Kancolle -AU- 1 The Disease #2
The second chapter of the Disease AU. I should make this known that this AU doesn't have a for sure storyline. So it could go either way at this point.
And since Cool_Verniy was the one to request this chapter, a certain named girl makes an appearance in this chapter despite not being in the main storyline.
"Atlanta! You have to wake up!" Akatsuki said, shaking the red haired woman from her sleep. Atlanta only gave a groan in response, cracking an eye open as she looked at the girl.
"What...? What demands that you wake me up so early for...?" Atlanta ground out, looking at the violet haired girl. Akatsuki only gave a roll of the eyes as she glared back at the woman.
The day's date was November 7th, 1970. It had been ten years since the day Atlanta had met the four sisters. It had been ten years since Atlanta had spoke the last words to the late Tenryuu. It had been ten years since Atlanta had become the girl's impromptu mother.
"We're gonna go visit her grave, remember?" Akatsuki asked. Atlanta watched the girl for a moment before giving a nod.
"Yeah, I remember...." Atlanta said after a moment. Akatsuki gave a nod in return as she flipped the room's light on, giving sight to Atlanta's rather plain bedroom. Letting her eyes adjust to the new invasion of light a moment, Atlanta went about getting dressed. "But, just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you get to mouth off to me. You know that right?" Atlanta asked. Akatsuki gave a roll of the eyes, placing a hand on her hip as she looked at the woman she saw as a mother.
"And you needn't be putting your mouth all over Lex every time you two are alone, but you don't see me telling you that." Akatsuki reasoned, looking at Atlanta. The redhead blushed at the mention, glaring at the girl.
"How much do you know?" She demanded. Akatsuki only smirked.
"Enough to know that God is very involved with the two of you if your shouting has anything to do with it...." Akatsuki reasoned, smirking as she did so. But the eighteen year old girl was smarter than that. She ducked just as a pillow impacted the wall behind her. Laughing, she quickly ran out of the room, leaving a flustered Atlanta alone with her thoughts.
"Always the quick to anger I suppose..." A voice chuckled from behind. Atlanta gave a shake of the head as she turned to look at the owner of the voice, finding her still wrapped within the bed's sheets. After a moment, Atlanta shook her head.
"No, I'm not angry.... I had just figured that they didn't know...." Atlanta answered, pulling a shirt over her head. Lexington couldn't help but give a laugh at this.
"You're twenty seven years old, yet you figured that four eighteen year old girls didn't know what exactly we were up to in our private time? Oh hun...." Lexington mused. Atlanta gave a roll of the eyes, looking at the girl with the name of a carrier.
Lexington had shown up in Cross Anchor about seven years ago. With nothing to her own, only the clothes on her back, Cross Anchor had seemed like a dream to her. Then, she had met Atlanta and her girls. Lexington had instantly hit it off with the young ones, growing close to them rather quickly.
She and Atlanta had grown close as well, but in a far different way. Most people could've called how it would end at the very start, the very second the two women laid eyes on each other. Yet the two couldn't tell a thing from anything.
"I didn't think they'd know that fast!" Atlanta replied, throwing her hands up in the air as she did so. Lexington simply laughed again, pulling Atlanta by the collar of the shirt back down to the bed, the red headed woman now laying atop Lex's covered form.
"Know that fast? What are you talking about?" Lex mused, looking up into Atlanta's eyes. "We've been doing this for five years now. Practically every time they come in here to wake you, I'm usually right next to you. Not only that, but you're not exactly what most people would call quiet. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole east coast knew what we were up to...." Lexington mused, pulling Atlanta in for a kiss. Atlanta gave a roll of the eyes as she let herself follow Lexington's movements, their lips meeting rather quietly and easily. After a moment, they broke their embrace as Lexington gave a small grin. "Not only that babe, but you're pretty quick on the release..." She mused. She quickly pulled Atlanta in for another kiss before the red head could object. But if Atlanta's rapidly reddening cheeks were anything to go by, Lexington guessed that she had dodged a bullet by the impromptu kiss.
