really focus on that. If we had some edge of control over the Gateway, then sure. But at the moment? We're at its mercy. That means whining over it ain't gonna do a thing for anyone...." Tenryuu reasoned. Atlanta gave a huff in response.
"That's easy for you to say! You have a sister on base. You have a whole fleet of your own country's ships. But us? Me? Enterprise? Arizona? We don't.... And hell, we've almost lost some already...." Atlanta reasoned. Tenryuu gave a nod.
"I understand that, sure. But Atlanta, you haven't yet. You haven't lost Lexington. You haven't lost Enterprise. You haven't lost Arizona. You've lost none of your seven. Be grateful for that." Tenryuu said. Atlanta gave a nod in response.
"I am, there's no doubt about that... Losing any of us would impact the base I'd think... I just... I want to have at least one of my sisters here with me... Like how Kitakami has Ooi or how you have Tatsuta..... But maybe not like either of them either... I'm not sure I could survive a demon like sister...." Atlanta mused, to which Tenryuu gave a laugh.
"Yeah... Tatsuta may be all good and that, but don't let the halo fool you.... She ain't no angel...." She said with a laugh. Atlanta gave a nod in response as she looked up at the cloudy sky above their heads, watching it for a time.
"It does make me wonder though... What they'll be like.... Or what any of the girls will be like.... I'd say we've gotten pretty lucky so far in terms of that. None of us have held a disliking of the Japanese that wasn't quickly changed or given a new light... Even I was apprehensive at first..." She answered. Tenryuu gave a nod.
"How long until we run out of luck with that little subject...." She wondered aloud. Atlanta gave a shrug.
"You got me. My guess is that Zuikaku wouldn't mind it, finally having someone to trade words with... She keeps trying to get Arizona to do so, but the battleship won't go that low..." Atlanta mused. Before Tenryuu could answer however, Bristol threw in her own opinion.
"Well duh! Arizona's really nice while Zuikaku's just a meany. I just think she's sad that she doesn't get any cuddles like Arizona does..." Bristol said with a giggle. Atlanta and Tenryuu only gave a nod in response, having no doubt as to what Bristol was referring to.
Case she was referring to is of the relationship that had been building between the Pennsylvania Class Girl and one certain Kongou Class Battleship. It didn't need to be said that the two seemed to be happy when they were together. It even seemed to deter Zuikaku from verbally assaulting Arizona at times. But that probably had more to do with the fact that Haruna had quite literally almost beaten the carrier nearly unconscious at one point. It had only stopped after Arizona had hauled the battleship off of Zuikaku that the usually quiet girl had finally calmed down.
The cuddles Bristol was referring to was in fact a few of the Japanese destroyers. Arizona had developed a habit of sleeping in various areas around base when she had downtime. This would elicit some of the Japanese destroyers, such as Shigure and Yuudachi, to fall asleep next to her, some taking the chance to snuggle up to the American battleship. It was a pretty normal occurrence these days.
"Yeah, we got that." Tenryuu replied. "Pretty sure I heard Mutsuki call Arizona senpai the other day..." Tenryuu mused.
"Why would she wanna be a pie...." Bristol asked, the confusion evident on her face. Atlanta gave a heavy sigh as Tenryuu laughed. Hibiki turned to the American destroyer, trying to quell her confusion.
"Not sen-pie. Senpai. It's an honorific, Bristol-chan. A way to honor those above you.... Think of it along the lines of a title of sorts...." The white haired destroyer informed her counterpart. Bristol looked heavy in thought for a moment before giving a shrug.
"If you say so... Can we get pie...?" Bristol asked. Asking said question peaked the other 5 destroyers.
"PIE!" The six yelled. Atlanta and Tenryuu gave sighs in response.
"How many times do we have to tell you girls that you can have pie when we get back to Yokosuka. It's not like we can produce pie out of thin air...." Tenryuu sighed. Bristol looked up at the light cruiser with a disapproving expression.
"Why not..?" She demanded.
"Yeah! Why not, nanodesu!?" Inazuma reiterated.
"Pie is a first class lady's food!" Akatsuki declared. Hibiki and Ikazuchi gave nods in turn as Ellyson merely looked on, watching the event with a certain amused expression. Tenryuu merely stated dumbfounded before shaking her head.
"Damn Americans..." She muttered, causing Atlanta to let out a sharp laugh into the air. "I'll say it again. One more time. You can have pie when we get back to base. But not a second before then. Do I make myself clear?" She asked.
The six destroyers watched her a moment, silently taking in her words, before Bristol spoke.
"Why?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at the light cruiser.
"Why you little..." Tenryuu grumbled, lunging for the girl. Bristol just let out a giggle in response as she sped up ever so slightly, just barely keeping out of the Japanese cruiser's reach.
The other six Kanmusu watched them, amused at the spectacle, as they waited for Tenryuu to tire out. Even at a full load, Bristol could out speed the older girl. Without said load, Bristol could speed away at a hefty 37.5 knots. No hope for Tenryuu with her max speed of 33.5 knots.
"So... What were you expecting there...?" Atlanta asked, an amused smile upon her features. Tenryuu gave a shrug as she turned to the girl.
"So... Anything else bothering you that I should know about?" Tenryuu asked. Atlanta rose a brow, crossing her arms as she looked at the cruiser.
"And what makes you think that you have the authority to ask that?" Atlanta mused, watching the woman. Tenryuu gave a laugh.
"It's called age. In this form, I'm little more than three years older than you based on the day I came through the gateway. In our previous forms, I had you by a good twenty plus years. So, if there's anything else that's bothering you, spill it..." Tenryuu said. Atlanta watched her a moment before giving a shrug.
"I mean... I guess I'm a bit bothered by the fact that these forms don't seem to age.... Or at least not very fast..." Atlanta huffed. Tenryuu rose a brow at this.
"Why would that be an issue....?" The light cruiser asked. Atlanta stayed silent a moment before she finally answered.
"These...." Atlanta mumbled. Tenryuu looked confused.
"These...." Atlanta repeated again, this time a bit louder. Once again, Tenryuu had no response.
"THESE!" Atlanta shouted, her hands grasping her chest in a desperate motion. Tenryuu watched surprised for a moment.
Only for a moment though.
Before she broke down into a uncontrollable laugh. In response, Atlanta gave chase, screaming at the woman.
That was a race Tenryuu could win.
Anya covered her mouth with the crook of her elbow as she once again collapsed into a coughing fit, the third one within the last fifteen minutes.
After said coughing fit was finished, she let her arm fall back down to her side as she sat behind her desk, attempting to get some further work done.
But as she did so, she noticed pairs of eyes peering up at her, worry clearly evident in their expressions. Anya gave a small laugh at the small figures standing upon her desk.
"I'm fine, alright? It's just a small cold..." Anya reasoned to the fairies looking up at her. Beings in question only continued to watch her, their gaze unrelenting.
"They merely worry for you Admiral." Langley reasoned from behind her. "Your cold hasn't been letting up these past days... Although... Staying up this late can't be helping that small fact..." Langley said, looking at the wall mounted clock on the other side of the room. Clear to see, they were now in the first minutes of a new day, it now being the 26th of October. "The Captain retired to her quarters hours ago. Why haven't you done the same? You need the rest..." The motherly carrier reasoned. Anya shrugged as she gestured to the paperwork in front of her.
"Paperwork. The more I get done now, the more I can rest later..." Anya reasoned, taking a look at the carrier before turning her attention back to her desk, gesturing to the fairies on top of it. "Plus, these girls are quite helpful... If at times, a little strange...." Anya mused. Langley merely smiled.