After a moment, Atlanta pulled away from the embrace.
"So, you coming too?" She asked. Lexington looked at her unsure.
"Do I even have a place there? I didn't even know her..." Lexington reasoned. Atlanta shrugged as she sat up, her right hand still clasped with one of Lex's.
"And I barely even knew her for a day, but I'm still going. And they asked me to ask you if you wanted to come. If you weren't sure before, that should be a very big sign of if you should come. Just because you didn't know Tenryuu doesn't mean you're not important to those four." Atlanta said. After a moment, a small smile spread across Lex's face.
"Alright. You've convinced me." Lex said sitting up, letting the sheets fall from her body. Atlanta just chuckled as she poked at Lex's neck, running a finger over the various marks that decorated it.
"Looks like I did a number on you..." Atlanta mused. Lex just chuckled in response.
"That doesn't look like getting dressed." A voice said from the door. Atlanta instinctively and reflexively chucked another pillow at the doorway, setting a new round of laughter into the air as the sound of retreating footsteps ran in another direction through the house.
"Little brats..." Atlanta said. Lex just chuckled as she stood from the bed, soon enough getting dressed. Atlanta soon joined her, finding the missing pieces of her own clothing.
Soon enough, the two women walked out of their bedroom and into the kitchen, giving sight to the four sisters.
"Hey! They came up for air long enough to get out of their room!" Ikazuchi cheered, sending a smug grin to Atlanta. The cruiser named girl in turn smacked the girl upside the back of the head as she walked by her. Lexington ruffled the girl's hair as she stopped next to the girl, watching as Atlanta began to collect her weapons.
"So....? When will we be able to date? And get serious with people like you two are?" Inazuma asked, looking at their adoptee mother. "I mean, we're eighteen now and Cross Anchor isn't exactly what it was ten years ago."
What Inazuma said was true. Cross Anchor wasn't the simple small time town it was when the four girls had arrived ten years ago. During the last decade, it had gained another 1200 residents and had slowly begun to expand outwards. Even the towns people who called the place home had gone out on hunting trips, cleansing the surrounding areas of Abyssals. The next 20 miles out of Cross Anchor had been time and time again certified Abyssal free. People were tired of them and it was starting to show.
"You want to date? Where's all this coming from?" Atlanta asked as she holstered her four handguns. "Just the other day, Hibiki was saying how much she liked being single." She reasoned, looking to the four. Hibiki gave a shrug as Akatsuki answered.
"I don't know. You and Lex seem to enjoy each other's company. Would it be really that bad for us to find someone as well?" She asked, looking at Atlanta. Lexington gave a nod.
"You should give them some freedom with dating. Let them experience what life has to offer. Or what it has left to offer anyways." She mused, looking at Atlanta from behind the four. Atlanta arched a brow at this, putting her hands on her hips as she looked at the five.
"What is this? Are you guys ganging up on me or something?" She asked, slipping the shotgun she was so fond of into its holster on her back.
"We would never." Lexington answered, a sly grin now present upon her lips. "But what's so bad about it? They want to go out and experience what it's like to date. What it's like to enjoy someone's company. What it's like to be-"
"Finish that sentence Lex, and you're dead." Atlanta threatened.
"I was gonna say what it's like to be happy! Sheesh, such a dirty mind you have!" Lexington answered, quite amused. Atlanta just rolled her eyes in turn as Akatsuki looked to Atlanta.
"Lexington aside, she's right. We're eighteen now. Shouldn't we be able to decide what's right for us by ourselves?" She asked, looking at Atlanta with a hopeful expression. After a moment, Atlanta gave a sigh.
"We'll talk about it after we get back, alright? Let's just get going for now." Atlanta reasoned. Akatsuki let out a cheer as she and her three sisters darted out the door, leaving the two women alone.
"You're good with them, you know that?" Lexington said, wrapping an arm around Atlanta's waist as she walked over to the woman.
"It comes with the territory. I had seven sisters growing and our mother had to be pretty good with handling us by herself. Guess her skills rubbed off on me..." She reasoned. Lex kissed Atlanta on the cheek as she looked at her.
"You miss them?" She asked.
"My sisters? My mom? Yeah, I miss them.... I miss them a lot." She said.
"You ever wonder if they're still alive somewhere?" She asked. Atlanta gave a shrug as she looked at the open door where the four had left.
"I've found myself wondering that a lot more often since I've been raising those four. I can't help but wonder if they're still alive out there somewhere, living in some community like Cross Anchor. Or if they're just wandering across country... No doubt they'd be horrified at what I've done since the Earth went to hell..." She reasoned. Lexington gave a shrug in response.
"You think your sisters would be so quick to judge?" She asked.
"I would..." Atlanta answered, looking at Lexington in turn. Lex only gave a shrug as she helped Atlanta put on her usual black duster.
"I think you worry too much." Lexington said before securing her own weapons. Two six shooters she was so fond of, being trained with them by Atlanta. After she had done so, she gestured to the door. "We should probably get going or they'll have our heads." She mused. Atlanta just chuckled.
"Akatsuki? Inazuma? Ikazuchi? No way. Hibiki? I know where she keeps her machete." Atlanta said. Lexington's expression changed to one of horror.
"You gave her a machete!?" She asked incredulously. Atlanta gave a laugh as she shook her head.
"Of course not! That's not good parenting skills!" She laughed as the two walked towards the door. "But I did happen to misplace one after I started raising them..." She mused. Lexington gave Atlanta a narrowed eye look.
"That doesn't sound sketchy at all...." She answered. Atlanta gave a shrug as the two walked outside, locking the door behind them, as they laid eyes on the four sisters, watching as they debated over the very serious topic that plagued the group every time they went somewhere together.
The ever persistent discussion of who would ride shotgun.
"But Hibiki! It's my turn!" Akatsuki whined, placing her hands firmly on her hips as she stared at her sister. Hibiki in turn only tightened the grip she had on the passenger's door handle as she stuck her tongue out at the violet haired girl. Akatsuki only pouted in turn, staring her younger sister down as Inazuma and Ikazuchi watched from the bed of the truck.
"Oh boy...." Inazuma sighed. Ikazuchi only laughed as Atlanta and Lex approached the two arguing sisters from behind.
"How many times do we have to go over this? There's a rotation we go by. As I understand it, last time, Hibiki had shotgun. So that means it's Akatsuki's turn." She reasoned. Hibiki only stared at Atlanta as Akatsuki threw her hands up in victory, letting out a small cheer. But before she could open the door, Atlanta placed a hand on the door handle. "But, for this trip, I'm invoking the Lex rule." She mused.
"Woo! I love the Lex rule." Lexington mused from the side. Akatsuki only pouted further. Her sisters only laughed as Akatsuki clambered her way into the back of the truck to join her sisters, Lexington now taking up residence in the passenger's seat. Atlanta just gave a roll of the eyes as she settled into the driver's seat.
"Just don't let all that power go to your head." Atlanta mused as she put the keys in the ignition, taking no time in bringing the truck to life. Soon enough, the truck carrying the six women was well on its way to the Old Farm House.
A few hours later, Lexington gave a yawn as she awoke, a combination of the rough roads and the engine's hum being her undoing as they continued down the road. Staying silent a moment, she eventually took a glance over at Atlanta. The cruiser named girl in turn glanced over at her before giving a small smile.
"Hi there sleepy head. Your nap a good one I take it?" She asked as she drove on. Lexington gave a nod as another yawn made itself known, the girl soon covering her mouth with a hand.
"How long have I been out?" She asked. Atlanta gave a shrug.
"You crashed pretty fast after we started driving. I didn't figure you the one to fall asleep during a trip." She mused. Atlanta gave a shrug.