"They are as concerned for your well being just as we ship girls are. We all hope to see you well again." Langley replied. Anya gave a small laugh as she continued working.
"You make it sound like I might die in the coming days..." Anya answered before she quickly put her arm up again, coughing once again. Langley gave a sigh as she waited for Anya to finish. When she had, she acted.
"Admiral..." Langley began. Turning to look at the ship girl, Anya quickly found herself surprised.
Acting faster than Anya could respond to, Langley quickly put her forehead to her Admiral's, staying silent for a moment. When Anya attempted to remove herself, Langley held her still. Keeping her eyes closed, Langley pulled back after a moment.
"Your temperature has risen from what it was this morning..." Langley mused, her eyes watching Anya like a hawk. Anya gave a sigh.
"I realize this. And I will rest later. Right now, work." Anya answered. With that, she turned back to the work in front of her, a pile of reports from the last month of Sorties her girls had been included with.
That was one thing that they had not been lacking in so far. All seven of the American Ship Girls had gathered quite the amount of combat experience over the past weeks. Even if some Sorties had gone more smooth than others.
Of course, there was always the one that kept Anya on her toes. Like the first one they had done, the one that had brought Arizona back in rough shape.
Or the one 3 weeks ago that had seen Enterprise almost sunk.
Or last week. When they had almost lost Lexington.
Anya had known from the very start, back when Hayfield had offered the job to her, that this wasn't going to be a simple job of peace and quiet. But it wouldn't be the same if it was.
If that mean almost collapsing some days from the stress, then so be it.
Anya continued to work silently for a while longer, Langley and her fairies helping where they could.
"Enemy Vessel Sunk!" Suddenly rang through the air. The American Admiral turned her attention to her desk computer.
Anya gave a small chuckle. While yes, there were three of Langley's fairies helping her with the work, there was also a second set of three indulging in a new love the Ship Girls had found during their time in their human forms.
Introduced to them by some of the Japanese Kanmusu, it was simply known as World Of Warships.
An MMO Naval Simulator that puts players at the command of iconic World War One and World War Two warships. Putting players in matches consisting of 12v12, It was a good way for the girls to pass downtime. It was also the reason that Anya had ended up ordering a few laptops for the girls to do with what they wish.
She watched as the three put down another ship. One fairy was in control of the aiming and such. The second fairy was in charge of the engines, using the arrow keys located on the keyboard with a sense of professionalism. The third fairy was in charge of switching to what they needed, whether it be a various selection of ammunition or consumable.
And their choice of Warship for this occasion?
None other than the tier four American carrier, Langley herself.
Anya watched as the on screen planes came for a landing to refuel and rearm. Watching them a moment, she looked down at the fairies.
"How many ships you put down so far?" Anya asked, watching as the match's chat practically exploded, the friendly team praising what was apparently the God Tier Langley while the enemy team was cursing them to the pits of oblivion. The fairy in charge of switching to squadrons turned the to the Admiral, holding up a set number of fingers.
"Seven huh? Well done..." Anya replied, watching as a friendly destroyer briefly crossed the carrier's path, most likely watching for the three enemy destroyers that still remained.
At the start of the match, the Fairies team had suffered greatly. Losing two of their battleships within the first four minutes, things weren't looking great. And from there, it only continued to dwindle in outlook.
That's when they struck, the three person crew of the Langley. They struck back by sinking the enemy carrier, yet another Langley.
From there, the team took hits from one another, while in turn giving their own in return.
All the way up to this current moment. 2 ships left on the friendly team, a carrier and a destroyer.
The opposing team consisted of three destroyers and a cruiser, seeming to have the advantage in numbers.
Anya watched as the fairies put a freshly restocked squadron of dive bombers into the air. Good timing too, as one of the enemy destroyers popped up a fair distance away. The friendly destroyer took no time to start putting shells into the air in the direction of the enemy.
Anya watched as the last two remaining friendly ships fought it out against the destroyer, the bombers getting it to turn to either side, giving the friendly destroyer a chance at hitting it directly on the side.
Anya watched as the match went on, the minutes ticking by as the two ships made their last stand. But as she did so, her desk began to vibrate.
Or, more specifically, one of her desk drawers. Pulling said drawer open, it revealed that her tablet was the device that was causing such a commotion. Retrieving it from its place, she brought it up to desk level.
Looking at the notification that was making itself known, she identified it as an incoming video call. Looking at the user name issuing the call, it read as The_Twins. Giving a shrug, she propped the tablet up on her desk as she accepted the call.
A few quiet moments passed by, Anya watching the tablet's screen attentively. The three fairies of Langley that were not currently playing the game watched as well, some edging closer to the device, but not actually within view of the camera. After a moment, the image of a man appeared. Staying silent a moment, he gave a small smile.
"No offense sis, but you look like shit..." He joked. Anya rolled her eyes as she formed an amused smirk.
"Oh, Danny, how you wound me..." Anya replied in an overdramatic fashion. Man in question only gave a laugh in response. "But yeah, you're probably right... I probably do look like crap...." Anya reasoned.
Danny and Hank. The youngest two of the of the six Johnson siblings, they were four years younger than Anya.
The two had inherited their father's dark black hair. But their eyes had carried down from their grandfather, a dark brown in color. Both standing at 6"1, this made Anya the shortest of the six.
Danny gave a nod in response. "You sound sick, Anya. You don't by chance have a cold do you?" He asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Let me guess then. You're putting it off...." Danny asked, watching Anya carefully. Langley offered a stifled laugh from the side at the topic. Anya gave a nod.
"And isn't it like one in the morning there?" He asked, a small smirk upon his lips. Anya responded by letting her head fall to her desk, laying there a moment before giving a small nod. Danny only laughed in response.
"I assume you didn't call just to interrogate me...?" Anya asked, sitting back up after a moment. Danny gave a nod.
"Called to check up on you. Been too busy before now. All we've had to go on up until now is word of mouth from our siblings. And you know how our older siblings can be...." Danny trailed off. Anya chuckled in response.
"Insane?" She answered. Danny gave a nod.
"Not the word I would have used, but that works too. But we finally had some time off so we figured we'd give you a call. Learn for ourselves just how well our big sister the Admiral is doing over in Japan." He answered.
"We?" Anya asked. Danny gave a nod as he rotated his tablet, giving sight to Hank a few feet away, laptop in his lap. He looked at the tablet, offering a small wave in turn, before turing his attention back to his laptop. Turning the tablet back to face him, Danny offered a shrug. "What's got him so enthralled" Anya asked. Danny took a look to his side before he answered.
"He's in the middle of a game. World Of Warships. You know it?" Danny asked. Turning her gaze to her computer momentarily, where the fairies were still hammering away at the enemy team, Anya gave a nod.
"Yeah... I know the one. How's he doing?" She asked. Danny took another look for a moment before giving his report.
"His team is down to him, who is a destroyer, and his lone ally, a... Langley. Enemy team has three.... No wait, scratch that, just two destroyers and a cruiser..." Danny replied. As if a coincidence 'Enemy Vessel Sent Under' rang through the air on Anya's end. She watched as an eighth ribbon popped up on the screen, signifying that the fairies had sunk yet another ship. Hesitating a moment, she turned back to her tablet.
"Hey... How many kills does the carrier have....?" She asked. Danny took another look, Hank pulling up the list for him, before he answered.
"Langley's got 8 sinkings... Whoever is behind the control of that Langley has a pretty good idea of what they're doing...." Danny mused. Anya gave a nod.
"You have no idea...." Anya chuckled. "Anyways, It's pretty nice over here, if at times a bit stressful..." She answered. Danny gave a nod.
"Well, I figure that's a given, especially when you consider where and with who you're posted. You're pretty much at the forefront of the war in the Pacific. So, how are the girls?" He asked. Anya narrowed her eyes.
"What's that suppose to mean?" She asked accusingly. Danny gave a laugh.
"Greg wasn't kidding. You are protective of them. But I'm no Cynthia. I just want to know what they're like. Are they nice? I mean, we're talking about reincarnated Warships here. I don't exactly have a frame of reference to go by here..." He reasoned. Anya prepared to answer, but instead answered with a new coughing fit. After she had gotten that under control, she answered her younger brother.
"Well I mean if that's what you're talking about, then they're just like you or me. I mean, unless you've seen them in action as Ship Girls, it'd be pretty hard to pick them out of a crowd I think..." Anya answered. Danny gave a nod as he began to say something, but suddenly found himself stopped. Anya looked at him in confusion for a moment until she realized why.
One of Langley's fairies had wandered into frame, the small being's curiosity growing larger and larger with each passing second.
"Anya...." Danny spoke after a moment, his eyes never leaving the small being. "What is that..?" He asked. Anya merely laughed as she gave the fairy a small pat on the head.
"You act as if you've never seen a fairy before..." Anya mused, watching her brother through the tablet. Danny only offered a small, slow nod in response as the fairy stepped into full view, now joined by the other two Fairies that were not currently involved with the game. The three watched Danny for a time, their faces the perfect image of focus. As they did so, Langley stepped into frame, standing behind Anya as she did so. Danny took one look before giving a nod in understanding.
"Now it all makes sense..." He stated. Anya gave a curious expression.
"Oh?" She asked. Danny gave a nod.
"Yeah. This is my first time seeing a fairy, that much is true. But because of Cynthia's following of the Kanmusu social craze, I learned at one point that the Fairies are just the Ship Girl's crews. And I'm guessing that she's the Ship Girl they belong to..." Danny reasoned, looking past Anya, straight at Langley. Anya looked up at the carrier as Langley stifled a small laugh.
"It would seem that your brother is quite observant, Admiral..." Langley mused. Anya gave a shrug.
"It surprises me too..." Anya reasoned. Danny made a noise of objection.
"Hey! I have my moments!" He called. Anya merely chuckled as Langley placed a hand on the back of her chair.
"Anyways. Danny, meet Langley. Reincarnation of the first carrier of the United States Navy. Langley, meet Danny. Oldest of the twins and fifth oldest of us siblings." Any introduced the two. Danny gave a nod.
"A pleasure Ms. Langley." Danny replied. Langley gave a nod in return.
"Likewise." Langley replied. Before Anya could say anything further however, the game that the fairies were involved in ended, resulting in a victory.
"Hey Hank." Anya spoke. Danny handed the tablet to his brother, the latter giving a wave.
"Hey sis.... Wow, Danny is right, you do look like shit...." Hank said with an amused grin. Danny could be heard laughing in the background as Anya rolled her eyes.
"Really feeling the love here..." Anya replied, her tone taking that of annoyed. Hank only laughed in reply as he looked at his older sister. "Anyways, how'd the Warships game go?" She asked, looking over at her computer where the Fairies were looking over the end game stats. She looked back to her brother as he answered.
"Like Danny said, whoever was playing that Langley knows exactly what they're doing...." He replied. Anya gave a nod to her younger brother.
"Like I told him too, there's good reason for that. Hank, meet your fellow captain...." Anya replied as she picked up the tablet and hit the camera rotation button. Anya held the tablet as the camera now focused on the three fairies in front of the computer. Anya watched his expression as Hank slowly pieced it together.
"So... The Langley in my game... Was being captained by the crew of the Langley.... So essentially, Langley was being captained by Langley...?" He asked. Anya shrugged as she hit the camera rotate button again.
"Essentially, yeah. World Of Warships has kind of... Gained some popularity around here...." Anya admitted. Hank gave a nod.
"Good taste. They any good at it?" He asked. Anya gave a nod.
"As you just saw, a group of their fairies just wiped the floor with the other team." She replied. Hank gave a nod.
"True. But I was their protection. Those destroyers would've had their ass had I not been there..." He responded. Anya took a look over at the Fairies, watching as the three gave a nod.
"Well, in that case, they thank you for your service." Anya replied. Hank gave a nod.
"Happy to assist. So all jokes aside, how're you doing over there?" He asked. Anya nodded as she once again propped up the Tablet at the edge of her desk. She laid her hands out in front of her after she did so.
"Pretty well."
"And Sofia?"
"She's doing fine as well. She's asleep at the moment." Anya answered.
"Like you should be?" Hank asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Probably...." She answered. Hank gave a nod and was about to add something to that when he suddenly grew silent, seeming to be watching something closely. Anya formed a puzzled expression.
"Hank?" She asked. But her call fell on deaf ears as her brother turned to his twin.
"Hey Danny. Come here." He called. A few seconds later, Danny appeared standing behind his brother.
"Yeah?" He asked. Hank in turn seemed to point at something on their end. Danny grew quiet a moment, a silence that made Anya suspicious.
"Guys?" She asked. Danny looked at Anya in turn.
"What's up with your ring?" He asked. Anya looked confused for a moment, bringing her ring to the key focus of her vision.
Her Naval ring. The one that had been given to her by the gateway. The one that had appeared after the water had stung. The ring that had stayed just as silent as the Gateway it came from.
The jewel was a dark blue.
Except it wasn't.
It was currently glowing a light blue.
Anya watched it a moment.
Then reality came crashing back to her.
She immediately knew what it meant.
"Uhhh, I gotta go....." Anya quickly said. "We'll have to continue this some other time...." She said. Her brothers merely nodded in response as she ended the call, quickly standing from her chair. Langley looked at her in confusion
"Admiral...?" The carrier asked. Anya gestured to her ring.
"Dark blue means nothing. Light blue means the exact opposite....." She said. Langley looked confused for a moment before it seemed to finally dawn on her. Anya gave a nod as she turned to her desk, where the six fairies were watching them carefully. "If we leave you six here, can I expect my desk to still be in one piece when I come back?" She asked. The six fairies gave nods of confirmation. Anya gave a nod as she turned towards the door, taking no time to walk through with Langley hot on her trail.
When it came to exiting the American HQ, Anya practically threw the front door open before someone grabbed the back of her collar. Whipping around, Anya came to face Langley, who was holding a coat out to the Admiral.
"There is no getting you to sleep, especially now. But humor me Admiral, and try not make yourself further ill than you already are...." Langley responded. Anya merely gave a nod, taking coat from the carrier and putting it on. When she had secured the coat on herself, Langley gave a nod as the two American women walked out into the cool night.
The sounds of an early morning on Tokyo Bay registered to their hearing, the odd ship here and there being heard in the distance. Anya and Langley made their way through the base, heading for the Summoning House.
The ground was still partially damp from the day's scattered rain. It had made the day rather dull, but added a certain calm to the night.
After a moment, Langley spoke.
"Admiral...." Langley called. Anya looked back to the Carrier, the base lights providing a dim lighting as the two walked on.
"Hm?" Anya asked, looking back at the carrier.
"I've a concern...." Langley said.
"And that would be...?" The Admiral asked. Langley hesitated a moment before answering.