"Before everything went to shit, my family was pretty spread around. Had aunts over in California. Uncles up in Maine. Cousins down in Texas. Every where all at once really. So, when we took trips, it was either listen to my sisters yell at one another or figure out something to distract me. And since sleeping only takes me, myself, and I, it was a pretty simple decision." She answered. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Smart choice, I take it. We've been together for close to five years now, yet we know not much about each other. You ever noticed that?" She asked. Lexington nodded as she watched the countryside pass them by.
"Yeah. But I don't find it surprising. I was looking for somewhere to finally let my guard down after so long. And you were looking for someone to help with the girls. We kind of fell into a quiet dance, one we knew the steps to without really trying." Lex answered, looking back to Atlanta. The cruiser named girl only gave a laugh in turn.
"That sounded so cheesy." Atlanta mused. Lexington rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she did so.
"Fine! That's the last time I try to be sentimental with you!" She yelled. But even as she did so, she held an amused smile upon her lips. Between the yelling and grin, Atlanta very nearly broke down into her own bout of laughter.
"Don't make me laugh, you jerk! I laugh and we all die!" Atlanta replied, her own grin ever present. Lexington just gave a nod, her own smile still present. After a moment, she looked in the rear view mirror, watching as the four sisters conversed with each other rather calmly. Well, as calmly as could be. Akatsuki looked about ready to chew somebody's ear off. She would stand Lexington had no doubt, but that would mean death at the hands of Atlanta. After she stopped the truck of course.
After a moment, Lexington looked back to Atlanta.
"So do they know...? How Tenryuu met her end...?" She asked. Atlanta gave a slow, somewhat hesitant nod.
"Yeah... They know... Within a month, they knew..." Atlanta said. Lex looked surprised.
"A month? How'd they figure it out?" She asked.
"There was no hiding it from them. I knew from the second that I pulled the trigger, they'd end up knowing anyways. And for a month straight afterwards, each and everyone of them asked where Tenryuu was. So, exactly one month later, I took them back to the Farm House." She answered. Lex continued to watch Atlanta as they drove on.
"How'd they react....?" She asked. Atlanta gave a shrug.
"Hibiki..... Hibiki didn't really react. I think the moment I showed back up without Tenryuu later that day, she knew. Or at least suspected. But her reaction was little to nothing when I brought her there. When she laid eyes on that piece of stone...." Atlanta answered.
"And the other three...?" She asked.
"In all my twenty seven years of life, I've never seen a look of confusion turn to hurt so fast.... There was a brief moment of silence from the second they laid eyes on it. And then... They lost it.... Akatsuki collapsed to the ground. Inazuma and Ikazuchi could barely stand, they were crying so hard..." Atlanta answered. "After I had gotten their tears and cries under control, I explained that Tenryuu had been infected by the virus that had already taken so many. I told them that she had been sick. After that... I told them that I had been the one to end her..." She said, taking a brief glance at Lexington before looking back at the road.
"And their reaction?" She asked. Atlanta just gave a soft smile in reply.
"I'm honestly surprised they don't hate me for everything I am...." Atlanta said, taking her own glance in the rear view mirror at the girls. "But they didn't react like I had thought they would've. Some part of them had seemed to understand what exactly I had done for Tenryuu. So before I knew it, I had Inazuma hugging my leg, saying it'll be alright. I'm the one who shot someone and here she was telling me that." Atlanta said. Lex just gave a nod as she took another glance at the girls.
"Sounds like everything worked out if you don't mind me saying...." Lex mused. Atlanta gave a shake of the head.
"No. Not everything. For one, Inazuma used to have this word she would say too often. Nanodesu if I recall correctly. Well, she hasn't said it once since that day. Hell, the four pretty much grew up that day. And I hate it." Atlanta said. Lex looked confused.
"But didn't they go through the same thing with their actual parents?" She asked. Atlanta gave a shrug.
"They were four when Tenryuu found them. And Tenryuu never actually found their parents." She told her. Lex looked surprised.