"That you'll be angry..." She replied. Anya rose a brow as she looked at the Carrier.
"Angry? Why would I be angry with-"
"Not me. Them. The new girls that is..." Langley replied. Anya looked surprised.
"With them...? Why would I be upset with them...?" Anya asked.
"Because it's been so long since we've come through... It is not just me that harbors this fear..." Langley replied. Anya gave a sigh.
"Well... I can understand why'd you think that, but I assure you I'm not gonna be angry over something so trivial..... At this moment, the only thing I can feel is relief..." Anya replied. Langley offered a small laugh.
"Understandable. Any certain hopes for certain kinds of ships?" Langley asked. Anya nodded.
"I have two preferences here... First, is if that the Gateway just decides to give us some some of the same types that happen to be sisters to the girls we already have present, such as Essex, Yorktown, and Pennsylvania, I wouldn't be complaining. Now if that doesn't work out, I wouldn't mind a buff to the numbers of our Cruisers, Battleships, and Submarines." Anya replied. Langley gave a nod.
"Now what do you think about the chances of either of those scenarios coming to fruition?" The carrier asked. Anya shrugged.
"Don't know... This Gateway hasn't exactly been predictable since we've been here.... Hell, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if it gave us a foreign ship girl..." Anya reasoned. Langley gave a nod.
"Well let's go and see who it did give us...." Langley mused. Anya nodded.
"Indeed." The Admiral replied.
As the two neared the Summoning Chamber, they could see that the internal lights were already on, meaning someone was already within the building. Anya and Langley traded a glance.
As they grew closer, laughter and voices registered to their hearing. Trading a glance, Anya stopped in front of the door.
"Ready?" Anya asked. Langley gave a nod.
"Ready Admiral." She replied with a confident nod.
Anya gave a nod as she slowly opened the door. And immediately, upon seeing the residents of the room, froze almost instantly, Langley soon following in her actions.
Their eyes focused on the girl just exiting the Gateway, clad in the same Navy Blue outfit the original seven had been adorning.
It was just one.
Just one exited the Gateway.
She exited the Gateway to join the already present twenty Navy Blue clad girls.
In response, Anya looked at her ring, now seeing that the gem had returned to a dark blue, signaling that no more Kanmusu were coming through as of now.
Because they were in front of her.
All of them.
All twenty one of the presumably American Ship Girls.
"Did I recall asking for a whole fleet....?" Anya whispered, now in a slight panicked motion.
"I do not believe so...." Was all her secretary ship offered in response.
Normally, a whisper would not be heard at this distance. Especially with how much noise the group of twenty one was making before them. But they weren't in a normal place.
They were at the front of the Summoning Chamber, the large warehouse like building carrying any sort of noise around the room as it bounced off the walls. And this is what did it.
Their whispering gained the attention of one of the Navy Blue clad girls. Looking over at the two, she grew silent. This caused her conversation partners to grow silent as well, now watching the two like a murder of crows, quietly waiting for them to act.
Their action set off a chain reaction in the group, soon enough, an erie silence settling over the 21 as they watched the two.
It stayed this way for a time, Anya and Langley trying to figure out what had just happened.
Those opposite to them, trying to figure out just who the two mystery women were.
After a moment, one of the older looking girls called out to the two.
"Hey! No need to be so spooked. We don't bite.... Well, at least most of us don't...." She said, gaining a few nervous chuckles from the girls around her. Anya gave a nod as Langley gave her Admiral a small shove, getting her moving.
Before Anya knew it, she was standing directly in front of the twenty one.
All twenty one pairs of eyes were watching her like a hawk.
"What a great conversation this is...." One mused. Anya raised a brow at this.
"Oh? Bored are we...?" She asked, looking at the girl. The woman shrugged.
"Yeah, you could say that. Been standing here for a good ten minutes waiting for something to happen..." She replied. Anya gave a nod.
"Well, let's make things interesting. How about some introductions. I am Vice Admiral Anya S. Johnson of the United States Navy. The woman to my side is Ensign Langley." She answered. The eyes of the woman in front of Anya grew wide.
"Langley.... As in...?" She trailed off as Langley gave a nod.
"Mhm. CV-1. USS Langley. It is both a pleasure and a relief to finally meet you all in this form." The motherly carrier said with a smile. The woman that had spoke before gave a confused look.
"A relief...?" She asked. Anya gave a nod.
"Yes, and we'll explain that in a minute... Right now, let's find out who's who. And I think we'll start with you." Anya replied, looking at the woman. Latter in question gave a chuckle, her previous bored expression returning to her features.
"Very well, Admiral. The name's Saratoga, CV-3. Second of the Lexington Class Carrier." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she took a moment to study the newly revealed fleet carrier.
Saratoga seemed to stand at a solid 5"11, just barely taller than Anya. In terms of physical age, she seemed about 21 years, her curves only helping this fact. Dark, jet black hair fell just past her shoulders in a cascade of curls. Her vibrant yellow eyes watched Anya with all the professionalism of a Lion following its prey for the kill. If Saratoga had not revealed who she was, Anya might've guessed that the girl belonged to a class of Battleships.
"So you want to let us know who else of our Fleet is already on base?" Saratoga asked, her arms crossed as she looked at Anya. The American blonde gave a nod.
"After we get through introductions. And with that note, since Saratoga was first, we'll start with the Carriers then. I want all carriers to step forward." Anya ordered, backing up a few steps. Doing so brought Saratoga with her along with five additional girls. And to Anya's surprise and disbelief, three of them looked younger than the Akatsuki sisters.
Hesitating a moment, she turned to the three smaller figures, watching them. In return, they stared right back.
"Alrighty..... Let's start with you." Anya answered, gesturing to the one in the middle of the three. Supposed carrier in question only giggled in response.
"I am CVE-63, Admiral. USS St. Lo at your service!" She said with a small salute. "Eighth of the Casablanca Class Escort Carriers!" She replied before breaking down into a torrent of giggles. Anya gave a nod in return.
St. Lo looked to be about 7 or 8 in physical appearance, making Anya briefly wonder just what the hell the Gateway was thinking. Bright green eyes stared up at Anya, watching her with a new found curiosity as bright, white hair decorated the top of Lo's head. It ran all the way down to her waist. Although that wasn't much, considering the girl only looked to be about 4"8. Giving one more nod, Anya spoke.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. You mind if I call you Lo?" She asked. St. Lo shook her head.
"Not at all Admiral." She replied. Anya gave a nod in response as she turned her gaze to the girl on the right of St. Lo, the latter staring up at Anya with curious eyes.
"And you are?" Anya asked, looking down at the presumed Escort Carrier. After a moment, she finally spoke.
"I am CVE-95. Previously the USS Bismarck Sea, I am the fortieth within the Casablanca Class. It is a pleasure to meet you admiral." Bismarck spoke to her. Anya gave a nod, almost surprised at the level of courtesy the girl spoke with. The American Admiral supposed she had Bristol to blame for her child like expectations of the smaller looking ship girls.
Bismarck Sea had the same green eyes as her sister, but her hair was a dark brown in color instead of the white that Lo had. Like her sister, she only looked to be about 8 years old and stood at the same height as her sister.
"Well, it's quite good to meet you, Bismarck Sea. Would you mind if I call you Bismarck for short?" She asked. Bismarck Sea looked at her for a moment.
"You mean to tell me that you would call me by the same name as one of the Greatest Battleships in history?" She asked. Anya gave a small nod.
"I mean, if you don't want to-" but trailed off as Bismarck Sea cut her off.
"Oh no, I would be delighted. I was just making sure." Bismarck said, offering a small giggle after her statement. Anya gave a nod as she turned to the last of the three. Running her gaze over Lo and Bismarck one final time, she spoke.
"You apart of the Casablanca Sisters as well?" She asked. The girl gave a nod in response.
"Indeed Admiral. I am CVE-71, the sixteenth within the Casablanca Class. I am USS Kitkun Bay." She replied. Anya gave a nod in response.
Kitkun Bay, like both her sisters, only looked to be 7 or 8. Standing just under the height of the two of them, this put her as the shortest sister. She had bright blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with curiosity as dark blonde hair fell to her waist. Anya gave a nod.
"You mind if I call you Kitkun? Or Kit for short?" She asked. Kitkun shook her head.
"Kit is fine Admiral." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she gave Kit's head a pat.
"You three are pretty adorable for carriers...." Anya replied. Kit seemed to melt under the pat as her sisters ran at Anya, asking for pats of their own.
After they had gotten that settled, which had only been done after Langley had centered the Escort Carrier's attention on herself, Anya looked to the other two that had stepped forward. Hesitating a moment, she focused on the taller of the two. Looking at the girl a moment, she finally spoke.
"And your name?" Anya asked. The woman watched her a moment before speaking.
"CV-41. USS Midway. Name ship of the Midway Class Carrier." Midway said in a quiet tone, her face void of emotion. Anya looked surprised.
"Midway huh? Well, it's nice to meet you." She said. Midway only nodded in response.
Midway stood at about 6"1, seeming to have the figure of a 20 year old. Dark black hair hung to about her mid back, not a curl in sight. Dark Crimson eyes stood against her black hair, watching Anya carefully. After a moment, Anya gave a nod as she moved onto the last of the six.
This Ship Girl wasn't as curvy or tall as Midway or Saratoga. But she wasn't as underdeveloped or short as the Casablanca sisters were. Meaning she was most likely neither a Escort or Fleet. Dirty blonde hair sat on her head, a pixie cut style making itself known. Dark brown eyes watched Anya quietly. She looked around Ryuujou's physical age, standing at somewhere around 13 or 14. She stood at a solid 5"6.
"And your name?" Anya finally asked.
"CVL-28, Seventh of the Independence Class Light Carriers. I was previously the USS Cabot." She introduced herself. Anya gave a nod,
"It's good to meet you, Cabot. I saw that you were the last to come through?" She asked. Cabot gave a nod.
"Indeed." She replied. Anya gave a nod.
"Okay. Quick recap here. CV-3, Saratoga. CV-41, Midway. CVL-28, Cabot. CVE-63, St. Lo. CVE-71, Kitkun Bay. And CVE-95, Bismarck Sea. Missing anyone am I?" She asked. When she got shakes of the head, she gave a nod.
"Good. If you six wouldn't mind, would you stand behind me with Langley? Makes it easier to focus on those I don't know yet." She asked. They gave nods as they repositioned themselves behind Anya, leaving the 15 unnamed girls in front of her.
Looking between the 15, Anya stayed silent a moment before speaking.
"Submarines." She spoke. In turn, three girls approached her, looking up her with a waiting curiosity. Anya looked between the three for a moment before settling her gaze on the one to the right.
"How about you first..." She suggested. Ship Girl in question gave a nod.
"SS-264. Formerly the USS Pargo. Fifty second of the Gato Class Submarine." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she studied the girl.
Pargo looked to be maybe 10 or 11 in appearance, coming up to about 5"2 in height. Light red hair hung at her shoulders, ending in a few curls here and there. Dark green eyes watched Anya carefully, studying the woman claiming to be Admiral.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Pargo. Glad to finally have a Submarine in the Fleet." She explained. Pargo gave a nod in return.
"Good to be here, Admiral." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she focused her vision of the middle of the three.
"You one of Pargo's sisters?" She asked. The girl gave a nod in return.
"Mhm. SS-279. Former USS Snook. Sixty Seventh of the Gato Class Submarine." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she took a moment to study Snook.
Like Pargo, Snook wasn't tall. Coming in at maybe 5" solid, she held the appearance of being young as well. Something curious about the Submarine girl however, was the presence of her light blue hair, falling to about her shoulders. Her chocolate brown eyes watched Anya curiously. After watching Snook a moment longer, Anya turned her gaze to the last of the three.
The girl in question had her arms crossed, looking up at Anya with a certain sense of dissatisfaction. Not deterred however, Anya stared right back, her hands behind her back as she did so. After a moment, Anya finally broke the silence that had settled between the two of them.
"And you are...?" Anya asked. The girl gave a scoff in reply.
"Like I'd tell you...." She replied, her tone one of venom. Anya looked to Pargo and Snook in turn.
"SS-257. USS Harder. Forty fifth of the Gato Class." Snook informed her. Pargo gave a giggle as Harder snapped her gaze to her sister.
"TRAITOR!" Harder yelled. But her tone was no longer along the lines of the venomous one she had greeted Anya with. This one had more of a whine within. Anya gave a small chuckle as she looked at Harder, who was currently being held back by Pargo so she didn't strangle Snook.
Harder, like her sisters, wasn't very much in the essence of height, though she was the tallest of the three. Sandy blonde hair hung just past her shoulders as her brown eyes focused on her sister in a vengeance. Anya gave a chuckle as she nodded.
"Alright, well if you three wouldn't mind, please go stand by the Carriers." Anya asked. Pargo and Snook gave the woman nods of their own as they dragged Harder behind them. Looking back in front of her, there were still a total of twelve girls in front of her. Preparing to speak, she suddenly covered her mouth with her arm as she collapsed into another coughing fit, this one lasting a few moments. After she had finished, Langley worrying over slightly, one of the twelve remaining girls spoke.
"Hey, you gonna be ok? You're not gonna, like, drop dead or anything right?" She asked, watching Anya carefully. Anya shook her head.
"No, no. Nothing like that. It's just a little cold...." Anya reasoned. The girl still looked unsure.
"Those are some famous last words if I've ever head them..." She replied. Anya raised a brow.
"Oh? Is that so? And who might you be?" Anya asked. The girl gave a small grin.
"CA-38. USS San Francisco. Fifth of the New Orleans class heavy cruisers. You really should take better care of yourself...." She answered. Anya gave a sigh.
"So they tell me...." She answered, causing Langley to give a small laugh at the situation.
San Francisco was not like the girls before her. She seemed to be about 18 or 19 years old in physical appearance, her body only helping this fact. She seemed to stand at about 5"11. Platinum blonde hair hung at her shoulders, ending in quite a few curls. Dark blue eyes watched Anya in an amused fashion. A noticeable feature about the Heavy Cruiser that had been lacking in the other girls was a highly visible tan, reminding Anya slightly of Musashi. Appropriate, thinking about the State San Francisco called home.
"Well, since we've met San Francisco here, I want all Cruisers to step forward." Anya explained. Her statement was met with results as three more girls stepped forward.
Looking between the three for a moment, Anya turned to the one that she presumed was another Heavy Cruiser.
"Your name?" Anya asked.
"CA-29. Formerly the USS Chicago. Fourth of the Northampton class heavy cruiser." She replied, pushing her glasses higher up on her nose with one finger. Anya gave a nod.
Like Francisco, Chicago looked to near 20 years old. Strawberry blonde hair fell to her waist, it seeming to be one long ponytail. Chicago's dark red eyes gave the Heavy Cruiser an interesting look to be sure. She stood at about 5"10.