"So they could actually still be alive...?" She asked. Atlanta shrugged.
"I mean, yeah they could be. But it's a miracle that these four made it. Tenryuu pulled them out of the fires that were once Chicago. I heard it was absolute hell up there when things went to shit." Atlanta answered. Lex just shrugged as she looked to Atlanta.
"Okay, enough about them for the moment. More about you. Every time we walk by Barney's, he yells to you that you're overdue for a drink? What's the deal with this? I've not once seen you drink. Like, not even a drop." She said, confused. Atlanta just let out a dry laugh as she gave a small nod.
"Yeah.... He's referring to how I was before the girls came along... Like, the gunslinging badass mother figure you see before you now was not who I was ten-eleven years ago." She answered. Lex arched a brow as she looked back at the woman.
"How were you back then..?" She asked.
"How wasn't I? I drunk myself out cold each and everyday back then. Almost always had a hangover and was well on my way to shutting down my liver with how much alcohol I took in." She answered. Lex looked surprised.
"Wait? Seriously? Shit...." She answered. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Doesn't help that one of my main jobs was elimination duty." She answered. Lex looked at Atlanta in shock, her eyes going wide.
"Shit...? Seriously? Those people that take people who are sick, take them out back, and shoot them..?" She asked. Atlanta gave a small nod.
"Yeah...." She answered in an almost inaudible tone. "I was only taken off of that job after I had had the girls under my guard. Guess people figured a woman who was trying to raise four little girls didn't need to be killing other's little ones. Both for my sake and the girls." She answered. Lex only gave a small nod in turn, falling silent a few moments. After so, she looked back to Atlanta.
"And then?" She asked. Atlanta just smiled in turn.
"Pretty smooth sailing after that. I got sober, more than I had been. And then three years later, a blonde woman with an ass to die for walked through the west gate. Pretty sure you know the rest from there." Atlanta mused, looking at Lex with a sly grin. Lexington gave a nod in turn, smiling as she did so.
"Indeed I do." Was all she said as they drove on. After a while, the Old Farm House slipped into view. Reaching back, Atlanta knocked on the window, alerting the girls to their nearing destination.
A few more minutes and Atlanta was slowing the truck to a stop, putting it in park as she took the keys from the ignition. The truck began to shake as the girls piled out of the back, taking no time in hopping over the sides. Lex just laughed as she opened her door as well, soon stepping out into the cool afternoon air. Atlanta did the same, closing the door with a slam as she straightened out her outfit. Walking over to Lex, the two now held hands as they followed after the four to the back of the house.
Watching as the grass blew in the breeze, the two walked around to the back of the house to arrive at the sight of the four sisters standing under an old oak tree that had been growing for the last few decades.
And at the base of this old tree sat the slab of stone that forever immortalized Tenryuu in name. Atlanta and Lex approached quietly as the four sisters gathered around the makeshift headstone.
"So you buried her the same day you met her?" Lex asked in a whisper tone, watching as the four decorated the headstone with various flowers that were found growing around.
Nearly two decades of no gardening does wonders for the environment.
Atlanta gave a nod in turn as she watched as well. If Lex noticed that Atlanta's grip had tightened on her own hand as she had asked the question, she didn't say anything as the two watched the four. As they did so, Lex took a look at the Old Farm House behind them, studying it a moment.
"Doesn't look like a bad place to live back before everything went to hell.." She mused. Atlanta gave a nod.
"Maybe... But I can't. Not in this house... Too many dark memories, not enough light...." She reasoned. Lex arched a brow as she slipped her hand around Atlanta's waist, planting a kiss on her cheek.
"You coming out here with the girls often like this? Doesn't that count for something?" She asked. Atlanta gave a nod.
"It does... But not nearly enough to outweigh its opposite...." Atlanta answered. Lex only gave a nod in reply as the two silently watched the four continue to decorate the headstone for the longest time.
"Hello....?" A voice called out after some time. Atlanta and Lex snapped back to reality as their hands instinctively went for their weapons as they turned their sights behind them.
Approaching them, cautiously, was a woman. Tall, strawberry blonde hair. The ideal American bombshell.
"And you are...?" Atlanta asked after a moment, looking at the woman. The girls by this time had turned to see what was going on, standing near the headstone cautiously.
"The name's Arizona...." She said calmly. Atlanta and Lex watched her with an unrelenting gaze, watching for any signs of hostile movement. After a moment, Atlanta looked back up at Arizona.
"Arizona? After the state...?" Lex asked after a moment. Arizona shook her head.
"Battleship thirty nine. The one that went down at Pearl..." She clarified. Atlanta gave a small nod.
"You alone...?" Atlanta asked. Arizona gave a shake of the head.
"No. I'm with eleven others. All at the front of the house. One of our vehicles is having engine problems and we were hoping that one of you knew what to do....." She reasoned. Atlanta watched her a moment before giving a nod.
"I can take a look. But I'll say this right now. And you had better listen. If any of you even look like you're about to cause trouble and put harm to those four, I'm more than willing to start putting holes in people. You got that?" Atlanta answered, her tone without a drop of amusement. Arizona gave a nod, looking back at the girl.
"You'll find we won't cause an issue. We've got children with us. You'll find no trouble." She said. Arizona gave a nod as she looked to the four.
"You four. Try not to kill each other." Atlanta said, looking at the sisters. Sisters in question just laughed as Lex shook her head, looking to Arizona.
"After you." Lex said. Arizona gave a nod as she turned and began to walk back towards the front of the house, Atlanta and Lexington following behind her by a few feet. As the three approached, Atlanta and Lex saw that Arizona had not been telling a lie. They watched as another woman about Arizona's size and build looked over the engine, to her sides stood two little girls, peering into the hood.
"Watch your hands Bristol!" The woman demanded, slapping the little girl's hands away. Girl named as Bristol only giggled in reply. The woman simply shook her head in reply as she continued to inspect the engine on what looked like an Army jeep. But as they approached, Atlanta noticed that the woman doing said inspection seemed to be missing an arm. As if sensing their approach, the woman turned to look at the three, giving sight to the fact that she was also sporting an eye patch over her left eye.
"Found who the truck belonged to, I take it....?" She asked. Arizona gave a nod as she gestured to Atlanta and Lex.
"This is.... Actually, never got names. Those might be?" She asked.
"Atlanta." Atlanta introduced.
"Lexington." Came the second voice. Arizona rose a brow.
"After the cities?" She asked.
"The cruiser." Atlanta replied.
"The carrier. Essex class." Lexington explained.
"What a coincidence." Arizona mused. "This is my sister, Pennsylvania." She introduced. "And Bristol and Ellyson." She presented. Atlanta gave a nod as she walked towards Pennsylvania, gesturing towards the engine.
"May I?" She asked. Pennsylvania gave a nod as she stepped aside.
"Be my guest." She stated. Atlanta gave a nod as she stepped up to the vehicle, taking no time in poking around under the hood. As she did so, Lexington couldn't help but look Pennsylvania over a few times, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Pennsylvania or Arizona.
"Yes?" Pennsylvania asked, her unrelenting gaze watching Lexington like a hawk. Her one hand was firmly placed on her hip as she did so. "Is there something you need Lexington?" She asked. Lex gave a shake of the head.
"No, sorry... It's just, with the whole Abyssal thing going on and all, you're like the walking definition of badass with the missing arm and eyepatch. If you don't mind me asking, how'd you come by such injuries?" She asked. The two battleship named sisters gave small laughs as Pennsylvania gave a nod.
"I lost my eye when we were kids. Playing with a couple of our dad's hunting knives when we shouldn't have been. That was quite the experience. As for my arm, I lost it a few weeks after everything started getting really bad. I had gotten bit by one of those things. And I had to make a decision. Lose an arm. Or lose my life. You can guess which I chose...." She explained. Lex just chuckled.