"Well, it's nice to have you here. Both you and San Francisco are the first Heavy Cruisers we've gotten so far..." Anya replied. Chicago gave a nod.
"I'm glad to serve, but you probably could've done better than someone like San Francisco...." Chicago replied. Heavy Cruiser in question appeared to have a problem with this statement.
"Hey! You got a problem with me?" San Francisco snarled, coming face to face with Chicago. The latter of the two merely offered an amused smirk in response, her glasses gleaming with a sense of amusement.
"Oh? You actually have feelings behind those things on your chest?" Chicago said, mirth evident to be seen. San Francisco gave a snarl in response, jutting out her chest.
"Oh yeah? Like yours are any better. And at least the city I'm named after isn't a cesspool of corruption...." She replied. Chicago's amused expression dropped almost instantly at this, teeth bared.
"Why you little...." She began.
However, both she and San Francisco were stopped mid stance as a rather tall woman separated the two rather easily. Giving a sigh of discontent, she looked at the two. In response, the two Heavy Cruisers seemed to melt under her gaze, slinking away from one another. Keeping an eye on the two a moment longer, the mystery girl gave a shake of the head.
"How troublesome... And in front of an Admiral to top it all off...." She answered with a sigh. Anya raised a brow. Looking up at the woman, she knew she wasn't a cruiser.
"I thank you for your intervention there... I'm not sure I'm a match for an all out Cruiser brawl...." She replied. The woman gave a nod in response.
"Quite right. Especially with something like a cold keeping you from your full strength...." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she looked at the other two girls that had stepped forward when she had mentioned Cruisers. Looking at Anya expectantly, Anya gave a nod.
"I did say Cruiser, so I'll learn who these two are. Then we'll head to the Battleships, which I'm assuming you belong to." She said. The woman merely gave a nod as she took a few steps back. Watching her a moment, Anya then turned her gaze to the last two of the Cruisers.
Taking a moment to study the two, she noticed familiar features in the two that she had seen somewhere before. The two almost resembled....
"Atlanta..." Anya said with realization. The two seemed to light up at the mention of the cruiser's name.
"Atlanta's here?! Where is she? Is she close?!" The girl on the right asked excitedly. Anya gave a chuckle.
"Well, I guess that tells me who you two are. Atlanta Class no doubt.... But which of Atlanta's sisters are you...?" She trailed off as she looked to the one on the right first.
"I'm CL-53, USS San Diego. Third of the Atlanta class light cruisers." The said.
San Diego really did mirror Atlanta rather well. Although her hair was not as dark as Atlanta's, her hair did have a tinge of red to it. Looking about, she eventually settled on watching Anya quietly.
Anya gave a nod as she turned to then second of the two.
"And you?" Anya asked.
"CL-52, USS Juneau. Second of the Atlanta class." She replied. Anya gave a nod.
Where Atlanta and San Diego had a red color for their hair, Juneau's was more of a blackish color. But if you looked close enough, it just looked like a dark maroon in color. Her icy blue eyes watched Anya for a good moment before giving a nod.
"You don't seem too creepy...." Juneau said after a moment. Anya rose a brow in turn.
"Thanks.... I think...." Anya said after a moment. Juneau only offered a smile in response as she and the other three cruisers stepped behind her. Anya then turned her attention to the remaining eight.
"I already made a choice and I'll stick with that. Battleships." She spoke.
In response, the four, that were clearly battleships, stepped forward. Turning her attention to the one that had separated San Francisco and Chicago, Anya spoke.
"Let's start with you." She decided. The woman gave a nod.
BB-58, USS Indiana. Second of the South Dakota class battleships." The battleship introduced herself. Anya nodded.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Indiana." Anya said.
Indiana was easily the tallest American Ship Girl Anya had come face to face with so far. Standing at an impressive 6"5, she had a whole two inches on Arizona. Long, cascading black hair hung to a total length that reached just past the Battleship's rear. Dark violet eyes looked down at the American Admiral. All in all, Indiana looked to be about 24.
"The pleasure is returned Admiral, I assure you." Indiana replied. Anya gave a nod as her eyes wandered to the next of the four battleships, the one that had called out to herself and Langley at the very start.
"So tell me... Which ones of you do bite since you seem to have such info..." Anya joked. The battleship gave a smile.
"I like you already." She replied.
"I'm flattered. But how about I get a name for my admirer." Anya responded. Battleship in question offered a nod, her grin ever present.
"USS Mississippi, BB-41. Second of the New Mexico class." The battleship introduced herself. Anya gave a nod in response.
Mississippi had dark brown hair, running to the length of her shoulders. Light red eyes looked down at Anya from the battleship's height of about 6"2. Looking to be about maybe 21 or 22, Mississippi, like any other battleship, wasn't lacking in the curves department.
"Hm... Mississippi, you don't bite do you? I would be rather disappointed to have my one for sure hope crushed." Anya replied. Battleship in question only smiled.
"Only if you want me to...." She replied.
"Oh brother...." Another voice sighed. Mississippi took an annoyed expression as she looked over at her fellow Battleship.
"No one asked you, Homa." She replied. The third in line narrowed her eyes at Mississippi.
"How I so despise that nickname...." She said. She then turned her gaze on Anya. "And you, waiting to meet your battleships second to last... Have you no respect?" She asked. Anya looked at the battleship, a slight surprised expression overtaking her features.
"And who might we have here?" Anya asked. The battleship watched Anya a moment before giving a sigh.
"USS Oklahoma, BB-37. Second of the Nevada class battleship. About time you showed some respect...." Oklahoma said. Anya raised an amused brow at the battleship.
The Nevada class girl had her light brown hair in two braids that twisted in with one another down, along her back. Silver colored eyes watched Anya with a subtle hint of annoyance within them. Oklahoma stood at about 6"2, her arms crossed. She looked about maybe 21.
Before Oklahoma could say anything further however, the last battleship took the girl in a headlock, covering the Nevada's mouth with a hand.
"Oh, sweet silence take us all while it lasts...." She said in an amused fashion. Oklahoma only seemed to struggle against the girl's hold, an action that was answered as the mystery battleship tightened her grip on the girl.
"Well... That's one way to quiet someone I guess..." Anya mused. "And who might you be?" The American Admiral asked. The last battleship offered a grin as she held Oklahoma still and quiet.
"BB-46. USS Maryland, second of the Colorado class battlewagons." She introduced as she continued to hold Oklahoma still, much to the smaller classes battleship's growing agitation. But upon hearing the name, Anya's eyes briefly widened before going back to the previous state. But it had been caught.
"That was a reaction...." Mississippi mused. "Maryland, your name means something to her...." The New Mexico girl concluded. Maryland looked at Anya in curiosity as she finally released Oklahoma, the latter muttering to herself.
Maryland had bright brown hair, it hanging down to her mid back. Her eyes were a light periwinkle in color, giving a certain softness to them. She stood at about 6"3 in terms of height, the appearance of maybe 23 years of age.
"Oh?" Maryland asked, looking down at Anya. "Is that so?" She asked. Anya gave a nod.
"My great grandfather....." She began, but trailed off as Maryland's face softened.
"Jack M. Vortella. Assigned to my care after Pearl Harbor. Served with me throughout the war, and was present when I was decommissioned...." Maryland recalled, almost instantly. Anya only gave a nod in response.
"Yes..." Anya replied. Maryland gave a smile as she pulled Anya into a hug before the woman could react, nearly squeezing the life out of her in doing so.
"NOT FAIR! Maryland shouldn't be the only one to hug Admiral!" St. Lo called from the side in objection. A few laughs filled the air at the Escort carrier's outburst.
"It's good to know that he did alright after the war if you're any indication to go by...." Maryland said, her tone going soft, after a few moments of silence, eventually putting Anya back on her feet. Anya only nodded, giving a small smile.
"Indeed." She replied. Maryland gave Anya's head a pat as the four battleships stepped off to the side, now only leaving four girls before the American Admiral.
"And you four must be my fearless destroyers...." Anya mused, a kind smile upon her lips. She got four, albeit somewhat hesitant nods in confirmation.
"Yep...." The front and center of the four stated. Anya looked down at her.
"Well, let's start with you then. What's your name?" She asked.
"DD-462. USS Fitch. A sister of the Gleaves Class, Admiral." She explained. Anya looked at her for a moment before giving a smile.
"I've got two destroyers in mind that will be very happy to know you're here...." Anya mused. Fitch's eyes seemed to light up in excitement.
"Really?!" She asked, her tone taking that of a hopeful one. Anya gave a nod.
Fitch, like Bristol, had dark black hair. But unlike Bristol's eyes, which were a vibrant orange, Fitch's were a mellow green.
Looking at Fitch for one last moment, Anya turned her gaze to the next of the four.
"And your name?" She asked. The girl offered a smile to the Admiral.
"DD-461. USS Forrest, of the same class as my sister, Fitch." She replied. Anya gave an amused grin.
"Another of the Gleaves class, huh? I'm gonna have my hands full if you guys are anything like your sister...." Anya mused. Forrest only giggled in response.
Forrest kept the trend of the unique eyes among the Gleaves class girls going, her eyes a seemingly golden in color. Dark brown hair hung past her shoulders, ending in bunches of curls.
Giving the small girl one final smile, Anya then turned to the third of the four.
"You another Gleaves sister as well?" Anya asked. The destroyer gave the Admiral a toothy grin in response. "Oh, I might just faint from the suspense. So which one of my brave new warriors are you?"
"DD-489. USS Mervine. You already know my class..." She said with a giggle. Anya gave a nod as she the girl's blonde hair.
"Indeed I do." Anya responded.
Mervine's eyes were a light purple in appearance, seeming to be endless in the curiosity they shimmered with. Her hair was a dark blue in appearance.
Anya then turned to the last of the four. But the American Admiral immediately recognized something as wrong, if the tears lining the destroyer's eyes were anything to go by.
"Hey now..." Anya spoke, her tone going soft as she kneeled down to the small girl. "What's wrong?" She asked, looking down at the girl.
"You don't like destroyers...." The girl mumbled. Anya rose a brow in response, watching her for a moment.
"Now why would you think that...?" The American Admiral asked. The girl in question pointed to the already identified classes of girls.
"Because you went to them first... You asked their names first... You liked them first..." She replied, her tears threatening to start. Anya gave a nod as she looked over at the group.
"True, it's true that I did talk to them first... Let me ask you something, are you apart of the Gleaves class as well?" Anya asked. The girl gave a small nod.
"Yes... These are my sisters...." She spoke. Anya gave a nod as she reached up, and wiped the girl's tears with her thumbs.
"Well then I'll tell you, the very first American Ship Girl I ever talked to was your older sister, Bristol...." Anya said with a small smile. The girl looked at the Admiral surprised.
"R-really?" She asked, her pink eyes wide with disbelief. Anya stifled a laugh as she gave a nod.
"Indeed. And let me tell you, Bristol is quite the handful... And Ellyson was the second I ever talked to. In fact, you remind a bit of her..." Anya spoke. The girl only gave a small smile in response.
"Thank you...." She said softly. Anya gave the girl a pat on the head as she nodded.
"Now that you know I'm not favored to one type, what might your name be little miss?" Anya asked. The girl looked up at her with a wide smile.
"DD-488. USS McCalla. Proud to be here Admiral...." The small girl said in a content tone. Anya gave a nod as she gave the girl a smile.
McCalla, like her sisters Fitch and Bristol, had jet black hair. Combining that with her pink eyes, Anya supposed that she had one of the most unique appearances on base.
Anya took a few steps back, taking a final look at the 21 newly summoned Ship Girls.
"Ok... Recap time. Submarines are shown by Harder, Pargo, and Snook. All of the Gato class. Destroyers consist of Forrest, Fitch, Mervine, and McCalla. All of the Gleaves class. Cruisers consist of Juneau and San Diego of the Atlanta Class. San Francisco of the New Orleans class. Chicago of the Northampton class. Escort Carriers are St. Lo, Kitkun Bay, and Bismarck Sea of the Casablanca class. Light carriers are presented by Cabot of the Independence class. Fleet carriers show representation by Saratoga of the Lexington class and Midway of the Midway class. Battleships are made up of Oklahoma of the Nevada class. Mississippi of the New Mexico class. Maryland of the Colorado class. And finally, Indiana of the South Dakota class. Did I miss anyone?" She asked, taking a breath. When she was sure that she hadn't accidentally skipped anyone, she gave a nod. "Good."
"Ok, Admiral, that's great and all, but how about letting us know who else is on base and why Langley said it's a relief to meet us like this...." Saratoga suggested. Anya gave a nod.
"Let's start with the American Ship Girls that were present on base before today. You've met Langley as you know, and I've already said that Bristol, Ellyson, and Atlanta are on base as well. Joining them are CV-6, Enterprise. CV-16, Lexington. And BB-39, Arizona." Anya paused after this, letting this new information register to them.
"ENTERPRISE IS HERE?!?!" St. Lo asked, her voice giving a new meaning to the word squeal. Anya gave a laugh as the other girls recovered from the sudden assault on their eardrums.
"Lexington, huh...?" Saratoga mused. "Hopefully she gives a good reputation the name...." She said wistfully. Anya gave a nod.
"Arizona's here, is she...? Maryland and myself watched her go down that morning.... It'll be strange to see her like this... Alive that is...." Oklahoma mused. Anya only offered a nod in response.
After the 21 had gotten settled again, Anya continued to speak and explain.
"As for why it's a relief that we finally met you all here, up until now, it's just been the seven of them since they were called through. So seeing twenty one of you suddenly appear is a bit...." Anya trailed off after that.
"It's like a giant weight taken off of your shoulders...." San Francisco mused. Anya gave a nod.
"Exactly." She finished. But before Anya could speak any further, Midway raised a hand, her face still void of emotion.
"Yes Midway?" Anya asked.
"I find inconsistencies and irregularities with the subject of us ship girls that you speak of." She reported. Anya raised a brow at this.
"And that would be?" She asked, hands behind her back as she watched the carrier.
"You say that there were only previously seven American Ship Girls on base. When speaking to destroyer McCalla, you said that the first American Ship you ever spoke to was her older Sister Bristol. But you also used the word American in your statement, giving signal to the notion that America is not the only country with a fleet to speak of. Given this information, you have spoken to other Ship Girls, but not of U.S. origin. Am I correct in assuming this?" Midway asked, her tone staying at the very essence of calm. The other girls looked to Anya in a confused motion
"Yes, it is true. I have spoken with Ship Girls of other nations.... As have the previously lone seven..." She explained. Some of the girls narrowed their eyes at the vague answer while others crossed their arms. But, before anyone could vocalize a question of sorts, a new voice rang out through the room.
"Oh...? What's this?" They asked, their voice that of curiosity. Some of the girls turned to look at the newcomer. Anya and Langley joined them, and soon wished they hadn't.