"Badass theory only strengthened." Lex answered. Pennsylvania chuckled as Atlanta spoke, still poking around under the hood.
"So what brings your little crew all the way out here?" She asked.
"We were looking for somewhere to finally stop running from everything. And we heard the stories of Cross Anchor. Although we weren't exactly sure if it was real. Sounds too good to be true." Arizona answered. Atlanta gave a nod in turn.
"I can understand that. But it's real. I've been living there pretty much sense everything started to get real bad. The dead rising and all that. It's also the reason you haven't seen any Abyssals around recently. Right?" She asked. Pennsylvania gave a nod.
"We figured it was just good luck on our part. But are you telling us that Cross Anchor is the reason for it?" She asked. Atlanta gave a nod in turn.
"Yeah." She answered. Arizona gave a nod as she looked between Atlanta and Lexington.
"So what about you two? Sisters? Friends?" She asked. Atlanta gave a shake of the head.
"She's my girlfriend." She answered as she continued to poke around. "And the for girls at the back of the house are our girls." Atlanta answered. Arizona looked surprised.
"Girlfriends huh? And they're yours? Like adopted?" She asked. Atlanta gave a nod.
"They came under my care about ten years ago. So what about you guys? Your other members not gonna get out of their vehicles?" She asked. Arizona gave a shrug.
"Our other members just want to get somewhere safe. Plus Nagato doesn't like being put off course if we don't have to." She answered. Lex looked at her in confusion.
"Nagato...?" She asked. Arizona gave a nod.
"After the Japanese battleship. Her sister's named Mutsu. Both for the ship and the girl." She explained. Lexington gave a small chuckle.
"We're making a fleet..." She mused. Pennsylvania and Arizona gave small laughs in turn as Bristol and Ellyson looked on with confusion. As they did so, Atlanta backed away from the hood.
"I believe your problem is a dead battery. We can tow you back to Cross or we can try a jumpstart, given you have the proper cables." She answered. "And given the fact that you seem to be in possession of Army jeeps, they should be somewhere." She reasoned. Arizona gave a nod.
"Okay. You search this one. I'll get Nagato and Mutsu to search their jeep. And Penn, could you get San Diego and Juneau to search theirs?" She asked. But as she had said the last two names, Atlanta went rigid. This didn't fall unnoticed by Pennsylvania.
"Atlanta...? You alright...?" Asked the woman. Lex placed a hand on Atlanta's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
"You said San Diego and Juneau...?" She asked slowly, looking Pennsylvania. Penn gave a nod in reply.
"Yeah. Picked them up a few months ago. Hoping to find some of their sisters........" She answered. "They're in the very last Jeep." She answered. Atlanta gave a small nod as she began to walk to the left side of the vehicle, her pace slow. Lexington watched in confusion for a moment.
"Atlanta...?" She asked, but her call fell on deaf ears. Atlanta wasn't focused on that at the moment as she kept walking.
She came up on the second jeep, no doubt the two women in the front seats being Nagato and Mutsu. The two children they were conversing with no doubt being some people of importance. But if they had called out to her, Atlanta hadn't noticed. She wasn't focused on them.
Finally, the third jeep slipped into her vision, parked directly behind the second. And there, in the driver's seat and passenger's seat, sat Juneau and San Diego. The two seemed to be arguing with the two little ones in the back, but had stopped when one had pointed out Atlanta's presence to them. Turning, they watched Atlanta for a small few moments before Sandy's eyes shot wide.
"HOLY SHIT! ATLANTA!" She yelled, practically launching the door open in a flurry as she collapsed out of the vehicle. It wasn't long before she had impacted her missing older sister with all the force of a run away train, knocking the two to the ground. But Atlanta wasn't caring about any of that. All she cared about at that single moment was the vice grip she had on one of her sisters, long since she had thought to be dead.