Now approaching the group of 23 was the tanned Japanese battleship herself, second of the Yamato class.
Still dressed in her normal attire, she made her way around the group as she stood next to Anya and Langley.
"Hello there...." Anya greeted, looking up at the Battleship. The blonde gave a nod as she studied those in front of her.
"So more finally arrived did they?" Musashi asked, looking over the rim of her glasses at the 21. Anya gave a nod as Langley answered her.
"Mhm, that is the case." Langley replied. Musashi gave a nod as she continued to quietly watch the group. In turn, some of the girls were staring right back at Musashi. Chicago looked to the Battleship.
"Are you by chance Arizona...?" Chicago asked. Musashi held an amused smirk at the question, her arms crossed in front of her, as she looked at Anya.
"You've not told them yet then I take it?" She asked, her eyes glancing to the American Admiral. Anya shook her head.
"I was just getting ready to. But if you want to introduce yourself, then be my guest." She spoke. Musashi merely gave a nod as she took a few steps forward, looking to the newly summoned Kanmusu.
"Hmm... To answer your question, no, I am not Arizona. Nor am I American. No, my name is most likely going to infuriate some of you with just my presence. I am aware of this. And I do not care. I, am the second of the Yamato Class Battleships. I am the Japanese Battleship, Musashi." She finally spoke. And Anya watched as the fuse was lit.
And it exploded.
"JAPANESE!?" Saratoga roared. "WHY THE FUCK IS SHE HERE?!" The fleet carrier yelled, her voice bounding around the room. Musashi merely watched, her expression seemingly amused at the spectacle, as the American Girls looked to Anya for explanation. In response, Anya gave a sigh as she looked to Musashi.
"You certainly got their attention...." She mused. Musashi only smirked.
"As was my intention." She replied. Anya gave a nod as she looked to the 21.
"Saratoga, to answer your question, she is here because she is representing your new allies. The girls of the former Imperial Japanese Navy. Musashi is one of sixty Japanese Ship Girls here on base." Anya replied. And she watched as the second round of yelling set off.
"Allies? I do not believe so...." Oklahoma scoffed in response.
"You're kidding me right? This is just unbelievable...." San Francisco mused.
"Well fuck me.... What the hell's going on here? You mean to tell me we're expected to work with these.... People...." San Diego mused. Anya rubbed her head as Musashi let out a low chuckle.
"You think I'm gonna work with them after what they did to Lexington? Fuck that noise...." Saratoga steamed, her arms crossed.
"You mean to tell me that Arizona is ok with this...? This seems... Unlikely..." Maryland murmured. Other girls gave nods in response as more threw in their own thoughts on the matter, only a few remaining quiet. This included Midway. Saratoga looked to carrier in question.
"What about you? Don't you have a problem with this?" Saratoga snarled. Midway shook her head.
"Although through much of the war I was built, I was commissioned a week after the war's end. I've never known the Japanese as an enemy nor do I intend to do so. I merely brought up the conclusion that there is more than just us American Ship Girls." Midway explained, looking to the older carrier. Saratoga gave a scoff in response to the answer.
"Wait, wait, wait.... You said sixty? On base? Why the hell would you let sixty ship girls of a foreign nation, even if they are a supposed Ally, onto U.S. Soil...?" Juneau asked, confused. Anya, Langley, and Musashi traded a glance before Langley spoke.
"Welcome to Japan....." She said.
The room grew quiet immediately.
After a moment, Indiana was the one to break the silence.
"So.... We are in Japan. On the main island.... In what year...?" She finally asked. Anya gave a smile.
"Today's date is October 26th, 2022." She replied. After a moment, it was Cabot to speak, looking to her fellow ship girls.
"Ok... Let's ignore the fact that Musashi is of the same Navy we were at war with. Let's ignore the fact that we are in Japan. Let's ignore our current situation. Because I want to know why we're here.... Why we were called...." Cabot reasoned. Her statement got nods out of some of the other girls, soon enough, the 21 now looked to Anya for an answer. Even if some of them kept a careful gaze on Musashi.
"I'll ask all of you this. Does the term Abyssal mean anything to any of you?" Anya asked.
The twenty one ship girls shook their heads.
"Then let me give you a meaning for it. It's a race of Deep Sea life that emerged from the oceans about four years ago. It's a race of Deep Sea life responsible for killing over Six Million American civilians within a week...." Anya spoke, her tone one of calm. She watched as the girls grew eerily silent.
"Six.... Million...?" Mississippi asked quietly, watching Anya for any signs of a lie. Anya gave a nod.
"Enterprise had the same reaction..." She told them. "If you don't believe me, ask Langley or Musashi. They've actually fought the things...." Anya said. Langley gave a nod.
"Indeed. The Abyssals are.... I'm not sure how to describe them... They're something that shouldn't exist, but they do, and they let us know it...." The carrier spoke. Musashi gave a nod in turn, but stayed silent as Bismarck Sea spoke.
"How do we know it's not a big trick...? That another country is not actually controlling them...?" She asked, her eyes momentarily darting to Musashi. Anya shook her head.
"No. The Abyssals aren't controlled by humans. They're pretty clear with that little fact. The Abyssals seem to despise humans in a sense, given how much they hunt ships on the water. They're not to be overlooked..." Anya replied. Maryland took this info into consideration as she spoke.
"So... We... Have been called back to fight these things..." She confirmed. Anya gave a nod. "And we have been called back to fight alongside those of the Japanese..." She confirmed again. Once again, Anya gave a nod.
"The Abyssals at this point have pretty much said fuck humanity. So we-" but she was cut off.
"Admiral!" Kitkun Bay stressed. "That's a bad word!" The escort carrier said. Anya watched the carrier in silence a few moments before giving a shake of the head.
"Anyways, you get the idea. They threaten everyone. The U.S. Japan. Britain. Germany. Russia. France. Everyone. And you girls are the best option we have to fighting them..." Anya said. Silence filled the room a few moments before Mississippi gave a shrug.
"Oh, what the hell. I'm in." She declared. This set off a chain reaction in a few of the older girls, each giving nods of their own. This set the younger girls off as well, Pargo and Snook throwing thumbs up of their own. Even Harder, who still seemed to hold a small disliking of Anya, gave her own nod in confirmation. Eventually, it all came down to Saratoga.
"You expect me to believe that we are to work along side the country that we were once at war with? And just be buddy buddy with them?" She asked in disbelief. Before Anya could respond however, it was Musashi who spoke.
"You say this like its a foreign concept to the U.S. But look at your country's past with Britain. And look at today's relations. It just takes time...." Musashi reasoned. "Plus... You guys won the war. Not sure what you're complaining about...." She included. Saratoga watched her for a few more seconds before giving a long, drawn out sigh.
"Fine...." The Fleet Carrier mumbled. "But don't expect me to like it or them...." She replied. Anya shrugged.
"All I ask is that you don't harm them...." Anya replied. Saratoga only nodded in response.
Musashi gave a nod as she began to walk towards the exit.
"Musashi.... Why were you up at this hour anyways?" Anya called. Musashi shrugged, her chest moving with the motions.
"Couldn't sleep." Was she replied with before promptly walking out. Watching her go, Anya looked back to the newly summoned girls.
"Alright. As I'm sure your aware, you currently don't have anything to fight them with. I know this, and it will be handled. Right now, let's go get you girls settled in...."
The 21 newly summoned American Ship girls only nodded in response as they followed their new Admiral, the lights within the Summoning Chamber flicking off as they did so.
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