"Sandy...." Atlanta murmured as she hugged her lost sister, listening as San Diego began to cry at the reunion. After a few moments, Atlanta felt the weight on her chest increase. Although she didn't see it, she guessed that Juneau was atop of her as well.
After for what had seemed like hours to the three, Lexington and Arizona appeared to Atlanta's vision.
"I'm taking it as you know these two then?" Lexington asked with a soft smile. Atlanta just gave a small smile of her own, looking up at the woman, as her younger sisters only tightened their grip on the oldest sister.
"You could say that..." Atlanta mused. "This is San Diego and Juneau, two of my younger sisters...." She introduced, pointing to the two. Lex gave a chuckle as she squatted down, looking Atlanta in the eyes.
"I wonder if they're just as delectable as their older sister...." She said, with a lick of her lips. But she bursted out laughing as Atlanta glared at her. Not only that, but San Diego and Juneau were now looking up at the woman in confusion.
"Wait? Delectable?" Juneau asked. Atlanta gave a small laugh as she raised an arm to gesture at Lexington.
"Sandy. June. This is Lexington. We're.... Kind of together...." Atlanta said, looking at her sisters as they looked up at Lex in confusion. As they did so, Arizona and Lex began to help the three back to their feet.
"Wait wait wait.... So you two... Are like together.... Like you sleep with each other... In the same bed and all?" Sandy asked, looking to Atlanta in surprise. The oldest gave a nod as Lex chuckled.
"That and other various activities, yes." Lex answered, a playful smirk upon her lips. Atlanta stifled a laugh as her younger sisters looked between the two, disbelief evident on their features. But before either of the two could say anything further, Atlanta was tackled from behind.
"Atlanta!" Inazuma yelled before tackling Atlanta from behind, taking no time in latching onto the woman. Atlanta just laughed as the other three appeared as well, standing at Lex and Atlanta's sides. Sandy and June only looked further surprised in turn, looking at the four.
"Hey Atlanta. Who are these two? What? Is Lexington not enough for you anymore?" Ikazuchi asked, looking the two up and down. Atlanta gave a roll of the eyes as she bopped Ikazuchi upside the head, gesturing to her sisters.
"This is Juneau and San Diego, two of my younger sisters. June, Sandy, this is Akatsuki, Hibiki, Inazuma, and Ikazuchi. They've been under my care for the last ten years or so... You could technically call them mine..." Atlanta introduced, placing hands on Akatsuki and Hibiki's head as Ikazuchi still held on to her from the back. Juneau and San Diego only looked on in surprise, further evident. Arizona gave a small chuckle as she placed a hand on Atlanta's shoulder.
"Maybe this is a conversation best saved for somewhere not so out in the open." She stated. Atlanta gave a nod in reply.
"Yeah. Jumper cables. Search the Jeeps for them. Maybe we'll get lucky." She stated, reverting out of her surprised state. Without another word, she turned and began to walk towards the truck, leaving her sisters in her wake. Taking no time, she proceeded to slip into the driver's seat, soon feeling the truck come to life as the engine awoke once again.
Moving the truck over to the lead Jeep, she positioned it to where a jump start would prove possible. And as luck would have it, it was providing.
"Found some!" Arizona shouted, coming from the Jeep that Nagato and Mutsu were seated in the front of. Atlanta gave a thumbs up in turn as the battleship named girl went about connecting the cables to their proper positions. When she had done so, Atlanta flipped the ignition on once again.
The Jeep came to life as the jumpstart worked, the engine soon coming to life. Giving a nod, Arizona disconnected the cables as she went about storing them once again. Giving a nod, she looked at the girls.
"Get in." She said. Akatsuki gave a nod as she and her four sisters clambered into the back of the truck, making themselves settled. Lexington secured the passenger's seat for herself as the others went back to their vehicles.
Giving a nod, Arizona signaled Atlanta to take the lead, to which she did. Soon enough, the truck was heading down the road away from the Old Farm House, followed by the three run down Jeeps. Back to Cross Anchor.
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